THE M ICHIGAN DAILY ocialists Will Prussian Vote Sponsor Talks Adds Power To On Karl Marx Hitler Force National Financial Figures Discuss Crisis Ancient v' . s First Of Series Set For Socialists And Co nim unist March 19, In Memory Sustain Heavy Losses; Of Thinker's Birthwdav 'Red Berlin' Extinci The first of a series of discussions BERLIN, March 13. - d') - Adolf on the contributions of Karl Marx to Hitler's Nazis and their allies, the contemporary thought will be held at Nationalists, were more firmly en- 7:30 p. m. Sunday, March 19, in the trenched in power than ever today Union. The series wil be sponsored after a wholesale turnover of muni- by the Michigan Socialist Club. cipal and communal office-holders in "The economic teachings of Marx Prussia, comprising two-thirds of have received little attention in Germany. American cla.ssrooms and this series, The Socialist and Comnmunist par-' which is to commemorate the fif- ties. whose hie srength has ben tieth anniversary of Marx's death, is in the city and town councils of the designed to fill this need," Charles nation's largest state, suffered evenr Orr, Grad., a leader in the club, de- greater losses than in the Reichsta^' clared. and Prussian Diet elections of a week The series, composed of three talks ago. which will be held weekly, will open The government parties not only with a lecture on "The Philosophy won an overwhelming majority of of Marx" by Wilfred Sellars, '33. Sel- 200,000 town and district offices but, lars will discuss dielectic materialism thiough them, complete control of and Marx's philosophy of history. the Prussian Diet through the state's Frances Marmarosh, Grad., will council. " "-,1 An)d "Rd Br-in" th f t I a I k 5 #9 . #, I I I . -Associated Press Photo Arthur A. Ballantine (left), assistant secretary of the treasury, William H. Woodin (center), and George W. Davison, chairman of the Central Trust Company of New York, recently discussed the banking situatien with the President. This picture was taken as they were leav- ing the White House. Discussed B y H. Van Dusen Theologist Comments On Science Vs. Religion; Points To New Vies The changing viewpoints of scien- tists in regard to the relationship be- tween religion and science were dis- cussed by Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen, prominent theolgist, at a reception following a performance of the play, "He Came Seeing," Sunday evening at the League. Some men consider science as the only guidance to truth, and hence completely authoritative, others be- lieve that there are two distinct kinds of truth, science, which deals with the factual material of life, and religion which deals with the spiri- tual and artistic aspects, Dr. Van Du- sen declared. The attitude favored by Dr. Van Dusen is that both science and re- ligion deal with the totality of real- ity. "Though they appear to be at conflict, ultimately they must be re- conciled," he said. Saying that many leading scien- tists are showing more leaning to re- ligion today than they did 20 or 30 years ago, Dr. Van Dusen stated that "all science advances on the assump- tion that all things may be under- stood. Science is interested in the structure of the universe and this in- terest is an aid to religion. There is no way to account for the physical nature of the universe unless there is some spiritual structure holding it together," he believes. "The value of the modern inter- pretation shows the relationship be- tween art and science, science and religion," he said in voicing his ap- proval of the trend of scientific lead- ers toward spiritual belief. About 70 attended the reception, at which everyone had the opportunity to meet and talk with Dr. Van Dusen. of Representatives at 7:30 today on the fourth floor of Angel Hall. Try- out speeches by anyone wishing to join the organization will also be heard, it was said. Francis Conlin, '35, was elected to membership last week. spec the cuss will k on The Eiaonoines 1 iMarx - 1'tC- l - " -- Z 01 " -- following Sunday. The third dis- Communists for several years - be- - ion, "The Theory of Revolution," came an extinct phrase in fact. The 3 " Dr. Fisher To Address be led by Orr. capital went over the Nazis and Na- .ledley L IRoeli tionalists, with the latter making i Apli i Nu'society Today their biggest gains in this city. T 1 omaThe red, black and gold flag which pre- has been the emblem of the German 'sent as its next speaker Dr. Fred- republic for 14 years also became ex- C arn n'W ork erick B. Fisher of the Ann Arbor r e° e k lo 0 9ncamp,' bIhMeWod isa t 7:30op. m.htodaywin J tinct today as the national colors. ;Methodist Episcopal Church who Under a decree signed by President will speak at 7:30 p. m. today in yBr Von Hicnburg, the old inmperial Lea~er In Elucation , Room 4003 Angell Hall on "Person- comtes the oficial colors. Characier Scheduled T( oDr. Fisher is well known on the (Continued from Page 1) Meanwhile Chancellor Hitler an- 5't Today campus as a prominent speaker and nounced his party's swastika banner also as an authority on India. He re- stipulation of the Laura Spel- hereafter will appear alongside the "cently wrote the book "That Little 1 Rockefeller Institute of New imperial flag on all public buildings. Personality Changes through the k donors of a grant making pos-ipra lgo l ulcbidns Agency of the Summer Camp," is the {rw alGnh. k, dnu r of sugrvy ming Mh- For the next three days they are to Agect of a Umer cture ' be Alpha Nu offers unusual opportu- wave in celebration of the "National- de t by D edy S. Dock nity to underclassmen who are in- including that of Professor Reed ist revolution." delivered by Dr. Hedley S. imock Bromage, that the directors of A Wolff News Agency report said a at 4:10 p. m. today in the auditorium terested in development of speech a survey publish separately their of the University. High School.ablt, m bes ai Tyu i andesubeissy social town councillor was slain near speeches for new members will be ings and suggestions. . Bagdeburg Sunday after he reported- Dr. Dimock, who is widely recog- held at 7:15 just before the regular the final chapter of their re- ly wounded a Nazi storm trooper in nized as a leader in the field of meeting. Professors Reed and Bromage self-defense. character education, has had a very that in their opinion "the data Julian Fuchs, New York musician, wide range of experience which pre- ented . . .lead inevitably to the and Herman Roseman, Brooklyn, pared him for leadership in his chos- Ad 1 t 1 o .1 Forumn elusion that the state of Michigan N. Y., medical student, were victims en field of religions eduation. His Discuission Of Banking- i need of a drastic reorganization I of assault by Nazis or persons wear- young manhood was spent in the is system of county and township ing Nazi uniforms on Saturday, it' western plains of Canada where his An open forum discussion of the ernment." was learned Sunday. A Nazi leader father took up a homestead. He was present banking situation will be this ertaining to the township, they aided Fuchs when he was attacked by in the Princess Pat Regiment in week's program of the Adelphi House men demanding- money. Roseman, assaulted when leaving a store with a package, was told by police they could not interfere with Nazis. In recommending its abolition, Union Adopts New however, they declare that his should . "not be mandatory but optional with Pins For StudentsI the voters of each county." Pertaining to county government A uniform undergraduate pin for in Michigan, Professors Reed and Union members with only the numer- Bromage say that the most serious al changing from year to year was charge that can be levelled against adopted at the last meeting of the it is its "headlessness." board of directors of the Union, it "The data which we have present- was announced yesterday by John W. ed," they say, "clearly demonstrates Lederle, '33, Union president. the necessity of reorganizing the The change was adopted because present machinery of county govern of confusion in the minds of students ment." "With. specific reference to the as to whether the Union pin repre- sented the class of the student or the county boards of supervisors, they 'year he joined the Union, say that, "except in the smallest y The majority wearing the pin in counties, they are large and unwieldy the past have been of the same class and incapable of exercising any close and the distinctive shape of the admiistrative controlovnthe exe- badge accentuated the class idea. u baenchlofltheracounty. thiHowever, the badge is really a Union body is recommende n f pin not a class pin, Lederle empha- oyproidehangesdwsized. To provie yhPrngeswhish te be-n The advantages of the new plan lieve necessary, Professors Reed andarththeewlawysbasoc Bromage propose an amendment of the new pins on hand, they will which would enable counties to adopt always be godlooking and retain the the measures they advocate. nuneral of the year the student join- This amendment was submitted to nd the yio tho the gaing the legislature three weeks ago by ied the Union with out the glarg an n .- eu- m---r,-difference an shape. 1917-19, and saw a great deal of ac- tive service' in France. Upon return- ing he was connected with the Y. C. C. A. as Boy's Secretary and then completed his course at the Univer- sity of Chicago. He received his doc- tor's degree in 1926. After a year at Carleton College, he became a pro- fessor of Religion Education in the Y. M. C. A. College, Chicago, in 1927. As a result of special studies in character education, made particu- larly in camps, Dr. Dimock in collab- oration with Charles E. Hendry, has written a book "Camping and Char- acter." He is now bringing to a close an important three years' study in the changes taking place in adoles- ent boys. He has recorded these changes in all aspects of personality on some 200 boys differently situated as to groupings and personal rela- tions. Dr. Dimock is in great demand be- ause of his ability to analyze prob- lems, to lead group discussions and to harmonize conflicting points of view. SMOKER TO BE HELD A smoker for members of the Scalp and Blade, social organization for Buffalo students, will be held at 8 p. m. tonight in the Union. All men students from Buffalo are urged to attend._ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertisins Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at three o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in zdvance-11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. Minimum i 3lines per insertion. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Telephonesrate-15c per reading line for one or two insertions. 14v per reading line for three or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one mlonth ...... ..................8c 4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months..........8c 2 lines daily, college year..........7c 4 lines E. 0. )., collee year.......7c 100 lines used as desired...........9c 3CO lin , usedi as des rod...........8c 1,000 lines used as desired....... ..:7c 2,000 lines used as desired.. .....6c The above rates are per reading line, ibas(:d on elght reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Addl 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letter:. The above rates are for 71 point type.. TYPING LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044. Towels free. Socks darned. 13c STUDENT -And family washing careful work at lowest prices. Ph. 3006. 6c WANTED WANTED--Small, modern unfur- nished house, in best. residential section. Fall occupancy. Rental for one year. Garage. Address Box 8, Daily Office . 349 WANTED-5,000 MEN'S OLD AND new suits. Best prices paid. Cash for old gold. Phone 4306. Chicago buyers. 34c FOR SALE FOR SALE-Beckman light transit, like new. $40.00 C. J. Longst, 201 Cambrey St., Saginaw, Mich. 352 LOST WILL PERSON-Who took wrong coat at Phi Delt dance call Dillan, 4295 and exchange. 350 NOTICE HIAVE-Y'our snap shots developed at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. Univer- sity. Here fine work is the tradi- tion. 29c NOW SHOWING CLASSIFIED DRECOR - - of Muskegon. The measure passed the Senate but was defeated in the e House. It is hoped here, however, -I t . FavoritesA Varied, that it may soon be revived.0 Inuirine Reorter Disco 'vets ver~ "M I i l Ii i 'I ; I Students.(Editor's Note. From time to time -t opinions of people picked at random on the street on some subject of gen- COMING EVENTS ral interest will be published in the COMI'G EVENTScolumns of The Daily. The inquiring Badminton for Women: All wo- reporter would appreciate the contri- men students who have played Bad- bution of any question for discussion.) minton are invited to take part in Yesterday on the campus the in- tryouts for a Badminton team on quiring reporter of The Daily made Wednesday, March 15, between 2 and his first appearance with the ques- 4 p. m., Barbour Gymnasium. tion: What is your favorite musical 1 composition? If you have any rea- Music Section of the Faculty Wo- sons for your choice, what are they? men's Club will meet on Thursday, Ben H. Slar, Bayonne, N. J., stu- March 16 at 8:15 p. in. in the Wo- dent: "Tschaikowsky's Pathetic Sym- men's Athletic Building. A program phony No. 6 because, I think, it is the of Norwegian music will be given most perfect paraphrase of life in under the direction of Miss Odina music. It has movements I would in- Olson. ei terpret as stages in the existence of Members are invited to bring their man. The under-lying pathos of life husbands or some other guest to this is here portrayed." meeting, which will be the annualI party. Please notify Mrs. Johnstone, Walter W. Tupper, ScD. Ann Ar- 23779, if you expect to come. bor, Assistant Professor of Botany: "Some of Wagner's compositions. Union Tryouts: There will be a Wagner with his grandeur appeals meeting of all UNION tryouts and to my imagination more than any all other Freshmen who wish to try other composer. Of his works, theI out for the Union on Wednesday at Prelude to Tannhauser is probablyI 4:00 p. m. Important that all try- my favorite." outs be present. Emerson Adams, Ann Arbor, boot- trouble is I like so many songs. If I had to choose a favorite,.I guess it would be the St. Louis Blues because of its rhythm." Waldo E. Steidtmann, M.S., Ann Arbor, Teaching Fellow in Botany: "Military band music, because of the chills and thrills it sends up my spine. A favorite composition depends a great deal upon mood; but gen- erally speaking, I prefer a good heavy j march." Lawrence A. Roehler, Wellsville, N. Y., student: "My favorite is the Nutcracker Suite of Tschaikowsky. Of the little finer music I know, I remember this piece clearest. It seems to express a mood I can understand with my limited knowledge of music." black: "Dancing music, I guess. The T -H -LastTimes Today Mani Dressler & Polly Moran i "PROSPERITY" TYPING - Typing carefully done. V e r y moderate rates. 0. K. Thacher. Phone 6734. bc TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad. theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c MAJESTIC _LAST TIkSME TODAY--=- RONALD COLMAN in - - ---with KAY FRANCIS BERT WHEELER in ROBERT WOOLSEY A This 6s Africa, I Tom}orrow ROBERT MONTGOMERY I t - in Il I I I R ._ .._ s ...._... ......... ............ . vr e. .. .. _... w ..,... .. ....... m. .. , e "HAY-FEVER - with TALLULAH RA V IWAn ---ON THE STAGE----- JamesPickard's Oriental Presentation "DRAGON LAND" with Prince Wong, Dolores Young, Lota Wong, and the Chinese Syncopators IIII1 I 11 III I a III