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February 16, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-16

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ly fair with rising
res Thursday. Fri-







Gov. Comstock Was
formed'; The Last St
The Filibuster.






Attempt Fai

) Closed Banks
't 1Millions For

Limited Business

Daily Tryouts To Meet
Its Daily Building at 4
Tryouts for the editorial and
sport staffs of The Daily will be
held at 4 p.,in. today in the Stu-
dent Publications Building on
Maynard Street. First semester
sophomores and second semester
freshmen who are interested in
newspaper work may attend.
"Work on The Daily, in addition
to offering attractive salaries to
upperclassmen, is invaluable be-
cause of the experience gained,"
according to Frank B. Gilbreth,
'33, managing editor. "Many pro-
fessional journalists throughout
the nation worked up to the ma-
jors after an extensive training on
The Daily."
This afternoon the tryouts will
be given instructions by Karl Seif-
fert, '33, city editor, and Qilbreth.
Tomorrow they will begin their

Bsiniess Men .
Fid WyTo
Extend Credit
Loss Of Patonage Is Not
Noticed By Mer(lcants
Taking Cheeks
Theatres Hardest
Hit By Situation
Cash Will &eGiven For
Spall Checks If Some
Purchase Is Made

Mayor Cermak, Hit By

Bullets, Is Severely Injure
Four Others Are Also Hi


{ ;

y Of Institutions
Allow Depositors
ke Out 5 Per Cent;
Plans Are Similar
Biers Draft
fief Legislation

City Banks To
Reopen Under
Maximum Limit Of $20
Per Family Will Be Paid
During Holiday Period


Roosevelt, Cermak Shaking Hands

over, Secretary Mills
tudy Situation; Detroit
[ouses Are Prepared
or Reopening Today
ETROIT, Feb. 15.-UP)--Money-
ons of dollars-came into Mich-
today, and tonight was in the
s of 550 temporarily closed
:s awaiting distribution to de-
)st of the state's banks, idle be-
e of an 8-day holiday proclama-
will allow depositors to with-
five per cent of their balances
ing tomorrow. Others will limit
amount an individual may take,
still others plan to grant "rea-
ble and necessary" requests for
y. The purpose of all is the
--to relieve in part the situation
eed by Gov. William A. Com-
's emergency decree suspending
ar banking operations from Feb.,
Feb. 23.
anwhile it became known that
used legislation to relieve the
cial stress was drafted this
noon in a conference of finan-
leaders here that was in con-
telephonic communication with
lent Hoover and Secretary Mills

Announcement that Ann Arbor
banks would open for the withdrawal
of limited sums brought a note of
optimism in the city as the Comstock
moratorium passed into its third day.
Under special police guard, the
four local banks will be opened today
to permit withdrawals at a maximum
rate of $20 per family. Student with-
drawals will also be honored to $20.
This limitation will remain in force
until the end of the holiday, no daily
duplications being allowed. Checks
will not be cashed, except those
drawn upon individual accounts by
the depositors themselves and these
kvill be subject also to the $20 limit.
No disorder is anticipated at the
opening, the police guard being main-
tained only as a special precaution.
Ann Arbor policemen will be pressed
into extra service, one being stationed
at each bank. Local officials of the
Communist party said that there
would be no demonstration of any
mind as, far as they were concerned.
It was said that they were "not in-
terested, since they had no money in
the banks."
Local chain store managers re-
ceived orders to cash personal checks
only, with the exception of small
pay checks amounting to no more
than a few dollars. They were cau-
tioned, however, to exercise special
care in the cashing of checks.
"The decision to open the banks
was reached at a meeting of the Ann,
Arbor Clearing House Association.
Deposits, it was decided, would not
be accepted, but persons wishing to
place their money in the banks would
be allowed to place it in trust.

careers as reporters. State Street merchants apparent-
In order to be eligible to work ly are weathering the shortage of
on The Daily, freshmen must have student cash successfully, according
completed 15 hours of work with k.o a survey of the shops dealing
no marks lower than C and at mostly in low-priced articles.
least one mark higher than C. Most of the stores taking checks
Tryouts for the business staff for the exact amount of bills and
of The Daily will be held at 5 holding larger checks report little
p. m. Monday in the publications 'vss in patronage.
building. Byron C. Vedder, '33 Wahr's book store is cashing
business manager, will be in' Wchecsfr'slighktore tshas heng
charge of the first-year men.
The women's staff will hold its :mount of bills and is also taking
The t m ssfwhecks for the exact amount. The
tryouts at 4 p. m. Wednesday. managers report that there has as
}et been little demand for cashing
hecks but that the volume of busi-
iess is slightly below normal.
i At Slater's, where large cheeks are
'WV ill P C C9 !eing held and due bills given for the
:mount above the bill, a brisk busi-
Cess is reported by C. A. Schaler
Max Heald, part owner of the Par-
°ot restaurant, said that there seems
Swedish Contralto Hailed a be little shortage of cash at the
As Foremost 'Liedel}resen time but that several addi-
, i( nal charg accounts have been
Singer Of The Period opened. Mike Fingerle, manager of
he Fingeile-operated res;aurants,
"The finest voice of its type in the aid yesterday that his plan of hold-
world" will be heard at 8:15 p. m1 ing large checks for students and
today in Hill Auditorium, when Sig- allowing them to draw against the
rid Onegin, Swedish contralto, pre- checks until the banks open was
sents the eighth concert program of working successfully. He also said
the currentsChoral Union SeriesI that many new charge accounts have
Hailed as the foremost "lieder been opened to regular patrons of
singer" of the day, Mie. Onegin's the restaurants. Small checks will be
favorite composer is Franz Schubert; ashed on a fifty-fiftybasis; fifty
and she is said to have made the per cent in tr-a~de anid the other half


-Associated Press Photo

The measures, designed to expand
government aid in liquidating depre-
ciated assets of banks, were trans-
mitted to Washington with an ur-
gent request that they be rushed
through during the remaining six
days of the bank holiday.
All Detroit banks remained closed
today and prepared for opening on a
five per cent withdrawal basis to-
morrow. Some outstate banks were
open a part of today, caring for the
needs of local business on a modified
scale. Officials said upwards of $30,-
000,000 had been shipped into De-
Comstock Lets Bankers
Work Out Own Troubles
LANSING, Feb. 15.-(A)-Governor
Comstock today adhered to his deci-
sion to permit the bankers in each
community to work out their own
problems "providing they stay within
sensible bounds.'. He left tonight for
Detroit to confer informally with fi-
nanciers there.
The governor was besieged with
telephone and personal calls from
city and village bankers. Some pro-
tested that he should enforce his
moratorium proclamation to prohibit
the proposed agreement by Detroit
bankers to allow 5 per cent with-
drawals of deposits and to force all
banks to remain tightly closed.
Others suggested the moratorium be
lifted altogether.
The governor's reply in each case
w as :
"Ini townls where the banks feel
they can and should permit small
withdrawals for household necessi-
ties or to meet pay rolls, I will not
interfere. In others where it would
be inadvisable they may remain'
closed. The holiday proclamation
gives them the protection they need
so they may pursue either course."
A delegation claiming to represent
about 60 banks conferred with the,
governor late today. Former State
Senator William F. Turner, of Mor-
ley, and Charles Laesch, of Lapeer,
were among them.

songs of this musician peculiarly her
own. Her program tonight will in-
clude five songs from one of his com-
The contralto's operatic debut in
America was made in 1922 with the
Metropolitan Opera Company; al-

jhunough her American tours arc de-
Bates Discusses Le voted exclusively to recital appear-
egal ances, Mme. Onegin appears regu-
Aspect Of Bank Holiday larly each season in the opera houses
of Berlin and Vienna, and is in dc-
Dean Henry W. Bates, of the Law mand at other Continental musical
School, said yesterday that although centers. Her original debut was made
the "Michigan constitution confers at the Stuttgart Opera house in the
no express authority on the gov- opera "Carmen"; and shortly there-
ernor to proclaim legal holidays, he after she appeared in the same role

in cash, Fingeric said.
The theatres seem so far to be the
most severely hit by the condition.
Gerald Hoag, speaking for the But-
terfield theatres in Ann Arbor, said
that the volume of business has fal-
len off but that he expects the plan
of accepting checks1 for the proper
amount of t he(,ticket to restore his
Sbusinss to its normal volume. Stu-
dents may have cheeks for single
tickets accepted by presenting iden-
tification cdis at the ticket win-

Mayor Anton Cermak, of Chi-
cago (right), who may die as a re-
suit of being hit by bullets aimed
at President-Elect Roosevelt.
Above-Mayor Cermak is seen,
shaking hands with Mr. Roosevelt
at a pre-election meeting last fall
in Chicago. Mrs. Roosevelt is at
the left.
Art, Cinema Show
Will Open lo,11ight
"Czar Ivan the Terrible," third'
presentation of the Art Cinema
League, will have its premicre at
8:15 p. in. tonight in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Additional per-
formances will be given at the same
hour Friday and Saturday.
Superstition, torture, v ice,
humor, and pathos are all to be'
found in this pictUrization of the
reign of Czar Ivan," according to,
Philip R. Seidel, Grad., and official
of the league. "It is, primarily, the
story of fierce Ivan the Terrible, the
Boyar Kurliatov, the serf Nikita, his
wife Fimna, captain of the guards
Drutzkoy, and the Czarina. It is a
story of violence, of progress, of in-
vention, of repression, and at times,
of a man-made hell."
Drutzkoy, a guardsman, is ordered
by the Czar to apprehend one Kurlia-
tov, who had pillaged his neibhbor
Lupatov after the latter had refused
(Continued on Page 5)

Police Capture Anarchis
Assassin After He Fire
Five Shots At Presiden
Elect's Miami Audieuc
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 15.-A atte mp
to assassinate President-Elect Frank
lin D. Roosevelt was made here t
night by a gunman who fled
stream of bullets into the Rooseve
party, seriously wounding Anton Cer
mak, mayor of Chicago, and fou
other persons.
"I'm all right," shouted Mr. Roose
velt immediately after the shootin
as he waved his arm to show th
crowd he had escaped the bullets.
A black, curly-haired man c
stocky build who said he was J
Zingara, of New York City, was sur
rounded by citizens and police hui
ried him to jail.
"I Kill Presidents"
"I kill Presidents. Kill all officers!
the would-be assassin said.
Bystanders said he spoke with a:
The assassin fired from a poir
near the Roosevelt automobile in Ba
Front Park.
Cermak was about 20 feet fr
Roosevelt. He was shot in the ches
and an emergency operation was per
formed shortly after midiht, .
The Presidenat-elect ,held, Mayco
as his automobile spedto a hospita
Four Others Wnt
Zingara's five shots also hit Mn
Joe Gill,- of Miami; Wiliamw;9innt'
New York policeman here on a vaca
tiorA; Russell Caldwell, 22 years old
and Miss Margaret Kruis, of Newari
N. J.
Startled and momentarily stunned
by the firing close to his car, Roose
velt swayed and shouted reassuranc
to the crowd as he was hurriedl
driven away through the confusio,
bearing Cermak to a hospital. Th
shooting and screams of the victim
created momentary pandmoniun
Quiet was quickly restored, howeve
Woman Stops Assassin
Mrs. W. F. Cross, of Miami
clutched the shooter's arm as he le
go the fifth shot and shoved his el
bow into the air. James W. Gallowa;
of this city, and a policeman over
powered the man and shackled hi
to a car.
Mr. Roosevelt had just conclude
speaking from his automobile stand
ing in Bay Front Park and had sa
down when the shooting opened.
The President-Elect, after a visi
at the hospital where Mayor Cer
mak and the other victims wer
taken, called off his departure by
train for New York until at least to
Orderly crowds surrounded th
city police station where the would
be assassin was taken.
The jail was just across the stree
from the railway station wher
Roosevelt's train had awaited him.
MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 15.-- x)-"I an
sorry I didn't kill him. I want to kil
all Presidents."
Joe Zingara, who shot Mayor An
ton Cermak of Chicago tonight, mad
this statement to Dade county offi
cials after he attempted to shoo
President-Elect Roosevelt on the lat
ter's arrival from his fishing trip b
southern waters. Zingara, who Wa
jostled by the crowd that sware
on him after he fired five shots i
his attempt to kill the President
Elect, was housed for safety in the
Dade county jail 21 floors above th
Eye Witnesses Tell Of
Assassination Attemp
(Copyright, 1933, by The Associated Press

MIAMI, Fla. Feb. 15.-Joe Zingara
the man who tried to kill Franklin
D. Roo5 vclt tnn hlt . hnf t i& n iigb

is nevertheless granted the power to
make such a proclamation because
of the inherent responsibility and
power of his office.
Proclamations of a similar nature
have been issued by the president of#
the United States, Prof. Bates said,I
and have almost universally been
"In general, however, declaration
of legal holidays is a legislative mat-
ter. Undoubtdly the legislature will


with Caruso. . rv ky
The successive tours of Mine. one-
gin now in tier seventh American Advantages Of
season, have taken her from coast to
coast of. this country. She has sung s ~te od l lhoh
with every orchestra of importanceo d l Il a s
and has given recitals in every major w
city of the United States and Can-
ada. Her repute has been spread Saving Of Good Roads Is
through the mediums of phonograph Brought Out By Model
and radio. At Highway Meeting
Her nrogram tonight will h e: fn.l-

--Associated Press Photo
May Repeal Covert
Road Act Of 1915
LANSING, Feb. 15.-(/P)-Outright
repeal of the Covert road act of 1915
was proposed in a bill offered in the
Legislature today by Sen. Andrew L.
Moore, Republican, Pontiac.
Heavy Covert road bond obliga-
tions constituted one of the ;chief
reasons why former Gov. Wilber M.
Brucker called the first special ses-

1 .CALL IJA %jbA w1.AA VVAA45AI V vv IAA us.; CIO J.4. i-

pass an act ratifying Gov. Coin- lows, !Aria from "La Cenerentola"- An exhibit which attracted so
stock's proclamation, he added. "Nacqui all affanno," Rossini; five A
"While there is a possibility of lit- songs from "Schwanengesang," Schu- much attention at the recent Mich-
igation growing out of the situation," bert; and five folk songs from the tgan Good Roads Convention in De-
Prof. Bates concluded, "I believe that Swedish, Russian, Greek, French, and troit that it was held over to become
the governor's action was required by German. Hermann Reuter, her ac- a premiere attraction for thousands'
common sense and that there will be companist, will play Mozart's "Son- at the Detroit Auto Show will be
general acquiescence in it." ata in A." open to students this afternoon in
the Union assembly room as a fea-
turc of the Michigan Highway Con-
The-exhibit wa prepared by the'
st t highway department to illus-
Closes After Two-Day Sessioii ratphically and with
ical models the savings effected on
-------- automobile operating expenses by the
Economic problems arising from roads because of the tremendous sav- improvement of roads.
road construction and the relation ings in transportation costs which "It should be of great interest to
of traffic volume to highway main- could be effected by a comparatively every student who has ever driven
small paving expense. a car or expects to become a voter,
tenence costs were the subjects for "Automobile owners in Michiganj for it displays quickly and drama-
discussion in the second day's meet- are paying $11,000,000 more than tically the whole case in favor of
ing of the Michigan Highway Con- they should in taxes every year and good roads," commented Prof. Roger
ference yesterday at the Union. The I truck owners contribute $800,000 Sur- L. Mor'rison of the highway engineer-
convention, which will adjourn to- plus annually," stated Prof. John S. ing and transport department in de-
night, was in session for the entire Worley of the transportation de- Iscribing the model yesterday.
body of Michigan State Highway En- partment. The Michigan State High- Besides the six huge charts which
gineers. the Michigan Good Roads way Department model exhibit and| cover one end of the assembly room
Association, and the Michigan Asso- charts were used to illustrate his; nv, rienm1 ,i 1ha ,.v ii f.f s rf i1n frth .ta-


Hitlerism Is Not Plot To Bring
Back Kaiser, Says Prof. Wahr
By GEORGE VAN VLECK Hitler may be able to formulate. Al-
Hitlerism is a reaction against the though I distinctly favor the contin-
Versailles Treaty, the aggressive poli- uation of the German republic, it
cies of France since the War, and seems that Republican government in
constitutes a defense against the Germany has resulted so far in p~oli-
menace of Communism, according to tical chaos, and the blame for this
Prof. Fred B. Wahr, assistant dean lies more without the country than
of students. It is not a plot to seek within."
the return of Kaiser Wilhem, he said. -Hitler was described as a gifted

Professor Wahr, who has recently
returned from Germany, stated that
there was little possibility of the re-
turn of the Kaiser. and branded as

orator. Professor Wahr related how
he had attended a Nazi mass-meeting
in Munich at which the young leader

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