M I C H I G I CAMPUS SOCIETY Works Of Three Artists To Be Shown At Art Exchange Progr Duane Yates Selected For Crease Dance Dance Limited To Law Students; Motif To Be Chinese D u a n e Yates' orchestra, well- known radio dance band which has proved popular on a number of Mid- dle West campuses, has been engag- ed to play for the Crease Dance March 31, it was announced last night by Leo Warren, '33L, chairman of the dance. At the same time it was announced that a Chinese atmosphere will be the motif for the ball, to which at- tendance is limited to 110 Law School students and their feminine guests. The full decorative scheme has not been decided, but the words "Crease Dance" will be written in Chinese on the tickets, Warren said. Invitations in the form of writs of assistance, dated from "the County of Crease, State of Ecstacy" have also been prepared.I Duane Yates and his orchestra, now completing a tour of the Middle West, have played in prominent night clubs in Cincinnati, Omaha, Neb., Sioux City, Ia., and Louisville, Ky., and at class dances at the Universi- ties of Illinois, and Nebraska, and Illinois, and at South Dakota State College. They are heard over Sta- tion WLW, Cincinnati, and WHAS, Louisville, Ky. Campus Dances Not Numerous This Week-End Fraternities Entertain At Hlouses With Private And Informal Affairs Only a few fraternity parties en- livened the campus last night and they were generally informal and closed. SIGMA PHI EPSILON Many couples oddly dressed in "de- pression" clothes attended the closed informal dance held at Sigma Phi Epsilon chapter house last night. Among those who were present were: Dorothy Bachelor, '34, Virginia Hartz, '35, Ella Mae Broome, '35, Helen Scott, '34, Dorothy Felske, '32, Margaret Welch, '35, Jane Kaufman, '35, Lotta Stern, '34, Mary Ellen Webster, '34, and Lucile Rugg, '33. CHI PHI Guests at the Chi Phi informal closed dance last night were: Mar- garet Allen, '34, Catherine McHenry, '34, Dorothy Hammerslee, '34, Mar- garet Jackson, '35, Elizabeth Murphy, 32, Grace-Esther Schraeder, '36, Mary Jane Busch, '34, Jean Perrin, 33 Jean Howell, '36, Eleanor Dwin- el, '33, Virginia Graham, Detroit, Jeannette Putnam, '35, Josephine Woodhams, '34, Jeannette Wheeler of Grosse Pointe, Jane Nerecher, '34, Jean Shaw, '36, Mary Morgan, '36, Margaret Cowie, '36, and Harriet Wolff, '36. PHI BETA DELTA Among those who were guests of Phi Beta Delta at the bridge-jigsaw party yesterday afternoon were: Sally Levitt, '33D, Gertrude Densler, '36, Edith Bergmann, '33D, Muriel Levy ,'35, Rowena Goldstein, '35, Lil- lian: Segal, '36, Florence Glass, '33, Florence Kemp, '36, Lillian Fine, '36, Hannah Caplan, '34, and Jeannette Meanmen,E'36. ALPHA OMEGA Alpha Omega, dental fraternity, entertained the following guests at an informal dance last night: Becky Epstein, Cleveland; Sally Bradsky, Detroit, Yetta Rosner, Detroit, Edith Bergman, Pontiac; Beth Baum, Flint; Say Waxler, Ypsilanti; Rose Jrapts, Detroit; Mildred Bernstein, Detroit; Anna Bell Golden, Ypsilanti; Jean Levenburg, Grand Rapids, Dorothy Begelman, Lucie Weber, Irene Kes- selman, and Gloria Margolan, all of Detroit. Co-eds present at the affairr were Thelma Holland, '33; Josephine Suchs, '33; Libby Saline, '35, and Hanna Kaplan, '34. SPECIAL EASTER OFFER 8x10 Oil Painting given away with each order of i six 4x6 portraits..'4r 8x10 Oil painting given with an order of six $3.00 3x4 Portraits . . . ...; nerets continue To Engineers Piek Be Fashionable As .r 4TO-chestra For iNew Sytes ap r As a fashion pet, the beret has registered intermittently both for campus and non-campus wear. So much so that it bobs up again season after season although in all varieties of disguises both in fabric and con- tour, for Parisian milliners are too clever to continue to serve it up in the same way. Some of the new berets for spring actually have brims. The beret re- tains its essential character and is draped over the right eye and us- ually worked in stitched sections but it is also allied with a visor brim which is pointed over the same eye with the cuff on one side or at the back. Sometimes the beret line is merely suggested in the crown by creases. Turquoise blue is a color which, hardly noticeable a few months ago, has come so steadily forward in mil- linery during the past fortnight that it may turn into a big vogue. It is used principally for hats with black' costumes, but also for dresses and especially for blouses. Even one pair of velvet gloves in this color has been seen with a black outfit and a blue hat. Ridges and pleats from the tops of crowns usually from back to front, and especially accented in front, are a feature of some of the newest hats. The use of stand up trimming at front instead of back is another point that suggests back height will notf be an undisputed vogue for spring. Many Women Love k-Cam sa OerWek-Eiid Annual Dance Bobbie Woodruff, Chicago Band Leader, Will Play At Slide Rule Dlance Bobbie Woodruff and his band, well known Chicago orchestra, have been selected to play for the Slide Rule Dance, March 31 at the Union,j Richard N. Cogger, general chair- man of dance announced last night. The selection of this orchestra to- gether with the reduced. price of $1.50 should make the Slide Rule Dance one of the most popular cam- pus social events of the year," Cog- ger declared. Bobbie Woodruff and his band of 11 pieces are well known in Chicago. They have played at several night clubs' and are coming here after a run at the Swagger Club, smart Chi- cago rendezvous for evening dancers. Two singers are featured in the I band's orchestrations. During the past year they were heard over Chi- cago radio stations in the St. Clair program. Tickets will go on sale Monday at Slaters, Wahrs, the Union, West En- gineering Building, and from mem- bers of the committee. The number will be limited to 250, it was an- nounced. Until Wednesday, March 29, ticket sale will be restricted to students in the Colleges of Engieer- ing and Architecture. Modernistic decorations in black and silver are being designed undrer the direction of Don W. Lyons, '34A, chairman of the decoration commit- tee. Unusual favors are promised by Robert Hayes, '33E, head of the com- mittee on programs and arrange- ments. Memers of the floor c"mmittee Wh eTo G MaeesHeld Where 5 Go Yesterday With A. A. Club For the first time since badminton Motion Pictures: Michigan, "To- was introduced to women on campus I pate;" Majesk"Mate/Fair".,,over a year ago, a formal match with Wuerth, "The Mask of Fu Manchu." a usd emwspae ve an outside team was played when Exhibits: Women as Authors, Gen- I four University teams challenged the eral Library; Leather book bindings, Ann Arbor Club Saturday morning William Clements Library; Modern in Waterman Gymnasium. Catalan painting, West Gallery, In the first match Betty Talcott, Alumni Memorial Hall; Persian ar- , and Emogene Griecus, '33Ed., chitecture photographs. Architecture gave their more experienced oppo- Building.. nents, Mrs. rJoseph Haden and Mrs. Concerts: School of Music trio, Rene Talamnon, considerable competi- 4:15 p. m., Hill Auditorium. ti n. The final score favored the Church Functions: Supper and Ann Arbor Club. Mrs. Arthur Aiton program, 6:15 p. m. Mr. Goslin, and Mirs. Berry Bi low won their speaker, Harris hall; Supper, social r7match with Sue Thomas. '36, and hour, student forum, Mr. Wyer, Mary Adamski, '36, who showed good Speaker, Presbyterian Church; Stu- teamwork, however, dent meeting, Arthur Bernhart, During the match between Mrs. speaker, 6 p. m., Baptist Church; Talamon and Miss Helen Alexander Discussion group, social hour, supper, against Betty Cady and Evelyn Cor- and program, 5:30 p. m., Zion Parish nell, Grad., several excellent rallies The Black and White Show, being shown in conjunction with the tea given by the Student Art Exchange tomorrow will feature the work of three artists, Jonathan Taylor, Stan- le.y F. Zuck and Joseph Noggle, '35A. "Ambassador Bridge," one of the art pieces to be raffled off tomorrow at the tea, was done by Mr. Taylor. A graduate of the University in 1929, Mr. Taylor received the George G. Booth Scholarship, which entitled him to a year's study in Europe. Be- sides this exceptional honor, he was chosen as representative for the Uni- versity to the Foundation for Archi- tects at Lake Forest, Ill., which in- cluded work among a group of stu- dents, each chosen to represent his school. At the exhibition today Mr. Taylor will show some of the etch- ings which he did while in Europe again victorious. Beatrice Massman, '34Ed., and Rita Gaber, '33, played a fine game against Mrs. Henry Lewis and Mrs. Joseph Haden, but also lost. and others done since he came back. As yet he has dope none of Ann Ar- bor. Stanley Zuck, whose work in in- dustrial or craft designs, etchings, portraits and charcoal pieces are to be on exhibit tomorrow, is alsoa graduate of Michigan. Finishing his four-year course in 1928, he taught pencil sketching here for a year. One of his best pieces, a dry-point etch- ing called "The Century Plant" will be his contribution to a lucky win- ner today. The third of the artists, Joseph Noggle, is now a sophomore in the Architecture College. He is interested in wrought iron work and is experi- menting with various types of bronze casting. Along this same line, he has es- tablished a small bronze foundry where he hopes to develop art- bronze casting along the statuary and lost-wax processes. A metal and tile table, candelabras, plant hang- ers, and signs will be among the ex- amples of his work to be shown at the exhibit. L l Hall. were noted; the Ann Arbor team was . ---- - - __ _ ____ __ .i m, leS nct bko Y 11 Many sorority women spent the week-end out of town. Most of them visited their homes some place in the state Some guests were enter- tained by several houses One sor- ority held initiation. DELTA GAMMA Several girls are absent from the Delta Gamma house this week-end. Jane Mitchell, '33, has gone to her home in Detroit; Jane Thalman, '33, and Faith Ralph, '33, have gone to Chicago; and Alice Morgan, '35, is spending the week-end in Saginaw. COLLEGIATE SOROSIS Several women from the Collegi- ate Sorosis house visited their re- spective homes for the week-end. Elizabeth Gilkey, '33, is week-ending at home in Plainwell, and Mary' Sabin, '35, and Margaret Allen, '34, are at their homes in Battle Creek. There is one reversal in the order of events, however, and that is the case of Gretchen Kanter, who has comehfrom her home in Detroit to visit her sister Elizabeth Kanter, '35. She is staying at the Collegiate Soro- sis house. CHI OMEGA The following Chi Omega pledges will be initiated today at ceremo- nies at the chapter house. Jane Ar- nold, '36, Santa Barbara, Cal.; Floy Munson, '33, Detroit; Helen Haxton, '36, Rochester, N. Y.; Jean Kelso, '36, Towaco, N J ; Anna Henckel, '36, Cleveland; Wilma Lester, '36, Ann Arbor; Ida Ruth Peterson, '33, Muskegon; and Dorothy Coles, '35, South Bend. After the' ceremony there will be a formal banquet in the alumnae room of the League at which Margaret O'Brien, '33, will be toastmistress. The table decorations will be carried out in cardinal and straw-color. Scholarship awards will be given to the freshmen pledge and the upper-classmen pledge with the highest grades. PI BETA PHI Jean Whitman, '33, and Mary Lou] Cummings, '35, of the Pi Beta Phi house spent yesterday in Detroit at- tending an art exhibit. were also announced last night by Jerry Gruitch, '33E, chairman. These are Howard Jones, '33E, W. H. Ma- lecki, '34E, Stanley Killian, '34E, Duane L. Eriksen, '33E, Albert Kramer, '34A, and Dean Davidson, '35E. 5 L ET'S look straight ahead. Let's Try-Outs For Glee Club Freshman To Be iIeld see things and ideas. as they actuall are, and not get distorted views Any freshman women wishing to join the Freshman Girls Glee Club may try out at a meeting of all old members and those interested in joining, to be held at 4 p. m. Mon- day in the third-floor lounge of the League, it was announced today.. Patricia Kelley will be in charge of the meeting, assisted by Margaret Hiscock, who will check the roll call. All members are asked to bring 25 cents to defray outstanding bills. We've got to SEE clearly, and THINK clearly, if we're going to get anywhere these days. Our President is working night and day . and doing things in a big way. Our banks are open ... and hoarders are turning their cash back in. The big *It's a great feeling to know you're look- ing your best. .. and after all . .. why not? Frocks from Miss Dil- lon's give you just that feeling ... and prices are surprisingly low. 0E MISS D I LLON'S 500 East William Apartment 3 season for many industries is coming over the horizon. Yes, Spring is coming in more ways than one. For Spring foretells the approach of good business - By Using Goldman Bros.' Cash and Carry Service, You SAVE On the Genuine MIRAG ohLEAN . . . good times + * solet's watch for it . andlet's not hook CROSS-EYED! Distinctive3 Costume Jewelry 4 FRATERN I TYv AND H MICHIGAN JEWELRY Watch Repairing Jewelry and Optical Repairing Phone 4213 214 South State Street 701 South State Street, corner Monroe I 1 15 South University Avenue 113 East Liberty 703 Packard Street dean a a reath of 4ing MIRACLEAN is the most imitated name in Dry Cleaning today. But there is only ONE 1Ciaclean--and only ONE place to get it in Ann Arbor -and that is at GOLDMAN BROS. 5