I C H I G AN DAILY ICHIGA DAIL Church Services Marked Professor Congdon has held many educational positions in China. Hist By Presence Of Bishop talk will follow a short program of (Continued from Page 1) music.4I --. B.d G d At the 10:45 a. m. church service W. Blakemnan. The Student, Guild' of the Congrega t ional Church Rev. W0MEN' S A( CTIVITTEs Bureau Places Fewer But Fouir-Year Rati ~ 4 1- i-, , o Increases I will meet in the afternoon with the! Allison Ray Heaps will deliver a ser- With the indoor season drawing to Presbyterian Group at the Presby- mon on "The Humanism of Jesus." a close in a few weeks, competition terian Church. Hillel Foundation will hold its first in vciious sports is growing keener. "Jehol" will be the subject of an student-conducted service of the Sixte:n basketball teams are entered illustrated address by Prof. Wray H. year at 11:15 a. m. tomorrow at the ' in the elimination series out of a Congdon, assistant director of the League Chapel, and in the evening, field of 32; Next week the first round Bureau of Co-operation with Educa- Robert McCulloch, Grad., of the Wes- will be played off. tional Institutions, at the regular leyan Guild will speak at the Hillel According to Miss Marie Hartwig, 6:00 p. m. Sunday meeting of the Forum on "The Hitler Movement in head of intramural sports, much im- Congregational Student Fellowship., Germany. orovement in teamwork and the IIimanner of handling the ball has been Turner, Mr. Norman Faulk, and Mr. Francis Sage will give short talks on shown in the last few games. It is special phases of the general topic, "The Spirit of Lent in 1933." Profes- ;'o longer "a game in which three sor Louis A. Hopkins will act as Chairman. girls attempt to put the ball in the }basket and three try to keep it out" Lutheran Students: The Reverend Mr. M. W. Brueckner, of Chelsea, has odne self-styled player as over- will address the Club in the Zion Parish Hall, at the regular Sunday eve- ning meeting. Discussion group at 4:00; Social half- hour at 5:30: Supper Interollegiate competition t h i s at 6:00: and Speaker at 6:30. week for the rifle club showed the Michigan team scoring 488 out of a Scalp and Blade meeting at 4:30 at the Union. possible 500, equaling their score of last week. University of Minnesota R-14 Club smoker this afternoon in Room 319 at the Union. Important lost with 472 and Drexel won with that all members be present 496; no returns have been received from the University of Maryland. Russian Student Club social party in Wesley Hall at 8 p. m. All mem-. bers and their guests are cordially invited to attend a short program after The ping-pong tournament has which tea will be served, been well received, for 48 players are ______________entered, but the second round must hearsser iorGirls'Play:nhbe playedo Tf by 6 p. in. Monday, :earsal f.-(drsnd) Gils Play:, March 20. Any players who have not 2:30 p. m.-(dressed) Scenes 1, 2, 3, 4, Theatre. co ed their matches by then 7:30 p. m.-( dressed) Scenes 5 (pantomine), 6, 7, Theatre. mut default. COMING EVENTS The diving class will meet at 8:15 Physics Colloquium: Mr. John D Kraus will talk on "Radio Propaga- p. m.Tuesday in the Union pool tion at Ultra High Frequencies," at 4:15 p. m. Tuesday, In Room 1041, under the direction of Miss Irene East Physics Bldg. All interested are cordially invited to attend Field. The group is now concentrat- ing on the technique of how to work Research Club will meet Wednesday, March 22, at 8:00 p. m. in Room the board. There is elementary and 2528 East Medical Building. The following papers will be presented: i advanced spring-board instruction. Professor G. R. LeRue-"A Study of Paragonimus, the Lung Fluke of Mammals, with Special Reference to its Life History and Distribution." Iss Hila Burr and Marie Mur Professor John G. Winter-"Two Private Letters from Roman Egypt of phy, '35, are making arrangements the Time of Trajan." to form a university club in order t o unite the Wednesday night mixed The Council will meet at 7:30 p. m badminton group, badminton class players, and women playing in the A. S. M E Student Branch: Important business meeting at the Union, afternoons. Anyone interested may Wednesday, March 22, at 8:00 p. in. A very interesting motion picture has get in touch with either. been secured and will be shown at this meeting. The title is, "Conowingo," J* one of the largest power plant developments in the United States. All mein- Wednesday night's fencing group bers are urged to be present. Visitors welcome. Refreshments. is continually increasing in popular- ity. Over 25 have turned out to try Luncheon for Graduate Students: Tuesday, March 21, at twelve-Iifteen to learn the art of this old sport, in Russian Tea Room of Michigan League. Cafeteria service. Miss Edna and under Mr. John Johnston's in- Vosper, Curator of Manuscripts of the Clements Library will describe the structionx are progressing quite well. library briefly, and after the luncheon conduct students interested Iidthrough the library. Those attending are urged to be prompt. A Y4 Although the proportion of stu- dent placements to enrollments has declined during the last four years,l there has been a substantial increase in the ratio of placements to calls, the yearly report of the Advisory Committee on the Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation to the University Council states. It has risen from 45 per cent in 1929 to 71 per cent in 1932. The committee reported that be- tween 1929 and 1932 total enroll- ments with the bureau for teaching positions increased from 1,092 to 1,- 850, total calls decreased from 1,162 to 532, and total placements of can- didates for teaching positions de- creased from 521 to 377. The bureau seeks to serve those students and alumni desiring posi- tions in business or industry for whom little or no help is provided by other campus offices. Also the bureau performs a co-ordinating service for all University offices which have to do with placing stu- dents or alumni in full time employ- ment. During the three year period there was a substantial increase in the number of business and industrial placements-from 53 to 142, the re- port states. In an effort to build up this part of its work the bureau has been active in establishing and main- taining contacts with business and industrial organizations. Other responsibilities beside place- ments include aiding students to obtain information upon which to base occupational choices, and in maintaining contacts with educa- tional institutions. ARMS FOUND IN CUBAN RAID HAVANA, Cuba, March 17-(/P)-- Police found a cache of arms and ammunition, including four sawed- off shotguns, eight rifles and twenty hand grenades, in, a house in the Lyuano suburbs today. They arrested a woman and two men. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADVERTISING Pla ceadvert-isements with CIlass;ifled Advertiyi!,1g Depa t ment. 1Phone 2-1214. The classifed columns close at three o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box ntumbers may be secured ait no extra charge. ('CAl il ii avan c-Illc per rcadllng line (Onlais of ivte average words n to line) for one Or Iwo insertions. MViimnn 3 liles ,per inse (rtlon. (1Ccp:r reading;line for;threeor more insertions. Telephone rate-i 5c per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10%rdiscount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line-2 lines dacily, one month. .... ..........8c 4 lines E. O. D., 2 months........8c 2 lines (daily, college year..........7c 4 lines 1a 0. D., college year....... 7e 100 lines used as desired............9c 300}lnes used as dsired..........c 1,000 lines used as deired.........7c 2,000 Imes used as desired......6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. ionic type, uipper and lower case. Add Se per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add tc per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Acd loo per line to above rates for bold race capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. TYPING TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad. theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c FOR RENT FRONT SUITE-Near campus and business district. Call 2-3586. 359 NOTICE NEW - Stenotyping class Tuesdayj night at Hamilton Business Col- lege. Phone 7831. 358 BLUE BIRD BOOK NOOK, lending library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni- versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30. 21c LAUNDRIES CALL 4863-Specializing in student laundry, Soft water, reasonable prices. 12c STUDENT -- And family washing careful work at lowest prices. Ph. 3006. 6c -AUNDRY Soft water. 2-1044, Towels free. Socks darned. 13 WANTED WANTED-MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 4, 5, 6, and 7 dollars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chicago Buyers. 34c ARE Electrical Engineers: Dr. H. S Osborn of the A.T &T. Co. will speak Tuesday night in Natural Science Auditorium. This is a regular A.I.E.E. meeting; it also will constitute the Bell System Contact Program. Interviews will be held by Bell System men in the E. E. Department on Tuesday, after 11 a. m., for E. E. seniors and graduate students who are interested in the communication business. By _eds Soon MOSCOW, March 18.--(/P)-Four Alpha Na debating society regular meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p. in. 4003 British subjects arrested last week Angell Hall. Charles Rogers will lead a discussion on "The Banking Situa- on charges of sabotage will be placed Lion." Try-out speeches will be heard before the meeting. All those inter- I on public trial within a month, the ested in the society are invited to attend. Foreign Office announced today. At the same time it was disclosed Adelphg House of Representatives: Regular meeting Tuesday, March 21, that Maxim Litvinoff, foreign com- fourth floor Angell Hall at 7:30. H. B. Calderwood of the Political Science emient that i warned th could no British gore Dep't. will speak on, "Two Danger Spots in Europe." Tryout speeches may irnm nto coerce be given after the meeting. Visitors are welcome. against the men. The communique quoted Litvinoff Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting Tuesday, March 21 at 8 p. m. in the Michi- as having answered a verbal protest gan League. A program of music from Beethoven will be offered. Miss by the British Ambassador with the Kate Kieth Field from the School of Music will sing a number of Beetho- declaration that "it would be wrong wen's songs. An illustrated talk on "Beethoven und seine Musik" is to be if this episode should have any effect given by Mr. Otto Graf from the German Dept. on the political and commercial rela- tions between Soviet Russia and Sophomore 1935 Engineering Class: Meeting for all those interested in Great Britain. That would be bad getting a 1935 class jacket coat this year Wednesday, March 22, in Room for both countries. But no pressure, z48 West Engineering Building at 4:30 p. m. no menace will be able to induce the The purpose of this meeting is to decide on color, prices, and style of Soviet government to refrain from jacketse enforcing its laws in relation to Brit- ish subjects." Their arrest became an issue in the All- Campus Track Meet at Yost Field House, Monday, March 20, at British parliament and the Ambassa- 7:30. All students are eligible except letter men, members of the varsity dor at Moscow was instructed to file squad, and this year's numeral winners, a vigorous protest. ..--.--- -- *1 -All- -. --- READ Every day people are looking for bargains in the Classified column of The Michigan Daily. If you have a message for Daily readers, try the Classifieds. The rates are surprisingly low, and the number of people contacted is large. Call the Ad-Taker. 2-1214 I MAJESTIC TODAY 1 :00-11:00 P.M. SEASON'S GREATEST CAST! LOVE, LAUGHTER and UDAY STr. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Corner North Division & Catherine BISHOP JOHN N. McCORMICK of Western 'Iii,-an will preach at a t1 A.M. ---a- NOW SHOWING JaeN BhArRYR 0 n that Great S2age Hit EXC ITEMENT' The glamour of a big State Fair :..its throbbing, eager throngs.. A yearning country girl and her brother... a young reporter... hard-eyed carnival folk...shrewd farmers-out for happiness or forgetfulness...love or adven- his own way. Some seeking n. and getting. Others trying and failing. But all caught in the State Fair's fervor and tumult., Seasons Greulesi Cast JANET WILL CAYNOR ROGER LEW SALLY AYRES EILERS 11 FRANK CRAVEN LOUISE DRESSER VICTOR JORY JOBYNA HOWLAND HENRY KING PRODUCTION E-Extra- Mickey Mouse Charlie Chase Comedy AR WIn A - 2 a-s 8 .r% off irill i11 IN 11 sommmommm=