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March 21, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-21

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-- ,i ,

Y among contemporaries. More than one Michigan
student, ready to fight for his life and home, has
expressed himself as absolutely unwilling to par-
ticipate in a foreign war, no matter what the
The whole discussion can well be taken to
heart by politicians and statesmen. The knowledge
that the men who will be called upon to fight
their wars, have developed a resistance to the
"fife and drum," cannot help but make the legis-
lators temporize their actions. How strong this re-
sistance is cannot be estimated. The fact that it
has developed is a new triumph for intelligence.

do good. Less editorial invective is also debatable.
For warm-blooded youth any sin is a cardinal
sin and any wrong is to be inveighed against
loudly. Courteous treatment of an opposing point
of view might render campus life more agree-
able, but righteous anger is, after all, a generous
fault. Concentration on "long time" plans for the
improvement of Alma Mater instead of on ephe-±
mereal issues is again a matter of policy.
Much more serious is the inquiry committee's
charge that Spectator let its news report be
tinged with editorial comment and in other ways
"gave a picture of events not in accord with
facts." These are not the generous faults of
youth. This is only callow youth imitating the
practices of debased journalism in the outside
-New York Times

xrwv s r... __- _- I.

Musical Events

_ ._..

'ublished every morning except Monday during the
iversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
itrol of Student Publications.
eImber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
n and the Big Ten News Service.
he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
>lished herein. All rights of republication of special
patches are reserved.
nteredl at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
and class matter. Special.rate of postage granted by
rd Assistant Postmaster-General.
ubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mall,
i0. During regular school year by carrier., *4.00; by
1, $4.50.
Ifices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
a Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
epresentatives: College Publications Representatives,
40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City: 80
iston Street, Boston; G12 North Michigan Avenue,


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-Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR...............,.......KARL SEIFFERT
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard,
Joseph A. Reninan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
Gletin R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross ain, Fred A. Huber,
Albert Newman, Marmon Wolfe.
REPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis ;Ball, Charles 0.
l~arodt, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, Willam
G. Ferris, Sicney Frankel, John C. Healey, Robert B.
Hewett, George M. Holmes, Edwin W. Richardson,
George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Ellen
Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman,
Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
son, Marle J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, OrvU Aronson; Advertising Serv-
Ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph llive, Allen- Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
Lester Skinner, Jos3eph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Elizabeth Alglier, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmny, Billy (rifliths, Catherine McHenry, May See-
fried, Virginia McComb.
A nualSuabble. ..
its annual spring squabble over a
new constitution. The situation came to a head
when a certain faction of the Council drew up
a few amendments which would prevent the
group from being a self-perpetuating body of
campus politicians. "Fighting for student self-
government," those opposed to the plan resur-
rected an old constitution which has been col-
lecting dust in the hands of a committee of the
University Council since last spring, and they arc
now putting all their efforts toward getting this
plan accepted. The result is that there is a stale-
mate in the Council.
The University Council committee now faces a
dilemma. Two plans which are diametrically op-
posed come from within the Student Council. If
the councilmen cannot decide upon which is the
better plan to run their organization, certainly
the committee which is now considering the plans
is in no position to judge which plan the stu-
dents favor. The only fair way to settle the ques-
tion is to let the students vote on it.l
It is quite possible, however, that the studentsj
of the University of Michigan are not interested1
in student government and are quite contented
to let the administration run things the way they
please. There ought to be a stipulation in the
proposed election, therefore, that, unless a certain
percentage of the students vote, the happy days
of Council tea parties come to an abrupt, but
just, end.
There is no reason why a Council which does
not represent student opinion should be allowed
to spend $800-$1,500 before the depression-of
the University's money a year.

Characteristic in their own way and yet very
different as to their fundamental principles were
the two modern composers, Pizzetti, the Italian,
and Andreae, the Swiss, who were presented by
the School of Music Trio in a recital Sunday
afternoon. The first, the youngest of the con-
temporary Italian school, carries on the Respighi
convention of transparent, clear harmonies and
lack of diatonic feeling that has become tradi-
tional in this movement, and his melodic lines
are made up of bits and fragments of thematic
material, giving his music the shifting, incohe-
rent attractiveness that is becoming characteristic
of so much of our present music. If that were
all, Pizzetti would be lost among the ranks of the
mediocre-but it is rather through his rhythmic
polyphony that he has made his contribution
to modern art. The vigor and variety of his
metrical structures have lent his music a vitality
that will make it live as representative of an
age-our age. And this Trio in A is no excep-
tion. Particularly interesting was the last move-
ment, Rhapsodio di Settembre, that had all the
clear, cold thinness of an autumn day with its
invigorating wine like exhileration.
Andreae, who is at present the director of
the Conservatory at Zurich, has written both
symphonies and an opera, but he has become
known for his chamber music in particular. Har-
monically based on the late Brahms, it is dis-
tinctly melodic with themes consisting of whole
sentences or paragraphs rather than being built
up piecemeal, a word at a time. Consequently,
this trio in E flat major has a sweep and ap-
parency that was lacking in the Pizetti-as mu-
sicians say, "it sounds." That this is charac-
teristic of the romantic school rather than the
typically "modern" is only the more interesting
-perhaps it goes with the tip tilted hats and
leg of mutton sleeves in our general return to
The members of the Trio are to be all the more
congratulated on their program because of the
works made upon them. Sometimes one wonders
if the involved technical surface of modern art
is not to great a price to pay for the little con-
tent which lies beneath it, when there is so little
opportunity in Ann Arbor to hear any modern
music at all, the very fact that these works are
contemporary makes them significant aside from
any question of their relative intrinsic value.
-Kathleen Murphy
dito rial Commnt

Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keel) away fromn it.
* ***f "TOPAZE"
Auguste Topaze ........ John Barrymore
Philippe ................ Reginald Owen
Coco...................Myrna Loy
Charlemagne ............. Jackie Searle
Dr. Bomb ................. Luis Alberni
Dr. Stegg ................Frank Reicher
Madame Latour .......Jobyna Howland
Henri .................... Albert Conti
"Topaze" tells the story of a foggy, bearded
lycee instructor who undergoes a transformation
and becomes a suave super-double-crosser after
he is at first duped into backing "Sparkling To-
paze," a popular drink, with his scientfic repu-
A cast which is peculiarly well adapted to its job
of projecting successfully this satire of the trust-
ing side of humanity was chosen. It consists of:
John Barrymore as Topaze: Tormented by his
unruly class, and in particular by Latour's impish
son, obsessed with a desire to win the coveted
laurels of a certain distinguished French academy
of science, striving pitifully to imbue in his pupils
the simple principles of honesty, good, and pur-
suit of the simple life, dazed by his first success as
the soul of "Sparkling Topaze"; then overnight
blooming into a sly, well-dressed rogue who out-
wits Philippe at his own game of blackmail, and
finally steals his mistress-
Myrna Loy as Coco-lovely as ever (in a
straight role this time) in her representation of
Reginald Owen as Philippe-second only to
Barrymore for his fine work as the scamp who
defrauds the French educators with his mineral
waters, teeming with all kinds of bacteria--
Luis Alberni as Dr. Bomb-the dynamic char-
latan who weaves in and out of the picture as
friend and enemy to the cause of "Sparkling To-
Jackie Searle as Charlemagne-the pampered,
overwise, brattish son of Mme. and M. Latour,
receiver of zeros in chemistry, geography and his-
You will pity Topaze's futile teaching efforts,
love him for his lack of sophistication (until the
great change takes place), share his dismay when
he sees himself as a fraud, delight in his new self.
You'll hate Charlemagne Latour, think Coco
beautiful, shreik at Dr. Bomb, enjoy the rabbitty
Philippe, and think Dr. Stegg quite the villain he
Added attractions: Zipper Paul (Double-
breasted) Tompkins at the Barton organ in a
program of theme songs taken from screen suc-
cesses, good; Charley Chase comedy of a young
clerk who took everything literally, excellent;
Paramount News.
--G. MI W. Jr.

work, producing


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Y IY I 1111 I II IIY0 11

I II . - - -I

An International
Pacifst Development.

Whether the increasing diplomatic tension in
Europe will lead, as Prof. Grayson Kirk fears, to
international conflict is a question which should
receive the serious attention of the youth of the
We are all too apt to live our little lives without
any great concern over the dangers which al-
though seemingly remote are ultimately most
real. War is just one of those possibilities upon
which the sensitive human mind does not like
to dwell.
But, no one has ever solved a problem by for-
getting it. When Prof. Kirk notes that lack of
finances is the only real obstacle in the way
of a major war, he is thereby showing how thin
is the thread that keeps us from disaster. He is
also posing the question, What is youth's answer
to the war danger? That is the problem of our
generation. Never can it take up too much of our
International friction, just as domestic malad-
justment, will always be with us. The question is
not whether there is or will be strife between
groups, but whether that strife is expressed in the
form of armed hostilities. There is no sane reason
for war. All disputes can be settled peaceably.
Moreover, all must be settled in that fashion if
our civilization is to survive.
Now is the time, apparently, for the growth of
knowledge of international government and its
possibility in this distracted world, war is an in-
sult to the college youth of the world. Now is
the time certainly for definite expression of stu-
dent opinion. When the guns begin to fire it will
be too late.
-Daily Cardinal
John O'Brien, graduate of the University ofI
Minnesota, author of short stories, member of the
Byrd Antarctic Expedition, and holder of a Con-
gressional Medal of Honor, was picked up on a
park bench the other day by a newspaper friend
who happened by and recognized him. Mr.
O'Brien was penniless, hungry and cold and he
had received only five dollars from the pawnshop
for his Congressional Medal.
George Herman Ruth, a fat, good-natured fel-
low who slugs baseballs and runs around dia-
monds, is basking in the warm Florida sun, sign-
ing his illustrious name on shiny new balls, and
complaining bitterly against the meagre sum
($50,000) which is being offered for his services.
-Columbia Spectator
The Columhia Snaratatnr haoo iiit maimAti




. .

E-G 1

T HIS HOUSE will in no circum-
stances fight for its king and
country." Such was the resolution passed by the
Oxford Union Society at Oxford University last
week. It was the expression of extreme pacifists
belonging to a generation which has had the hor-
ror and fruitlessness of war indelibly impressed
upon it.
As might be expected, the conservative English
press voiced its indignation; the radical papers
jeeringly condoned the act.
The Oxford Union Society is an undergraduate
student body. Investigation last week seemed to
show otherwise. It became fairly well established
that a large number of the students ignored the
grollp. Furthermore, it was pointed out that the
body might easily fall under the control of a
radical clique.
To cap the climax, 30 well-muscled Oxfordians,
hearing of the resolution, invaded the Union in
full session and tore its resolution from the books.
The pacifists in accordance with their doctrines
sat serenely watching. Again it is a matter of
conjecture just how well student opinion was rep-
resented. The resolution at any rate was not
affected. -
As a merp nrentationo f fact. then the ac-

By Karl Seiffert-
Gand Rapids, (Mich.)
Dear Mr. Seefert,
Inclose find poem which we have wrote for
your're column specially, it is a speical spring
poem, to be printed in the -column on Tuesday,
March 21, which day as you may have forgot
is the inauguration of the spring solistice!
Now I know spring has come
With biologic alarms,
For every girl that I see
I want to hold in my arms.
Let the old fogies laugh
In their thin, withered cackles
Thank God, I'm still stirred
By the sight of slim ackles.
--The Doctors Whoofle I
P. S. Ackles is an old variant of ankles, and you
can print word as "ankles" if desirable, though it
doesn't make NO difference.-Drs. W.
Ankles or ackles, it's all one to us, but here is
something to study in your idle moments, Drs.
Whoofle, when Grand Rapids gets to be TOO
Much and you get tired of each other's company.
Probably sleet or snow today; continued
cold, with lowest temperature about 25 to 30
degrees. Yaaaaaa to you and your sliw
ackles, Drs. Whoofle.
Production in some English factories has been
speeded up by-the introduction of radio concerts
for workers, according to a writer. The trouble is
that no matter how much racket you make you
can't drown out a lot of the new models.

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ertising mediums .

but only one which

really fits the student market in Ann Arbor.
Wise merchants realize this. . . and adver-
tise their products in The Michigan Daily.






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