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March 24, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-24

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'he Weather

Generally fair Friday; Satur-
day increasing cloudiness, fol-
lowed by showers.

lift- 4kA&





Eliminate Freshman -
Sophomore Years?; Harris
His ReputLtion.





State Beer Bill
In Commnittee
Floor Leaders Insist On;
Awaiting Report From
Special Commission
Race Track Betting
Bill Again Appears
Administration Gives Some
Support To Measure;
Would Bring Revenue
LANSING, March 23.-(P)--Imme-
diate beer legislation was blocked to-
day as Democratic floor leaders in-
sisted upon waiting for definite'
recommendations from a special
commission studying liquor control.
Despite administration opposition,
a stop-gap bill drafted by the attor-
ney general's department was for-
mally introduced in the house by.
Rep. Martin W. Baginski, (Dem., De-
troit). It was referred to the liquor
traffic comnlittee with indications
that it will be held there and that
no bill be reported until the commis-
sion makes its recommendation,
Another race track betting bill ap-
peared, this one with some adminis-
tration support. It was introduced by
Rep. William M. Donnelly, (Dem., De-
troit). A five-member racing corn-
mission would be established. In the
metropolitan area tracks would pay
the state $2,000 to $5,000 a day for
running races, 15 per cent of the
gate, 1 per cent of the amount bet,
and 2 per cent of the concession
yield. Out-state tracks would pay
$500 to $1,000 a day for running
horses. Fairs would be required to
pay only $25 a day for harness races.
All betting would be done in pari-
mutuel machines.
The House passed and sent to the
Senate the Schroeder bill grantingj
additional time for redemption of
land contracts. A month for every
year the contract has been in force
would be allowed. -
Cumm nings Will
Rule On Banks
Deposit Funds,

As Roosevelt Signed 3.2 Beer, Revenue ill

Nina Koshetz
Will Sing In
May Festival
Eminent Russian Prima
Donna To Participate In
Opening Concert
Chase Baromeo Also
On First Program
Forced Return To Europe
Prevents Appearance Of
Lucrezia Born Here
Nina Koshetz, the eminent Russian
prima donna, has been engaged to
sing at the opening concert of the
May Festival, Pres. Charles A. Sink
of the School of Music announced
yesterday. Miss Koshetz will take the
place of Lucrezia Bori whose stren-
uous efforts in her campaign to
"save the Metropolitan Opera" has
necessitated that she return to Eu-
rope before the month of May.
Mr. Koussevitzky, conductor of the
Boston Symphony, has called Ko-
shetz the "Chaliapine in Petticoats,"
a nickname which has remained with
her, Rachmaninoff so greatly ad-
mired her artistic talents that he
chose her to interpret many of his
songs, he himself playing the ac-
companiments. This will be Miss Ko-
shetz's first appearance in Ant Ar-

-AssocIuted Press Ph(otu8
President Roosevelt is shown above as he signed the 3.2 beer,
revenue bill, which legalizes the sale of beer after April 6. Left to
right behind the President are Representatives Parsons of Illinois and
McCormick of Massachusetts, hlesselman, clerk in charge of enrolling
bills, and Representative O'Connor of New York.

Hillel Players
Will Present
Original Costumes Will Be
Imported; Male Cast Toi
Let Hair Grow
Special properties for the Hillel
Players' presentation of "The Dyb-
buk" arrived here yesterday includ-
ing the two costumes imported for
the leads.
These costumes are the original
ones used by the Habima Players in
Moscow which were stored during the
revolution and later bought by Max
neinhart,. Dmitri Komonosov, tech-
nical supervisor of the campus pro-
duction, sent for these. After the
Hillel Players have used them for
their production they will go to Chi-
cago where a few members of the
Habima Players will revive "The'
Komonosov has made pen and ink
sketches of the intricate beards
which are used in the play. They
are actual copies of the beards used
at the time of which the play is
written. At the time of this drama,
only youths over 30 years of age
were allowed to grow beards. Thus
the ages of the men were denoted by
the length of their beards. There are
28 men in "The Dybbuk" and the

Human Nature
Is Changeable
States Heredity Plays The
Largest Part In The

Opened Banks
Sound, Says
R. G. Rodkey
Houses Now In Operation
Cannot Close; 4,000 Are
Still Unopened
Plan Better Than
Absolute Guaranty
Business Administration
Professor Praises Action
Of Government
The public should have implicit
faith in the reopened banks, accord-
ing to Prof. R. G. Rodkey of the
School of Business Administration.
Professor Rodkey said that in his
estimation the plan that the govern-
ment has finally adopted is superior
to the plan for 100 per cent deposit
guaranty proposed by five membersC
of the University faculty. He pointed
out that it guaranties the deposits of
only sound banks.
Professor Rodkey is one of the five
men who drew up the proposal and
one of the three who were called to
Washington, presumably by Presi-
dent Roosevelt, for a conference
prior to the passing of the emer-
gency banking legislation.
Only Sound Banks Opened
The Treasury department has in-
vestigated and has opened only those
banks which are perfectly sound so
that the banks which are now opened
cannot close. 70 per cent of the to-
tal number of banks, holding 80 per
cent of the total deposits, are now
opened and operating as in normal
times. Four thousand banks are still
Section one of the new bank act
gives the Federal government power
over state banks, even those which
are not members of the Federal Re-
serve system. A later section of 'the
act makes this constitutional, Pro-
fessor Rodkey stated.
Bondds Same as Cash
An extremely strategic provision, in
Professor Rodkey's opinion, makes
refinancing very easy. The Federal
Reserve system is permitted to make'
loans to individuals as well as cor-
porations'on the strength of govern-
ment bonds, the price of which will
be kept at or near par. Government
bonds are the same as cash except
that they bear interest.
Professor Rodkey said that the
permanent banking legislation will
quite likely go further in the legal-
ization of branch banking than has
been done in the past. A provision
for such more drastic regulation of

Stresses Need



(:'Frowu 01 IntemI0igence Parents Well-Known Singers
Her father was a well known tenor
"Human nature," said Prof. How- of the Imperial Opera at Moscow,
ard Y. McClusky to a crowd of over famous for his Wagnerian interpre-
150 yesterday afternoon at the S. C. tations. Her mother was a soprano
A. forum in Natural Science Audi- in the Russian Opera. At the age of
torium "is capable of very great and 17, following a period of intensive
m'Fyn study at the Conservatory of Mos-,
significant changes, but it is rather cow, Miss Koshetz was suddenly call-j
difficult to bring them about." ed upon to replace an indisposed ar-
Explaining the surprise of some tist of the Imperial Opera. Her bril-
peuplo upon seeing the people o liant singing of the "Liebestod" from
Russia or centr Aus a a in ha "Tristan and Isolde" brought her
as~1 ce-As aovc-rightf famneAt Paris she 'ton-
the Same fas~hion pas -",6 d, ofcs- tinued her studies and the following!
sor McClusky said, "Portions of our year appeared as prima donna at the
life necessarily have a certain opera in Moscow and in a recital
amount of uniformity." This is only tour in the Russian provinces organ-
one of the impediments in the way ized by Koussevitzky.
of any reform or change. . Showered With Honors
"However," he continued, "Human Contemporary c o m p o s e r s have
nature does not come into the worldj showered her with honors and have
-with any set pattern of reactions Iwritten special songs for her, among
that are absolutely unalterable or them being Rachmaninoff, Prokofieff,
understandable. It is not as fixed as Gretchazninoff, Joaquin Nin, George
we formerly believed." Hue, Saminsky, Tcherepnine, Labun-
Using diagrams to illustrate his ski, Medtner, and Barlow.
statements, Professor McClusky ex--
plained that the distribution of I American critics highly commend-
plaied hat he istibuton f ied the artistry of Miss Koshetz in her
wealth and the dispersion of intel- Ad... the rtitha, P

-Photo by Dey
Student Reaction
To Play Awaited
'It_ will be interesting to see how
student audiences will react to a mu-
sical production of an entirely dif-
ferent calibre as far as dealing with
college life is concerned," stated Ma-
rian Giddings,'34, author of "Love
on the Run," the current 1933 Jun-
ior Girls' Flay, after the opening per-
formance yesterday.
"Due to the magnificent co-opera-
tion of cast, choruses, the central
and general committees, our director,
Russell McCracken, and Maxwell
Gail and hisorchestra, we believe
the play will be a success through-
out its run the remainder of this{
week," Miss Giddings continued.
"Credit is also due to Jacobson's
store for the use of dresses by the
three Amevican girls in Scene 4, and
to Mack and Co. for formal gowns
worn in Scene 7 by the Girls' chorus.
The committee on costumes and thej
cast and chorus members wish to ex-
tend their appreciation to these
establishments for this courtesy,"
Miss Giddings added.
Hitler Voted
" \
ioliest Power
B Reiclstag
Nazi Leader To Govern
Germany By Decree For
Four Year Period

Author Of 1933 J. G. P.I

Assails Talk
By Watkins
Makes Radio Address In
Reply To Arguments Of
Police Commissioner


More Stable Banks
Watkins Reiterates His
Charge That Depositors
Are Being Sold Out
DETROIT, March 23.-(A)-The
Rev. Father Charles E. Coughlin,
pastor of the Shrine of the Little
Flower in an address tonight which
he said he had been requested by
President Roosevelt and Secretary
Woodin of the treasury to present,
replied to arguments of Police Com-
missioner James K. Watkins against
acceptance by Detroit of a plan now
under way to resume banking opera-
tions here.
Watkins in an address last night
assailed the plan as one which would
give eastern capital control over the
Detroit banking system, and declared
that it would work hardship on
many depositors whose money in the
banks would be used to offset obli-
gations there. Watkins spoke again
tonight, reiterating his charges of
last night that the' city was being
sold from under the depositors' feet.
Father Coughlin in his address
stressed the importance of resump-
tion of banking facilities, and the
ending of difficulties in the wake of
continued paralysis of the city's fi-
nancial system. He declared that the
terming by Watson of the plan as
an "outside plan" was incorrect, and
suggested the term "United States
plan." He pointed out th]t the Fed-
eral government, under the prescnt
plan by which a single new bank is
to open here tomorrow morning, will
preferred stock-half its total cap-
"It has been called aMorgan con-
trolled bank," Father Coughlin said,
"but according to Lawrence P. Fisher,
the Morgans own and control less
than three per cent of the stock of
General Motors.'
Father Coughlin pointed out that
common stock in the enterprise is
available to the general public. "Gen-
eral Motors officials have said that
they have no intention of remaining
in the banking business," he de-

Will Render Opinion
Detroit's Situation



! student actors have allowed their ligence as revealed by tests are far 'r*a loan policies is very desirable and will
Near Futureg to sing with practically all of
hair to grow since rehearsals began. out of proportion to the allotment of gae to s tractcallyally. probably be included in the perma-
Beards will match each individual's talent. e nent legislation.
WASHINGTON, March 23.-(-hair Chase Baromeo, operatic star of i
Whether funds deposited by small Special equipment for the lighting he influne f hisn nentro by the late Chicago Civic Opera asso-
banks in larger institutions as re- eiet hei i theinfluenceofenvironment on mo- ciation, will take the part of Low er Prie e s
serveas ar ereateda trust effects has also arrived. The idea will tivation. By the most conservative Mr. Kipnis, who was to sing the bar-
funds subject to preferred treatment be carried out much in the same estimate the intelgent level is trace- itone role in "Bellshazzar's Feast" atae
or as ordinary deposits is to be manner of The Miracle." The effect able to environment 20 per cent of the Thursday evening concert, Presi-S
passed upon by Attorney General desired is to paint with color and the time and heredity 80 per cent of dent Sink announced.
li ht W e f at re la er ae th t me th r etm atpes e t faccredit d n i k a n u c d
Cummings. amongst the mob scenes a specializa- iMr. Baromee is well known to Ann Over$i
He said today, referring particular- Ition of color and light will be used much more to environment. Arbor audiences, becoming familiar
ly to the banking situation in De- to bring them out, but will not les- to them because of his musical activ-
troit, that he would render an opin- sen the effect or interest of the .+t [eyo ities during his student days here. Patients in the Universityo of
ion but could give no indication just Iwhole scene. This is the same tech- .. -11eiag0 11 Ht Since then he has appeared in Minor pita 90he g been e saeduatioal of
when it would be available. nique usedin motion picture photog- roles at May Festival concerts and $h 1,900 through price eductions in
In the meantime, representatives raphy. David S. Falk, of the engi- 1onatei e Found ( during the last few years has been the last two and one-half years, a
of the justice' department and the neering school, will be in charge. 1 1en. heard in major parts in "Boris God-' financial report made public yester-
treas jury are to go to Detroit to help g " j unof" and "The Legende of the In- day showed. Most of these are pa-
work out a solution of the troubles o ni .ea-In ome vincible City of Kitej." tients whose bills are paid by the
there where the two largest bazks __t________ I He will also sing the bass 'ole in state or counties
have been closed for wveeks. Talk t the world premiere of "Merry Mount" The hospital is under the control
The rural banks take the view, Open T k ries Body Of Raymond Stevens at the Saturday evening concert. of the Board of Regents, through Dr.
Cummings said, that they were re- H. A. Haynes, and is run on a non-
quired to keep their reserves in de- Count Carlo Sforza, member of the Is Discovered By Son profit basis in conjunction with the
positories designated by public offi- Italian senate and former minister Believed To Be Suicide Students W ill rest f theUnivesi.y
cials and were therefore without op- of foreign affairs, will open a series - The largest single saving to pa-
tion as to where this was to be. of eight public and semi-public ad- CHICAGO, March 23.-(IP)-Ray- Take Part I tients afforded in the price list re-
They are seeking to have these dresses at 4:15 p. m. today in the monw W. Stevens, former president ductions was an estimated $90 00
funds segregated from ordinary de- Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, speaking of the Illinois Life Insurance Co.. saved for state patients by reInov-
posits, so that they can withdraw on "The Responsibilities of the now in receivership, and nationally TeliE(Yt. si.
them as though they were trust de- World War." He will speak under the known hotel operator, was found Play savesatiernts in rFutherge
pi.auspices of the Carnegie Endowment shot to death in his home tonight, savedp, F h
ter depositors in the closed for International Peace. apparently a suec1d. Worship through art will form the ductions in 1932-33 of $34,600 have
banks contend their funds are as The Italian diplomatic career of Slumped over a chair fronting a central theme of the religious drama brought rooms' costs for state pa-
sacred as those of the rural banks the count was terminated in 1922 fireplace in his Highland Park man- to be presented under the direction $7iandayofor others.
and should have equality of treat- with the accession of the Mussolini sion, the body, with a bullet wound of Rev. Omar Pancoast Goslin Sun--C7 s syfortr su g -
mont. regime. Before this time Count Sfor- in the head, was discovered by mem- day evening at the League. r
za served as minister to China, min- bers of his family. Nearby lay a re- The subject of this dramatic serv- cial machines and other apparatus
ister to Serbia, high commissioner to volver from which one bullet had ice is "Scenes from the Life of Jesus," have, been reduced 10 per cent, with
New AmIerican Music Turkey, minister of foreign affairs been discharged. including an excerpt from "The Dark additional reductions in numerous
.Harri in the Giolitti cabinet, and ambassa- A so, who notified police, said Hours," a modern passion play. It special cases.
n eni y coyHornes dor to France. Stevens had been despondent over was written by Don Marauis and
A new national consciousness in The speaker comes here directly collapse of his huge insurance and received favorable comment when Campus Bridge Fmnals
the field of music, brought about from an engagement at the Uni- hotel enterprises. produced on Broadway during the Will Be
through the medium of the schools versity of Wisconsin. Stevens, who was 59 years old. to- current season, according to reports.
was predicted last night by Roy Har- ether with his father James W., 80, Students are to take parts in this Irving Frank, Jr., '36L, and Ken-
'is, noted young American composer Petitions For Lowering and a brother, Ernest J., were under presentation, the purpose of which neth Hansma, '33L, have won the In-
in a lecture at Hill Auditorium. I tility Rtes Still Out charges of embezzlement in connec- is to give enrichment to the service dependent Men's division of the
"We are not a musical people," Mr. Utilitystion with the collapse of the $10,- of public worship through the beauty i Union All-Campus Bridge Tourna-
Harris said, "but we like to buy Eu- Petitions foi the reduction of local w000,000 life insurance company. and feeling prevalent in the fine arts, ment, and will play the winning teami
avon nrts ainsfor ,,.. the reduction of loca- 000,000 ,i,_ insuranc ompany. directors of the uroduction announce. of the Interfraternity division for

BERLIN, March 23.-(2P)-Ger-
many became a dictatorship under
the old Prussian system today, when
the Reichstag handed over to Adolf
Hitler power to govern by decree for
the next four years.
The Socialists objected, but they
were snowed under in the Reichstag
by a vote of 441 to 94.
"The first chapter of our move-
ment is closed," said the Chancellor.
addressing a multitude from a bal-
cony after the Reichstag had ad-
journed. "Now we begin the second.'
What happened today was inevi-
table. The Reichstag, packed with
the Chancellor's own Nazi supporters
could do nothing but accede to his
demand for the passage of an en-
abling act which empowers the Gov-
ernment, among other things, tc
draft a new constitution.
Won't Discuss Monarchy
It was All ,lone in regular form.
Herr Hitler appeared at the morning
session of the Reichstag and in per-
son delivered a message covering the

r .

In his address Commissioner Wat-
kins announced plans to go to Wash-
ington to remonstrate in person
against the plan. He said he will in-
vite a number of Detroit citizens to
accompany him.
New Detroit Bank
Plan Begins Today


DETROIT, March 23.-(,P)-With
information coming from Washing-
ton that plans for opening the new
National Bank of Detroit would go
forward "unless some very good rea-
son is given" by objectors to the
plan, Detroit tonight looked to a new
national bank setup beginning at 10
a. m. tomorrow.
At that time, said Alfred P. Sloan,
Jr., president of General Motors
Corp., the new national bank, with

. E

(V)fi ann AM nanifal cllhQnrihc4A pnilcklly'

complete program of his government.z'u1)I~uvu L4aJ141 Lura LJe( eu a4.~lJ
Muc ofit as arriliz Nzidoe- by the Reconstruction Finance Corp.
Much of it was familiar Nazi c and General Motors Corp., will open
tine. Restoration of the monarchy, for the receipt of new deposits. It
he told the members, is not a mat- will occupy the quarters of the for-
ter for discussion at this time. mer First National Bank-Detroit, in
Destructon of Communism is a Cadillac Square.
.niirnl-., dnn' ti. icc ttn c hi h rns, snn C not


purelyuolnesu cissuew Wlicz ss1
concern any foreign power, he de-
clared. "Yet, further developments
of Communism in this country would
have meant catastrophe for all Eu-
Discusses Outstanding Issues
His message touched only in a
general way upon other outstanding
issues. Of disarmament, he said:

McEvoy Named Active Head
John Thomas Smith, spokesman
for Sloan, announced that James
McEvoy, chief of the G. M. C. legal
staff, has been named acting presi-
dent of the new bank. The insti-
tution will be operated temporarily
by directors chosen from the G. M. C.
organization, Smith said. This after-

"Germany has been waiting for years noon Sloan 'conferred with Henry
for . other -nations- to 'fulfill their and Edsel Ford at their office in
promises to reduce armaments. We } Dearborn. It was understood that he
would gladly refrain from increasing had requested the Fords to partici-
our own if the others would agree pate in the subscription, of new cap-
to radical reduction of theirs." ital for the bank. No statement was
In the field of foreign relations: issued by either side following the
"We desire to live at peace with all conference.
nations, but only on a basis of equal- Statement Made After Protests

ity. Our hand is stretched out to
every people willing to forget the sad

Sloan's statement concerning the
opening of the new bank tomorrow
come less than an hour after he ar-

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