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March 14, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-14

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TtilE MI 11GAo I)AIIj

A JICAN °TCITY, Mar-ch J13. -/cp-
ry fo h irttm n Nearly,
!e y 'ad ratcd SIx newr car-
ts. T!.1'.

Fr tD r /1'fsic'(/

iFata1lTo Aide

Aogralphs Of World4-f wsPole ienJ IJioUiiiversit 'y
U'esySh wNwPhu(ses Of Thei'Lives Sta.rts A Sst,'n

Ih .« ,1>ofL~ l 'r,;ctz I ui it - vre-i__ei
t A RNICMn>1.. it
y b ei o edhuti al-~ve Siro(!iei', Hoover's
7'ng ara whhwol1)Oid fo rnh trtete anwho sup-
a sytmtcivso fteae: le rsdn ovrwith) much of
hi;ch eoois'esimt cnai kee nuni info h; sech


ictro Vumaoni-B.od,'utl now
~3.bis~viofQuebec, Canaa.
ngel.o Mia Dolci, until now,
Gtlcnni o Rumnania.I

La Dela tCos"",

arc hbish.op of
archbishop of

of ^lteigwalth. 'fih' glrts''itd. i f(U11
xvi hveIhespn ;,h po e( 1O (U. cl th nau-
:t._o0'fdea Gr511 01 (IV oaline arh4adwent to
As riinalyPlo 200 <)WdI'~~' d.II> un:.io gr ,wose, how-
plncle frtersrii 2W au:dy"evas~ i unday
000 o 30,00 unmplyedmen o b ~~ght hatMrs St Y.Lr"sayed at
gr~iubstaked by the fCIIOIl rl' h bdsdevhlc",1,0as ad-
or Some relief ageC ,edc~'w iitrdinavi temttose
whh llautomobil e trucks :,-,l beVi Il life.
tools from the army sulie em foC1
' u',her putbhir inhnn'a~y was :, rii.~21S-
ot er pu li a en me.tr ti e-sK , 9 " To r si c tH oo-
Th' ntrswuld6 be trained 1by y Btfrmteieofisa
the tat n'mng ICPltie~i en he e~nflnit n Mrch25, 1929, just
Oui e t f g l a nI ~ a d ~1' (* MA r . IHoover ~ t o ffice, he was
stteauhoiybealoa tt hecleduofuqeil ornish ma-
temial or1ad gv advice about, the
varios gol hearng diteiet ac-and staltrnct. s the Presi-
cording to the extent or1 icnesof Irc rcnnoi

laruaillo Fossati, archbishop


ithis holy year cnitr,02
,he mrostcolorful C~icremonieCs of
!omanfCatholi cchch h, the ! 2
alsonmi edhiccadraU
ten thle holy dioors of thiree Rome
icas at the same time that he in-
irates the holy year, April 1 by
ling the holy door of St. Peter's.

Intrna e hmpsc; itothe dily
lives of :ayw~dfnosmen and
Womenoth iaictceur
55 atogah ±1,r,,rsetd h
Univeri: iIv nlihoeit
wvas anone etra yPresi-
dent Al _ader..Rut e.
The 1O.to wee d.>. y ithe
Mi sCses rr';ith.i -, = gr.a ,ni~ctrs
given tO 11wLni'_, ~ trug h
prepa rn f :V o cie ay-'
lor Col' i<< ,th . ule ,,r ;3were
offered hi Lhttne
Six f th pe ----n---rwo of01Si
RichrdOil ,andon ech of .
were se"ct'.;y PesientRuthv {
for presorval.n in the I "ivers;itvi
MusumsT m reainer re Vail-1
Iablefrwnama 113{ tdnt n
The oll.ction I'(cC iVd i.mnthI1
compplemnte ase of 23 autographst
which, at the requet of the Mi sses .I
Bairdsrnith, icr s ee for thc
Universi iy by Profe-sor Briggs lastt
year. morantnme in the first
set of letters in lclueChristina? Ros-
The Sociedad Hispanica will hold
a regular social meeting at 7:130 p. mn.
today in the League. A program oft
songs and games has been planned
according to John C. Rishell, '33,1
presiident of the club. Those inter-3
ested are invited. Prof. Jose Albala-k
dejo has been elected faculty adviser
to replace Charles N. Staubach whof
formerly held that position.

se lice Duke of Wellington, John
G1 (-nloaf Wh~ittier, Thomas Carlyle,
WlimE. C ladsI tonec. Sir Ro)bert
Pee, Jsia WcwodGeorgne 'T'ick-
nc,-, F-ir Georg TrvelanSirJae
Macitosh Thoas BileyAldrich,
Harriet Beecher Stovwe.
tem's in tercnl received coil i-
ticon include ch njiiotables as Felicia
x1einous, Hlenry Jame(-, Andrew Lang_.
henr Wadworh LogfelowSir.
EdinLadser'obert M-i'vontg .,om-
e ry, A. H..Vin ro, Sa uel B utler,of t e s c ' ,- > Ki cal -
('cai-'d., signed "Mr,'. Thomas Crye
and "John . Wite. They ,.ere
the perlonial signat ures of the two
men1 of leI.-, madelforepine
or lniae ad an novge
T. L L l }\ : 1: V:~ fthe late Pro ,. (C harles W . liot of
Iavadto aPeltie Charles Eliot
Norton, and bearinlg a curious typo-
graphical error. It reads: "Dear
Charle:--The coi'poration will pro-
pose Mr. Leslie Stephen's nmeto
the Overseers for an LL.D., if you
think that would be appropriate ac-
tion; and they also agreed to present
the name of Moore for an A.M. I
am proposing to nominate you on the
College administrative board. Affec-
tiately yours, Charles WV, Eliot." The
letter is dated from Cambridge, May
27, 1890.
Lighter moments tihe liives of
several lights of literature are ob-
servable in many of the letters. ,
Thomas Bailey Aldrich writes to one
J. B. A.: "-What the deuce people
fly to the mountains for before the
Last Day, I can't conceive, but when
you get over your insanity and come
back to, the breezy plains again
(thermometer 70 degrees at :.'/,, past
8 this morning) I shall hope to see
you-my catbird scored me on a

! - - - - I I -I t f I v lA 1 bkI7fl f 1

sonata for the first day of my home- "' kluj"L
coming and has been dumb ever - ,-----
sin ce."
John Greenleaf Whittie c itsin H'11)Cal led VFI'irtOfIts
m' :;E~i ae tr~ o-I Ki d I m r c:eter s are against me, and 1 can't t e d L d 1
get aw* ay from the g>rip of this dread- Ap~lproval O'i 'JtRcials
full weather. T wish 1 could. Lizzy isI
bus y with her sewing and cannotCLMU,0, ac 3-i
leave it, but she thanks thee for the Ten) -A book barter system having,
invi tat(ion. With love from both of usI the approval of Un ive (rsity officials
to Annie Fields, I am achingly thy, has, been estarblishedl here by the
fiind, J. G. W." '
Henr'y James, the novelist, scrawls i buent Senate of Ohio State Uni-
this hasty line:. "My den;' Grae- x'esit y.
I send this word down by' ha nd to Acodn !o the plan, %wh1ich is
tell you howv grieved I am th~at I can' t, cla imedto6be1the first of its"3kind in
after all, come down todayi. I have any Amri:ican university,. any boolk
ever~y hope of being able to come to- ,used durii ngthel pin quarter will
morrow, or will wire you early inl the be a-ctctd :at the university book-
a. mn. I became aware of an obst irue- storea andi will be0 tiven~ 60 percent
tion-to coming tdy only last of the lpuliser's ist Lpr-ice. A "due^
night too late to telegrap,,h-Don't be2 bill" will be issued to t he student
disturbed at my oficial1 messenger--it: for this amo,-unt andi this inl turn
is partly to give him an outing- may be app~llied on any other book
Ever your Henry James." in the stock turned in by bartering
Nee Exam IT' the amoiunit of the booka pur-
T efedArl1 ch.,sed is more' than the credit al-
Hll ! P~s - -- lotted on the "due bill' the differ-
The Michigan State Board of Ex- ence shall be paid in cash. However',
aminers for the Registration of Ar- if the situation is rever sed and the
hitects, Engineers, and Surveyors an-. credit allowved on the "due bhill" is
nounces the next examination for I greater thanj the pr.ice of t ae 'book
architects to be given at. the Uni- pu]'chased the student shall receive
versity of M1ichigan on April 13, 14, a receipt for the value of' the dif-
and 15. ference.
Application blanks and full infor'- "I deem it a mighty fine thing "
oration may. be obtained by writing stated President George W. Right-
to the office of the Board, 1043 Book mire," anc4 this mecasur'e has the
Building, Detroit. approval of the admrinistratioii."

the areas.

TinlT'nJht- -l evagini
liralCeretiwho for eight
was auditor of the apostolic
tion at Washington, for St.
pope also nominated two ad-
d carial to be crea ted at a
conistcrylTei. names were
2d ud dlbe npulihed as
pooresdid not amake the nomi-
sof newv bishops and arch-
s as originally scheduled forz

1i STANFORD, Calif., iMa << o 13t -
Co-eds at Stanford Univers ity mnuLst
pass physical examinat ins- and be
excellent in t:heir studies before they
are allowed to stay out until mid-
night on week nights, and 1:30 Sat-
urday nights.
todayv. They were postponed until a
sec ret con sistory Thursday, following
a puiblic consistory on the same day.
NewV bishops for Seattle and Syra-
cuse, N.. Y., are expected to be among
about 20 named.I

cteLIt vas preparding~.
The a diis ,tra tive assistant had
a wealth Gf experience fronm which
to draw when he gave advice. Born
in Marshall, Mo., Oct. 5, 1833, he
started newspaper work before he
was 19, beginning as a reporter on
the Fresno, Calif., Republican.
With no other education than that
he obtained in Fresno High school,'
he followed a literary career until
1929, when he was picked to be Pres-
ident Hoover's assistant.
Before he went to the White House
he also had written with Henry Mor'-
genthau, war- time ambassador to
Turkey and father of the present
chairman of the farm board, two
books--"All in a Lifetime" and "I
Was Sent to Athens."


r~iTTtnaI'Nn lMarch.'13.--w)-PliceI
who arrested Ernest Jackson, 22
years old, were so amused by his ap-
petite that they gave him his free-
clem. "I'm a professional fire eater,"
he explained as he crunched an elec-
tric light bulb between his teeth and
then bit off the corner of a razor

WASHINGTON, M"arch 13.-(/P)-
President Roosevelt today sntthe
nomination of Robert W. Eingh-am.
Louisville publisher, to be ambassa-
dor to Great Britain to the senate.

~ton In Ruins After Violent Quake; Seventy- Third congress Meets In Special Sessiotf


_ -A Snciklkc t Yr w PhoPO:




:his pc r lownvs Cne ;.1 f f Ie ' . 2R U1 l ise of 1 ).p _...a 1'1_ C y...he( it . L'y. met.f 'n xt'a -
so, saonto 0naet m SUc,. sac:nedto relieve the nat'en's hnkngstuP6n,' l cng'ss1i rc r
ing for the iprayer of th chill'1

H" f m .opopry1 "c o wogI yC~oni' 'ries cf earhquakes. The debris of Cdem-olis hcd bu' l4,ngs is show'1¢Vn
st w ~rP1i mstrect of Co npton, C-,l'f. where mi.ore than a Cozen person s were kiled.

, :.


llfl t1e0i't r nf ict .btt ' .-,Sn Oa-
of It Chinese provineceof Jehol.
tawlow 3z panese infantrymen arc
shown 'ixmovin-,ot(i.;n a raging
bzad ith the ther-momctera lt
dvc of the lMikaddo's troops at
h . chol1 v.Ilage inear the Manehur-
iaznbrdr After a 15-dlay dlrive

,t ^
t .

- - -------- -

j I ' 1~i~&.:

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