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March 23, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-23

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- - , , I , , ",

Trhe Weather
Partly cloudy Thursday and
Friday; continued rather cold.

at l r


VOL. XLIII No. 126


__ _

Group Starts
Fight Against
Petition For Action Has
400 Signers; Plan To
Obtain Over 1,000
Limited Consumiers'
Strike Anticipated
Only Half Of Current Bills
Will Be Paid Unless
Demands Are Granted
A petition calling for reduction of
gas and electricity rates now chargd
by the Washtenaw Gas Co. and the
Edison Co., and a limited consumers'
"strike" was being circulated yester-
day by Stewart Way, Grad., and Al-
bin N. Benson, instructor in the
physics department.
Late last night the two claimed
they had secured 400 signatures to
the petition. By its own stipulation,
the petition is inoperative until 1,000
P'etition is Twofold
The petition reads as follows:
"We, the undersigned consum-
ers of electricity and gas, hereby
request the fllowing reductions
in prices: 4letricity, first step
to be reduced from 10 cents to
five cents perkilowatt hour; sec-
ond step to be reduced from four
cents to three and a half cents
per kilowatt hour; Gas: First
5,000 cubic feet to be reduced
from $1.20 to $1; second 5,000
cubic feet to be reduced from $1
to 8 cents, service charge to be
reduced from 30 cents to 20 cents
per month. We further agree
that until such changes in rates
are made we will not pay more
than one half of our present bills.
This is to take effect when there
are 1,000 signers."
Way attacked the reduction apply-
ing since Jan. 1 to accounts to $11
and over, declaring that it bnefted
only the larger con umers
L. L. Griffiths, secretary of the Ann
Arbor Taxpayers League, said last
night he thought the petition intro-
duced by Way and Benson called for
"reasonable" reductions in the pres-
ent rates, and said he "favored" the
prices sought. "I don't believe in the
non-payment clause, though," Mr.
Griffiths said. "Non-payment of a
portion of the bi-monthly gas or elec-
tric bill would probably not prove
a successful means to the end."
Expect 1,000 Names Soon
Charles R. Henderson, vice-presi-
dent and general manager of the
Washtenaw Gas Co., would make no
statement relative to the petition.
Herbert Silvester, district agent of
the Detroit Edison Co., could not
be reached.
The petition will be circulated for
at least two weeks, Way said, al-
though it is expected that many more
than the requisite 1,000 signatures
will be obtained before that time.
Way is known to the campus as
the dictator, recently appointed by
Dean Joseph A. Bursley. of Michigan
Socialist House No. 1.


cords Reveal 2 Breweries, James Watkins Nazi chief In
25 SaIoons it Good Old Dcy' Protests Plans Prussian Diet
less than 25 saloons, two brew- "Many have quenched their thirst 11

and two hotels in AnngArbor
close'd to irninr the nig~ht ofI

April 30, 1918, when the national
Prohibition law went into effect in
Michigan, according to an article
headed, "John Barleycorn Kicks the;
Bucket," appearing in The Daily of'
that date.
Although most of the 25 dealers-
were sold out ahead of time, there
was no disturbance, and the drys,
then in the majority, were looking
forward to the days when liquor
would be a memory, while the wets
confidently expected that light wines
and beer would soon be permitted.
Joe Parker's Cafe announced that
milk would be served.
The article follows:
"Although there were no disorderly
uprisings, drinking was heavy on
that last night, according to further
stories of the saloon keepers and
bartenders. "Everything went fine,",
a bartender at the Orient is quoted
as saying. "We ran out of beer Sat-!
urday night, but we have been selling
the other stuff in its place." Freddy?
Haas, who had been in business on
Washington Street for 14 years, said,

here, handothers have done more !10 nieii aUK SKS niiaiee
than that." Freddy was to open uper BA_
a soft drink parlor May 1.
"Stocking up" kept the two localM v o Force M y eS'O Body
breweries busy during those last days, Move WOld Forc4May Opening Session Of
in preparation for the coming "dry Into Bankruptcy, Claims Marked By Hitlerite's
spell." "Many men," says The Daily,'
"have been heard to say that it was oi ce Commnissioner Endtusiastic Plea
impossible for them to get along
without a few drinks a day." I General MotorsITo Von Pa pen Alone
Student sentiment on the campusN w ,
as reflected in those issues of The Siubscribe New B ia k Checks Austrians
Daily, was torn between two conflict-
ing allegiances. Idealism calling for
the banishment of the saloon fought Federal Government Will Chancellor Plans To Ask
wih lin gtssful memorsocal dinkin Invest 50 Per Cent In Reichstag For Power To
houses. But the idealism held the Proposed Organiztion Dissolve Republic
upper hand and The Daily regret-
fully agreed that it was all for the DETROIT, March 22.-(P)-Police I BERLIN, March 22.-(RA)-The as-
best. In an editorial dated April 30, Commissioner James K. Watkins, in pirations of Chancellor Adolf Hitler's
we read: an address -directed to Detroit citi- Nazis for a political union of Ger-
"When the bell on the downtown zens, tonight asked them to forward many and Austria were emphatically
clock slowly tolls the hour of 10 messages to President Franklin D. proclaimed today at the opening ses-
o'clock tonight, Ann Arbor will go Roosevelt protesting the plan now sion of the Prussian Diet.
dry for the first time in its history, under way to form a single new De- The spokesman for union was Wil-
Added to this, Michigan traditions, troit National Bank, to which the helm Kube, Nazi floor leader. Amidst
as to "back to 'Joe's' and the 'Ori- General Motors Corporation would the greatest enthusiasm he saluted,
ent,' " will become but hollow tradi- subscribe $12500,00. capital and the t gras ntiam h e a il the


i (Conti lied on P'age 2)

Summer School Babe To Sign For Year
With Yanks At $52,000
Bulletin Gives ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., March 22

'L,. . . eght Arian Nazis y no were in ue
Federal government an equal amount. gallery, and declared:
"Your city is being sold out from "As the leader of the Nazis in this
under your feet," Commissioner Wat- As the rder of han this
kins said. "Your action and your ac- House and on the order of Chancellor
tion alone can give to Detroit control Hitler, I. as aPrussian,say that we
over her own banks and save the shall continue to be so, and that we
city from impending disaster." shall have obtained our goal only
Speaks For Police ;hlhaeotidougalny
Commissioner W ins, who said when all Germany, including German
Comsionehatfns,5 whosid- Austria, is united with our Father-
he spoke in behalf of 3,500 police- 'adi n ra tt hc a

Annual Plans
Announcements Available
At Offices In U. Hall;
Few New Regulations
Students planning to attend the
1933 Summer Session should notify
the secretary, Prof. Louis M. Eich of
the speech department, before June'
14, according to the Summer Ses-
sion announcement, first copies of1
which were received yesterday.
Copies of the complete announce-
ment will be available today in the
Summer Session office in University
Hall and may be had after tomorrow
at the offices of all schools and col-
Registration will begin June 16, in
the Law School, June 21 in the
Graduate School, and June 23 in
the other divisions. Except for work
in the Law School and at the Geol-
ogy and Geography Station, which
begins June 20, the session will open
June 26.
Automobile regulations will remain
unchanged from last year, according
to the announcement. Students may
obtain permits to drive cars providedI
their circumstances necessitate their
use or for participation in outdoor:
sports. Students must make applica-
tion not later than at the time of
Requirements for admission arc
set by the individual schools, and in
general courses are open to all per-
sons qualified to pursue them. Stu-

-(R)-The curtain has fallen on
baseball's annual holdout act, star-
ring George Herman Rutn. The Babe
has agreed to sign a one-year con-
tractwith the New York Yankees--
for $52,000.
Unsuccessful in his demand for

Oriental Women Awarded
Free Education For One
Year's Study Here

LANSING, March 22.--()-A beer
bill bobbed into the Legislature today
and caused "a rift in Democratic
ranks so wide the measure may be
Despite the counsel of Governor
Comstock and House and Senate
floor leaders that a special commis-
sion be given time to recommend
"permanent and constructive liquor
control legislation," the attorney-
general's department draftel a so-
called "stop gap" bill. It proposed
an immediate amendment to the
existing bone-dry state law, so Mich-
igan could have 3.2 beer and wine
! early in April when such beverages
become legal under Congressional ac-
The measure was prepared by
George Murphy, assistant attorney-
general, at the direction of Patrick
H. O'Brien, attorney-general. As soon
as it was completed, it was filed with
the clerk of the House by Represent-
atives Martin W. Baginski and Carl
W. Bischoff, (Dem., Detroit). The
bill was blocked temporarily by ad-
ministration leaders, and was not ri-
ferred to a committee nor accepted
as regularly introduced.
Governor Comstock met the rebel
attempt of the legislators to scramble
into the beer oasis with a reitera-
tion of his'contention that make-shift

menL, cnarged that UUopti 02orWth
plan now under way would force
numerous bankruptcies through off-
set of deposits against indebtedness
at the banks. He declared that com-

then serve Germany's mission in the

$60,000 in answer to Colonel Jacob petion 01 tne existng plan, which
Ruppert's $50,000 offer, Ruth effect- he termed the "outside plan," would
ed a compromise contract which saw } give control of the city's financial
ed acomromie cntrct wichsawsystem to eastern capital.
his salary drop below its level of
1923-1926 when he received $52,500. Commissioner Watkins is a grad-
The actual signing of the contract uate of the University of Michigan,
will be delayed several days, but the in the class of 1909.
Babe will take his place in right field
in the Yankee lineup for the exhibi- DETROIT, March 22.-VP)-Con-
tion game with the Boston Braves servators in charge of the national
here Friday. It will be Ruth's first banks of the city worked throughout
game of the season, for although Wednesday with representatives of
he has taken his practice chores the General Motors Corp. in an ,ef-
along with the others, he's refused fort to create the structure for a
to play in exhibitions and has spent new bank in which the Federal gov-
his time fishing and golfing. ernment will have a 50 per cent in-
--Charles E. Wainright, attorney for

Machine Well Organized
The well-oiled Nazi parliamentary From a total of more than 80 ap-
machine functioned perfectly, dis- plications, the Barbour Scholarship
posing within 43 minutes of a Diet Committee yesterday chose nne
program that ordinarily would have women scholars from the Orient who
necessitated weeks of deliberation. . will receive Barbour Scholarships,
Tonight the only check restraining permitting them to carry on study
the Nazis from over-running every- at the University next fall, it was
body appeared to be the determina- announced yesterday by Prof. W.
tion of Vice-Chancellor Franz von Carl Rufus, executive secretary.
Papen not to let a Hitlerite have the The list of the 1933-34 Barbour
coveted post of Prussian premier. Scholars includes Miss Kuan-shih
Surprise was occasioned at today's Yuan, '33E, engineering physics,
session when Hans Kerrl, who was China; Miss I-djen Ho, chemistry,
re-elected to the speakership, asked th Holyoke College, China; Miss
the House to adjourn subject to his Edith Jheva Chun, at present a re-
call. as it had been generally assumed search assistant in chemistry at the
that the election of Hermann Wil- INational University, China; Miss
helm Goering, prominent Nazi, as Katayun H. Cama, St. Xavier's Col-
premier would take place tomorrow lege, Bombay, India; Miss Kimi Ya-
Those on the inside knew, how-1 jima, Tsuda College, Tokyo; Miss
* ever, that the premiership had not Masako Sato, Japan Women's Uni-
yet been settled. Chancellor Hitler versity, Tokyo; Miss Rose Shon,
apparently is willing to yield the '34Ed., Hawaii; Miss Rosario Reyes,
place to Colonel von Papen in recog- University of the Philippines; and
nition of the fact that it was von Miss Faize Shevket, American Col-
Papen who won President von Hin- loge for Women, Constantinople,
dnbirg nv rf to 1 a ~intin him Turkey.

Extend H
To Prote
ComsLock Issu
Time For Or,
LANSING, March 22
nor Comstock today
state banking holida

liday the Reconstruction Finance Corp. co-
operating with Judge Robert S. Marx
Al and Frank E. Wood are the treasury'
attorneys advising the conservators
of the First National Bank and the
Banks Guardian National Bank of Com-
merce, respectively.
Keyes' Resignation
eS Third Paul C. Keyes, who resigned Tues-
day as conservator for the First Na-
Wants tional, took an active part in these
"anization conferences. Reports were spread
_ that Mr. Keyes would represent the
',)-Gover Federal government on the board of
the General Motors United States
extended the Bank, but these reports lacked con-
y to protect firmation.

UU11urg ver p g PU16a Il.
Republic's End Seen
Tomorrow the chancellor will ask
the Reichstag to approve an enabling
act, turning the government of the
Reich over to the cabinet for four
years, and in effect putting an end
to the Republican system by which
Germany has been governed since
the war.
The Nazis are strong enough to
give this blanket power to ChancelloL-
Hitler. Nevertheless, the government
issued a stern warning to the political
parties, especially the Centrists and
Socialists, that if they fail to approve
the grant of extraordinary power,
their action will be tantamount to a
declaration of war.
The warning made it clear that
not only the parties as organizations

Filipino Also Named
In addition to the list of scholar-
ships, Encarnacion Alzona, a pres-
ent professor of history in the Philip-
pines, was awarded a Barbour Fel-
lowship for this year, according to
Professor Rufus. Miss Alonza has re-
cently written a book in English
dealing with the history of education
in the Philippines from 1565 to 1930,
discussing the various educational
systems and problems under the na-
tives, later Spain, and at present
under the United States.
"The purpose of the Barbour
Scholarships," Professor Rufus said,
"is to give educational advantages to
the women of the Orient." The late
Regent Levi L. Barbour, who estab-
lished the scholarship fund in 1917,

(Couitiued on Page 6) banks which have not received li-- B. C. Schram, conservator for the
cense to reopen and to give him and Guardian National, and C. 0.1
his newly-appointed advisory com- Thomas, who succeeded Keyes at the
City M ay lNot mittee time to complete their or-. First National, spent the day review-
ganization. ing assets of the closed institutions
(eL Loan HoreH1 issued a third proclamation withche representatives of Alfred P.
stating: Sloan, Jr., President of General Mo-
n "Anybn rtut oee tors.
a1 e a ] Any bank 01 etuss t company here- The ass ar to be sold to the

S, . ,A

Fo rtu lo


Take Place Today
The last S. C. A. "depression
forum" before spring vacation willj
be given at 4:15 p. m. today in Lane'
Hall when Prof. Howard Y. McClusky
of the department of educational
psy hology speakslon the topic, "How
Muwlh Reform Can Human Nature
This is a sequel to the talk givenl
by Dr. Samuel S. Wyer last week, ins
which it was stated that "we couldt
get out of the present situation in
90 days if we only had the will powert
to act."
Speakers this year have advocated t
reform of the existent economic and(
social order. Professor McClusky, ac-(
cording to the forum sponsors, will
attempt to show just how far such2
a reform can be carried withoutt
conflict with human nature.
'75,000,000 Bond IssuC
Plans Move At Lansing
LANSING, March 22. - (1P)-Ad-
ministration measures proposing aJ
state-wide vote in the spring elec-
tion on a $75,000,000 state welfare
bond issue and lower tax leviesl


tofore operating under the terms of new bank and pledged with the Fed- would suffer if they stood against the cIne; however, the awards are made
--j ,rcamto b h gvroral Reserve Bank as collateral for government, but also their voters. i l ils
Threats of the Reconstruction Fi- dated Feb. 21 may continue to op- currency No definite information has "An attitude of opposition toward in all fields.
nance Corp. to stop the advancement crate under the terms of the McNitt- 27 Barbour Scholars
~f oan totheStae o Mihign ICroon Act or under any license here- j been made public as to the total as- the new Germany," the announce-
>f loans to the State of MichiganCr-ets to be sold, but government ment said, "would display not only At present there are 27 Barbour
after this month may defeat the pro- tofore issued by the state banking !s
ofor ahsmtwage disposal plant here commissioner. The commissioner of agents hoped for a transfer of sufli- a total lack of understanding of the Scholars at the University, of whom
posaln fthoughs 60 per cent of the voters bankingisohereby acommissione odi- cient collateral to permit of the pay- real situation, but also a disregard six are studying in the School of
approve the measure at the Aprils{ ret all such banks and trust coi- ment of 40 per cent to depositors in of the interests of the opposition Medicine and the others in educa-
po hurthet s k sthe old institution. parties and their followers." tion, English, and science.
alection, City Engineer George San- pan.s o opera.e henceforth undci To date, 110 students have received
lenburgh said yesterday. like terms, conditions, and procedure scholarships and have carried on
The measure, upon which the Ann aeb o2ut in the proclamation of D Seas n Wril Fe twre workatrthe University. Of that total,
~ro lcoaewl eie ol e.21 until further authorization is - tLa1SR' W ill F-7..-5. there are two women who stand out
provide forthe building here of a duly given, subject, however, to theT as women scholars. Miss Yi-Fang
ewage disposal plant to be construe- provisions of the President and acts Noel Coward s Latest Success Wu, who received her degree as doe-
oed with the $550,000 C shich the city ongressto of philosophy here in 1928, is
would obtain through a loan from' The advisory board composed ofI president of Ginling College, Nan-
he R. F. C. The main pur pose of the the banking commissioner, the gov- Final permission was received yes- the productions for the Dramatic king. Miss Lucy Wang received her
proposal fs to provide sustenance for ernor, and four state officers, met terday by Robert Henderson in a Season by the University Committee master's degree in 1923, and is presi-
the families on the welfare list. and approved the appointment of telegram from Noel Coward to pre- on Theatre Policy, he said. Mr. hien- dent of Hwa Nan College, Nanking.
Present poor funds will be depleted George H. Kirchner. of Detroit, as sent his current New York success, derson is waiting until after histO- Both colleges are well-known wom-
by May 1. Rather than establish a conservator of the Union Guardian "Design for Living," as one of the tuin from New York, howede, to- ien's colleges in China. Miss Kameyo
ole. system, the city would put the Trust Co. The difliculties of this featured productions of the 1933 announce the complete schedule.glsSadakata, the first Barbour Scholar,
needy men to work on the sewage company constituted the major fac- 'Dramatic Season, to be held from Prfe.t Caml of the E ivh received her degree in medicine in
t for in bringing about the original May 22 through June 21 at the Lydia department, chairman of the civic 1924, and later returned to Tokyo as
statet r committee sponsoring the seasonI
In aestate banking holiday. Mendelssohn Theatre, it was learned ' head of the department of pediatrics
In addition to the welfare needs, ast ht expressed himself as delighted with at St. Paul's International Hospital.
the main argument for the plant islatng. Mr. Coward's permission to present Mmbr ftec mitewo
that river water is polluted each I Harris H ris1 A Cl , - The Ann Arbor Dramatic Season! r owr'iprisint~peet Members of the committee who
summer as the river gets low, thus HiO iAess Tbe the first to present "Design "Design for Living" at Ann Arbor passed judgment on the applications
ts t f' th , hu w " rMr. Campbell also announced that yesterday included President Alex-
spoiling the stream for bathing pur- Student Musicia Sfor Living outside is tyout week Mrs. A. C. Furstenbrg and Neil ander G. Ruthven, chairman; Dean
poses. The new plant would be lo- Cleveland and its present New Staebler had been added as iem- G. Carl Huber Of the Graduate
cated on the river about four miles x York engagement. The production, bers of the committee, which already School, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dean
from the city. Roy Harris, young American com- according to Mr. Henderson, will not includes Dean Joseph A. Bursly, John R. Effinger of the literary col-
The loan has been approved at poser, will speak at 8:15 p. . to- be presented outside of Ann Arbor Daniel L. Quirk, of Ypsilanti, Prof. lege and Executive Secretary W. Carl
Lansing. ight in Hill Auditorium on "The durimg the Dramatic Season. James O'Neill, Miss Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Rufus of the astronomy department.
Challenge of Contemporary Amer- "Design for Living" is now the out- M. Reese Hrtchins, and Mrs. Guy

Rep. William N. Donnelly, (Dem.,
Detroit,) one of the house floor lead-
ers, claimed the introduction of such
a measure might have an adverse
effect on the state repeal ratifica-
tion vote. Donnelly asserted the Dem-
ocratic majority in the Legislature
would not support the measure, pre-
ferring to wait for the report of the
special commission appointed by the
Roosevelt Puts
Signature On
Beer Measure
May Be Sold In 14, States
Beginning April 7; Drys
Start Fight
WASHINGTON, March 2,--P)-
With smiles, the Roosevelt admin-
istration today formally authorized
the sale of beer.
The bill legalizing both the amber
brew and also wine of 3.2 per cent
alcoholic content became law with
the signature of President Roosevelt
at 2 p. m.
"And I hope you got the smile at
the end," he remarked to photogra-
phers, who recorded the signing in
1 the cabinet room at the White House
executive office.
Wearing a broad grin himself - an
I hour earlier, Vice-President Garner
had affixed his signature to the legis-
latioin to send it from Congress to
the White House.
Fifteen days hence-or after mid-
night on April 6-the beer may be
sold in the 14 states permitting it.
The midnight hour applies to the
eastern time belt. Sales may begin
at 9 o'clock that night on the Pacific
Coast, for instance.
But the prohibitionists were already
at work tonight on plans to halt the
beer flow by court action, Some were
considering seeking an injunction.
Others were preparing to speed the
case to the Supreme Court for a rul-
ing whether it violated the constitu-
tional mandate against sale of intoxi-
eating beverages.
Federal officers charged with ad-
ministration of the new plan were
just as busy to make sure of its en-
forcement. They ruled that the new
beverage must be kept within the
breweries or on the premises until
the midnight hour has struck April 6.

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