THE MICHIGAN DAILY May Handle Relations Between U. S., Germany Sforza Places Responsibility Of World War' SContinued from Page 1) trouble in Europe is not actually one of war, but that everyone speaks of Iiof. .Ja To T ach At Cal iforiiia S tmnmer Schiool Prof. Preston E. James of the geo- graphy department has been invited to conduct class at the Uiiversity of California Summer Session, accord- ing to an announcement made yes- terday. Professor James indicated that he will accept the invitation, and will teach one course in elemen- TYPING SAVE THISAD-Expert typing and stenography. Miss E. Wells, phone 4546. TYPING-Notes, papers, an~d Grad. theses. Clyde H{eckart, 3423.,35c LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2044. Towels free. Socks darned. 13c WANTED PIANO-Wanted for daily afternoon practice by Music School Student. Write Box 38A. NOTICE ___ tnr ., rr'nn~r,'ni-il-unnrl, A r nn ni -A Here are the men who may carry on thec between the United- States and Germany. Dr. Han president of the Reiehsbank before he resigned ambassador to the United States, and Dave Henne has been mentioned for the post of American am Broadcasting Service I Series Of Varied" the possibility of a war."u - Diplomatic tendencies were also ttd r stated. treated. "There are two kinds of am- bassadors." Count Sforza declared. "There is the man who is made am- bassador by the country from which CLASSIFIE1 he comes, and the other, stronger figure who 'confirms' his ambassador- ship at every opportunity. Today we find the telegraph partially eliminat- WANTED ing the personal influence of the am- bassador and the other diplomats. It WANTED--MEN'S OLD AND is faster, more efficacious. Still more suits. Will pay 4, 5, 6. and 7 dol recently, the telephone has come into Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Ch prominence, for this instrument Buyers. leaves no tell-tale documents to ap- -- 1925 Michiganen ssoeiatecI Press Photo pear with embarrassing evidence in $A.. Phone 2-112 in eveni diplomatic relations later years. You speak, your hearer call at 514 E. Ann St. ns Luther (left) was acts, and the incident judiciously to become German'avoids the official files." n orris, New York, Cavour, Italian statesman and uni- nnbsMori NeYrkin ( fier of the nation, was hailed by bassador Berlin. Count Sforza as the greatest states- man of the nineteenth century. Count Sforza has the unique dis- a t tinction of being the only Italian diplomat of pre-Mussolini days who Program s was invited to remain in the govern- oa am ment service. their sons and daugh-** Excessive Drinkn f-hour programs pre- Of Beer Criticized the last year, 38 were r, nd A d.i,, Anva- geo- was NEW lAars. icago 34c nsian. ng or 367 PART TIME! Full time! Side line! Something new, taking the coun- try by storm; every store, home, autoist buys. "Spray-Kleen" cleans new way. Over 100% profit. White for full particulars. Richards Prod- ucts Co., 220 So. State St., Chicago, Ill. 364 i HAVE-Your snap shots developed at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. TUiver- sity. Here fine work is the tradi- tion. 290 4 * t f' l44r The University Broadcasting Serv-i ice completed its 1932-33 broadcast- ing program from its Morris Hall studios with the program last Mon-; day, it has been announced by Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, director of broad- casting. One hundred thirty-seven programs were broadcast this year in contrast with the 164 of 1931-32. Because of the expiration of its contract the service will be unable to broadcast the music of the Univer- sity Glee Club Sunday, as previously announced. Two more broadcasts will be made. tomorrow and Sunday, April 2, from the Detroit studios of WJR, on the parent education series. Dr. Nathan Sinai of the Medical School and Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the Health Service, will be the final speakers on a series of child health topics. Prof. Erich A. Walter of theI English department will also speakI tomorrow on "The Essay." Serves Taxpayers Emphasizing the fact that the service presents the. University in a scholastic, rather than in a "colle- giate" light, Professor Abbot pointed out that in this way the University is able to serve taxpayers who have not been able to attend classes them- Association at 8:00 o'clock Sunday evening. Admission free, silver offer- ing. Dress Rehearsal for all members of cast for the service, Friends and Enemies of Jesus, will be held in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 2 o'clock, Sunday afternoon. Jewish Students: Debate between Hillel debaters and the Detroit Jew- ish Center team Sunday, March 26, at 8:00 p. m. in the Hillel Founda- tion. The subject is Resolved: That a Jewish University should be estab- lished in the United States. A social hour will follow. Jewish Students are invited to at- tend Sunday services at the League Chapel at 11:15 a. m. Rabbi Heller of the Foundation will speak on "Re- form Judaism-Its achievements and Failings."; [MAJESTIC STARTING TODAY x:1VELEO-by the One Man Who selves or send ters here. Of the hal sented during 1*1r1'cv ntA d n I t pKe 'elue uau U ay an Oul uay eve nings, taking up varied subjects of general interest. About 6,500 copies of individual speeches have been mailed out, according to Professor Abbot. These were provided for in three ways, by striking off proof pages of the Bulletin of Radio Talks to be published later this year, by arranging with a local newspaper to print many talks in full and provide free copies, and by many depart- ments, especially the forestry and education schools, who paid from their own budgets to have copies mimeographed. Schools Listen In School programs, broadcast each afternoon, accounted for over half of the total of broadcasts. Over 1,500 topics for these programs were sug- gested as a result of Professor Ab- bot's correspondence with school su- p e r i n t e n d e n t s and principals throughout the state. Advance an- nouncements were mailed weekly to 350 schools. Prof. Joseph E. Maddy of the School of Music gave a series of 10 Monday afternoon lessons in the, playing of band instruments, and visited school groups during the week. Five thousand were enrolled in the course, and text books were provided by the fine arts department. Following the success of the band class, Professor Maddy began a series of lessons in the playing of stringed instruments, which continued from the Detroit studio. The original sup- ply of 4,000 text books was quickly exhausted. They were also paid for by the fine arts department. A series of lessons in singing was similarly given by Miss Ada Bick- ing, state director of music instruc- tion, who provided 5,000 song books for the course. These three instruc- tion classes were intended primarily for schools which have had to dis- pense with music teachers owing to budget cuts. (Continued from Page 1) pression, paralysis, of the mental in- hibitions or restraints resulting from reason or judgment. The babblings and the antics of the acute alcoholic may seem amusing or clever because such remarks and behavior are so 'crazy'--foreign to reasonable criti- cal conduct. "The serious difficulties of this overthrow of reason or critical judg- ment in conduct are that the primi- tive, emotional, instinctive, selfish, and social destructive impulses are loosed with results all too well known by those who have observed drunken- ness. -"Prolonged alcoholism resuits in de- terioration of nerve tissue in particu- lar with its observed deterioration of personality and possibility of termi- nation in complete mental derange- ment. "It cannot be denid that beer has potential dangers for some students at lest, but the question hinges upon the conditions under which the drink is obtained and used. "It is a question of self control which becomes increasingly difficult as the physiological effects of the alcohol increase. The majority of students will probably be called upon to demonstrate their intelligence and their truly adult development by dis- couraging the excesses of the social infants among them. It will be their opportunity to demonstrate that beer can be handled practically as a soft drink without the hazards to health and social welfare so well understood 20 years ago by those who saw the results of excessive drinking." Today Only-"Beyond the Rockies" Sunday and Monday Claudette Colbert, Frederick March in "TONIGHT IS OURS" SOUND JUDGMENT In matters of finance, the experience of the past is invaluable. The Men associated with the Ann Arbor Sav- ings Bank are familiar with your problems, through having dealt with' similar problems in the past, andtheir experience is always available to the customers at this bank. NN ARBOR S AVI"N G S BANK North University Main at Huron I Every dinner's a holiday dinner with one of these electric cookers You can roast a whole chickew' -and cook an entire dinner- ia this convenient electuic cook. er, and enjoy the most delicious meals you've ever tasted! Thi- modern appliance brings you genine electric cooking, yet it uses no more electricity than a t, kitchen light! It brings you all the deliciousness of healthful waterless cooking: Meats and vegetables cook to melting ten. S-derness in their own juices, with all their nourishing ele- ments SEALED-IN. Precious minerals and important food values are rctaited. Cakes baked in the cooker are light and fluffy... pie crusts laky and golden brown. And the cooker operates from any convenience outlet, using li Le current. Best of all, you can go out for an afternoon holiday while your evening meal is cooking, See this modern appliance today. ELECTRIC COOKERS $575 to $12.50 Terrific human dramas based on the rove'ations of Lewis Lawe,waren of Singngprison-. \ Great cait inĀ«Ittdes *tteDaYIS, Spencer \Tr-acy, Arthur Byron-.Fis. National tr - ~+ brngs the first great hit - ~ of 19M, i ' .5. .. h -- la+ '?r. '.i l .,. ., .a...... w r .,.... n r ..: ...:... r.. . .. rr n u f 1 L A# A 1 . e- l A .A 1 i