THE MICHIGAN DAILY { j +Y 1i. Jf } CAMPUS S%. Ma studen ts New Portrait Of Mrs. F nt iaied Into CampUSOSS Week-End Features Rites For New Members, Guestf Dinners And Dance Sororities and fraternities spent a r busy week-end with initiations at most houses in aAtion to dances and dinners featured at others. TJHETfA PHI ALP A Theta Phi Alpi a held a guest din-1 ner Sunday, followed by an open house. Pink tapers and white sweet peas were used as table decorations? Mrs. F. K. O'Neill and James O'Neill of the French department were guests of honor. ALPHA DELTA PIw Alpha Delta Pi spent an unusually b u s y week-end entertaining. Six rushees attended a Sunday nightI supper, at which the decorations were blue and white tapers and pink rose- buds, and six more rushees were:, " guests at dinner yesterday evening. Evelyn Hawisher, a senior from Pi: < c h a p t e r at Wittenberg College, Springfield, O., spent the week-end at the house. Paul Hersman, an AlphaJ Nu from Akron, O., was the guest of Phyllis Williams. { June Slote, '33, was in Lewisville, Here is a recent studio portrai 0., for the week-end, and Irma Klin- werefishe resent. p isto visited at Mt. Clemens. wife of the pesident Alpha Sigma Phi held its initiation ards, of Grand Rapids; Reta E. Mor- last week-end for the following men: den, '35; APdelle Switzer, '34; Fran- Robert Thornley, '36, Milburn, N. J.; ces Parker, '33; Jean E. Porter, '34; Dan Cook, '35, Lorain, Ohio; William Ruth E. Miller, of Grand Rapids; _ McClintic, '35E, Detroit; Tom Jeff- Mary Thompson, of Detroit; and ries, '34E, Coronado, Calif.; Tom Bernadette Cogan. Mr. and Mrs. Rol- Walbert, '35E, Detroit; Forest Haver, land D. Severy chaperoned the party. I '35E, Yonkers, N. Y. ALPHA SIGMA I' ISIGMA SIGMA.. A hard times party was given Sat- Phi Sigma Sigma held its initia- urday night by Alpha Sigma Phi. tion ceremonies Sunday for Francis urdy nghtby lpa SgmaPhi .urnstine, 36, Detroit; Florence Old clothes were worn and the men KmstNewDor; ose L smoked corn cob pipes. Among the ep, '; guess pesen wee Frnci Heson,6, Cheboygan; and Minna Griffin', guests present were Francis eston, ,M5, Pittsburgh. The initiation wasI '35,Grac Mayr, 34Ed, Heen ollowed by a formal banquet, with Boone, '33Ed., Jane Cissel, '33, Doro- yellow and blue used as the motif thy Hall, '35, Margaret Ballard, for the decorations. '36Ed., Inez Nelson, '34, Laila Wil- son, '36SM, Marie Stoetzner, '33Ed., PI BETA PHI Virginia Strausner, '33, Margaret Pledges of Pi Beta Phi were for- Robinson, Mary Brown, '36, Gwen- mally initiated Saturday afternoon. dolyn Zoller, Lucille Johnstone, '35, They were entertained at the home Ruth Knapp, '34, Elizabeth Hoirey, of Mrs. Charles Jamison earlier Sat- Margaret Homes, Pauline Brooks, '34, .rday with a buffet luncheon which Betty Egglesfield, Vinselle Bartlett, followed the reading of the sorority '33, Jane Whitney, '34, and Helen constitution. A formal banquet was Wilson, '35. held after the initiation at which DELTA ZETA . . bhe following alumnae attended: Eleanor Wilkinshaw, '32, B a t t 1 e Delta Zeta held an initiation cere- Creek; Mrs. Howard VanWinkle, mony Saturday for Ceil Hellberg, '34, Howell; Mrs. John C. Roth, Wash- of Norway, Mich. At the formal ban- ington, D. C.; Dorothy Birdzell, '32, quet given in the evening lace cloths Helen Hall, Ann Arbor; May Keller, over pink, Kilarney roses and pink Ann Arbor; Eleanor Wortley, Wind- tapers were used as decorations. sor, Ont.; Anna Lyle Spain, Detroit; Alumni who returned for the ban- Mrs. Palmer Christian, Ann Arbor; quet were Marjorie Cuthbertson, '32, Mrs. Charles Jamison, Ann Arbor; Flint; Dorothy Loune, '32, Flint; and Mrs. A. E. White, Ann Arbor. Lynne Fowler, '30 Clifton, Ia.; Dale Those initiated were Margaret Saunders, Cleveland; Mary Dunni- hose in3tiBro dlynN.MY;gDrot gan, '29, Shirley King, '29, Eleanore isYoutz, '34, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Dorothy H-orney, '29, and Bernice Enlich, '31, Dishman, '33, Detroit; Dorothy Roth, all of Detroit; Mrs. Raphael Issacs, '36, Washington; Virginia Bell, '36, Mrs. Alfred Kessler, Emma Pearl An- Elsie; Betty Woolman, '36, Rio De derson, '29, Mrs. Grance Arnold, '31, Janerio; Betty Bowman, '36, Duluth, and Mrs. Lyda Humphreys, all of Ceek; Magaet Hicoc,'36BAnn ? Ann Arbor.Cee;MraeHicc,',An Arbor; Mary Ann Mathewson, '34,1 KAPPA DELTA RHO Richmond, Va.; Elsa Sparre, '34, Kappa Delta Rho entertained the Wilmington, Del.; Mary Katherine following guests at their annual irli- Snyder, '34, Cleveland;Patricia Daly, tiation formal Saturday night: Ma<'ie '34,.Port Huron; Margaret Welsh, '35, Sisson, '33Ed; Betty Snyder, '33E'd; Detroit; Betty Scherling, '36, Detroit; Dorothy Leake, '35; Martna B. Eng- Francine Wright, '34, Grand Rapids; lish; Sarah Lacey, '35; Vivian Mc- Virginia Hartz, '35, Evansville, Ind.; Carty, Grad; Margaret M. Neuhaus, and Emily Louise Bowser, '36, Fort '35; Lucill E. 3oynton; Ruth Rich- j Wayne, Ind. . .;. ranklin D. Roosevrdt4 Frolic Ticket Sale The new low price of $1.50 for Frosh Frolic tickets appeared yester-} day afternoon to have transformed a lagging ticket sale into a prospective sellout, William J. Isaacson, ticket (harirman, said. Approximately 100 tickets were sold on the first day of saie at theI nw price. Early in the afternoon e Union desk reported its supply exh austed, while other agencies around the campus all reported heavy! sales.f mnuouncement was made Sunday mLo iing by the committee that the, rees had been cut in half as a re- stll of economies including the hiring of a new orchestra, "Chuck" Bricker and his Harlequins. Although this is the first appear- ance of the Harlequins on the Michi- gan campus (Bricker himself played here several years ago in another or- chestra) they are well known on other Big Ten campuses, having played engagements at the Universi- ties of Illinois and Iowa, and ap- peared at Indiana, Chicago, Val- paraiso, and Purdue, where they were received with favor. The Frosh Frolic will be held Fri- day night, March 17, in the Union ballroom. Decorations will be in green and white in accordance with the spirit of St. Patrick's day. Tickets will be sold the rest of this week at the Union, the Hut, the Den, the Parrot, and from each member of the committee. A refund of $1.50 will be made upon every ticket bought at the former price if presented at the place of purchase, Isaacson said. FO0U NT A IN P E N Parker, Sheaffer, Wate min, Conklin, etc., $1.00 and up. A large and cboice assorinent 1 314 S. State St., Ann Aror'. t - ie e :' on oral musi so ii id fornal pledging seies la .ek at the home of M:s . '. Dana of Hill Street. Those wo wrie taken in as pledges were Florence Leich, '34, piano student of Louise Nelson; Charlotte Whitmnan, '35, piano pupil of Nell Stockwcll; Betty Bell, '36, harpist pupil of th Phofi; Maxine Hutchins. piano student of Nell Stockwel anl also a major in public school methods, and Jean floover, '36SM, a piano major with Mbal Ross Rhead. Among those present were Mrs. Vernel Peppard, province president, and two of the founders of the Alpha chapter, Nora Crane Hunt and Miss Campbell. The pledges held their first meet- ing on March 9, and are arranging to give a recital for the actives on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ralph W. Aigler on Wallingford Road. University Billiards Champions r7i11 Clr" °si .SAi * Uion "fidf-Pric Outstanding players of the Univer- night is regui , -y women's night it~illard1.em. atina chm-J'e, niopolind .:'ter swimmi ous, will play against each ot u e women wil be allowed in i , a ature of Union half-price upper a of the building. Speci SJohnV. Ledere '33. Union tors wvii lo be admited to the PC e ent, announced yesterday. A j - xi puzle contest was h[ T;er Dillon, Grad.,. and Pe r as a feaurne of last week's half-pr Pepeaning, Grad., the most skilf. night wish the two-man teams timt embers of the team,. will stage an. while working on the puzzle. Two exibition match at 8 p. m. to whh the teams tied at 38 minutes and women students will be admitpted. olay-o, or rather work-off, will -Dad" Williamson, Union billiard I held tonight. coach, will also exhibit his skill at Prices for pink-Pon!, billiards a the exhibition. bowling will be cut in half fort_ At 8:30 p. m. a ping-pong match evening. It is planned, according will be played between the campus Lederle, to continue this event as champions. Women students will be- weekly feature of the Union progr admitted to the billiard room to throughout the remainder of t watch both of these events. Tuesday semester. -Associated Press Photo t of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Wher e ThGo Motion Pictures: Michigan, "So This Is Africa"; Majestic, "Cynara"; Wuerth, "Prosperity." Athletic Events: Swimming, All- Stars vs. Michigan Varsity, 8 p. m., Intramural pool,,admission 25 cents. bances: Tea dancing, 3:30 to 5 p. m., informal dancing, 8:50 to 10:20 p. m., League Grill. TO SPEAK AT LUNCi ON Prof. Charles F. Rener of the eco- nomics department will discuss in- formally "Increase in International Trade as One Way to Relieve the Depression" at the Gradunate lunch- eon at 12:15 today in the Russian Tea Room of the League. Tired? Thirsty? Hungry? CALL 3494 Sodas - Sundaes - - Shakes Cokes -G-Ales O an ea.des Tasty Sandwiches Prompt Delivery C kins-Fletcher Drug Co. THE M~4 d Michigan League Beauty Shopce Mr. Short of the Thomas Beauty alon O1 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 Telephone 2-3251 For Your Appointment III I Ei . _ i i I !I l Leag ue osleryhop presents DESERT TONES by C)ENIX r0 Ot. smartest hosie 1 i 'i i I ii A large packing case is exhibited on a raised plat- form. A young woman climbs into the box. Head, hands and feet protrude, and are held by specta- tors while the magician takes a crosscut saw and, with the help of an assistant, saws through the center of the box and apparently through the wo- man, EXPLANATION: There are many explanations for this illusion. One method of performing this illusion requires the presence of t1wo girls in the box. One girl curls up in the left half of the box with her head and hands protruding, giving the effect you see illustrated above. The other girl is doubled up in the right half of the box, with only her feet showing. Nobody is sawed in half. Cigarette advertising, too, has its tricks. Consider the illusion that "Flavor" can be achieved by some kind of magical hocus- pocus in manufacturing. EXPLANATION: Just three factors control the flavor of a cigarette. The addition of arti- ficial flavoring. The blending of various to- selves. Quality is by far the most important. Domestic cigarette tobaccos vary in price from 50 a pound up to 400 a pound. Imported tobaccos vary fron 50# a pound to $1.15. No wonder, then, that cigarettes differ in taste-since distinctive,. pkeasing favor de- pends so largely upon the blending of the cost. lier tobaccos. It f Ube fooled - . . .it's lre un to KNOW ry shaes Fo r Spring t Is.:o 0 nwellIcnown by loaf tobacco exports, that Camels are mode from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any other popular brand. Try Camels.,Give your taste a chance to sense the subtle difference that lies in costlier to- baccos .. . a difference that means all the world in smoking pure, un- alloyed satisfaction. PUEBLO CAMINO FIESTA CLOUD MIST SONORA g." J