THE MICHIGAN DAILY IJLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ation in the Rlletin Is constructive votic to all members of the rsity. Copy received at the offie of the RAFs1.tant to thn President until L11:30 a. in, Saturday. Alpha Delta Phi A.K.L. Beats D.A.E. Defeats Theta o'3"en u itle hi For Cr VllMi Kean Captures Tennis Title In h r. a e s Freshmen Dominate Wrestling Contest IIn the All-Campus wrestling event, 28 men took part before a record crowd. In the 118 lb. class Fiero, '34E. -un bynf1"1A 1h T5iri 1 Sigma Chi Wins B Trophy; Phys Eds Are Victors .4 XLIn FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1933 No. l 77 ... .. ...... . . .. v . . t .._ v " f .a.x NOTICES Foreign Men Students: Your attention is called to the "Spring Trip" which will take place April 10-14. It will still be possible to make reserva- tions in Room 209, Economics Building between 2:00 and 5:00 p. m. if you are interested in the tour. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity. Music School Seniors: Class dues must be paid by March 28. See the Treasurer, Emil Steva, or the President, Charles Law. LECTURES University Lectures: Count Carlo Sforza, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, will deliver a series of four lectures (in -English) in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 4:15 p. m. as follows: Friday, March 24-The Responsibilities of the World War. Monday, March 27-Men and Parties of the Present European Policy. Friday, March 31-Dictatoships in Europe. Monday, April 3-French and Germans. These lectures are under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The public is cordially invited. EVENTS TODA Faculty Rifle Shoot at 7:30 p. in., R:O. T. C. Hrs. All Faculty mem- bers cordially invited. Chinese Students Club business and social meeting at Lane Hall, 7:30 p. m. All fellow members are urged to be present. Russian Student Club business meeting, 8 p. i., Room 302 Michigan Union. All members invited. Crftsmen: Practice meeting at 7:30 p. m., Masonic Temple. Must work both sections in preparation for degree Saturday night. Baptist Guild Banquet, 6:30, at Baptist Church. Avery Albert Shaw, LL.D. President of Denison University, will be the speaker. Subject, "Thun- der and Dawn." Dial 7332 for reservations before Noon. flarris Hall: Rehearsals for "Everyman" in Saint Andrew's Church today: 3 p. m. Death, 7 p. in. Ensemble, 9 p. m. Narrators, Saturday 11 a. in. Knowledge and Good Deeds, James Doll, Director. Orthodox Jewish Students: Regular Friday evening services will be held at the Hillel Foundation today promptly at 5:30 p. m. Rabbi Heller will officiate. COMING EVENTS Iotiniuce Journal Club will meet Monday, March 27, at 4:10 in R.L. 108. Mr. F. W. Gravit will speak on "The Student Life of Nicolas Claude Fabri de Peiresc," and Professor Rovillain, on "L'Essence de la pensee du dix-huitieme siecle francais." Graduate students and others interested are cordially invited. Graduate Outing Club: All graduates and friends. Meet on steps of Angell Hall Saturday at 2:30 p. m. for Supper Hike along the Huron River. Will get back around seven. Bring fifteen cents. Undergraduate Outing Club is to have a party at Sylvan Estates Golf Club on Saturday, March 27. Truck leaves Michigan League at 1:15 p. m. Members telephone their reservations to Miss McCormick, Michigan League. Price 50 cents for transportation and supper. Dance For Graduate Students: Saturday, March 25, at the Women's Athletic Building from nine until twelve p. m. Admission 30 cents.- Faculty Women's Club will meet in the West Gallery of Alumni Mem- orial Hall Thursday, March 30, at three o'clock. The Art Section will be in charge of the exhibit and tea to which the Michigan Dames have been invited as guests of the Club. University Men: The Upper Room Bible Class invites you to enjoy an hour of fellowship and Bible study in the Upper Room, Lane Hall, Saturday, 7:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Mr. Chapman will speak on the Valuation of Ideals. Lutheran Students: The second lecture on "Evolution" by Professor Alfred H. Meyer of Valparaiso University will be delivered Sunday eve- ning, March 26, for the Student Club of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. This lecture is by request of the students. Supper served at 6 and the lecture will be delivered at 6:30. Liberal Students' Union: Neil Staebler, candidate for Alderman, will speak on "Issues in the Coming City Election." Unitarian church, Sunday, 7:30 o'clock. God, Religion, and Humanism" will form the topic of the discussion panel by Professor A. H. Wood, Katherine Greene, Roy W. Sellars, and John F. Shepard, at the morning church services. Smith And Knight Victors In 15-10 For Class A Title Lead Win T k I Alpha Delta Phi annexed the Class A Interfraternity basketball title last night by defeating Theta Chi 16 to 11. The Alpha Delts got the lead' at the first quarter and were never headed throughout the remainder of the contest. Boden tied the score at 10-all late in the third period but the winners took the next tip-off to score, Bill Smith registering the goal which made the championship certain for Alpha Delta Phi. Thetas Lead The only time that the Thetas were in the lead was early in thet first period. The losers played fast but failed totake advantage of the only lax defense the winners dis- played. The A. D.'s steadied and were impregnable throughout the re- mainder of the contest. Bill Smith and Knight starred for the winners. Smith was high point man with 6 scores. He shared honors with Bob Fuoss of the Theta Chis, Fuoss registered the outstanding shot of the night, a long torn from mid- court just before the end of the first half. Both teams appeared nervous be- fore the crowd and the game was fast and hard, being marked by nu- merous fouls. The officials kept the game under control, however, han- In a smashing fifth-game rally - at the Intramural open house last night, Alpha Kappa Lanbd volley- After a gruelling set which went ball team eked out a win over Delta to 12-10 before a lecisive game could Alpha Epsilon to win the Interfra- ternity volleyball championship. be won, Daniel Kean managed to get In the match of five games, A.K.L. the first chapter, and then defeat his took the first two and D.A.E. cap- opponent Ralph Baldwin in straight tured the next two to tie the score sets. The final reading on the match in games and create some excitement. for the All-Campus singles tennis The last game saw D.A.E. run up a title was 12-10; 6-3; 6-4. lead in the early period, and then The score tells the whole story. A.K.L. flashed some excellent front- Both players started at top speed line work to take the deciding vic- and wore themselves out on the first tory by 15-9. part of the match. wcn '36, v won won, on a sec.; by a In Begl pions duel sett third third and the s Dy a an; !z6 itJ. LWaUi s 'v Led by Ross Bain and Monty Brett on a forfeit.; 135 lb. Leuzner, ion by a fall; 145 lb. Sweet, '35, the Sigra Chis defeated Delta Tau with a fall; 155 lb. Miesel, '36, Delta 18-16 for the Class B Inter- fall: 165 lb. Higbie, '36E,. won fr-ternity cage title. The game ended time advantage of 2 min. 26 with the score knotted 16-16, and unlimited class, Neafus, '36, won Brett sank the winning basket in the fall. last minute of the overtime perioC, the All-Campus fencing finals, Kohl of the Delts and Fischlcy of e won the foils and sabre chain- the Sigma Chis were high point hips, but lost out in an extra scorers of the contest, each leaving to Mason for the epee title. Bas- I the floor with 6 points chalked after and Engel placed second and his name. I respectively in the foils; Willis In another batlc that went into in the epee; and Strutsman an overtime period, the Freshman Maloy took second and third in Physical Education team downed the Sabre. Bluebird Independent group 25-21. I 7 r Y CLSS I DIRECTORY i .4 i CA SSI FIEL) A DVERTSINN Place adtcertisenents with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2.1214. The classified cohjmns close at three o clock previous to day ol inserion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance-lic per reading line (on basis of flve avcrige words to line) for one or twoi) nrtons. Mlinm 3 line pe-r inserti~on. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Telephone rate-15c per reading line for one or two InsertIons. 14c per reading line for three or more Insertions. 101 discount If paid within ten days from Tihe date of last it nsertiona. Miimtirn three lines per inserton. By contract, per line-2 lines daly, one month ........................Sc 4" Ihes E. 0. D., 2 months ......... Bc 2 lines daily, college year........7c 4 lines E. 0. D~, colleg e year........7C 100olines used as desirea.......... 300 lines used as di . .........gc 1,000 lines used as esire.........7c 2,000 lines used arsd(sired.......c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines peri nch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Acd Go per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for TYPING TYPING--Notes, papers, and Grad theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c 1AUNDRY-- Soft water. 2-1044 To!els free. Socks darned. 13c FOR SALE~ SATURDAY-Special. Fresh ma do sweet apple cider. 25c the gallon. cash and carry. Jug extra. 516 E. Williams St., near aynard. Phone 5098. P. S. All kinds of fanm pro- duce at farm prices. We deliver. 366 NOTICE FINGERWA VES- 35c. Shampoo and Fingerwave 50c. Frederick, Nestle and steam oil waves, reduced to $3.00. Raggedy Ann Beauty Shop. j 561. 9c BLUE BIRD BOOK NOOK, lending library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni- versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30. I _p1 -!I II 'I iI .L THE JU N I OR GIRLS' PLAY IS A CAMPUS TRADITION 4 IL dling it well. The lineups: Alpha Delta Phi G Smith, lf...........2 Holmes, rf .......... 1 Hunt, c ............ 0 Knight, lg .......... 2 Markley, rg ......... 1 F 2 0 0 1 0 3 P 2 0 2 0 3 7 .. .G6 Totals ..... T 6 3 0 5 2 16 T 1 0 6 3 1 11 Theta Chi G Coward, lf .......... 0 Earle, rf............ 0 Fuoss, c ............ 2 Tillotson, lg........ 0 Boden, rg..........0 F ' 1 0 S0 0 2 0 2 3 1 1 6 4 bold facet upper anwi 1ower case. Ad l21c roc per line to above rates for bold face Icapital letters. The above rates are for 7 point type. PART TIME! Full time! Side line! Something new, taking the coun- __ WANTED try by storIm; every store, home, autoist buys. "Spray-Kleen" cleans WANTED-MEN'S OLD AND NEW new way. Over 100% profit. Write suits. Will pay 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars. for full partiuclars. Richards Prod- Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago ucts Co., 220 So. State St., Chicago, Buyers. 34c Ill. 364 WANTED - 1925 Michiganensian. ALL HAIRCUTS 25c. 115 W. Liberty $5.00. Phone 2-1812 in evening or Street. 362 call at 514 E. Ann St. 367 ~ ~LOST LOST--Onyx earring with brilliant ROOMS FOR BOYS-$1.25 per week. rhinestone, at Frosh Frolic last Fri- 807 S. State St., Tel. 8912. day. Box 16B, Daily. 363 _____________ ___________________~. ~ -b T N G H T and Tomorrow Afternoon and Night 8:15 PM. 1I - 2 0 V E 0 N T H E R U Totals ..... Mendelssohn Theatre TICKETS 75c .00 $1.25 Coll Box office Hiliurger And Friedman Win; Dorsey Keeps Title Smashing through to a 21-20 vic- tory in the rubber game of the match, Hillburger and Friedman nosed out Lundberg and Taylor to annex this years' All-campus cham- pionship in the handball doubles tournament. Doctor Dorsey successfully defend- ed his title in the faculty singles division by downing Jones in two contests which resulted in scores of 21-19: 21-18. FOOTBALL GEOMETRY CHICAGO, March 23.-(Big Ten) --A University of Chicago professor is attempting to make geometry a popular and interesting subject. He has written a text book in which theorems are applied to football. Last Times Today-"Arrowsmith" Saturday Only-Tom Keene in "BEYOND THE ROCKIES" Last Day ROGERS - GAYNOR "STATE FAIR" ------- Guest Feature SPENCER TRACY JOAN BENNETT ME AND MY GAL" MAJ ESTIC Tomorrow! THE JUNIOR GIRLS' PLAY IS A CAMPUS TRADITION -EXTRA ADDED "TWO BLACK CROWS IN AFRICA" TRAVEL TALK Ij HEARST NEWS I- it - I ~IW It. , iiI1 'r'9 ' r I DESCENT OF OLYMPUS BROUSSA,'Turkey-(JP)-A French- man has made the first descent on skis of the Turkish Mt. Olympus, which rises 8,125 feet above sea level in Broussa province. ..March, D ffM MICHIGAN .A7A 6 ' ..., ,. 1l, / 4 Q J.,fM g"_ l = r..M11 ,; ,. _ _ __._ __ ; i " As a High-Powered Carnival Spieler LEE TRACY Gives you that comedy riot "The 11 BREAKFAST SAUSAGES (Made Fresh Daily) ......... l5c b. SMOKED HAMS, Whole or Half Honey Brand and Orlwood . ESCH ELRA CH MARKET Assure yourself of the best in food by p t- roniziug the merchants whose products are advertised on these pages aihd better quali y nd utore reasonable prices will Ie yours. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER Serve it to your family at all times We can also supply you with chemically pure distilled water. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. 416 West Huron Phone 8270' -1 Half-Naked Truth" 202 E. Huron Phone 4150 - 4159 Ann Arbor i -_ I" I These Food Prices Will Save You Money --- ---- ---- - - - - --- .~ I i S I. . .. r .. ._ _ -- -------- _----_____._____.__W .__.__...._....__.. . '. I, A LUPE VELEZ EUGENE PALLETTE You will be delighted with this SPECIAL ICE CREAM "SINGING PLUMBER" Donald Novis BUTTERSCOTCH - CHOCOLATE TROPICAL FRUIT SALAD Ti hy' re deIicis bcaulsr thEW cflmi ( fromii he Iwesi Side Iair.. FRESH BUTTERMILK and, RICH COTTAGE CHEESE 11 Superior MILK and ICE CREAM Your refreshments will be sure to please, if you serve our three-layer special brick. III SPEIlAL I II 11 11 11