THlEMICHIGAN DAILY [GAN DAILY X11 I-: "-I t...1-m =- ap J 4 m of t io m nat Eublished herein. All rights of republication of special lispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as lend Alas matter. Special rate of postage granted by rhird Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, :.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; byj ruii, $4.50. Oices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, khnn Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, nc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City: 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, hicago,. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 42 4ANAGING EDITOR......F.FRANK B. GILBRETH ITY EDITOR...................KARL SEIFFERTr IPORTS EDITOR.................JOHN W. THOMAS VOMEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEN' LSSIST4NT WOMEN'S EDITOR.......MIRIAM CARVER IIGHIT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Reninan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters..- PORTS ASSISTANTS.*L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman, Harmon Wolfe. %PORTER S: Charles Baird, A Ellis Bal, 'Charles G. Barndt, Arthur W, Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William " Feris, Sidney Frankel, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewtt, George M. Holmes, Edwin W. Richardson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. BarbCra Bates. Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Ellen Jane Cooley Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi- son, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie Western. BUSINSS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 3USINESS MANAGER.................BYRON C. VEDDER IREDIT MANAGER ........ ...........HARY TEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......DONNABEE DEPARTMENT MANAGERS. Advertising, Graf ton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Sery- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, 'Bernard E. Shnake; Cir- uigion, Gilbert E. Bursiey; Publication, Robert E. Finn. LSSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- Jland, Charles Ebert, Jack froymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Fiume, Alen lKnuusi, Russell Read, Fred Roger, Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward. Eli abeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Gilnmy, Billy Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See- fried, Virginia McComb SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1933 Spirit Of Co-Operation ervades The Lan .. e AREAL REASON for optimism con- cerning the problems of the coun- ry is seen in the co-operation that is almost uni- versally apparent. Little or no opposition has been encountered so ar by the President-much to the advantage of he whole nation in the present crisis. It is easy to understand why Congress has, at east for the time being, adopted so helpful an attitude. President Roosevelt, in the fashion of rheodore Roosevelt, keeps his plans before the public, whose will the Congress knows it must :bey. And in the fashion of Woodrow Wilson he is utilizing every constitutional power available to :irect the senators and representatives. When it .s recalled that one of these powers is that of ap- pointment, and that there are some 130,000 Fed- eral positions to be filled, with several times as many loyal partisans of the members of Con- gress clamoring for jobs, it is easy to see why congressmen are toeing the mark. And underlying and inspiring the results that the President is getting, of course, lies the sort of courage that we need but so seldom get in our leaders. Further than Congress and the people, most newspapers are lining up in what might be termed a "national coalition" to support the chief execu- tive. When the Republican New York Post edi- torially declares that the action of the President s "sound as a bell," and that "the new adminis- tration has magnificently met its great oppor- tunity," there can be no doubt that the spirit of co-operation pervades the ai. And with that true wemayhave ;faith that our country will emerge victorious from the war on Depression. The Frosh Froic Points The Way CamusOpinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous conimmications will be disregard- ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon reqtuest. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining thel r~ ves to less than 300 words if possible, MR. WAY PRESENTS SIX FACTS ABOUT THE SOCIALISTS To The Editor: Your editorial in yesterday's Daily deals with a problem which confronts co-operative ventures for self-help among students, namely, how will such ventures in their early stages be controlled and managed? Before giving my ideas I would like to clear up a few points in your discussion of recent changes in Socialist House No. 1. I point out the following facts: 1. The founders of the house no longer have any control as a group over any of the affairs of the house, except that of interpretation of the constitution. 2. As those who started the house, the found- ers were well within their rights in setting up the type of house government they deemed most sat- isfactory and in appointing the first executive committee as provided in the new constitution. 3. Controls from now on is in the hands of the executive committee. 4. Members of the executive committee may be recalled at the end of each semester by majority vote of the members. Such vacancies, and others as may occur will be filled by election. 5. Each member of the executive committee is in charge of some department of the house, as house work, kitchen work, etc. The committee thus consists of functional officers. 6. Any member of the house guilty of exploit- ing another member of the house or operating any department of the house for his own profit shall be subject to immediate expulsion. It will be seen therefore that the editor was wrong in saying that the new constitution puts absolute control in the hands of the eight foun- ders. Is such a system of functional control a "fine thing for the managers" as opposed to the other members. I call your attention to fact number six, above. The amount of work done by the commit- teemen is never less than the four hours a week expected of members. Now for a word on student collectives in gen- eral. Many American students are confronted with serious economic problems. We must decide whether we shall continue to rely on our chances in, the scramble for jobs, loans and charity, or whether we shall seek to collectivize our economic life. The co-operatives at Michigan represent a collective economic effort to increase our stand- ard of living by cutting out unnecessary ex- penses which would fall on us as individual con- sumers. To carry on such movements in their younger stages requires quite.strict control within each group, and a type of organization more re- sembling that of an Arctic expedition than a church young peoples' society. -Stewart Way. Editorial Comment institutions the plan does work, and works well. An example is Antioch College, a relatively small co-educational institution. When an examination is given there, the instructor, upon centering the examination room, gives out the questions and paper, and immediately walks out, leaving the matter of cribbing up to each individual. Students are permitted to leave the room at any time, and may return at any time within the three hours duration of the examination. This is a privilege which is highly valued there, and any students cbserved cheating are immediately ostracized by 'heir fellow classmates. It is a well known but deplorable fact that the honor system is not effective in colleges and uni- versities whose only entrance requirement is scho- lastic proficiency in some small degree. Too many 2:tudents are intelligent enough to be admitted, but lack of integrity necessary to make the system a success. -Purdue Exponent AND NOW, CHILDREN- If a student misses classes, the teacher na- turally will take off of his grade. A furlough doesn't compensate for a cut. And the idea of telling a student he must attend class or have a black mark put against his name in the dean's office seems childish. It probably is needed in high school, but we still maintain that a college administration has more important things to do than feeding its students from a spoon. -The Daily O'Collegian SCreen efeC&ions III f i ' li l k YlI 1 ART CINEMA LEAGUE TO BRING YOUNG COMPOSER HERE THURSDAY Roy Harris, sensational young American com- poser, has been secured by the Art Cinema League for a lecture on "The Challenge of Contemporary American Music" at 8:15 Thursday, March 23 in Hill Auditorium, it was announced yesterday. There will be no admission charge to associate members of the Art Cinema League. Others will be admitted for 25 cents. Mr. Harris has gained no little favorable com- ment for his musical compositions, and is said to be an authority on the subject he has chosen for his address. He comes to Ann Arbor with Mr. Johnson sent the following letter in praise of Mr. Harris to oflicials "of the Art Cinema League. To the Executive Committee of the Art Cinema League: Eminent critics in both Europe and America have recognized in Roy Harris one of the most significant talents in all contemporary music. He is the only American composer who has been extravagantly praised by musical conserv- atives, liberals and radicals alike. He is a young man in his early thirties, and already has to his credit a formidable list of compositions in the larger forms. His works have been widely performed in Europe and America. Many, in- cluding the writer, consider him the first au- thentic, serious American composer. Although his conception of form is derived fundamen- tally from Beethoven, the other elements of his music have their roots deeply imbedded in American culture, especially those elements that lie outside New York and New England. He is an excellent lecturer, musician and critic. No one in the country is better qualified to speak on the challenge of contemporary music than Mr. Harris. Sincerely yours, Hunter Johnson i i NOTH ING TO IT . . Just dial 21214 and ask for AL the AD-TAKER He is only too glad to answer your questions co neerning Classified Advertising and to help you draw up an effective ad. Just say "Charge it," and pay within ten lays under our ten per cent discount plan. The rates are very reasonable and the results very satisfying. Today, try The Michigan Daily Classifieds. ,. _ _. w._.. THE LAW It is amazing to note the great ignorance prev- alent among the common herd as to the exact position of the law in their daily turn of life. There is nothing more obvious than the palpable fear which the average man entertains for the machinery of the law. It has been said by a prominent lawyer that in the courts, three business men out of ten, upon being asked to place their right hand on the' Bible to take oath, will place their left hand in- stead. Such goes to show the attitude which is common among us. If it was only known that if anyone is brought up in court and accused of anything, the accused has every.advantage that can be given to him. Every factor is interpreted in-his favor that is pos- sible. .He is given the option of a quick trial. He is given the advantage of appeal to the highest authorities in the land. If a judgment is given, or a law passed, under even the slightest circumstances, the law is backed up by every officer of the law, every soldier, and if necessary, is in theory backed up by every means of force in the empire. In these. modern days, and especially within the British Empire, the law is one of the most potent forces available. The law is set by the va- rious legislative assemblies and powers are im- plemented by the courts, and as such the courts are the final and all powerful means of preserving law and order in the country. If a law is passed in the parliament it will be tested in the courts, and declared intra or ultra vires. Once established,; it cannot be set aside. The judge on the bench is probably far weaker physically than the accused, yet he is chosen by reason of his knowledge of the law and equity. The 12 jurors are taken from the ordinary walks of life. They represent a cross section of society. Furthermore, if the accused thinks that any one is given the opportunity of challenging them, and having them replaced to his satisfaction. Probably the most that any college student has to do with the law has been when he has received a ticket for speeding and is haled before the local magistrate. One cannot gain a knowledge of the law from that. If every man and woman visited the courts, even if only once, he or she might gain some knowledge of how the country is governed, and how they are protected in every way by the law. What is conducive for a well-organized and har- monious community is knowledge and respect for the law, not ignorance and fear. --McGill Daily I the unstinted praise of Hunter M. Johnson, in- structor in the music school, the League reports. Prof. Arthur Farwell, of Michigan State Col- lege music school, wi introduce Mr. Harris. At this writing, plans of the League call for the Harris lecture March 23; "Maedchen in Uni- form" March 27, 23, and 29 or April 3, 5, and 6; a lecture by Carl Sandburg April 4; and "Kam- eradschaft" will profit by inclusion of sound equipment in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, if present plans for the purchase of this equipment are completed. -G. M. W. Jr. ,. . .. STARS c i Activities FIRST METHODIST. HILLEL EPISCOPAL WESLEY HALL FOUNDATION CHU RC HE. W. Blakeman, Director Cor. E. Univ. Ave. and Oatlan4 State and Washington Streets Dr. Bernard Heller, Director Ministers 9:30 A.M.--Class on "Principles of Frederick B. Fisher Jeus," \vith Dr. Blakeman Peter F. Stair 11:15 A.M.-Students' service at the 10:45-Morning Worship nal-AmriCan Group woinn's League Chapel lead by ,UAGE :30 P..-Orient-American' George Rubenstein. Speaker, Byron "COURAGE" Novitsky. Subject: "The Jewish (The second in a series of Lenten Conciliation Court of America." sermons on "Qualities We L~ive By.") 5:30 P.M.-Student Guild. Meet with 7 -30--Evening Worship Presbyterian group at Presbyterian 8:15 P.M.-Foundation, W e s le y a n Church. Guild presenting obert McCulloch: A religious drama based on Christ's Topic: "Hitler Movement in Ger- parable of tle Wise and the Fool-a ish Virgins with a brief sermon mn. message by Dr. Fisher. FIRST BAPTIST THE FIRST PR ESBYTER IANFast Huron, West of State R. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard R. Chapman, University Huron and Division Streets DO NOT Pastor Merle .. Anderson. Minister N EGLECT !:30 A.M.-The Church School. Dr. Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Minister Logan, Superintendent. 9:30 A.M. - Student classes at the YOU R 10:45 A.M.-Worship and Sermon by Church aouJe. Mr. Sayles - subject: "The Cour- 10:45 A.M. - Morning Worship. RELIGIOUS ge oJesus." 12:00 Noon-Student Bible Class at The Church on the Threshold of the Guild House, Mr. Chapman Manhood and Womanhood: Pro- ACTIVITIES -rai by the Tuxis Society.ledr 6:00 P.M.-Student Devotional meet- 5:30 P.M. - Social 1-buy for Youn ig rhrBrnatg.sel ,PeoPle. ing. Arthur Bernhart will, speak on the subject: "The Problem of 6:30 P.M. -Young People' Meeting. Evil." Fellowship hour and re- Mr. Samuel Weir of Columbus oi l freshments follow program. "'l'he Way 0O1t." 4 __ s~S'lTPES T HE PHENOMENAL SUCCESS of the Frosh Frolic since the price has been reduced points unmistakably to the va- lidity of arguments that cutting prices on campus functions increases the demand. In other words, students want to go places just as badly as they ever did, but they no longer have the money to pay pre-depression prices. Miny campus functions have been extremely reluctant to reduce the price of tickets on the theory that the price makes very little difference once the student has mane up his mind to attend. Another theory is that many think the party has been cheapened because of the reduced admission. No more conclusive retort to these fallacies could be made than the sell-out for the Frolic. The members of the committee for the annual freshman dance are to be commended for their initiative in putting the price within the range of most of the students on the campus. With the success of this dance as a precedent, it was announced last night that the committee for the Slide Rule dance had made the same move and reduced the price to $1.50. Perhaps, if the engineering formal dance gets the patronage i; rs ; , a a o fh -.ri a p n. w~rP. gannaal ------ByKarl Seifferi School teachers and other employees of the school board will not be included in this list as the school funds are separate. They will continue to draw a percentage of their pay unless new financial arrangements are made by the board. -Excerpt from news item in Detroit paper. And if that percentage gets much smaller the school teachers will go by the board. ItGHLAND PARK TO PAY WAGES -Headline It's radicals like that that make things tough. Postoffice pens are 'as good as those in any bank," according to a federal official. And, in these times, certainly as useful. Police motorcycles in San Francisco have been equipped with radios, according to a news item. Bulletin: Baron Munchausen's audience sees sharp increase. In that connection, as far as we are concerned, the 7,492 jobless crooners in the country are still just an army of unenjoyed. * O- * ThOUGHTS ON MUCH-NEEDED SHUT-EYE t I I I i ilk HONOR SYSTEMS Recently an entire class at Syracuse University received a grade of incomplete as a result of the action taken by five of its members. These five stdnents walked nut of an examination room. re- ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) Third and West Liberty C. A. Brauer. Pastor Sunday, March 19 9:30 A.M.--Service in German. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Wafsitngton St. at 5th Ave. . C. Stelhorn, pastor 9 A.M.--Bible School. Lesson Topic: "The Folly of Intemperance" Service in the German Language 10:30 A.M.-Service with sermon on: BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod) South Fourth Avenue Theodore Schmale, Pastor 9:00 A.M.-Bible School 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "Moral Blindes I I