T HE M ICHIGAN DAiLY TUESDAY, MARCH 21, Make Passage f Beer Bill Ceebrated Iy ReprsentCivee Di se re Scarce; E ruents [ ..T i a Lin ~id ber Ih R lifl ft cege Yet Remain Ir iuction ase NEW YORK, March 20-The stu- IiDelate ote ia1 I. t Supporters of the beer legislation in that branch of Congress by an overwhelmin pected the real thing will be flowing in the n Celler, New York; Douglas, Massachusetts; dent who graduates this year may ; InIvestigation May Result just as well stay around the cam- Miclhigan Forensic League pus taking graduate courses since it nitlicatiod imn good to hunt a lo Hold Finl At Of Deniver Kidnaper Job, declare em bers of the A sso- Almditoii i In April Alumni. DENVER, March 20c.--i ny-An in- Only eight schools remain in th' vestigation which hie hopes will deft.- The association, formed by. unem- ciiato eiso h ihni Iitely connect Verne Sankey with the plyed college graduates Newa e thec a York City who have grown impa- Debating League. These teams are : ~Lindbergh baby kidnaping and the! Libergh baby kidHakingBah hee tient waiting for prosperity to come Grand Rapids Creston, Grand Rapids abduction of Haskell Bohm, member around the corner, is meant to bring Cnrl atLnig rnoT of a wealthy St. Paul family, was be- jrudtecrei en obm Central, East Lansing, Trenton, De- aing patrsued here today by County b pressure to bear on Congress to pass troit Mackenzie, Flint Northern, -n--pursuedaheretodaysbyhCountymeasures providing for a program of Assoctated Press Photo Attorney M. F. Finkead of St. Paul.dpSaginaw Arthur Hill, and Manistique. the house gave a lusty "prosit" when the 3.2 beer bill passed in Sankey is sought by Denver police planned industry which will provide The quarter-final debates will be g majority. Near-bear was used for the celebration but they ex- as the ringleader of the recent ab- work rather than charity. duction of Charles Boettcher, I An interview appearing in a recent held March 31, and the semi-finals near future. Left 4to right: Representatives Sadowski, Michigan; iduetione ew oofWoCharlesanAprlBo.ettehnaserlbeHel Claiborne, Missouri, and O'Connor, of New York. wealthy broker who was released issue of the Nev York World-Tele- on April 14. The finals will be held after $60,000 ransom was paid. gram with Joseph P. Lash, chair- in Hill Auditorium on April 28. Kinkead said Sankey "undoubtedly man of the executive committee of Ralph Denis, dean of the School of cliinere" ns ten Bottc lr andthe association who stepped out into Speech at NorthwesternUierity, \fessor Sumndtcull liscusses enierd bt h oetehri and thewo WJ. 'Nil an G nsmoeo emso r D iscusses Bohm kidnaping ndhthi te e jobless wold with a master's de-J.MONelanG.EDnsreo was reason to believe he might have gree from Columbia last May, says ( the department of speech, will act as been implicated in the abduction that there are about 20 branches judges. Registrar Ira M. Smith will March 1, 1932, of Col. Charles A. throughout the country with chap- act as chairman of the debate and Lindbergh's first son. ters at Harvard, Columbia, and in Malcolm W. Bingay, editorial direc- inent in this month's issue upon an unusually complicated na- "We have informatoin that a tele- the large cities. At present there are tor of the Detroit Free Press will School of Education Bulletin, Irtional foundation of more than a phone call instructing Col. Lindbergh only a few hundred members en- present the awards to the two final t.ill be in the mails by March hundred different nationalities. A as to the manner in which he should rolled. teams. These awards are suitably en- n article by John Sundwall, long time must elapse before the pay ransom for the return of his son When the membership has reached graved gold watches. or of Hygiene and Public many difficulties are satisfactorily was made from a filling station in 10,000, an organized lobby will be Sixty-eight schools entered the on the subject, "Some In- dealt with and the many imperfec- Minneapolis," Kinkead said. "We be- exerted on Congress, Lash is re-finaleliminationnseriesvandleachnof is of the U. S. S. R." Itions are corrected. My suggestion is lieve Sankey's handwriting appeared ported to have said. these wlmnto reeries and eadhthc ssor Sundwall, who spent that we suspend judgment until time identical with that contained in The association has offices pro-thes wall plaque given by the University. last year in Russia, closely and experimentation have given the notes in the St. Paul case. Bohm was vided for its use by the League for d the government, education, U. S. S. R. a chance." held captive eight weeks last summer Industrial Democracy at 112 East y, and other activities of the Ancther article, "What is Educa- before he was released. 19th St., New York. John Dewey, in order to make a thorough tional Guidance," by George E. Sankey and Gordon Elkhorn are Morris Raphael Cohen, and Reinhold Tired? Thirsty? Hungry? f the Soviet system of public Meyers, is concerned with "education- charged in Federal informations with Niebuhr, well known socialists, are medicine, social insurance, al guidance as a systematic planned the Boettcher kidnaping. A search on the advisory committtee. Norman CALL 3494 der matters pertaining to the something which has come to the aid for them in the United States, Mexico Thomas is also lending his support to Sodas - Sundaes - Shakes and physical welfare of the of education in recent years under and Canada has been unsuccessful. the group, it was declared. Cokes - G-Ales - Orangeades It is his belief that the Uni- the specific name, 'educational guid- Sankey's wife, Carl Pearce, Arthur A survey among unemployed col- Tasty Sandwiches tes should recognize Russia. ance.'" Youngberg and Mrs. Ruth Kohler are lege graduates is being conducted by Prompt Delivery Feels Nation is Secure This issue of the bulletin also in- held here on Federal charges of kid- the A. U. C. A. A questionnaire sent ,ve gained cer ain impressions eludes a report on reading experi- naping in connection with the Boett- to deans of the country's colleges Colkins-Fletcher y experiences in Russia. From en ts of young child;:en between cher case. and universities is expected to re- pressions I feel that the Sov- 1and 6 years old; an editorial, veal the total number of unemployed r * npr is secure, that its future iS Capitalizing on Enforced Experi- TROUSERS REMOVED in the college graduate group. nrissecure, that its fu mentation, by Willard C. Olson, of WINCHESTER, Ky.. March 20.- promise, and that we should the school of education, dealing with Seniors at the University of Ken- s not only from the match- depression and experimentation in tucky remove corduroy pants from ievements of the Soviet Union schools; and recent masters theses.' underclassmen who wear them. the past 15 years, not with- =.-T r ".. w The Farmers and M echanics Bank cont!CllfC Ind ltifnr k L.LtF r CII C I ZIg i W4ac1 ne 122, is c Of Action That May Be Professo Health, Taken Under Recent Act pression Profe WASHINGTON, March 20.-1) --part of Gold hoarders have been given until observed March 27 to return their stocks to industry the banks. nation,j The Federal Reserve Board Sunday study o sent out word to each of its 12 dis- health, tricts extending the time for compil- and oth ing of lists of those who have with- social a drawn gold since Feb. 1. There was people. no official comment. ted Sta At the same time the treasury au-. thorized unopened state member "I ha banks to permit withdrawals of from my amounts not exceeding 5 per cent of these im their deposits, and repealed regula- iet Unio tiohs allowing withdrawals from one ofl closed banks for meeting pay rolls recogniz and necessities of life.. It was ex- pression plained unofficially that with a num- 1 less ach ber of banks now open, the regula- duringt tions could well be set aside to con- standin -~ -.--. .WUA , Vg..- es anAA mu lorlJlm: serve the assets of banks closed or difficulties which at times have ap- ] F under conservators. peared to be insurmountable, but also!FO The original time limit for filing a from the underlying resources, ideas, The list of gold hoarders expired last Fri- ideals, and the general spirit of the day. Ever since announcement was new Russia, which is characterized made that hoarders were being by an abiding faith in the future, a R checked, a flow of gold has poured propensity for experimentation, cour- into Reserve banks. The treasury age, sacrifice, and an indomitable said that'on March 15 a total of will to carry on. One is so apt toa $327,000,000 had been returned. overlook these most important in- It has been pointed out that with tangible things when one attempts a list of hoarders the treasury could to appraise a nation and predict its -E either publish the names or turn future," he says. them over to the justice department Th fotmd 3ac h bl for action under the anti-hoardin'g ition of illiteracy was one of the out- (In the A act. standing characteristics of the Soviet -U n i o n that Professor Sundwall Lf O H e noticed. "In Russia the whole atmos- - - Life I'itder Is phere is saturated with education. The foreign tourist who is interested Perlled In Munich I in social welfare, upon entering Rus- sia, immediately senses this pervad- 2UNVICH , Germany, March Q .-ing spirit of education," his article MUNIH, Grman, Mach 2.-,states. (I')-The federal commissioner for Proletariat Fears War the Munich police chief informed the Another striking fact noticed was press today an attempt on the life that the people of* Russia are fear- of Chancellor Adolf Hitler planned ful of war with other countries. This by one German and two Russian fear colors their attitude toward Communists, was prevented by the other nations. It is apparent, how- watchfulness of the populace and po- ever, Professor Sundwall states, that lice, the bitterness and hatred engendereds Early this morning three men toward foreign capitalistic countries were observed arriving at the Wag- is due to the long subjugation of ner monument near Hitler's home serfdom, to the many proletariat re- here, where they deposited three bellions against the czarist monarchy, hand grenades and some ammuni- the foreign wars of intervention, and tion. the counter revolutions within the While a passerby notified the po- domain of the Soviet Union. lice, they escaped in an automobile. "In judging the Soviet Union we The police commissioner stated need to consider the goal toward that if a single shot was fired against which it is struggling as well as pres- members of the new government, ent tanglible achievements. We must even if it missed its mark, there bear in mind the fact that the new would be "unparalleled chaos and the Soviet Union is a young country in-' greatest program which no authority deed-- 15 years old. It has had 1t0 in the world could prevent." build up from the very bottom a dP E-BERHBACH &SNCO. EL8lABLISHED l)1843 Scientific I dJhlh .d -.I W Q.U ~ 4''t t R BR EAKFAST -- Meal That Decides the Day Coffee and Toasted oils are just right THE E TSY RO0SS~f SH OP rcadc) We Deliver - Dial 5931 3 i i1i i { 1 } i Et 'I ..si C Over fifty years experience in the commercial, trust and savings fields has given this institution an en- viable position in the locality. The essential qualities of service and safety are always emphasized here. R' FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK State St. at Nickels Arcade Main and Huron Sts. . Poo- ,-w-1^00- II U LEXPOSE!A__l ii _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __I -L Of What Happens When the Gum Business Goes Blah-Blah. THE DEPRESSION SISTERS RUSSIAN, GERMAN and FRENCH CHORUSES LIMERICKS ABOUT LOCAL CELEBRITIES dear the following Songs- DEPRESSION BLUES LOVE ON THE RUN LACKADAISICAL DAISY ALL THROUGH THE DAYTIME CRAZY FOR CULTURE and OTHERS. - F - ------------- JUNIOR GIRLS' PLAY LOVE on the RUN BEGINS TOMORROW March 22-25 Tickets $1.00 and $1.25 .I I