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March 19, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-19

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The Weather
Cloudy Sunday and Monday,
sleet or snow south portion;
little change in temperature.


A6F A A, -f

VOL. XLIII No. 123


Drys May
Halt Vote
On Repeal
Prohibition Forces File
Charges With Supreme
Court To Stop Action
Chalenge Legalit y
Of Heidkarnp Bill
Petition To Be Considered;
Monday; Others Link
Th11selVes With Drys
LANSING, March 18. -(P) - At-
tacking the method of choosing dele-
gates, Michigan Prohibition forces
moved today to halt the election
April 3 of delegates to a state con-
vention to act on the proposed re-
peal of the Eighteenth Amendment.
Attorneys for Luren D. Dickinson,,
president of the Michigan Allied
Forces for Prohibition and former
lieutenant-governor, filed a petition
with the State Supreme Court ask-
ing a writ of mandamus to restrain
Secretary of State Frank D. Fitz-
gerald from ordering the election
of delegates. The petition challeng-
ed the constitutionality of the Heid-
kamp bill, the legislative act provid-
ing the machinery for the conven-
tion, which has been called for April
It was announced that the court
would consider the petition Monday.
The petition holds the Senate act
providing for the election and the
convention unconstitutional 'because
the electors of the state are. deprived
of their elective franchise in the,
nomination and election of delegatesa
to the convention under the proced-
ure authorized in the act; because
the electors are deprived of equality
in the selection of delegates; because;
in some sections of the state the
voters vote for but one deleghte,
while in others they vote for two or
Beer Law By !
Monda, Say
Coinittee Of Both Houses
To Settle Difference;
Hope For Speedy Action
WASHINGTON, March 18.-(/P)-~
Congressional leaders claimed with
confidence tonight that the bill to'
legalize beer will be agreed to Mon-
day, in time for President Roosevelt
to sign it by nightfall.
Success in that plan will depend
on extraordinarily fast action Mon-
day morning, since Senate and House
must compromise wide differences
and have yet to make a start, offi-
cially, on that agreement. But the
assurance with w h i c h Speaker
Rainey and Senator Harrison of Mis-
sissippi, in charge of the measure on
his side of the Capitol, predicted
quick approval, led many to believe
that a solution had already been
If signed Monday night, the meas-
tre will permit the sale of real legal
beer by Tuesday, April 4. But the
organized drys, fighting every step

of the way against relaxation of pro-
bition, announced plans today to
try by court injuniction to block sale,
in an fciort to have the law declared

Conferenc On International
Afftirs To Be Held Here In May
Opportunity for student analyza- The approach to the subject will
tion of present movements in inter- be made through three commissions;
national affairs appears possible the economic commission on war
through the organization of the In- debts and reparations, trade barriers
ternational Student Conference on and tariffs, and gold and monetary
World Affairs, to be held here May stabilization, the commission of world
4, 5, 6, and 7, according to Gordon politics, which covers conditions in
Galaty, '33, chairman of the execu- the East and Europe; and the com-I
tive committee. mission of world society, which has
The purpose of this conference, to do with religions, racial justice,
Galaty said, is to anayze and syn- communism, socialism, capitalism,
thesize, as much as possible, the and dictatorship from both the the-
present economic, political, and so- oretical and practical viewpoints.
cial crisis of the world. The executive committee is com-
posed of Gordon Galaty, '33, chair-
An attempt will be made, the com- man; Faith Ralph, '33, secretary;
mittee stated, to stimulate construe- John Khalaf, '33L, vice-chairman;
give student thinking along the lines Wilfrid Sellars, '33, treasurer; Mar-
of international problems and to pro- tin Wagner, '33, chairman of the eco,
cure the reactions of various indi- nomic commission; Benjamin King,
viduals to world affairs, rather than Grad., chairman of the commission
to seek a cure-all for present com- on world politics, and James Luther,
plications through an exhaustive Grad., chairman of the commission
study. It wil be an endeavor to colla- on world societies.
borate student thought on this sub- Organizations which have already
ject and will afford students the op- pledged their backing to the confer-
portunity to exchange their ideas ence include the Student Christian
among themselves. Association, the Cosmopolitan Club,
Michigan, sponsors of the move- the Council of Religion, and the In-
ment believe, offers incalculable ad- ternational Relations Club. It is also
vantages because of the diversity of reported that certain members of
its student body. Foreign students, the faculty and representatives of the
it is hoped, will have valuable con- student body are giving it their in-
tributions to offer at the conference. dividual support.


H. A. Sanders
Elected Head
Philosophy Section Added
To Group; MembershipI
Reaches 1,000
Name Chairmen To
Head Committees
Kelly, Thuma Are Picked
As Vice-President And
Local Chairman

Maize Keeps
Middle West

Michigan Sweeps Firsts Ii
Three Events; Secon
Place To Northwestern

Prof. Henry A. Sanders, head of
the department of speech and gen-
eral linguistics, was elected president
of the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts, and Letters for the coming
year at a meeting held yesterday
afternoon. He succeeds Prof. George
R. LaRue of the zoology department.
A section of philosophy was admit-
ted to the Academy upon petition of
15 members and recommendation of
the Council, as the three-day ses-
sion here concluded yesterday. The
Academy now has a total enrollment
of exactly 1,000, it was reported. This
is a slight drop from last year.

CHICAGO, March 18.--Al)-Mich-
igan swept across the finish line with 1
firsts in the final three events to-
night to pass Northwestern and win
the Big Ten swimming champion-
ship for the sixth time in seven
years, with a total of 40 points.
Northwestern, which rushed ahead
of the champions with a victory in
the inaugural 400-yard relay and a
record-smashing performance by
Donald Horn in the 200-yard breast
stroke, wound up in second place
with 27 points. Illinois was third with
17; Minnesota, showing balance, fin-
i hedA fourth with 12. while Iowa and

Windt, Stevens
In Charge
Summer Plays
Theatre Company Run On
Professional Basis As
Student Laboratory

The Summer Repertory Players
will again be under the direction of.
Prof. Thomas Wood Stevens, direc-.
tor of the Artist Guild Theatre in St.1
Louis, and Prof. Valentine B. Windt,
director of Play Production, accord-a
ing to a bulletin issued by the Sum-
mer Session office.
The Summer Repertory Players are,
a summer -stock company run on a
regular professional basis as a thea-
tre laboratory for all courses in thea-
tre arts in the Summer Session and
for the entertainment of Summer!
Session students and townspeople. All
plays produced by this group will be
given in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
Private laboratory presentations
will also be given for the benefit of
those students whose stage of de-
velopmnent warrants their taking a
considerable part in the public thea-
tre activities in the Laboratory
Another feature of the plans of
the department of speech and gen-
eral linguistics for the Summer Ses-
sion is the laboratory of general
linguistics and speech equipped withI
apparatus for the experimental in-
vestigation of problems in phone-
tics, and charts and models for the!
study of the anatomy of the speech
A special course in the teaching
and coaching of debate in which a
thorough study will be made of the
question to be debated in the Michi-,
gan High School Debating League for
1933-34 will also be given.
P f P I

P lan To Beat Cash
Bly 'Ens ia. Staff
A plan to beat the cash scarcity
was announced yesterday by John A.
Carstens, '33, business manager of,
the 'Ensian.
Cash is still scarce, despite the re-
opening of the banks, so members of
the 'Ensian business staff have
worked out a deferred payment plan
which will not only save the students
money in buying the yearbooks,
but also will stretch out the pay-
ments until May. Under the new
plan there will be three payments of
$1.50; one now, the next at the be-j
ginning of next month, and the final
one in May, bringing the total cost
to $4.50. All books not purchased on
this plan will cost $5.
The 'Ensian staff took a holiday
when Gov. William A. Comstock
made his proclamation closing the
banks. Work has been resumed,
however, and the year book will be
out on schedule, Carstens said.
Visiting Bishop

Kelly New Vice-President j 11U AS111WL YY /, i1* S~r x 1S
Chicago trailed far behind with six ' ,
Prof. W. A. Kelly, head of the geo- and four points, respectively. ienill
graphy and geology department at Horn was the only record-breaker
Michigan State College, became vice- of the night's attack on the Big Ten i M arks Vpeninr
president, while Prof. Burton D. record book. In the same event, the
Thuma of the psychology depart- 200-Yard breast stroke, last night hefJ .o Pla
ment was made chairman of the lo- swam the distance in 2:30.6 to bettercOffJenoor
cal committee Four ofcers0 wer the national collegiate mark of _____
re-elected: Prof. L. J. Young EofC.e2:32.4, established in 1931 by John W W l
forestry school, secretary; E. C,.cmee G ihgn Tngth raduating Women W l
Prophet, of Michigan State College, Schinieler of Michigan. Tonight he
'came back to better that, churning Sing Song Dedicated To
treasurer; Prof. Peter Okkelberg of the distance in 2:30.2. He won that ThsY asJnir
the zoology department, editor; and tedYst by f. f o h ,ears Juniors
Dr. W. W. Bishop, University li- contest by four yards from his clos-
brarian, librarian. est rival, Lemak of Michigan. Following the customary tradition
The only other record established irsP "
Chairmen of the following sections was in a new Big Ten event, thed400- of former Junior Girls' Play, "Love
were announced yesterday: botany, yard relay in a 20-yard pool. North- on the Run,musicarevueo is
# Dr. Bessie B. Kanouse of the Uni- western's team stroked to victory in year's class of third year women, will
versity Herbarium; economics and 3:40.4, breaking the first mark re- open with Senior Night in honor of
sociology, Prof. Morris A. Copeland dd sg.: y n. the graduating women, according to
of the economics department; fores- corded last night at 3:43, by Illinois. Frances Manchester, '34, general
ty, Prof. W F. Ram dell of the for- 400-yard relay, won by Northwest- chairnan of the central committee.
e-rn(HahneDebenham, Troup, and
estry school; geology and mineral- e . H n ' Wednesday, March 22, has been
ogy, Dr. Armand J. Eardley of the Highland); second, Michigan; third, set as the date of opening, at which
geology department; history and po- Illinois; fourth, Minnesota. Time, time senior women will sing the song
litical science, Harold M. Dorr of the 3:40.4. -New Western Conference dedicated to this year's juniors, writ-
political science department; langu- record for 20-yard pool. Former rec- ten by Vinselle Bartlett, '33, and
age and literature, Prof. William A. ord 3:43 by Illinois intrials last Margaret O'Brien, '33, to the tune of
McLaughlin o'f the romance langu- night). "You Can't Get Along Without Love,"
ages department; psychology, T. M. 200-yard breast stroke, won by hit number from the 1932 produc-
Carter, of Albion College; zoology, (Continued on Page 3) tion. The original song was written
Prof. E. C. O'Roke of the zoology de- by Betty Van Horn, '33, for last
partment.1 Fr year's play. Margaret O'Brien, '33,
Economic Survey Commended ay rever JO author of "No Man's Land," the 1932
The Academy approved by a unani- play, and Vinselle Bartlett, '33, music
mous vote a resolution commending Be Shown On chairman of the central committee
the work of the land-economic sur- last year, are authors of the new
vey and other fact-finding, interpre-j words to the same tune.
tation, and planning bodies "since M onday ioih Friday night, March 24, will be the
permanent prosperity in Michigan traditional Formal Night, when those
depends on carefully planned and in- attending will dress for the occa-
telligently co-ordinated use of land More than 200 patrons were turned sion, Miss Manchester stated. Fra-
and water resources, not only in the away from the doors of the Labora- ternities and sororities may reserve
biological and engineering aspects, tory Theatre Friday night because seats together in reasonably large
but also through consideration of all tickets for the Play Production groups.
the economic, social, and political performance of Noel Coward's "Hay 'Tickets may be secured at the box
factors related to governmental or- Fever" were gone, according to a office in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
ganization and administration." statement made last night by Valen- which will be open through March
In a second resolution passed yes- tine B. Windt, director of Play Pro- 25, Miss Manchester added.
terday, the chairman of the standing duction.

I. U I J~iWI I-.L
St. Andrew's
Rev. Marley Will Talk On
Th New Deal Produces
A ]King' 'fhis Morning
Today's church services will be
marked by the presence of The Right
Reverend John N. McCormick, D.D,
bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of
Western Michigan, who will speak at
11 a. m. in St. Andrew's Church. Be-
fore becoming bishop, he was rector
of St. Mark's Church in Grand Ra-
cids. and will meet students from


committee on conservation was re-
(continued on Page 6)

Grand Rapids and vicinity after the Illinois Wins Conference
sermon. _ " 41 -,


New Bureau Phuais
Ad1vaned B y Ades
WASHINGTON, March 18.-It) _
Plans for a giant Federal transpor-I
1 ation bureau-to link .all such ma-'
chinery under one grouping-were
being assembled today by a group
of advisors to President Roosevelt
nd will be submitted to him shortly
for approval.
Ileaded by Secretary Roper, the
group is canvassing the entire field
of the nation for ideas and sugges-
tions as to how best this grouping
may be brought about.
One set-up now contemplated ten-
t1aively, but completely subject to
change, would include five divisions,
(ach headed by one man responsible

.1. , CJI. ~ t1 "The New Deal Produces a King,"
,, Of will be the topic of Rev. H. P. Mar-
Gives Views ley at 10:45 a. m. today at the Uni-
tarian Church.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will speak
37 e eh Ii i c r' a e on "Courage" at the morning wor-
ship today. This is the second of a
series of six special Lenten Sermons
Article Appe.ars hi Latest on "Qualities We Live By."
The Tuxis Society, an organization
Issue Of Teltic Oni of high school students, will conduct
Sa e ThursdVty the services at the First Presbyterian
Church. The subject of the Worship
What Technocracy offers, as seen Service is "The Church at the
from the economist's standpoint, is Threshold of Manhood and Woman-
Sdiscussed in an article by Prof. =hood," and the message will be pre-
Shory Peterson of the economics de- sente'd in a play instead of a ser-
partment, -appearing in the March mon.
issue of the Michigan Technic. The At 9:30 a. m. at the Wesley Found-
Technic goes on sale Thursday I ation "The principles of Jesus" will
the lobbies of the East and West En- be the subject of a class with Dr. E.
gineering Buildings, (Contin ued an Page 2)
Professor Peterson's article is the I
second of a series on Technocracy.
The first, by H. J. McFarlan, assist-
ant professor of geodesy and survey- Reasona ble - . .
ing, discussed the subject from the
engineer's standpoint. It appeared Do you know that you
in the February Technic.
Prqf. Walter C. Sadler discussed con insert a classified
the law on water rights, which has ad in the Michigan
I become particularly important in r - Daily for as low as
z cent years due to the development of y or tsmal
water power, irrigation, and large 33c? For that small
city ter sulieamount vou have ac-

sity. He came here in 1919. He will
devote himself to specialization in
Rural Government Criticized By international law at the western uni-
t versity, it was said.
Reed In ation-RWide Broadcast A recognized authority on inter-
enational law, Professor Dickinson is
a member of numerous national or-
Typical rural government in the Professor Reed said that political ganizations related to his profession.
United States was criticized yet- scientists, state commissions of in- He is the author of several important
day in a nation-wide broadcast by qury, and governors, among them law publications and is on the board
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the politi- Franklin D. Roosevelt, have been of editors of the American Journal
cal science department, as "a rusty, urging the reform of rural local gov- of International Law and of the
creaky, broken-down machine doing ement for half a generation. Michigan LawiReview.
500 per cent more work than it was "The program we must consider Professor Dickinson has had wide
." now," Professor Reed declared, "is teaching experience in many univer-
Proessdo Red'the abolition of townships and one- sities and colleges. He has spent
s room school districts, the reduction some time in Carleton College, Dart-
feature of yesterday's Farm Forum. of the number of counties, the estab- !mouth, Harvard, the University of
a weekly program of the Red Net- lishment for counties of a modern Illinois, Stanford, and Columbia.
work y the National Broadcastigtype of government with an executive
CImanyI head to whom all the now unrelated LePla Suport
In everything but rural govern- county officers should be responsible, eague ans pp
ment, Professor Reed declared, "we and the transfer to the state or large For Rehaious Dramas

F encing T.ILe nce MIvore
CHICAGO, March 18.-(/P)-Led by
Ed Perella and Ralph Epstein, who
retained their individual titles, Illi-
nois won the Big Ten fencing cham-
pionship for the second straight year
tonight, with 10 points. Chicago fin-
ished second with six points. Other
teams points totaled: Northwestern
5; Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio State,
and Purdue. 2 each.

As a consequence of this demand ° aU Tlls l
an extra performance of the play is
to be given Monday night, Mr. Windt
said. It will be given at 8:30 p.m. R esigns Posi
with the price for all seats at 50 '
Every presentation of the play so On Law Facult
far has been a sell-out, he said, the
run of five straight full houses be- The resignation of Prof. Edwin I
ing a record for Play Production. 1 witt Dickinson of the Law School
The cast is composed of Frances I be effective at the close of the ac
K. Johnson, '33, Frances Manchester, demic year was announced yest(
'34, Jack B. Nestle, '33, Glad Diehl,' day. Professor Dickinson will lea
'33, Frederic Crandell, '33, Robert to take a position on the law facu
Hogg, '34, Donald Brackett, '34, Sarah of the University of California af
(Pierce, '35, and Uldean Hunt, '33. 14 years of teaching at the Univ

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