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March 21, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-21

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Sn owflrries, slightly colderTh
Wednesday generally fair. ble;
00, 1qWPPVt tDe e
NewPeace Talking, singing Organ Being 3.2 Beer Bill Faculty Head Thousands I
Pla GoDevehped By F. A. Firestone Approved OfParleyIs
Plan G oes By MARSIIALL D. SILVERMAN singing, a device such as a small key- H In u
,HAn electric organ which is ex- board probably will be used. The in- Ber
pected to imitate any musical in- ventor says no difficulty in operat- n t sJ . r m
o F ra nce strument accurately and to sing and ing the organ fast enough to produceI
talk mechanically is under devclop- speech will be encountered. Paderew- asur nt To House; Annual Spring Discussion
mentby Prof. Floyd A. Firestone of ski plays an amazing number of ss
the physics department. notes on a keyboard in a second. The Expect It To Receive Originated In 1932 To
Cordial Amtitude Evinced "The pipe organ is doomed," Pro- human voice speaks about four syl- Favorabl. Vote Today Scan Student Problems ----.-
Iy French Ambassador fessor Firestone declared yesterday. lables a second; a keyboard to pro-
"In 10 years no more pipe organs duce these syllables could be easily Directs Junior Play iglI
rToward Italian Proposal will be made." He is confident that operated, Professor Firestone is sure. President Roosevelt General Meetin To Cres
Leads To Real Optimism some sort of an electric organ, Synthetic violins, cornets, trom- illOAr
though still in a process of forma- bones, French horns, drums, and Signs Economy Bll Open On March 31
tion, will completely take the place other instruments will be played on "_Four
Expect Project To of the old-fashioned massive pipe the organ. Vibrato, tremolo, and per-
organ, cussion effects will be possible. A Estmate New Regulations Student Leaders TNo Pose
Affect All Nations The principle of the new organ is four-piece orchestra might be repro- Will Make Reductions Nati
d -______ that of generating alternating cur- duced with four keyboards, using , Qu estGuFs Ha
TT..; s~ rents and applying them to loud each board for a different instru- Of 500,000,000 Year I lan Interest Groupsq

le Council s Anul Squab-
An International Pacifist
Drowned As Second
t In Week Covers
I Of Lowland In
Valley States
nal Guard is
rried To Rescue

Unitea ates 1s nclu ei
In Agreement; To Be
Kept Fully Informned Of
European Negotiations
ROME, March 20.-(N)-The eyes
of official Italy turned toward Paris
tonight as Prime Minister Ramsay
MacDonald's train crossed the fron-
tier, carrying to Premier Daladier of
France the Mussolini peace plan. The
plan would embrace the entire con-
tinent of Europe and, to a certain ex-
tent, even the United States.
More optimism than usual was felt
here over French agreement to the i
Italian proposal because of the con-
fidence expressed by Mr. MacDonald
and the cordial spirit evidenced by
Henry de Juvenel, the French am-
bassador, after he had telephoned
the contents of the plan to Paris.
-hope For Agreement
The ambassador appeared at the
railway station as the Britishaprime
minister was ready to leave and talk-
ed in the most friendly fashion both
to Mr. MacDonald and to Premier
Before leaving to urge Premier
Daladier to approve the project, Mr.
MacDonald said that "our whole idea
is to open up the possibilities of com-
plete agreement, not between two,
three, four, five or six powers, but
all nations concerned."
This amplified an official Italian
announcement yesterday which spoke
"~q ccIagation*f hefour ow r
-Iritain, Italy, France and Ger-
many ."
"We are not proceeding with the I
idea -of two or three agreeing and
'imposing agreement on others," Mr.
MacDonald said.
America Needed
"We are not overlooking the United
States by any means. We need her,
too, The American government will
be kept fully informed concerning
the negotiations."
When he arrived here Saturday
for'his conversations with Premier
Mussolini, which were designed to
quiet the fears of Europe, the Brit-
ish prime minister remarked that the
European situation was dangerous.
He repeated that assertion today but
added that "along with the dangers
there also exist great opportunities
to do something effective to remove
"The proposition we have in mind,"
he continued, "is to create conditions
of real peace which will rise from
the satisfaction of various nations
who are in position to disturb it. We
are out not for an imposed peace
but for an agreed peace."
Ultimatum Sent To
Comstock By R.F.C.
LANSING, March 20.- ,')-An
ultimatum, declaring the Recon-
struction Finance Corp. advances to
Michigan communities will cease
March 31 unless supplementary state
funds are made available, was served
upon Gov. Comstock today.
He received a telegram from Fred
C. Croxton, assistant to the directors
of the corporation. It stated no funds
will be made available for April al-.
lotments "unless legislation is enact-
ed which will justify consideration of
further requests."
The governor said he will recom-
mend to the legislature that a wel-
fare appropriation be made. He said
he does not know where the state can
raise the money, even if an imme-
diate appropriation is made. The
general fund is far in the red. He
believed, however, the Reconstruction
Finance Corp. may relent if funds
based upon future revenues, from a
sales tax or other sources, are prom-
Watcllnan Of Dormitory

Dies From Gun Wounds

speakers. The big problem of com-
pleting the instrument is to build
compact and inexpensive generators.
It will be necessary to place 4,800 of
these generators in the space of an
ordinary grand piano.
Original Treatment
Professor Firestone is careful to
explain that the idea of this type
of organ is not entirely new. There
have been others of this sort, but!
his treatment of some of the main
problems involved is original.
The idea of the organ singing and
talking seems incredible, but Pro-
fessor Firestone believes that this
feature can be solved. He has already
obtained some crude vowel sounds
with his present experimental appa-
ratus. iIe says "I believe I can make
a singing voice that will be as under-
standable as the majority of singing
To regulate the organ's speech. or

Only One Keyboard1
There are other revolutionary fea-
tures to the organ. A note can be
sustained when struck or made to
sdie away at a controlled ratecof
speed. The strength of the note can
be made to depend on how hard the
key is struck. In the pipe organ dif-
ferent keyboards are needed to play
the melody and the accompaniment;
in the electric organ both may be
played on one keyboard.
The electric organ would also be
able to remedy a present universal
difficulty with acoustics, Auditoriums
are built to carry sound best when
fully occupied. If not entirely full,
there is a poor carrying of sound.
Professor Firestone's organ will be
made to sound equally well in a full
or empty room.
The organ will cost less and oc-
xCont.inued on Page 2)

WASHINGTON, March 20.-(qP- Prof. J. L. Brumm of the journal-
Beer and wine at 3.2 per cent was ism department will be faculty chair-
assured millions of thirsty Americans man of the second annual Spring
Parley to be held March 31 to April 2
today when the Senate approved a in the League Building, Jule Ayers,
conference report on the bill legal- '33, general chairman of the parley,
izing manufacture and sale of the announced last night. Other faculty
beverages, members who will lead discussions
Meanwhile President Roosevelt, and take part in the parley will be
with a pen carrying the power of a announced within a few days.
gigantic axe, signed within a few The Spring Parley was originated
minutes after receiving it the huge here last year for the purpose of
economy bill authorizing him to re- promoting serious discussion among
duce veterans' compensations and students on problems of life and its
Government salaries. meaning. Great satisfaction was ex-
Buttressed with new power to pressed by those who took part in it,
make millions in savings, the Pres- and inquiries have been received
ident tonight turned more and more from a score of other universities and
confidently to unemployment relief colleges asking for suggestions to aid
and railroad revision, them in conducting a similar discus-
Proposes Relief Grants sion group.
The parley will open at 4 p. in.
He and his lieutenant, Lewis Doug- Friday, March 31, with a general
las, director of the budget, were busy meeting conducted by Professor
tonight on the involved new regula- Brumm, followed by a cafeteria din-
tions by which they expect next ner at 6 p. m. in the League dining
month's pay day to make reductions ;room for those who care tohattend.
estimated at $500,000,000 annually., The second session will be that eve-y


Water Five Feet Deep In
Pomeroy, Ohio; Towns
In Kentucky, Indiana,
West Virginia Affected
CINCINNATI, March 20.-(iP)-The
second flood crest within a week
rolled relentlessly down the broad
Ohio river tonight, pouring yellow
water .into more than a score of
towns and cities and over many
thousand aqres of lowland in four

Sale Price Of 'Ensian
Will Last Until March 25
Fifty cent stubs are worth $1 to-
ward the purchase of a Michigan-
ensian only during the course of the
sale now being conducted, John A.
Carstens, '33, business manager, an-
nounced yesterday.
After March 25 the price of the
yearbook will go up to $5.00, he
Auto Magnates
To Underwritei
Detroit Bane

Zangara's Life
Is Ended With
Defiant Shout

'Lousy Capitalists'
Cries; Maintains


Was His Own Idea
RAIFORD, Fla., March 20.-/)-
The finale of an assassin's furious
drama of bullets that missed Presi-
dent Roosevelt, but killed Mayor An-
ton J. Cermak, of Chicago, was en-
acted in the Florida State Prison to-
day as Giuseppe Zangara died in the
electric chair with a last shout of
The shadow of death lowering
over the Italian in the small execu-
tion chamber failed to temper the
bitterness against all rulers of men
that led him to loose a withering fire

Chrysler, General Motors
Provide First National,
Guardian Consolidation

Fortified with this measure and
Congressional progress on the beer
revenue bill, the President drafted a
message to Congress proposing au-
thority for direct relief grants to
states and establishment of a Con-
servation Corps to put 200,000 men to
work in the forests.
. Congressional leaders, ere sum-
mnoned to the white House tonight
to go over the proposals on unem-
ployment -which the President has in
mip d He apparently is ready to sub-
mit his recommendations to Con-
gress tomorrow.
Railroad Action Planned
The day also saw Mr. Roosevelt
turning to the subject of railroads
with a view to getting early Con-
gressional action on his plans to put
the transportation system on a
firmer basis.
The measure legalizing beer and
wine was sent today to the House,
where it will be approved shortly
after noon tomorrow and forwarded
to the White House, probably in time
'for President Roosevelt to sign it by
Fifteen days later it will be legal
to buy the beverages everywhere ex-
cept where state or local law forbids.
Final Senate approval was given
by the narrow margin of 43 to 36,
after Senators William E. Borah and
Morris Sheppard, Texas Democrat,
both prohibition leaders for many
years, had taken a final fling at the
bill's constitutionality.

ning, beginning at 7:30 p. m.
At each session, student leaders
will propose topics for discussion.
Each faculty leader will present his
views on the subject, being followed
by questions and discussion from the
group. After the faculty members
have spoken the program will be
turned over for floor discussion.
At 2 p. m. Saturday .the discus-
sions will be resumed in the third
meeting. By that time it is expected
that certain topics will have aroused
more than usual interest among cer-
tain groups, and it is planned to give
opportunity to discuss these special
interests at greater length in special
"interest groups" Saturday evening.
The fin'al session will be a break-
fast at the League at 9 a. m. Sunday
morning, April 2.
The student organization consists
of Jule Ayers, '33, chairman; Helen
DeWitt, '33, vice-chairman; Frank
Gilbreth, '33, vice-chairman; John
Huss, '33, secretary; Faith Ralph, '33,
secretary; Lester Houck, '33, treas-
urer; and Prof J. L. Brumm, of the
j o u r n a 1 i s m department, faculty
The following committee chairmen
were announced last night by Ayers:
fraternities, John L. Brackett; sor-
orities, Helen DeWitt, '36; faculty,

RUSSELL McCRACKEN At least eight persons have drowned
and many thousands have been
D forced to abandon their homes for
M usc Of G higher ground along some 600 miles
of the 1,200-mile course of the river.
'Exceptio nal The area stretches roughly from
Steubenville, 0., to Evansville, Ind.,
with Cincinnati the largest city ef-
Says Director fected by the murky waves. Although
few were left homeless there, parts
of the city were isolated by back
Awards Place, Gray, Gail i waters and transportation was hamp-
Plaudits For Work In ered at Newport, Ky. Across the
river. 2,000 were driven from their
Arranging, COnlpOSing residences.
The national guard at Kentuckyr
Music for "Love on the Run," 1933 sent tents from Frankfort into the
Junior Girls Play, opening tomorrow flood area and United States troops
Ju Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, will from Ft. Thomas, Ky., assisted in
be exceptional this year in talent and relief measures. The Ohio national
variety, as a result of the combined guard ordered a company from Ba-
efforts of Sally Place and Helen tavia, o., to patrol the rapidly-rising
Gray, chairmen of music on the cen- little Miami river.
tral1 committee, and Maxwell Gail, Relief Agencies Act
'34, director of the orchestra to play City, county, and state relief agen-
for revue, according to Russell Mc- cies were quickly pressed into action
Cracken of the Play Production staff, during last night and today, and
director of this year's play and first shortly after noon four national or-
male conductor of a Junior Girls ganizations threw the weight of their
play in 10 years. branches into the breach.
"Credit is due to Miss Place for The Red Cross ordered 65 chapters
taking charge of -the composing of between Wheeling, W. Va., and Cairo,
the music, with the help of her com- 111., to be alert for any emergency;
mittee; to Miss Gray for directing the Buffalo coast guard unit was au-
all the singing groups; and to Mr. thorized to send 80 men with serf
Gail for orchestrating and arrang- boats and skiffs into the flooded area
ing the musical numbers, besides on flatcars; the navy department or-
those who -wrote music and lyrics for dered two amphibian planes and
varoius scenes in the revue,' stated eight pilots at Chicago to be ready
j Mr. McCracken. for service; and the naval reserve
Among the men on campus who throughout the flood area was re-
contributed music of their own com- quested to stand by and give all as-
position are Maxwell Gail, '34, Jack sistance possible.
Conklin, '31, and Paul Tompkins, '34, Among the cities and towns cf-
organist at the Michigan Theatre, fected by high water were Steuben-
who wrote all the music for the pan- ville 0., at the Pennsylvania line,

DETROIT, March 20.-()-De- at the President in Miami the night
troit, which expanded from small of Feb. 15.
town to big city' proportions on the "Lousy capitalists! Capitalists! All
growth within its borders of the capitalists! Crooks!"-That was the
automobile industry, was looking to- cry of the swarthy immigrant.
night to that same industry to un-
tangle the twisted skeins of its Any question as to Zangara's san-
banking structure. ity was settled by four physicians
nhrfnrmnrn fn a d.nE, p

Within the next few days, accord-
ing to word received here, a new
bank to be underwritten largely by
two of the leading units of the auto-
mobile industry, General Motors and
Chrysler corporations, will be opened
here, founded largely upon the struc-
tures of the First National Bank-
Detroit, and the Guardian National
Bank of Commerce, at present under
control of federal conservators.
The new bank, under present
plans, will have a capitalization of
$25,000,000, half of which is to be
furnished by large depositors, chief
of which are General Motors and
the Chrysler Corporation. The other
half, it is understood here, is to be
supplied by the Reconstruction Fi-
nance Corp, which will hold pre-
ferred stock for that amount.
With this financial backing and an
advance in currency from the Fed-
eral Reserve Bank in exchange for
assets of the two existing banks, the3
new institution is expected to be able
to assume approximately 50 per cent
of the deposit liability of the old
Drys Try To Halt
pRepeal Ratification

wno periormca an auopsy ana re-
ported that they found his brain
"perfectly normal."
Ori the brink of death, the assas-
sin maintained, as he had done all
along, that he was not a member
of any gang, but fired at the Presi-
dent on his own initiative.

Sforza, Former Italian Foreign
Minister, To Speak Here Twice
Count Carlo Sforza, former Minis- ; ended with the advent of Mussolini
ter of Foreign Affairs of Italy and in 1922.
onetime member oif the Italian Sen- One of the lecture series to be given
atetilleimertwo ousesotalanec- here by Count Sforza will be open to
ate, will deliver two courses of lee- the public, the other will be semi-
tures and conduct two round table public, and the round table discus-
discussions here between Friday, sions will be open. to instructional
March 24, and Thursday, April 6, it staffs and graduate students in the
has been announced by the political departments of history and political
science department. science. The discussions will be held
Count Sforza's appearances here from 3 to 5 p. m. Thursday, March
will be under the auspices of The 30, and Thursday, April 6, in the
Carnegie Enddwment of Internation- political science seminar room in An-
al Peace. gell Hall.
This will be the Count's second ap- The series of public lectures will
pearance at the University of Michi- be given at 4:15 p. m. in Lydia Men-
gan. He first spoke here in 1929 delssohn Theatre, as follows:
and was at that time enthusiastical- Firiday, March 24 - The Respon-
iy received. sibilities of the World War
Monday, March 27 - Men and
During the past several months he Parties of the Present Eu-
has been delivering lecture series at ropean Policy.
leading American universities, and Friday, March 31 - Dictatorships
is at the present time completing an in Europe.
engagement at the University of Wis- y
cousin. Monday, April 3 - French and
Count Sforza has had a long ca- The series of semni-public lectures
reer in the foreign service of Italy, will be given at 4:15 p. in., Room
filling among other offices the posi- 1025 Angell Hall as follows:
tion of Minister to China, Minister Tuesday, M a r c h 28 - Woodrow
to Serbia d uring the War .-igh Conm- m [ Dnnl a .A Iwo-.ad o7L-m

Arthur Bernhart, Grad.; interest tomine, which characterizes Scene 5, where the water was rapidly reced-
groups, Emmett S. Carmichael, The women in the junior class who ing; Martins .Ferry, O., Wheeling,
Grad.; publicity, Harlow Stevens, likewise contributed music are Ruth W. Va., Marietta, 0., Parkersburg,
'34, and Glenn R. Winters, '34, fol- Latchaw, Hazel Wolfe, Sally Place, W. Va., Pomeroy, 0., Gallipolis, O.,
low-up, Howard Busching, '34; rooms, Helen Gray, Lucille Lucas, Mary Ann Huntingdon, W. Va., Ironton, O.,
Robert E. Hayes, '33E; Finance, Les- Mathewson, and Avis Pitts. Russell, Ky.. Portsmouth, 0., Coving-
ter Houck, '33; rally squad, Stanley 'NMr. Tompkins' music is excep- 0 La.enewport, Ky., Cincinnati,
Schlee, '33, and Rollin Fairbanks, '33; tional in that it is an entire musical Lawrenceburg, Ind., Madison,
and secreatriat, Marian Giddings, '34. composition in itself, made up ofInd., Louisville, Ky., New Albany,
various parts," Mr. McCracken said. Ind.,.Owensboro, Ky., and Evansville,
fCouncil Plans Several songs being featured in theInd Wheeling Area Endangered
play were rendered by Al Cowan and Caught between the flood of last
To Sue Form er his estrain the League Grill week, which was the first in 20
ToSuer Saturdaynight. iyears, and newly rising waters, the
Sunday night at 8:30 p. in. the Wheeling, W. V., area feared a sec-
Citv Treasurer University broadcasting also incouded and inundation.
A numbers from the production on its But the upper reaches of the river
program. Jacqueline Navran, Lucille suffered little compared to such
Attorney Told To Initiate Lucas, Betty Bergener, Mary Ann towns as Pomeroy, 0., where the
Mathewson, Helen Gray, Josephine water stood five feet deep in some
Action Against Wurster Woodams, and Dorothy Ann Wil- streets.
For Tax Non-Collection iams, of the play cast, sang the One-third of Newport, Ky., was
numbers they will feature in the ac- inundated, 150 residents of Louisville
The Ann Arbor Common Council tual performance. were sent scurrying to higher ground,
last night directed the city attorney "Seats for the performances must while around Cincinnati, residential
to bring a suit against former City be reserved ahead of time," Mr. Mc- Mt. Washington was isolated and
Treasurer Ernst Wurster for non- Cracken added. Cummingsville, S e d a m sv i1l e, and
collection of personal taxes during other low spots between the famous
the year 1929. The measure also di- "seven hills" became veritable is-
rected the suit against the Standard Reed WillDiscuss Tax ; lands.
Accident Insurance Company, which, Methods In Broadcast At ,Portsmouth, 0., hundreds of
posted the surety on the treasurer's .men were pressed into service to hold
bond. It was passed by a vote of 8-5. S u g g e s t i o n s for fundamental the dyke at the eastern edge of the
In the debate which prceded the changes in taxation methods will be city against the swirling Ohio.
passage of the proposal, Aldrman broadcast at 7:30 p. m. today by Prof.
William Paton pointed out that a Thomas H. Reed of the political sci-
recent decision of the Supreme Court ence department. Professor Reed will Coroner's InqueSt into
had declared city treasurers liable speak in a round table discussion Student's Death Ordered
for all taxes not collected during which will be put on the air by the
their terms in office. The case against Blue Network of the National Broad- PONTIAC, March 20.-(Special)-
Mr. Wurster is the first of such ac- casting Company. A coroner's inquest into the death
tions which will be brought against The other participants in the dis- I of Paul K. Goodman, of Reading, Pa.,
all treasurers who have held office cussion will be Mark Graves, the bud- 18-year-old University of Michigan
.-f , - -+nf lA aa. I -+ o+f f Iwr Vvtr -oto anr1 frshman .and Miss Tonise Newton.

LANSING, March 20.-(IP)-Dry
organizations today urged a Supreme
Court to bar from the April election'
ballot the proposal to hold a state
convention to ratify the Prohibition,
repeal amendment. -
Walter S. Foster and Fred L. War-1
ner, Lansing attorneys, acting on the
behalf of the Prohibition organiza-
+ nn-_ nhaer"-ord flhP HT-amn bill

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