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March 16, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-16

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From the
By John Thomas


Campus Boxers Qualify F





University Men Wolves
Favored To Win In Big
SCevernal Titles Conte

Seek Place
Ten Fencing
st At Chicago

Gymnasts Work
Out For Coming
Meet In Chicago


Olympic Pictures
Turner In Canada
Weissmuller's Records

Rice, Shaw Score Quick
Knockouts To Qualify
For Semi-Finals

-Tenth Olympiad will be shown to'
Michigan students next Wednesday,
March 22, at Hill Auditorium-FREE.
The movies will include both the
winter and summer contests from
Lake Placid and from Los Angeles.
Eddie Tolan, Ned Turner, Jim
Cristy, and Dick Degener will be
shown as they finished in their vari-
ous events. All but Eddie Tolan are
in school now and each will be seeing
the official pictures for the first time.
The Board in Control of Athletics
and The Michigan Daily are co-
sponsors of the free movies. They
will start at 8:00 p. m. and Mr.
George W. Graves, treasurer .of the
Olympic Games Committee, will be
brought to suppliment the titles with
additional explanations of the fin-
ishes of the different events, giving
names and that sort of thing.
Two full hours will be required to
present the pictures. They open
with the winter sports at Lake Placid
and include all of the games and
events held at Los Angeles.
Although the sponsors are bring-
ing the pictures here for the stu-
dents, the general public is invited.
The Hill Auditorium has a seating
capacity of about 5,500 and every
'seat is expected to be 'filled. The
Board in Control will reserve 100
seats, or so, for special guests from
out of town for the event. Other-
wise the whole Auditorium is open to
the students, free of charge.
the Olympic pictures; itis doubt-
ful if he'll be able to attend. He
plans to enter the Canadian Na-
tionals and the Ninety-First High-
land games .next week. These are
the two biggest indoor track meets
in Canada and will offer the Michi-
gan star plenty of opposition.'
If we remember rightly there are
at least two good men in Canada to
dispute Turner in these 'races. Alex
Wilson was third in the 400-meter
race in the Olympics and second in
the 800, the event that Turner
placed fifth.
Then there is Phil Edwards who
was third in the 800 and third in
the 1500-meter. At Toronto March
21, in the Canadian Nationals Tur-
ner is entered in the 1000-yard and
at Hamilton, March 22, in the High-
land Races, in the 880.
Ned Turner feels that he will only
benefit with the additional stiff com-
petition. He still does not concede
Hornbostel, of Indiana, the half-mile
in the outdoor Conference meet, es-
pecially since he himself is gaining
speed every meet. This opposition
may be too much for him next week,
but it is going to develop him to even
greater speed for the outdoor Con-
ference set-to with Hornbostel.
ICK DEGENER will enter the
50-yard free style in the National
swim meet, Coach Mann announced
yesterday. His star diver has been
clipping tenths off 24 seconds for
the distance in recent practices. .
When this was given us, we went
to the record books for information
on the 50-yard race. None is listed.
But we did find one interesting fact

The Wolverine fencing team will
start this afternoon for Chicago to
participate in the Big Ten Confer-
ence meet to take place tomorrow
night and Saturday.
Coach John Johnstone will take
three men along with him, one to
represent Michigan in each of the


Are Close

Kirby, Smith, Burgtorf three events. Capt. Jerry Winig will
And Perez Draw Byes In be the representative in the epee,

First Eliminations
By a combination of good fighting
and lucky draws all seven of the'
Campus entries in the Silver ShieldI
boxing matches held last night at
the local Armory got by the firstl
night's competition and will compete
in the semi-finals and finals tonight.
A fair crowd witnessed last night's
preliminaries and backers of the
show feel that tonight's finals should
be good for a sell-out. The fights
will start at 8 p. m. Admission is 40
Lee Shaw and George Rice, both
campus fighters, brought the crowd
to their feet when they scored whirl-
wind knockouts in the first round.
Shaw, a welter, knocked his oppo-
nent, Billman of Battle Creek, off his
feet in 35 seconds and put him away
for good after one minute and four
seconds of the first round had passed.
Rice Stops Moore
Thirty seconds was all Rice re-I
quired to flatten Moore, of Platte, in
the featherweight division. Charley
Verberg, University lightweight, won
a rather unpopular decision from Ray
Cox, Battle Creek, on the strength
of superior .boxing ability.
Jack Kirby, Light-heavy, Joe,
Smith, middleweight, Carl Burgtorf,
welter, and Manuel Perez all drew
byes that automatically qualified
them for the semi-finals.
Tonight's headliner promises to be
a battle in the welter division be-
tween Shaw, who drew a bye to get
into the finals, and the winner of the
Burgtorf, Scheeska go. Scheeska, a
Detroit product, is expected to give
Burgtorf a tough battle.
Cobb Outpoints Cox
Joe Cobb, a Kalamazoo boy who
went through the Golden Gloves
tourneys impressively until he broke
his hand, gave a nice exhibition of
puniching to outpoint Cox, of Battle
Creek. Cobb takes on Zig Papulski
in the lightweight semi-finals to-
nighththe winner to meet the winner
of. the Verberg-Allen battle in the
Numerous other kayos, technical
or otherwise featured the evening
show. Chief among these was Floyd
Allen's technical over Ted Lam-
phere, of Mason, who tired at the
close of the initial round to go under
forty seconds after the start of the
second round. Earl McCleery, Ann
Arbor buzz saw who is entered in the
middleweight division, scored another
technical when he put under Joe
Dolzetski in the middle of the second
round after holding him out during
the greater part of the first go.
among the world records. Johnny
Weissmuller holds five world records,
three of which were made in the
Intramural pool. He holds the 100-
yard, the 200-meter, and the 220-
yard events-all free style. This was
in June of 1927.

Jimmy DeStafano in the sabre, and
Mayer in the foils. Coach Johnstone
expects the team to gain a better
place than fourth, the place made
by Michigan last year at the Con-'
ference meet.
The valuable experience gained by
Winig and DeStefano this year will
prove an asset for their encounters
in the meet. DeStefano has not lost
a single sabre bout throughout the
entire schedule of seven meets.
Winig has lost only two epee bouts
and won 12 in matches with the best
epee men in the state. Mayer, the
foils representative, has had an on
and off season all year.
jPrep Cagers
To Begin State
Tourney Today
Finals Set For Saturday
Night, Three Teams De-
fend 1932 Titles
Three teams will be seeking to re-
tain their titles when the final play-
offs begin in the State High School
Basketball tournament tonight.
Two rounds will be played, with
the finals in each of the four classes
being reached Saturday night. Play
will be scattered throughout the
state tonight, with the four surviv-
ing teams in each group gathering
at Lansing for the semi-final round
tomorrow night and Saturday's
Kazoo Favored
Kalamazoo Central, titleholders in
class A, are the favoritesrto keep the
crown, in the major group. Chris
Everhardus, brother of Herman Ev-
erhardus, star Michigan football
player ,is leading the Central squad.
The Kalamazoo team will clash with
Lansing Central tonight in their
first round game. Flint Northern,
Pontiac, Grosse Pointe, Flint Central,
Muskegon Heights, and Ottawa Hills
of Grand Rapids are the other teams
which survived regional play in
class A.
In class B, Mount Pleasant, de-
fending , champions, will be pressed
by Grand Haven, class A winners in
1931, and Detroit Holy Redeemer.
The defenders are slated to face
Cheboygan tonight in their opening
contest. Marshall, Ypsilanti, Dowa-
giac, and Hazel Park complete this
Seek Record
Champions in Class C for three
straight yars, Kalamazoo St. Augus-
tine are heavy favorites to set a new
record by annexing their fourth con-
secutive title. They will open their
defense tonight by playing Fremont.
The remainder of thsi class is Reed
City, Boyne City, Trenton, Lansing
St. Mary's, Orchard Lake St. Mary's,
and Caro.
Portage, .1932 winners in class D,
have been eliminated in regional
play and the field is open. Little is
known of the quality of the eight
teams competing for the D title.
They are Stevensville, Kent City,
Napoleon, Ann Arbor St. Thomas,
Kaleva, Maple Rapids, Royal Oak
Madison and Saginaw Lutheran

In preparation for the Conference
meet at Chicago March 18, Coach
Bill West is putting his squad of:
eight Varsity gymnasts through daily
intensive workouts in the Intramural
Michigan has not once won a Con-
ference title since they became an-
nual affairs in 1926. Chicago leads
the field with five victories, and Wis-!
consin and Illinois have each taken
one. According to Coach West this
year will probably be no exceptional
one for the Wolverine team. The
coach attrib.utes Michigan's consist-
ent failures to the fact that high
schools in this section have discon-;
tinued emphasis on gymnastics, and
so the men he gets at Michigan are
comparatively untrained. But in
high schools in other sections of the
middle west gymnastic training is
given, and the colleges there are in
a position to benefit from it.
However, despite the pessimism of
Michigan's team score, the coach is
somewhat optimistic about the indi-
vidual performances of Hilton Ponto
and Fred Schiller. In the 10-point
victory over Detroit Turnverein,
Ponto showed excellent form, and
Schiller has just returned to the
squad after being absent a year. In
his sophomore year he starred with
the Varsity gymnasts.
After the Conference meet the
team will appear for the last time
in a home exhibition in the small
gym of the Intramural Building
March 30.
Second Round Reached
In Squash Tournament
The Independent squash tourna-
ment has reached the second round
of the eliminations. It is open to
all students, faculty and alumni of
the University.
The players in class A are ones
with at least one year of experience.
Those in the Bclass have had for
the most part less than one year of
experience at the game. There are
about 30 men entered in class A and
about 40 in class B.
Ten Teams Reach Finals
In Women's Cage Tourney
Ten teams entered in the women's
Intramural basketball title race have
already cleared their records to per-
mit them to enter the elimination
division of the tournament.
A round-robin tourney of three
weeks' duration has sorted the teams
out of the thirty-odd originally On-
tered, and play the first of next week
will decide the additional three en-
trants necessary.
The teams ready to go now are
League 1, Newberry,tKappaDelta,
Gamma Phi Beta, Sorosis 1, Kappa
Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Delta Gamma, Theta Phi Alpha.
Alpha Chi Omega.
I Competition Monday and Tuesday
will cut three of the following list
out of further activities: Mosher,
Betsy Barbour, Chi Omega, Martha
Cook, Alpha Xi Delta, and Alpha
Omicron Pi.

Fights Tonight
Flyweight-Bradbury vs. Scott;
Stanliak, bye.
Bantamweight-Rhodes vs. Kon-
zel; Sheap, bye.
Featherweight-Rice vs.Banach;
Perez vs. Morton.
Lightweight-Verberg vs. Allen;
Cobb vs. Papulski.
Welterweight-Scheeska vs. Burg-
torf; Shaw, bye.
Middleweight--Smith vs. Oszeski;
McCleery, bye.
Lightheavy-Kirby vs. Gagadone.
Heavyweight-Newman vs. Lewis.
ten Swimming
Aces Start For

Co-Ed Natators
To Compete In
Telegraph Meet

In an attempt to wrest the mid-
dle-west swimming crown from Illi-
nois, the Michigan co-eds will take
to the water March 28 in the annual
telegraphic intercollegiate meet.
The Maize and Blue mermaids
took fourth place last year in a
field of 28 entrants. This year the
number of participating schools has
been cut to 17. Wisconsin is spon-
soring the meet, and serves as head-
quarters for the arrangement com-
All women who enter the meet
must have their times taken at the
Union Pool, particularly for the 40-
yard events in front and back
crawl. The number of entrants from
any one school is 15, so these times
will be used for determining pdrtici-
Times will be taken at the pool on

Tracksters Rest Before
Starting Outdoor Race
Coach Charlie Hoyt's tracksters
are taking things easy this week, get-
ting in a little needed rest before
starting the outdoor-'campaign.
The relay men are the only one
who have not let down on their rig-
orous program. They still have to
face the Butler meet. Although pre-
viously intending to take two teams
to the meet, Hoyt has announced
that the two-mile relay men are the
only ones who will make the trip.
Bob Hewett, former Michigan
wrestler and a member of the 1928
United States Olympic team is
working out with the Wolverines
down in the wrestling room.

Big Ten Meet
Ten Michigan swimmers compris-
ing probably the strongest team of1
natators in the mid-west leave Ann

Arbor at 1 p. m. today for Chicago, Tuesday and Thursday evenings and
where they will compete in the Big Saturday mornings at 10 a. m.
Ten meet tomorrow and Saturday --

Captain Schmieler, Renner, Ka-
mienski, Degener, Fenske, Cristy, Le-
mak, Kennedy, Boice and Bailey are
the men who will make the trip;
they will travel by automobile.
Sixty dollars was the financial re-
sult of Wednesday night's exhibition
here, according to Coach Matt Mann,
and that swells the swimming fund
to a level which undoubtedly will
permit the team to participate not
only in the Western Conference com-
petition, but also in the Nationals.

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