The Weather Fair with slowly rising-tem- perature Thursday; rain or snoWv in north portion. Joll-Raw Xit ga Dat Editorials Comstock Demonstrates A Condition VOL XLIII No. 120 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS f Citizens Show Confidence In Opened Banks Walz Praises Attitude Of Public On First Day Of Regular Business Deposits Exceed Wiihdrawls 100% To Appear In Junior Girls' Play Beer Bill Due Meetings Of To Be Law By Academy T End Of Week Begin Tod Farm And Unemployment Dr. John C. Merriam Relief Measures Being Give President's Add Pllanned At White house At 4:15 P. M. President T rns To AU Sessions Will (onstrvetive It ems Be Opeit To Pii ShIapes Nle-sawre To Put emers And Guests 21000,c- en 1T Work Attend Annual Re Within Next Few Weeks Ition At 8 P. M. Toni May Go To France F ay Will r iess hlic Will ceg gh I Council Still1 Fails To Conie To Agreeient Undergraduate Rule Plan Is Lent To Committee Of Faculty Members Two-house Control Form Is Proposed Council Still Divided Into Two Distinct Factions; Is Powerless To Act Some Business ien Abandonment Of Dollar' Plan Regret 'Trade Ann Arbor banks, opened yesterday after a month durng which they were either completely closed or semi-closed, found that the city's cit- izens were depositing more money than they were withdrawing. The attitude of the citizens was, according to C. J. Walz, president of the Ann Arbor Clearing House Association, "particularly fine." He reported that at his bank, the State Savings Bank, depositis exceeded withdrawals by at least 100 per cent, and it was believed by other bank presidents that the situation in their institutions was approximately the same. People Are Calm "We got along splendidly," Mr. Walz said. "There were no crowds, no delay. The people were. calm and showed their completeconfidence in the reopened banks." Besides the four local banks, the i Ann Arbor Trust Co., which had also been shut since o. William A. Cor- stock's first decree, opened. The company receives no deposits and carrys on a strictly fiduciary busi- ness. The only restriction on the local banks is the national one against withdrawals fJor hoarding, main- tained in all the banks of the coun- try. This is a part of President Roosevelt's campaign against hoard-f ing, believed to have been one of theI main causes for the closing of all the country's banks, scrip Plan Still Favored What is to happen to the "trade dollar" plan, now that the banksr have opened, remains doubtful. Somet of the local merchants would like to try it anyway, believing that an increase in business would result, while others think there is no cause for its use now. Merchants who havet been most closely associated with thet idea expect that some decision will be reached within the next few days. City officials received their full pay checks, and W. F, Verner, city treas- urer, announced that it was not necessary to use the $5,000 which the city council had authorized thef Water department to loan the treas-c ury in order to meet official salaries. Boil Convention Candidates Hope To Be Elected Both the wet and the dry candi- dates in the April 3 election in Ann Arbor are convinced that they will# win,. Nathan Potter, selected to repre- sent the wet side, believes that]f Washtenaw county will vote as wet as it did in the November election, while Louis Reimann, named to support the dry side, believes that there will be a swing back to the prohibition group. One of the two men will represent Washtenaw county at the-convention in Lansing April 10. The convention has been called by Go. William A. Comstock so that Michigan may either accept or disapprove the re- peal of the Eighteenth Amendment. Potter will vote for the acceptance of repeal and Reimann will oppose it. "Only one township in the county and one ward in the city of Ann Arbor," said Mr. Potter, "voted dry in the November election. From this it would seem that we shall win quite easily, although we will have little money to spend and cannot expect support from certain organized groups, such as the churches, that the drys will get." Mr. Reimann said, "We believe that the hysteria of last fall's elec- tion will have disappeared, and the people, not confused by any political issues, will have more of a chance to * a Lillian Dietrich, left, Katherin Campbell, right, who will take the respectively, in "Love on the Run,"t Wednesday, March 22 in Lydia Men 162 State Banks Open; Impetus To Business Banks Are Reopened For Commercial Business; Withdrawal Limitations DETROIT, March 15. - (P) - The dam that for a month has held back Michigan's flow of trade was broken tonight with currency flowing from 162 of the state's 530 banks, giving immediate impetus to general busi- ness. Oldest in the nation in point of duration of the banking holiday, the state tonight rejoiced in the reopen- ing for commercial business of the 162 banks in 61 cities and towns, with further reopenings promised as soon as the status of remaining banks is checked. Seventy-seven of the banks{ are members of the Federal Reserve, and 85 are non-members. Report Many Deposits All reopening was subject to Fed- eral and state regulations, and in many case limitations were placedI on withdrawals. But from all the cities where banks reopened today came word of greater deposits than withdrawals, and immediate and highly satisfying upturn in business. Merchants in a score of the larger cities reported a buying wave as hun- dreds received payments of cash, de- layed by the month-old holiday de- clared Feb. 14 by Gov. William A. Comstock. Parade in Port Huron Quickening retail business was list- ed in practically every city affected by the reopenings. In Port Huron, where the First National Trust and Savings Bank reopened, the city declared a half-holiday, with parades and the music of bands, in celebra- tion. Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Bay City, Grand Rapids, and others re- ported increased buying. In Detroit, where four banks, in addition to one in suburban High- land Park, were open, Conservators! Paul C. Keys and B. C. Schram con-' tinued their investigation of the as- ..-WASHINGTON, March 15.-'} Farm and unemployment relief meas - ures were speedily fashioned at the White House today as Congress neared completion of President Roosevelt's other emergency bills- beer and economy. The 3.2 per cent beer bill reached the Senate floor with an amendment. {' v It is due to pass tomorrow or Friday '.."..; ........ and become law before the end of , " r:rthe week. With passage of the economy bill, comparatively minor differences be- -Photo by Dey tween the House and Senate on the ne MacGregor, center, and Emily broad grant of authority to the Presi- parts of Marge, Kate, and Joan, dent to effect economies by reducing the 1933 Junior Girls Play, opening veterans' compensation and govern- delssohn Theatre. ment salaries still remain to be worked out. Constructive Action Planned Il Duce Issues Ratified by the rapid-firedaction f on Capitol Hill, the President decided To to turn to what he calls the -con- Invitations structive features of his emergency program. Congressional 1 e a d e r s Peac Nle tino agreed to keep going for them. Peace Meeting r **Mr. Roosevelt will submit, probably tomorrow, a bill built along experi- mental lines, giving the government Visit Designed To Discuss wide latitude in seeking prompt col- Measures For Peace In lection control and increases in farm commodity prices. Authority for European State Politics leasing marginal lands by the gov- ernment to withdraw them from pro- ROME, March 15.-(AP)-Official duction is the basis of this legisla- circles revealed today that Premier tion. Mussolini is considering holding a To Employ 200,010 Men conference shortly with Prime Mm- Also he is shaping a measure aimed ister MacDonald, of Great Britain. at putting 200,000 men to work with- Such a meeting would be secret, in three or four weeks on a broad re- France has agreed to be present, it forestation effort in the national and was reported, but she desires to have other government forests. the Little Entente, composed of The idea of a bond issue for this Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia and Ru- has been temporarily abandoned and mania, represented. Italy objects to the President is looking to saving this as enlarging the circle too much. impending appropriations for the This would be the first time that means of financing the project. Premier Mussolini has taken part in A greater scale unemployment re- an international conference since the i lief program may follow later, but he Locarno Pact was negotiated in 1925. wants to get as many as possible of the cities 'idle out into camps and at GENEVA, March 15.-(I)-Prime work as soon as possible. Minister Ramsay MacDonald and Draft New Farm Bill Foreign Secretary Sir John Simon, Heeding the Presidential desire, of Great Britain, today accepted an House leaders today agreed to con- invitation to visit Premier Benito I tinue in session to await the farm Mussolini in Rome this week-end, to and unemployment proposals. At the discuss methods of improving Euro- request of the President, Secretary pean tranquility. Wallace and drafting clerks workedi A Rome dispatch indicated that late tonight seeking to get the new Chancellor Adolf Hitler, of Germany, farm bill in form for presentation to- and Premier Edouard Daladier, of morrow. France, might participate. Watching closely the changes ed Britishstatesmedaregexpect-made by the Senate in the economy dth e eevBrhisatesmnigh ept-tmeasure, the President is ready to some northern Italian city they will tions in compensations and salaries be met by Gen. Italo Balbo, air min- f the unemployment and farm aid ister in the Italian Cabinet, who will allowed under this. Heecr hmb i oRm iha He believes long steps toward escort them by air to Rome with abringing the government cost within fleet of Italian planes, reach of its income will have been In British quarters it was said that made by these measures, thus afford. the visit was designed to discuss Eu- mn m- ropean political conditions and ncas- lm the ground work for the unem- 'ure fo conoliati J pace An ployment and farm aid proposals lhe ures for eonsolidatir~g peace. Any agreement on security, it was ex- Early Relief Needed plained, will be certain to include On farm relief he believes it is France. imperative for action before this year's crops are in the ground. *e "'Therefore, he wants the legislation The Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters will open its thirty- eighth annual three-day meeting here today when Dr. John C. Mer- riam, president of the Carnegie In-~ stitution, speaks at 4:15 p. m. in Na- tural Science Auditorium on "Ideals in Conservation." All meetings are- open to the public. Three of the 12 sections included in the Academy will meet earlier in the day. They are anthropology, geography, and economics and soci- ology. Other sections will hold their first meetings tomorow or Saturday. The Council will meet at 2:30 p. m. today. Reception Open to All Members of the Academy, candi- dates for membership, and guests are invited to attend the annual recep- tion, which will be held at 8 p. m. today in the Museums Building. All research laboratories and exhibition halls in the building will be open for the affair. Dr. Merriam is known for the em-i phasis he has placed on the recrea- tional and inspirational aspects of conservation in his research work His talk will sound the keynote of the present meeting, conservation and land utilization. Lloyd Will Speak The section of Economics and So- tIology, meeting at2 p. m. in Room 101 Economics Building, will discuss topics pertinent to the present de- pression. S. M. Levin, of the College of the City of Detroit, will speak on "The Dilemma of Economic Stabili- zation." Ernest F. Lloyd, of Ann Ar- bor, is to present a plan for self- liquidating unemployment r e 1 i e f work. The role of agriculture in the depression will be the topic of Dr. Vladimir P. Timoshenko, of the eco- nomics department. Dr. S. A. Courtis, of the education school, will speak on a new technique for measurement of social forces. Two meetings will be held today by the anthropology section, at 9 a. m. and at 2 p. m., both in Room 3024 Museums Building. A series of eight papers will be presented by Fred Dus- tin, of Saginaw, Howell S. England, Detroit lawyer whose evolutionary doctrines have aroused considerable comment, Dr. E. S. McCartney, edi- tor of graduate school publications, Dr. Raphael Isaacs and Lloyd R Gates, of the Medical School, and Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, Prances Sexton Hughes, Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore, and B. O. Hughes, all of the Museum of Anthropology. Papers to Be Given The geography section will meet at 1:30 p. m. today in Room G Angell Hall to hear a number of 15-minute papers, having to do chiefly with Michigan subjects. J. O. Veatch, of Michigan State College, chairman of the section, will discuss a scheme for classifying land. Other topics on the program are a geographical recon- naissance of the upper peninsula, progress in making land planning maps, population regions in Mich- igan, Japanese urban farms, the geography of Michigan in the time of the Indian, and Persian life as af- fected by geographical conditions. -A.ssoclited Press Phot I The name of Jesse Isidor Straus,l New York merchant, is before the Senate for approval as ambassadorc to France. Senate Passes Economy Bill Withiout Delay Leaders Hope For Speetyi Approval By House And President Roosevelt WASHINGTON, Marcha15.-()- After shunting aside all major' amendments, the Senate tonight oassed the administration's $500,000,- 000 economy bill. It now goes back' to the -House for approval of minor Senate alterations. The vote was 62 to 13.' Congressional leaders were hopeful tonight that the measure, providing the President with powers to smash payments to veterans and Federal salaries, could be sent to the White House by tomorrow night. If the Senate amendments are agreeable to the Chief Executive, the House probably will concur in short order. Even if the bill goes to Con- ference, leaders hope for speedy ac- tion. Plea For CIVIC Reform To Be Given By Reed A plea for county and township government reform will be voiced at 12:30 p. m. Saturday in a nation- wide broadcast by Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the political science depart- ment, it has been learned. Professor Reed will speak on "The Farmer and His Government" as the feature of this week's National Farm and Home program. The program will be broadcast by the Red Net- work of the National Broadcasting Company. Abolition of townships and large county boards of supervisors were recommended ,in a report released early this week, written by Profes- sor Reed and Prof. Arthur W .Brom- age, also of the political science, de- partment, after a year's study for the State Commission of Inquiry into County, Township, and School District Government. The recommendations of Profes- sors Reed and Bromage have so far been blocked by farm leaders, but Professor Reed believes that only the leaders and not the farmers them- selves oppose his and' Professorl Bromage's suggestions. The profes- sors maintain, that only benefits would accure to the farmers if their proposals were carried out. Student Council members failed to come to an agreenwnt last night to upport unanimously either of the plans for student government which have been proposed, but passed a motion which will virtually leave the decision up to a committee of fac- ulty members appointed by President Alexander G. Ruthven. One plan, which has been In the hands of a University Committee for nearly a year, proposes to do away with the Senate Committee on Stu- dent Affairs and institute a two- house form of government which wvould have jurisdiction over student affairs. The upper house would be composed of four faculty members and four student members appointed by Dr. Ruthven, while the lower house would consist of students elect- ed by the campus at large. Ex-Officio Members The newer plan, which was itro- duced in the former of amendments at the last meeting but failed to gain the necessary majority, calls fr 13 ex-offlcio members who take.:otdhce automatically and 4 who are elected by the campus at large. Proponents of this plan claim that weakness of the Council lies in its personnel, No vote was taken on either plan but there were two factions definitely in support of both proposals. Argu- ments in support of the plans were terminated by a motion which stated that the amendments which were proposed by the group favoring ~ rn ex-officio personnel be presented co the University committee to be con- sidered along with the plan now in the hands of that committee. Hopes for combining the features of both plans were shattered when proponents of the plans refused -to admit defeat and stated that they would support their plans before the faculty committee. Spirit is Better A more co-operative spirit among the members prevailed at last night's meeting than at tt one held two weeks ago, but in spite of the con- cessions made by both sides, the Council was divided into the distinct factions. The Council as it now stands is powerless, according to the spokes- men for both groups, and if one plan is thrown out by the faculty commit- tee a concentrated effort will be made by the present council to push tho other plan through. An attempt will be made to get the committee which will meetFriday to make a decision within the next month. Both groups have delegated members to represent their interests, and it was learned that the committee plans to call on campus leaders to give their opinions on what action to take. . Alumni Member Elected Howard Gould. '35L, secretary- treasurer oftlast year's intefrater- pity council, was elected second alumni member of the student cou- ci. Harry S. Benjamin is the other m.ember. Last night's meeting lacked the formality that is usually maintained at Council meetings and students i terested in the plans but not mem- bers of the Council were permitted to voice their opinions freely. Soap C pany Reeases New Advertising Matter NEW YORK, March 15.-(P)-The Country's enthusiastic response to President Roosevelt's "courage and frankness" has led the advertising counsel of the Proctor and Gamble Soap Co., to release 3,000,000 lines of advertising, Thomas L. L. Ryan, president of the Pedlar & Ryan Ad- vertising Agency, said today. "We have kept the telegraphic wires burning from here to San Francisco, beginning our new cam- paign," Ryan said. "We are using newspapers because of their speed and mobility. Condi- tions reflect a level-headed confi- , 'r a ;, sets of the First National Bank and the Guardian National Bank of Com- merce. The two banks, the largest in the city, remained closed by govern- ment order, all officials above the rank of assistant cashier dismissed, and no definite ranks for disburse- ment of liquid assets yet available. The conservators have indicated, however, that the way is still open for formation of a new bank which could take over the liquid assets of both. Will Not Favor Bankers They stated, too, that reserves of other banks on deposit in the two institutions cannot be treated differ- ently from other deposits. A resolu- tion calling upon the governor to re- quest President Roosevelt to order the relief of reserves to out-state banks was drafted today for intro- duction in the Legislature, and was given support by Governor Comstock. At Pittsbroh t Cause Damage Heavy Rainfall Reported; Loss Around Pittsirgh Estimated At $300,000 PITTSBURGH, March 15.-(A)- The swirling Allegheny and Monon- gahela rivers continued to rise today after reaching 3.7 feet above flood stage and doing damage at Pitts- burgh estimated at $300,000. Continued heavy rains throughout the watershed were reported by the weather bureau. With a number of boats sunk orl before early April. Otherwise, he thinks agricultural relief might as well be postponed until the next ses- sion of Congress. Pointing to a rapidly-diminishing supply of timber in this country, Mr. Roosevelt believes thousands of men now idle could be profitably put to work clearing out the scrub growth in the national forests and planting new trees where needed. By elim-1 Sinating the vast scrub growths he considers other timber would be given improved opportunity and value. Also he thinks a great number of fire breaks should necessarily be cut in the forests to help in gaining con- trol over this constant hazard. Pope Family Safe From California's Earthquake A uience Shows Appreciation For Paderewski At Concert' On a stage illumninated only by the reflection of the lights in the auditorium, the Grand Old Man of the concert stage, Ignace Jan Pader- ewski, last night played what was probably his last concert in Ann Ar- bor. As the 73 year old dean of pian- ists' entered, 4,800 people rose from their seats in tribute and applauded the Polish musician-statesman whose concert work has been motivated ing. Possibly he remembered the tur- bulent years of his public life, during which he has seen two great Euro- pean wars and has had an important part in guiding Poland out of a state of chaos. Conceivably he thought of his old friend, the late Dr. Albert Stanley, Musical Director-Emeritus of the University, whom he met for the last time during the May Fes- tival in 1931. At the conclusion of his final num- run away, rivermen worked through; out the night seeking craft torn loose News that Judge James. A. Pope and his family of Hollywood, Calif.,