___ ___ __ ___ ___ __THE MICHIGAN DAILY I .AVII sirSf, SOCI ETY -Namn.e Milit arytSor-orit ies 1inlertfiiiiAt Guest Ball Chair nan itt R us i ItPrieTa !T~.i1Ui L I Sci critcs are crteiainingTthi Suggest Men SFor Board Offir 1- _____wcola-,with rushing paries, teas and Kol L,. t nihtidinner wn; helltt Aides Aih'. Omicr'on Pi for pedgs, 1um Amnong .ilisChosen ria lc, 2nd the follo ,,in, pati'onnesses:{ :i'rs. "t: C. CristoMrE . S. Lloyd, D onald E. Knight, ': 3E, was an- _,P. Wn. Inglisi4Mrs. R. W. Bunting, nounced ye:ter'day ais general chair- :nd Mr,. "a ul Buckley. The tbe ma,,n of the Military Ball committee iY 0, 0ti vely decor'ated wt'ith by M aj. Basil ~ D. Edwards, head of ~ foesedhrnnzigtp the0 military science department. ALPTj A XI DELTA Other members of the committee!i Mrs. R. E: Ferrin was a dinnerj are ,rlic son F. Comstock, '33E, dee- _gues:t list night at Alpha Xi Delta.j orations; Joseph C. Wagner, '35E,rVloro nihMs.BH.atet will bc e utartaincd at dinner. decorations; Paul J. Firring, W3E, ALr:A il ent er t ainment; Herbert H. Roosa, '33, AlpaPMii ;shes to annoilnce the tickt'," Wiliam '. Sb~m, 34,p~ldging of Carolyn Wose, '35. tickets;5WillamW0. Sabo . tike rre~rik .Kohl, '33E, pub- ~AM H 3T tickts;Fredric S. ) io MurphI)Iy, _3j, has been elect licity; and John C. Healey, '35, pub- edI ;-~ictofCmr h ea licity, Oher" officers arc Margaret Beckett, Robert S Fox, '36E, and Terrils '34, vce president; :Anne Dunbar, '35,1 Newnan. '36, complete the list. The Irauc;Em Shi,'6 e committee is divided according 'to cording secretary; Elen Jane Cooley, classes in the department, there be- '34 'rushing chairman; and Florence ing four seniors and two represents- .Harper, '36, corresponding secretary. tives. from each of the other classes. DELTA GAMMA The committeemen from the advane- lta Gamma held its yearly elec- ed course, including the junior and tions Monday. The results are as seniors, wFere appointed by the de= follows: Mary E. Reif, '34, president.; p artmnent, while the freshman and I argaret Smith, '34, vice-president-, sophomnore mr.emnbers were elected by ;Ali;ce'E. Morgan, '35, treasurer; their classmates. The dance will be lMary E. Hanel, '34, recording secre- held April 28 in the) Union ballroom. tLary; Margaret Wineman, '35, coi- it was announced "rsponding secretary; 'Elizabeth Aig- ler, '35, pledge mistress. Miss Marguerite Winant, of Newv __hikifat~h, 'ork, National Presient of D 41 t d~(ATamrna. is to be a guest at the loo tSunday and Monday of next week, A Us) *",1 L VJ.e NX PY' test Sbeing planned in her honor for____ S,1undia fternoon. Nmntost ilteyal a ~ .Gam gaeadneTus cancies on the board of governors uay venig fo fiv rusees of the University of Michigan Club )~Apa Delta wl ntran .i of Ann Arbor" were offered at a meet- at arusingdiner oniht.ing of the group Sunday night, it in, , eur of St. Patrick's day, the, anucdtaybT.Hwe pT~utts will be in green and Tapping, general secretary of the KAPPA Alumni Association. R r 11'A Milo Oliphant, Dr. Dean W. Myers, igaKappa will hiold a rushing L.H: Hollway, Frank Devine, Her- dnr oigtfo ou uet. e-I et wnnn, n'Hny .Eahr raton illhbeforfor es tsinDma- werethewingaespreentyBErbyt c and'wilavene rrineorinma-ofer nomnacomit peseedbyvted o o de rdand lavender tapno.the eleof n m naig ctonm wille t be eld tes- of eepredandlavnde tai-Ion. Ty, Marct1.it waslannod une. --- The board consists of nine men, three of whom are elected each year 'Sen or Suprper in order to rotate the new members. Three of the above six will be chosen ~WT11for this term. Then the board as a i isW illwhole will elect officers for the com- r~~um ing year. .o dT om orrow The club is also making plans for __ __a spring party to be held sometimet - in April. Tickets for Senior Supper wil go __ on sale for thc last time tomorrow, according to Jane Rayen, '33, gen- 'cral chairman. The sale will take place from 1 to 5 p. mz. in the LeagueItW nt eS udergraduate office.I 3Girls' Play will be givenou.f ngecA)crs of a group desire to sit to- 19 ~ 3 3 lw , . gethcr, the:y must secure tickets at -the same time, Miss Rayen an- nounced tod, y." New; w.ords dedicated to the juniors hs ,t en written to the tune of last yrsJunior Girls' Play hit song, 'vot Can't Get Along Without Love," Visclle Bartlett, last year's chair- 1 auo the music com'mittee, and_ A'a~e'tO'Brien, author of Not ansLand. have written the new No definite sreating arrangement " i hs been made for the supper so that $ 5 :>omenr desiring to sit in groups may. " rf Th'_ere will be definite places for pat- r'onesses, members of Senior Society )d Mortar board. Tickets must be .,;-cured tomorrow, Miss Rayen stated. Pierced wirth a gay medleyc Jud i#ai e r wit~h dashing lines of two-t" Activity Pep Talks CBAAianognaad and His Inimitable Harlequins will play just for you, tomor- row night, ot the-- FRO SHFROLIC Tickets $1.50 Hut, Den, Union, Slater's pring Withouta LANk, MINIMU PER COU PLE it U~~~~~ VV IV.IW ~ eeBlo quis1 During rWeek Cnrce O $}8.50 .patterned Entert-!ainmenit of o u t - o f - t o w nI guests and initiation of pledges have occupicd campus fraternities in the past fewT days. ACACIAI Acacia entertained with a guest day and dinner y-esterday. Chaperons wel e Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Mit-I chell. Among the guests were Connie Beery, '33. Dorothy Norris, '33SM, Helen Bailey, '3:3, Esther Smith, '34, Marian Sweet, '35, Ruth Bixby, Bar - bara Shooker and Josephine Mille', all of Deto)it. Hatrold Bjornsltad, '32 B.Ad, of Mu-nliin, was also present. piji KAPPA TAU The following pledges were initiat- ed by Phi Kappoa Tat. at its annual initiation ceremonies recently: John C. Leckexr, '35, Detroit; Bern ard'Still- son, '35, Detroit; William Mosher, '35, Tonawa'inda, N. Y.; and Donald Lewils, '35, Tonawandai, N. Y. P111 -DELTA lEPSILON The following 'pledges were initiated into 'Phi Delta Epsilon recently: Mor- ton Helper, '361M,,Detroit; Herbert H. Holman, 36M, Newark, N. J.;, Samuel Cohen, '33, Brooklyn, N. Y.;3 Jesse 0. Halpern, '36M, Newark, N. Cabaret S~ Celbrities P lnnd or All-Cahnptus Cabaret Pete Blomquist and his orchestra ,.as been contracted to play for the A11-CaT~l IN h ,rpt Anvil 1 in tilhp TELEPHONE 2-3251 FOR YOUR TABLE RESERVATIONS of perforations tone stitching . . the 1933 exclusive W/alk-Over design. iLkOver Shop Ann. Arbor League Ballroom, according to Mar- Elsie Feldman, '33, president of Igaret O'Brien, '33, general chairman., Jra al odce e et Althughno efiite lan hae Iint' for residents last night. The ob- been decided upon, a program :Lea-j0 fth etngwstiitrs turfing campus celebrities has been1set the meingcapstivtires. promised, according to Miriam Car e,'33, entertainment chair :an. Ka h lenine Beeson, '33, spoke on hon- Both men atnd women will entertain o :rysocieties. Helen DeWitt, '33, wit sigin an dacin nuber, soke on the League, Glendora Gos- The price, as announced pr'evious- ]ng , on W.A.A., Mary Earnshaw, ly, will be 25 cents per couple and 15 ~ on glee clubs, and Mary Kather- cent fo a sngl admssin, Dne-inc Snyder, '34, on dormitory activi- ing will be from 'i9 p. m. until mid- ThwekyMsrJodntail night, and will cost five cents a b weklyin oan-torda tswek' dance. (, telidbingsordnsodayTheswoen' "' The cabaret will feature an eve-tca sensotywowillbataswoe- Ining of ineXpensive entertainment,' fSxirsceywowl c shs according to Miss O'Brien. No deco-teses. The tea is to entertain the rations have been planlned, but the fehe and transfers from Helen object of the cabaret is to make it an N iewb'erry and Betsy Barbour Resi- C denc~res. Florence W. Tousey, director affair" of interest to all by including of Hele Newberry Residence, and I mn g th eiwelltwn -n cs mena nd I l' 1: ,e W. Fournier, last -year's as- men ell now on ampu. ~di'ector of Jorda~n Hall will Spanishi Club St. rs atricks' day decorations will Giehfrmal , . be used to give the rooms a festive {ta Air. Burton)s VV 115 South Main DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS ARE INE~XPENSIVE t _____________________________________ _____________________________ A Slashing 3 . SAL E J. The g;uest list iincluded Dr. D. Y. LevnsnDr. Theof~iore Stone, Dr., Rubiu Kahin, rDr. Jerme cITusci', and Dr. Milton I'D. Goldhanimter". i - J~ee oGO' Thiis 'is no time for a selling holiday. A ba ". holiday is no excuse for a moratorium plo}yces ' Entralcnce";Maestic, "cFaith- less"; Wleit h, "'Thec Devil is Driv-! ing." The first meeting of Sociedad His- panica this semester was well at- tended Tuesday night., John Rishell, '33, president, presided and int1'o- duced the advisor, Prof Jose Albal-3 adejio.t Flays: ''hay Fcv','' 8 :30 p. 21;inI .) . , i "'U tJ ( IT7jJ~ (UA U IJ, VIKU )I 'Schmidt, '33, vice pre sident,sng'L Laboi',atory Theatre. Paloma" and' several other Spanish F~n-,sle og.Cee ecitoso el Shield touramz ent, 7 :30 p. in., Ai'- Jknown meni and places, written in? an mor.y, admissionl 40 cents. a aybigous manner, were read by Jane Eixhibaits: rrravehliing exhibit, Alpha; Beckett, '=3d., Eresto Angles, '331 Alpha Garmma, Underg-raduate Roomn, 1 Marion Milezewski, '34, M ari1o n Les aI~rAun uenzilHl;e oguestesbet MLa -odern Catalani paintting, . Schmidt, and the company attempt-: Wiomen,. as A'-uhor,,General Library ;---* Leath7er bookb inlding.s, Wtil.iam C le- phlotograIphs, rchitect ure Building. Dace: eadanicing,, 3:30 to '5 p.1 mn.,; Inormal 1dancing, 8:50 to 10:'20 p. in., League Grill. A BAHFESTIVAL 1 500 SINGERS r ;, r lh Sc ho l Guest Choir of 300 Voces. Federick Alexander, k xcerpis from B Minor Mass;, Chorales; 3 Cantata: "Schiage doch"; ? h.arpsichord. l' ISE .AUDITORIUM, Ypsilanti TONIGHT at 8 P. 'Tck'1s't)icy( o"oer }guest choir expense on selling to the Public, or creating v iue w which invite attention. mnarket now is stampeded with orders -fro :n'xretailers. This indicates a general rise Tfie wholesale iooji of all commodity prices. We are offering our overstock of hundreds of volumes of interesting books touching almost every subject, fine writing papers, fovntain pens, and in fact every item in our stores, except textbooks, at prices, which yo t" Will not see again for years to come. Our' record is one of concrete, constructiVe performance as regards the selling of pia.i~y nerclxandise. Quality is a religion at'lour stares. We are pledged to preserve it so long as American people insist on geni.-unc v.-lue in return for price. And now this RSCRD R EAKING SALE ASSURES YOU OF QUALITY AT THE LOW- The ftollowing, pledges were initiat- edl into Phli Beta Ph, medical frater- rlilty, zat its rglrfiiiinitiation recenitly -: John Wod,'3G~M, Pitts- buigh:Fi'nk hafer,'SC6M, Olean, N.i ,. dwnC. F<acb !c hflh r bsolute neI~'d io'lo ot,(UV1.'n i''1) i~ ~. Every ('hest guaranteed t .(l 1id; ' 1 ia i PCene < 4in a).fujrnc c !' al t ' 'C QD1r"fl