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March 25, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-25

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The Weather
Rain or snow saturday; Sun-
day probably fair: little dhange
in temperature.


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Stuidena Just HumansAte
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Sforza Places
Of World War
Vienna, Berlin Directly
Accountable; All Europe
Involved To Some Degree
Discusses German,
French Diplomats
Describes Recent Use Of
Telegraph, Telephone As
Responsibility for .the World War
was divided into two groups, the im-
mediate and the distant, by Count
Carlo Sforza, in delivering the first
of a series of eight publc and semi-
public addresses yesterday afternoon
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.f
For the inmediate responsibility-
look to Vienna and Berlin, Count
Sforza advised, while the distant re-
sponsibility must be shared by all the
great European powers-Germany,
Austria-Hungary, France, England,
Italy, and Russia.
To illustrate his premise, the count
delved into the lives of two pre-war
diplomats, the German Holstein and
the French Delcasse. He brought to
light several factors in their lives
which are not as yet common knowl-
Describes Personalities
"Delcasse and Holstein were two
e n t i r e ly different personalities,"
Count Sforza said. "Delcasse was the
typical southern Frenchman, small,
dark, a lover of big diplomatic noises,
A practical, but not a formal
exile. That, in brief, describes
Count Carlo Sforza, Italian dip-
lomat extraordinary who spoke
yesterday afternoon in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre on "The Re-
sponsibilities of the World War,"
The autumn of 1922 marked the
end of Count Sforza's career as far
as omcla'I ,o"ne tion with the.
Italian government was concerned.
With Benito Mussolini swieeping
in on the crest of a Fascist wave
climaxed by the "March on Rome,"
came the count's telegram of resig-
nation. Nationalism and militar-
ism were anathema to him.
Count Sforza turned a deaf ear
to Mussolini's plea for his partici-
pation in the new government.
Sforza's ancestors were hardy sol-
diers of fortune. Characteristically,
this descendant criticized as he
pleased the new Italian national-
ism-with the result that he is an
expatriate of his own free will.
not averse to keeping himself in the
limelight. Holstein was the power be-
hind the scenes. He hated publicity
and made of himself a secret for-
eign minister.
"But they had one thing in com-
mon. They both had an historical
scheme. Holstein was a militarist,
urging war on France as the weakest
available European opponent, but in
this he was confounded by what he
called the cowardice of Emperor Wil-
liam. Delcasse became a little in-
toxicated with his first success in pro-
moting the Entente Cordiale and
sought a war over Morocco, then a
bone of contention in the Algeciras
Tries To Ignore Germany
The speaker pointed out that Del-
casse attempted to ignore Germany
completely in the Morocco matter.

Delcasse further showed his tendency
to rash judgment in his implicit be-
lief that Russia would quickly subdue
Japan in the war of 1904, and thus
gain added prestige for the day when
she would become, an ally of France,
Count Sforza said.
" It is hypocritical to talk of 're-
sponsibility' of the World War," the
count continued. "In and before 1914,
war was legitimate. Nations could
resort to it. without fear of being
blackened by their neighbor countries
for breach of a Kellogg Pact or simi-
lar paper outlawing war. Now the
(Continued on Page 2)
Brucker Will Speak On
'College Man And Politics'
Wilber M. Brucker, former gover-
nor of Michigan, will speak at 3:30
p. m. tomorrow at a Union Forum,
it was announced by John H. Huss,
'33, recording secretary of the Union.
Mr. Brucker's topic will be "The Col-
lege Man and Politics." The forum

Intemperate Beer-Drinking Is
Declared Harmful To Health

Student health may suffer from
the return of beer and attendant in-
temperate drinking, according to a
statement issued yesterday by Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, director of the
University Health Service.
Automobile accidents and bodily
and mental deterioration are pre-
dicted for intemperate students by
the statement which follows:
"One hesitates to say that any al-
coholic drink is compatible with
health. Certainly such drinking has
no health values but injury depends
upon many variable circumstances.
In common sense observations it is
difficult to demonstrate harm from
temperate use of beverages of low
alcoholic content but the pathologist
sees harmful tissue changes attri-
butable to prolonged and probably
immoderate drinking of beer. Any
increase of drinking raises many
questions of student welfare. What-
ever may be said in favor of temper-
ate drinking, no one can well deny
that intemperance is harmful to the
drinker and society generally. Be-
cause of the physiological effects of
alcohol and the circumstances under

which students used to drink, the
line between temperance and intem-
perance is a difficult one to deter-
mine or maintain. The return of
legal and cheaper beer will be a chal-
lenge to the good sense and self-
control of our students. From past
observations and a knowledge of the
physiological action of alcohol one
cannot help but fear that student
health is going to be injured in sev-
eral ways if drinking increases. An
increase of physical injuries from
automobile accidents and an in-
crease of venereal infections are par-
ticular hazards resulting from over
"It is a nice question as to whether
or not medical service which is sup-
plied upon a co-operative social basis
for any group should be available for
illness and injuries resulting from
"Contrary to popular thinking the
effect of alcohol in the body is de-
pression rather than stimulation. The
commonly observed temporarily in-
creased activity of movement and
speech under alcohol results from de-
(Continued on Page 2)

Slash In City
Pay Pledoed
By Campbell
Republican Candidate For
Mayor Says Reduction Is
Emergency Measure
Some Departments
Will Be Eliminated
Police May Be Put On 12-
Hour Shifts To Eliminate
One-Third Of Patrolmen
Robert A. Campbell, former treas-
urer of the University and candidate
of the Republican party for mayor
in the coming election, yesterday
gave his support to the movement
for a reduction of the salaries of city
officials. The mayorality candidate of
the Democratic party, Rolland N.
Tirr inr av..:nn - . . - . . S . 1.I-A - -f

Millions Are
Put Into New
Detroit Bank
More Than $11,500,000
In Deposits Received
During First Day
Only Commercial,
Accounts Accepted
350 Crowd Corridors Of
New Institution Before
Opening Hour
DETROIT, March 24. - (R) - Mil-
lions of dollars in deposits reposed
tonight in the new National Bank of
Detroit, the first such bank to be
created under new Federal regula-
tions, as the public in unprecedented
numbers flocked to the bank for its

_ __

Ruthven Says
Legalized Beer
Tests Students
University Attitude Will
Not Change If Michigan
Allows Sale Of Beverage
"Lawful beer in Ann Arbor, which
the passage of the recent act in Con-
gress and the impending legislation
at Lansing may bring, will mean an
increase in the responsibility of the
University student," President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven said yesterday in
an interview.
"The attitude of the University to-
ward drinking and drunkenness has
been consistent for many years, and
new circumstances will make no
changes in it," he said. "We have al-
ways expected each student to con-
duct himself so that he will bring
no discredit to this institution. This
applies to drunkenness as well as to
any other unbecoming act.
"The fact that the government has
made beer a legal beverage makes
no change in this principle, nor in
its application toward the problem1
of student drinking. We still expect
the students to behave themselves in
a becoming manner, and action to-
ward offenders will be the same in
the future as in the past.
"The withdrawal of the support of1
the law, however, puts the matter;
more squarely up to the students;
than before. They have always had a
share in this responsibility, but it is
now theirs alone."
Richards Now
Under Watch
In Evanston'
'Contact Agent For Large!
Concern' Operating At
Northwestern University
W. K. Richards, the man who sold
hundreds of dollars worth of airplane
rides to Michigan students the week
before Christmas vacation and then
left his customers to walk home, has
embarked upon an airplane sales
venture among the students of
Northwestern University at Evan-
ston, Ill., according to a letter re-
ceived recently by Joseph A. Burs-
ley, dean of studenti,.
The letter, whose sender was not
disclosed, stated that a William
Richards, claiming to be from Man-
kato, Minn., was in Evanston pur-
porting to be a "contact agent for a
large airplane concern." The writer
had heard of the experience of Mich-
igan students last winter and was
inquiring to find out whether this
could be the same man or not.
Saturday night the Ann Arbor po-i
lice received a telegram from the po-
lice of Evanston, asking whether
King Richards, alias W. K. Richards,
was wanted here or elsewhere in
Michigan and stating that they had
located him there. The Evanston
police told The Daily by telephone
that Richards was not actually under
arrest but that he was under surveil-
Richards came to Ann Arbor a

Tryouts For Oratorical
Contest Set For April 6
Preliminaries for the annual Uni-
versity Oratorical Contest have been
set for Thursday afternoon,, April
6 on the fourth floor of Angell Hall,
it was announced yesterday by Carl
G. Brandt of the speech department.
The finals will be held Thursday
evening, April 20 in the Laboratory
The original dates, March 30 and
April 4, were altered to give the con-
testants more time in which to pre-
pare their orations.
Education Will
Be Subject Of,
"What Constitutes an E4ucation?"
will be the subject of the Spring Par-
ley to be held March 31, April 1 and
2 at the League, it was announced
yesterday by the executive committee.
Education will be discussed from
various angles, but principally in its
relationship to the life of the indi-
vidual, Jule Ayers, '33, chairman of
the executive committee said. The
question of whether education is a
right or a privilege will also be con-
Plans call for an attempt to dif-
ferentiate between w i s d o m and
knowledge and the value of wisdom
and knowledge in human progress
and the sources of knowledge will
likewise be considered by the parley.
One of the phases of the subjects
which the committee belives will bet
of special interest to students is that
considering education as a buffer be-
tween adolescence and reality.
Discussion will center on leader-
ship, intelligence, values, personality,
character and civilization in order to
facilitate and organize the thinking
of the group.
The scientific approach to knowl-
edge will not be neglected in the dis-
cussion, the sponsors of the parley
stated, and questions are being made
up to attempt to explain the differ-
ence between the scientific and ordi-
nary methods.

rrisinger, announced that he had no first day of business.
definite position on the reduction Hailed as a means for restoring!
movement at this time, but if he
were elected to office, he would give normal banking facilities to the city
the proposal serious study. after the two big national banks-
"A reduction in city salaries is in- the Firsta National Bank-Detroit, and
evitable," said Mr. Campbell, "and it meGuardian nremained Banoperat
will have to include all offices, those since Feb. 14, $11,538,339 was de-
at the top as well as those at the posited td. The largest3of,552sde-
bottom. The reduction will be purely posi today. The largest of 552 de-
an economy measure and as soon as posits was that of the Chrysler Corp.'
an conmy easre nd s son s which placed $4,000,000 in the new
conditions improve, the salaries h100 percent liquid institution. The
would be raised to their former sta- bank had to remain open 40 minutes
tus. It is not a question of the offi- overtime to handle the incoming ac-
cials earning more money than they counts.
are worth, but rather it is an emer- W
gency measure, designed for the With more than 350 persons crowd-
benefit of the taxpayers." ing the corridors before the opening,
the new $25,000,000 bank, backed
Mr. Frisinger did not wish to ex-~ equallq by the GeneralbMotors Corp.
press a definite opinion before being and the Reconstruction Finance
elected to office. "The subject is one Corp., received more than $6,500,000
which needs a great deal of study," in commercial deposits in its first
he said, "and if I made a promise hour and a half of business. During
now, I might have to back down on that timeronly commercial deposits
it later. However if elected, I shall of $200 or over were accepted, but
study the matter thoroughly, and later in the day commercial accounts
then take such action as I deem fit of any denomination were admitted.
for the best interests of the tax- Savings deposits are not yet being
payers." accepted.
. Every-department- of the .city gov- .The bank opened' in- the building
ernment seems to be slated for dras- formerly occupied by the First Na-
tic reduction in overhead. The city tional Bank-Detroit, which, with the
will realize thousands of dollars in Guardian National, were placed re-
savings with all agencies of the gov- cently under Federal conservator-
ernment held at a minimum during ships. Former junior officers and em-
the coming year. Efforts will be made ployees of the two banks were re-
to eliminate a few departments en- called temporarily to handle the rush
triely, at least temporarily, it is ru- of business.
mored. Meanwhile negotiations went on
It has been suggested that the po- for the taking over of the assets of1
lice department be placed on a 12- the First National and the Guardian
hour shift instead of an eight-hour by the new national bank, in the
shift in order to eliminate a third of face of continued opposition by a
the patrolmen. An effort is expected committee headed by Police Commis-
to be made to have the state law set sioner James K. Watkins, who has
aside temporarily so that the firemen charged that the city is being "sold
will be placed on 12-hour shifts. This out" to eastern capital. Alfred T.
would eliminate a large number of Sloan, president of General Motors,
men. however declared the bank is a "De-
troit bank," and the conservators of
Unidentified Hitch-Hiker the two old institutions, C. O. Thomas
and B. C. Schram, declared that if a
Holds Up Jackson Man contract for the sale of assets is
signed, it will be on the basis of "100
An unidentified hitch-hiker who cents on the dollar, with accrued in-
was given a ride to Ann Arbor by terest."
Max Brown of Jackson, and who
later held up his benefactor at the
point of a pistol was still at large H *
yesterday according to police.
The hitch-hiker c o m m a n d e d
Brown to stop the car in the vicinity Studen t Drank
of Huron and Seventh Streets, and
after taking a dollar and a valuablePos nLu r
wristwatch, he fled. ison

Students Throw Eggs
To Protest Dance Ban
INDIANOLA, Ia., March 24.-
(A)-Student indignation at Simp-
son College over suspension of six
students for refusal to sign
pledges that they would not vio-
late the college rule against danc-
ing broke out openly today as they
threw eggs at A. V. Proudfoot,
president of the College Board of
Proudfoot had just finished a
talk before the students at chapel
exercises when eggs and oranges
were thrown upon the stage. Dur-
ing the course of his talk he was
interrupted several times by boo-
ing and the firing of blanks from
a pistol.
"I've been before audiences all
my life and never had firearms
exhibited before," Proudfoot said.
Funeral Rites
For Dr. Slocum
To BeMonday
Head Of Ophthalmology
Department Dies After
Heart Attack At Home
Private funeral services for Dr.
George Slocum, who died yesterday
morning of a heart. attack at his
home, 328 E. Huron St, will be held
at 2:30 p. m. Monday at the resi-
dence. Burial will be in Forest Hills'
Dr. Slocum was connected with the;
University faculty for 19 years, be-
sides being well known as a prac-
ticing physician in the city. At the
time of his death he was head of the
Ophthalmology department of the
medical school. He prepared for his
medical career at the University, tak-
ing the three year course then neces-
sary for a degree and continuing his
study in graduate work for one year.
He was a widely known eye spe-
cialist and the author of numerous
articles dealing with their care. He
was a member of the American As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Science, the American Medical asso-
ciation, the Michigan State Medical
Society, the Washtenaw County Med-
ical Society, the American Academy
of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngol-;
ogy, and the American Ophthalmo-
logical Society.
His wife, Helen D., his stepmother,
Mrs. Fannie, both of Ann Arbor, a
brother, Frederick, three sons, Giles
H., Frederick V., Vaughan V., and
several nephews and nieces survive
Faculty Lands
Dramatic WorkE
In Goslin Plays!
Favorable comments on the forth-
coming Goslin plays, which will be
held for the next three Sundays at
the League, were received from fac-
ulty members and Rev. Edward W.
Blakeman, yesterday.
These plays are attempting to pre-
sent worship through art, according
to plans announced by Rev. Omar
Pancoast Goslin. "They are, to a cer-
tain extent," he said, "modeled after
the Guild plays given during the Mid-
dle Ages."
Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu-
dents, said of the play, "I saw the one
given a week ago last Sunday and

was very much impressed with it.
I think that these plays are decidedly
worth while."
Prof. Oscar J. Campbell, head of
the English department, also com-
mented favorably on these plays,
stating that people would go to them
rather than to the conventional re-
ligious services. He termed them "un-
usual experiments" and said that he
was interested in this dramatic ex-
pression of worship.
Mr. Blakeman, Baptist minister,
expressed his support saying, "The
drama once was used to great effect
by the church. I am glad to see it
returning as a form of worship."
Deferred Payment Plan
For 'Ensian Is Success
The deferred payment plan is a
success as far as Michiganensian
sales are concerned, according to
John Carstens, '33, business manager
of the yearbook. Although all reports

Places 8

Wolverine Qualifiers
All Others In N. C
Swimming Meet

A. A.

Cristy And lDegener
Perform Brilliantly
Yale Gets Six Placesp
Wildcats Five; iutgers,
Harvard, Princeton Trail
NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 24.-
(,P)-A new meet record was set and
a pool record in five events fell over-
board tonight as topnotch swimmers
from 32 colleges battled through the
preliminaries for places in the finals
of the National Collegiate Athletic
Association championship at Yale,
Led by Cristy, one of the greatest
swimmers in the country, and Dick
Degener, National A. A. U. highboard
diving champion, the University of
Michigan won eight places in the
finals, to be held tomorrow night,
as a result of preliminai'ies held this
afternoon and tonight in eight of the
nine events.
Captain Hapke of Yale turned in
one of the most brilliant perform-
ances of the day when he swam the
220-yard free-style in 2:14 3-5 to
smash the meet record of 2:15 2-5
held by Schmieler of Michigan.
Hapke's time fell one-fifth of a sec-
ond short of tying the National In-
tercollegiate mark held by Kojac of
In an equally sterling perform-
ance, Degener established himself as
the favorite to win the highboard
diving championship when he piled
up 133.88 points in the trials. Wilke
of Northwestern, his closest rival was
given 106.18 points by the judges.
New pool records were set in the
100-yard free-style, 50-yard free-
style, 150-yard back-stroke, 200-yard
free-style, and 400-yard relay as vir-
tually all the favorites walked their
way into the finals.
Ted Wiget of Stanford, sole repre-
sentative of the West Coast and de-
fending champion in the 440-yard
free-style, oualified for this event
and the 200-yard free-style. Walter
Spence, Rutgers ace and Olympic
swimmer, also qualified for the 220-
yard and the 100-yard free-style.
Cristy earned places in the 440-
yard and 220-yard free-style finals.
Yale earned six places in the finals,
Northwestern five, Rutgers, Harvard,
and Princeton four each, and Brown
three. Other colleges to place men
in the finals were New York U., Navy,
Ohio State, Wesleyan, Franklin and
Marshall, Minnesota, Dartmouth, Co-
lumbia, Springfield College, and
To Hold Freshman
Parley March 28
As a preliminary to the annual all-
campus Spring Parley, an all-cam-
pus Freshman Parley will be held at
7:30 p. in. Tuesday, March 28, at
Wesley Hall. Jule Ayers, '33, chair-
man of the Spring Parley, will also
preside at this conference.
The question of the regular parley,
"Am I Getting an Education?" will
be discussed. The panel was chosen
from upperclassmen and consists of
the following: Faith Ralph, '33, sec-
retary of the Spring Parley, Joseph
Griggs, '33M, and Joseph Ackerman.
Dr. Shaw Foresees
Planned Social Era
"We have come to the beginning
of a new epoch," stated Dr. Avery A.
Shaw, president of Denison Univer-
sity, Granville, O., in an address to
the annual banquet of the Baptist
Students' Guild last night.
"One of the reasons this period
has been as terrible as it was is the

belief in 'rugged individualism.' We
must enter an era of co-operation,"
he stated. Dr. Shaw scored the policy
of "Buy American" and said, "Amer-
ica cannot exist alone. We are de-
pendent on the other nations of the
Dr. Shaw stressed the need for the
new generation to turn its spirit of
adventure and discovery into pressing
forward toward "a new, better social

Rivera Murals In Detroit Art
Institute Defended By Slusser

It certainly would be a calamity
if Diego Rivera's work in the Detroit
Art Institute should be covered or
interfered with in any way," Prof.}
Jean Slusser, of the architectural
college said yesterday.
Professor Slusser is a strong sup-
porter of Diego Rivera's frescoes
which decorate the walls of the Gar-
den Court in the Detroit Art Insti-
tute and have been given much se-
vere criticism by Detroiters since
they were opened to the public sev-
eral days ago.
"Undoubtedly the frescoes arej
strong meat," he continued. "They
are full of symbolism, intentional andl
unconscious, and like all works of art
can be construed differently by va-
rious persons. Some of the meanings
which people profess to find in these
frescoes seem to me to be exceedingly
far-fetched. I find the frescoes
neither obscene nor sacrilegious, but

me of such power and richness that
any slight diminishing of the arc hi-
tectural charm is greatly outweighed
by the splendor and importance of
the work.
"The controversy shows how un-
used the general public is to contact
with vigorous examples of truly liv-
ing art. The violence of the comment
aroused is a measure of the degree
to which these decorations depart
from the meaninglessness and banal-
ity of conventional public decora-
"The frescoes are pertinent in that
they have for subject the industrial
processes connected with the manu-I
facture of steel. Whether they mis-i
represent the spirit of Detroit we are
too near in time and space to judge.
They represent, of course; one man's
interpretation, a man who although
partly Mexican is a man of cosmo-
politan background and whose opin-
ion on the subject of industrialism.

IHealth Service Physician
Tells Effects Of Drinking
Too Much Alcohol
"The liquor which recently caused
the removal of a student from school
was probably not poisonous but
merely imbibed in too great quan-
tity," declared Dr. William Brace in
an interview yesterday at the Stu-
dent Health Service.
"Poisonous liquor causes acute gas-
tro-intestinal symptoms in most
cases," he continued, "while the
higher alcohols in poor liquor pro-
duce wild and unaccountable effects
according to an individual's tempera-
ment and reactions. These alcohols
are especially poisonous to certain
individuals and if consumed in large
quantities are quite often poisonous
to all."
There is much medical uncertainty
concerning the symptoms which
higher alcohols produce, he said.
Good alcohol is often very poisonous
to certain individuals. It affects dif-
ferent people in different ways. Some
are combative, some destructive,


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