tchigan Academy continues With General And Sectional Me ....a-. F.. Rue Delivers Idress Before Today's ACud Annual Ban quet Land Utilization Is Topic At Afternoon Meeting; Five Papers Presented (Con tined from Page1) ered in the new era we arc begin- ning, stated Mr. Wyer, and some of the old arts of housekeeping must be resurrected to make a success 'of the "back to the land movement." The "back to the land movement" may be transferring the people from a place of slow starvation to a place of swift starvation, however, accord- Ing to George Wehrwein, University of Wisconsin, who spoke on the bal- ance of land use. Cites Minnesota Example An experiment of zoning a county in Minnesota so that certain sections can be put to specific uses only is working out very well, he stated, and from all indications may prove to be a means of slashing state taxes. In this particular county, a certain area is restricted to forest and recrea- tional purposes only thus doing away with needs for good roads, schools and other public officials. In one case cited, it cost $375 to educate a child n a thinly populated area whereas it cost only $40 to educate a child in a more densely populated area. S. B. Locke, Izaak Walton League of America forwarded a plan of game preservation whereby certain areas would become more valuable by this method because it could be used for recreation.' Federal Forester Speaks E. W. Tinker, United States Forest &rvice, told of the work being done at the Chippewa National Forest. He. said that the forest had taken in more in receipts than it bad spent, and said that much valuable infor- mation was being obtained at the forest preservation. Harold Titus, Michigan Conserva- tion Commission, told how the land in the upper part of the state may be made more valuable by stocking the ivers with fish and breeding game. He stated that the land around Alpena had increased in, value considerably by such methods, as many hunting clubs had organized in that region, thus putting back on the tax roll land which had formerly been given back to the state. More co-operation from the legislature is needed to carry out the work, how- ever. Reeves To Speak At a luncheon of the history and politieal science section to be held at 12:15 p .m. today in the Union, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political science department here will outline what he considers to be essential fea- tures of a new constitution for Mich- igan. Past state constitutions will be discussed at the morning meeting of the section, beginning at 10 a. m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall. Harold M. Dorr of the political science depart- ment is to speak on the constitution of 1835; Claude S. Larzelere, of Cen- tral State Teachers College, that of 1850; and D, C. Shilling, of Western State Teachers College, that adopted in 190 and still in use, The political and the aesthetic will dominate the program of the langu- age and literature section, which meets at 9 a. m, today in Room 2013 Angell Hall. Claude M. Newlin, of Michigan State College, will speak on "Party Politics in Lord Lyttelton's Persian Letters." The political views of Robert Burns will be discussed by Prof. Everett ,. Brown of the politi- cal science department in a second paper, Also scheduled for this morn- ing's program is a talk by Prof. O. J. Campbell, head of the English de- partment, on the subject, "Anticipa- tions of Modern Aesthetic Theoryin Wordsworth's Preface to the Lyrical Ballads," and a paper entitled "Shel- ley-Imagination and Values," by Dr. Bennett Weaver of the English de- partment. Economics And Sociology The dificulties of taxation and public expenditures in Michigan were presented in four papers yesterday morning at the section of economigs' and sociology. The discussion cen-{ tered around the problem of the ex- treme necessity of funds for unem- ployment administration and educa- tional purposes while receiving little or no revenue from property and in-t come taxes. - 9:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m 10:00 a. m. 12:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p. m. 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Section of Botany. Ro Section of Forestry. R Section of Geology an Science Building. Section of Language Hall. Section of Psychology. lug. Section of Zoology. Ro Section of Mathematics Section of History and Hall, Luncheon for Members tical Science. Michigan Section of Mathematic Meeting of the Council ing. Section of Psychology. Northville. Business meeting of th cnce Building. College, followed with a discussion I of Chinese classical poetry, reading W 11 V Proyrain several translations which he had made, Prof. Amos R. Morris of the Eng- om 2003, Natural Science Building. lish department showed chrats which oom 2039, Natural Science Building, had been compiled by Richard Steele d Mineralogy. Room 3056, Natural and William Gardiner, contempo- raries of Edmund Keane and David and Literature. Room 2235, Angell Garrick, famous Shakespearean ac- tors, illustrating the inflection which Room 1121, Natural Science uild- these men were thought to have given to their renditions of Shakes- om 2116, Natural Science Building. pearean roles. Room301, Agel flil.PIntL Carl L. Dahlstrom of the en- s. Room 3017, Angell Hall. :1 C1- Polticl Sienc cod 05, iz 11gineecring collage spoke on "The Cri't- Political Science, Rohom 1025, Angell ical Appreciation of Literature," say- ing that the fundamental essence of of the SeCtion of History and Peli- art is rhythm. Union. In the afternoon session, Harold s. Room 3017, Angell Hail. Whitehall, assistant editor of the Room 4065, Natural Science Build- Middle Enmlish Dictionary, explained the dialect of Lancashire, England. Wayne County Training School at Prof. Eugene E. Rovillain of the I French department spoke on the es- c Academy. Roam 2003, Natural Sri- sence of thought of the French writ- ers of the eighteenth century. These writes rebelled against the narrow- ness of the church end of the theolo- been placed on the shoulders of men gians, yet looked toward God, said in research, said Dr. Larkum, and Professor Rovillain. consequently their chance for re- Prof. J. 0. Smith of Michigan State I search activity has been lessened. In I College gave a lecture on the aspects conclusion Dr. Lai: .mm said that he of self-criticism which are found in believed that these two harmful the writings of the Spanish novelist, growths would be removed by the Blasco Ibanez, quoting from his stringencies of the depression and works. that biological research would be The Lycee of L o u i s - le - Grand, benefited. termed the most famous secondary At the symposium on tuberculosis school in France, was discussed by held yesterday afternoon ih this sec- Prof. R. Clyde Ford, of Michigan tion, Dr. Theodore J. Ferle of the State Normal College. Michigan Tuberculosis Association spoke on "Tuberculosis and PublicFoAnd Laws.," "Poverty and tuberculosis re ry Geography seem to walk hand in hand," said Foresters and geographers invited Dr. Ferle, "and thus the burden of experts in other fields to speak to caring for victims of the disease falls them yesterday morning at their upon the shoulders of the state." joint meeting on problems of the Dr. Ferle showed that approxi- upuer peninsula of Michigan. A gen- mately $200,000 a day was being ;ral survey was presented, but little spent for care of patients by the state attempt was made at the solution of and that expenditures for three days the problems raised. Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the po- litical science department declared ,'au''" "ii "i-+ "t t P"d Some form of taxation which will bring in immediate revenue must be devised for the present, since it is impossible to decrease the budget for public expenditures further, stated M. F. Thurston, formerly of the Uni- versity of Detroit, in his paper on "Some Suggested Changes in the Michigan Tax Structure." A general sales tax on all retail products, heavy amusement taxes, and a varied lux- ury tax were suggested as the most possible sources of revenue. With the return of more stable economic con-' ditions Mr. Thurston maintained that the income tax should be equalized and enforced. Suggests State Loans The impossibility of expecting any, returns from the present system of property taxation was brought out by R. Wayne Newton, secretary of State Commission of Inquiry into Cost of Local Government, when he spoke on "Tax Delinquency in Michi- gan." "With the state's policy of remov- ing the penalty for late payment of taxes, fewer men attempt to pay on time," Dr. Newton said. "A possible solution would be for the state to make loans to counties and munici- palities to cover outstanding debts, which would be gradual payment of delinquent taxes." Funds from the state are necessary to carry on the administration of un- employment relief, said W. J. Horton, late chairman of Mayor's Emergency Relief Committee in Detroit, since the Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion will soon refuse aid unless better management of state funds is made. Unemployment relief work is destined to extend for several years and can no longer be considered a local re- sponsibility, Mr. Horton concluded. The subject of the speech was "Pub- lie Unemployment Relief Expendi- tures in Michigan." Rural Schools Discussed A plah to reorganize the distribu- tion of the Primary School Fund, partially appropriated by the state, in order to equalize the aid given to various districts was the basis of the speech given by F. M. Thurn, of Michigan State College. He showVed charts to illustrate the advantages of closing badly equipped rural schools by a change in the distribution of students. "Rural School District Re- organization and Financing" was thek subject of his speech. Prof. Morris A. Copeland of the economics department here was unanimously elected chariman of the economics and sociology section for the coming year at a luncheon meet- ing yesterday. Prof. Max HandmanE of the local economics department spoke on "Techno-racy and the Power Profit Motive." Sanitary And Medi Science "Biojogical research, like practical- ly all lines of activity, went beyond the bounds of sound progression dur- ine nn f.vnr f n c o itv"N x~n- r . ., Eag hl rd Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the politi- cal science department will speak on "Some Essential Features. of a New Constitution for Michigan" at a luncheon at 12:15 p. m. today in the Union. now amounted to the total annual cost 25 years ago. "An effort is being i made to humanize care of patients, so that individual treatment near home may be provided," Dr. Forle said. In a talk on the incidence of tu- berculosis' occurence, Dr. D. 11. Douglas of Northville declared that Eit was 1.74 student PlerG housand in the arts ection of the Univevsi' y and k21. student per thousand in the Medical School. Experiments have proved, however, that incidence of the disease among persons caring for tuberculous paticnt s is extremely low and not, a life has been lost from this cause in the last ten years in Michi- gan. ing paSL years oz prOSper iy, iewLtOn ! W. Larkum, chairman of the Sani- IUI glgc uI i r ta'y and Medical Science section, de- Subjects varying from a considera- clared at the section luncheon yester- tion of the dialect of three parishes day. in Lancashire, England, to the per- "Just as plants must be pruned to sonnel of the Bread and Cheese Club, preveiV too exuberant growth," Dr. American literary organindtion in the Larkum continued, "so must biologi- early uineteenth century, wcre prc- cal research activities be checked sented yesterday before the languaet along certain lines,." He pointed out and literature section. that during the last few years far The morning session was opened too many papers have been written l by Albert H. Marckwardt of the Eng- and published by those interested in lish department who gave the results research which were unnecessary and of his research concerning the mem- not worthy of attention. "Conse- bership of the Bread and Cheese quently papers of greater merit have Club, of which James Fenimore not been justly recognized," he stated. f Cooper was a member. Too much administrative work has Prof. Robert W. Clack, of Alma I FOR ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS TEXTBOOKS, REFERENCE BOOKS DRAWING MATERIALS AND ART SUPPLIES 4 4 : . 4 4 . 4IN I