Tie Weather
Cloudy and slightly colder
Tuesday; Wcdnesday generally
t I
t A"
Itlit orials
The Frosh Frolic's De-
pression Price.
New Stable
ban ~lan
Un er aya
Orderly Resunmp ion Of
BPanking Operations In
Large Centers Of Natioii
Pleases Adinnistration
Lefris ate Against
Deposit Speculation
Sound Banks In 250 Cities
Will Resume Operations
Today ; Smaller Towns
Affected Tomorrow
WASHINGTON, March 13.--(P)-
Gratified at the orderly, if partial,
resumption of banking operations,
the administration tonight went to
work on a permanent banking reor-
ganization program.
"The people have responded to the
first step in the government's planI
of financial reconstruction with com-
mon sense and sober realization of
actual conditions," beamingly an-
i,-ounced Secretary Woodin after
checking reports from all over the
President Roosevelt also followed
accounts of the first day of full bank-
ing activity in the large centers ofI
the country and was described as
happy over the results.
Turning to the impending Senate
stock market investigation, the Presi-
dent let it be known he has asked the
justice department to watch closely
future disclosures by the committee
an1 to prosecute vigorously any vio-
lc'tions brought to light.
Would Bar Present Evils
Chairman Fletcher of the banking
committee called at the White House
late today and afterwards it was said
Dramatic Season Given Offcial
Sanction; Noted Artists To Play
Official approval was granted yes- play in America. In addition to the
Permissi on To J. P. Courts
pen Awaited Criticized y
Predict Action On
!e-Legalized Beer
terday by the Committee of Theatre
Policy of the University for the pres-
entation of the 1933 Dramatic Sea-
son this spring in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn theatre 'under the direction of
Robert Henderson who has just com-
pleted a five months' season at the
Bonstelle Civic Theatre in Detroit.
The Dramatic Season this year will
open Monday evening, May 22, im-
mediately following the close of the
May Festival, and will continue for
four and a half weeks through Wed-
nesday evening, June 21. The season
has been curtailed this year of the
final three days in the last week.
Instead, the summer season of the
Play Production department will
open a week in advance, its sea-
son commencing on Thursday eve-
ning, June 22.
As in past years, the Dramatic
Season at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre will present foremost artists
of the New York stage, both in the
outstanding successes now running
on Broadway and in distinguished
classic revivals. The Dramatic Sea-I
son, modelled after the theatre fes-
tivals in Europe, foregathers at Ann
Arbor each spring the leading stars
of the American theatre. Robert Hen-
derson is leaving for New York
shortly to complete contracts with
While the list of artists and play-
ers has not yet been completed, it
was announced yesterday that four
special performances of Ben Jonson's
seventeenth century comedy, "The
Silent Woman," would be presented
among others. This will mark the
first professional production of the
New York stars in "The Silent Wom-
en," the performance will be aug-
mented by members of the Nell
Gwyn Players.
The Dramatic Season, as was the
case last year, is sponsored by a com-
mittee headed by Prof. Oscar James
Campbell of the English department,
and including Dean Joseph A. Burs-
ley as treasurer, Daniel L. Quirk of
Ypsilanti, Miss Alice Lloyd, Prof.j
James O'Neill, Mrs. Guy Maier, and'
Mrs. Henry Hutchins. Any profits
mnp frc a
By CityBanks
Word From Washington
Expected At Any Time
As Gold Returns
MerchantL iscuss
Justice Of Peace 'Out O
Place,' States Law Pro-
fessor In Report
Backs Cot-n-ty Cou rL
Trade Dollar Idea WitLh Trained Judge{
nue fom each season are neid in
trust by the Civic Committee, and
are usedto underwrite every succes-
sive season.
The 1933 offerings will be the
fourth theatre festival held at the
Mendelssohn theatre. In past years,
it has brought to Ann Arbor such re-
nowned artists as Margaret Anglin,'
Tom Powers, Violet Heming, Blanche
Yurka, Patricia Collinge, Earnest
Cossart, Martha Graham, Glenn
Hunter, Geoffrey Kerr, and Violet
A second production for the 1933
I season, which has been definitely se-!
lected, will be Rose Franken's com-
edy of an American family, "AnotherI
Language." This play has been an
outstanding success of the past New
York season. Recently it closed the}
season at the Bonstelle Civic Thea-
tre in Detroit with Patricia Collinge
and Lester Vail in the starring roles.
Six different plays and one recital!
artist will be presented during the
Dramatic Season. As in previous
years, season tickets for the entire
series will be offered at reduced
Expect Business Would
Increase If Plan Were
Put Into Operation
No permission for Ann Arbor banks
to reopen fully had been received
by local bankers early this morning,
C. J. Walz, president of the Ann Ar-
'Citizens Are Entitled To
Adequate Protection Of
Their Rights,' He Says
Sweeping criticism of Justice of the
Peace courts in Michigan is expressed
by Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, of the
Law School, in a report which was
Chapter Credit
Situation Eased
As Banks Open
Fraternities Pass Danger
Point; All Sound If
Local Banks Operate
The fraternity credit situation
bor Clearing House Association, said. released yesterday. The report was eased up yesterday with banks in
The bankers are expecting such prepared for a state Commission of federal reserve cities opened and
permission at any time, but could Inquiry into County, Township, and w
not tell when it would come. "A rep- School District Government, and is with the announcement that local
resentative of the Federal reserve," based on a study of factual materialbunes'wodng
aid Mr. Walz, "told me that word gathered in the six typical counties, business today.f
from Washington might not arrive Cass, Roscommon, Iron, Antrim, thelocal, bas h r, and
until five minutes before opening Luce, and Kent. up in the local.banks~ however, and
time in the morning." 'The justice of the peace," accord- if they should fail to open today,
Meanwhile, hoarded gold and gold ing to Professor Sunderland, " . . . is many houses will be crippled finan-
certificates returned to the banks in wholly out of the place in a modern cially for some time, but with no
large sums. One bank president re- judicial system." danger of being forced out of exist-
ported that about $16,000 had come Professor Sunderland advocates ence, it was learned yesterday.
into his bank, and another approxi- the establishment of "a county court A group of 10 houses under a local
iated the sum as between $8,000 and properly organized and house, having accountant were reported to have
(10,000. The other banks said they a trained judge, a competent clerk, $20,000 in bank accounts, and other
had received "considerable sums." office equipment sufficient for the fraternities stated that they had
Plans for the establishment of a keeping of proper records, and sitting large sums frozen in the banks, also.
trade dollar went forward among the at such times and places as the needs Most houses are continuing under
tity merchants, with 125 signatures of the community should indicate." reduced budgets until the financial
signed to a petition supporting the "All citizens," Professor Sunder- condition of the country becomes
plan. When 200 merchants have sig- land writes, "are entitled to enjoy more stabilized, it was learned yes-
nified that they will back the idea adequate protection of their rights." ter day. The "no guest ruling" still
it is expected that the Chamber of Neither the present municipal courts was in force in many houses, and a
Commerce will lend its support, ac- nor justices' courts, he says, meet number of initiations have been post-
nnrlil .4nt mha~ n.mm this need. hr.r34
Curt Presidential Note
Desiring Modification
Spurs Machinery For
Action Of Highest
Import -Roosevelt
Robinson Sure Of Early
Passage; Others Are In
Concurrence With Ar.
kansas Senator
WASHINGTON, March 13.--VP)--
Congressional action to legalize and
tax beer before the week-end was
predicted tonight by Democratic Sen-
ate and House chieftains following
President Roosevelt's sudden request
to Congress for immediate modifica-
tion of the Volstead Law.
Machinery for complying was set
into motion by House leaders within
a few hours after the President's
seventy-two-word message was read
in both chambers to the applause
and cheers of the members. Mr.
Roosevelt said:
"I recommend to the Congress the
passage of legislation for the imme-
diate modification of the Volstead
Act, in order to legalize the nanu-
facture and sale of beer and other
beverages of such alcoholic content
Noel Coward's
Opens Tonighit
Council Passes
$5,000 Loan To
MeetPay Rolls
cordmtig to members o. the commit-
tee backing the plan. ._
N Stemntl
b teaches there that the purpose Special Matinee Will Be Water Department Asked
vo the retutn of evils airead ven Tomorrow; Play To Lend Money 'If It Is
found to exist and to seek the extent Will Start at 8:30 Needed Wednesday'v
of these practices.
Son Capital Hill a start was " Hay Fever' by Noel Coward, an A motion to borrow $5,000 from
amby c itI itendto bck extravaganza on week-end housepar- the Water department in order to
sp culation with deposits and bolster ties-the sort of a play that will meet city pay rolls was passed 11-1
the national banking system. Sen. make you think twice before accept- by the Common Counil in a special
meeting last night at City Hall.
Glass (D., Va.) introduced a meas- ing an invitation to the country will With city pay rolls falling due
ulre providing these steps.Wihctpa rosflin du
The concen tover state banki .in- open at the Laboratory theatre to- Wednesday, and the local banking
Tiution outie te ederalm re i morrow," Valentine B. Windt, direc- situation still doubtful, the city
sttutions outside the Federal reserve
ystcm brought a bill from Sen. Rob- tor of Play Production, said yester- would be unable to meet its bills un-
on, of Arkansas, the Democratic day. less the money were loaned to the
leader, authorizing Federal reserve A special 25 cent matinee of the Water Department, members of the
banks to make direct loans for one play will be giventomorow afte-Finance Committee told the Council.
to taebans and trustcom y noon, Mr. Windt said, as no er The ratified resolution recognizing
mear i r.beingd gid, a n perfor- the possibility of clarifying the bank-
panics. Log(D., La)woha enmance is ben ie in heevening. Iing difficulties, sae httemny
LongD., La.),) hasb Many high school students have al- should be s wstated that the ones
seek=iamendmnent of the emecrgency rashouborwelody fiti
nking actmmendiately dicd g readysignified their intention of at- needed Wednesday."
rovasaying this bill would do tending the matinee, he said. If the banks are open by Wednes-
a 1 had in mind. The play will begin at 8:30 p. m. day, and the city's funds are re-
President Roosevelt, who last night All seats are 50 cents. leased, the money will not be bor-
p omised the assistance of the Feder-- Charles T. Harrell, '34, is the busi- rowed. The intention is to pay the
al reserve system and of the Recon- ness manager for the production, money back to the Water Department
struction Finance Corporation to Victor Lampel, '34, is the stage man-I as soon as the banks are opened.
state institutions, conferred late in ager, and Richard Hanselman, '33E, At the last payment of city funds,
the day with officers of the corpora- is the electrician. I March 1, those who earn $40 or more
tion. Mr. Windt also voiced a plea for a month were paid $40 in negotiable,
Cities Unnamed prompt arrival at the theatre saying, checks and the balance in due bills.
Tomorrow the progressive bank re- I "Late arrivals of patrons is disturbing Those who earn less than $40 were
opening program will permit sound to amateur actors and frequently in- paid in full.
banks in 250 or more clearing house jures the play to a considerable ex- Harrison Caswell, manager of the
cities, to resume operation. The treas- tent." Water department, gave his approval
ury refused to say what cities would of the loan.
be included.
On Wednesday t h e reopening District Representative
schedule goes into the smaller com- Votes For Economy Plan Parley Group Confers
munitics of the country and by the On Pt For S
end of the week almost all banks John C. Lehr of Monroe, repre- :ojeC pimg
which are sound and solvent are ex- sentative of this district in Congress, The spring parley committee met
pe'ted by the administration to be, was one of the eight Democratic yesterday at the League to discuss
again on a working basis. members of the lower house who their project with Dr. Henry P. Van
Cons rrvators for those banks which voted in favor of the Roosevelt econ- Dusen who spent the day in Ann Ar-
are not allowed to rcopen will be omy program. 'Two Democrats and bor. At a business meeting held later,
appointed quickly. The banks either the entire Republican delegation of balloting began for the faculty mem-
will be reorganized and then reopen- ( seven voted against the measure. bers that would serve on th'e panel.
ed or permanently closed and the as- ------------------------
seIs returned to depositors. o
Secretary Woodin emphasized to- RooseVelt Forestr Proram
day that those banks which have not i
l,,,en put on a full-time basis are still *F ulil
iuthorized to carry on their limited Likely To Be dDa a
transactions under exisiting regula. -
President Roosevelt appears deter-| ably receive a share of the appropria-
(By Associated Press> mined to carry out his campaign pro- Lion. Funds may be raised by a bond
MO T-Ah nk in,, esr itis Wn posals for an extensive program of issue rather than through added tax-
Uc atng ieas 10 O n
Meet Northwestlern On Ti) iMUie
Wb. N.'
The University of Michigan debat- I, fly t- onorn1 is
ing teams ill meet those of North-
western University in a conference
debate at Kalamazoo today. Business Was Confidential,
I The question for debate is Resolved, Says Sharfman; Coin-
That a limitation in the enrollment
of Western Conference Universities mfient Is Withheld
and other comparable institutions,----
should be effected by raising scholar- Members of the economics depart-
ship standards. ment yesterday maintained silence
The affirmative team composed of on the details of the recent trip to
Clinton Sandusky, '34, and Wilburt Washington, made by Professors I.
Hindman, '33, will oppose North- L. Sharfmnan and L. L. Watkins of
western's negative team this morn- the economics department and R. G.
ing at Kalamazoo Central High I Rodkey of the business administra-
School, while the negative team com- tion school.
posed of Howard Busching, '34, and Stating, that the business transact-
Clifford Ashton, '35, will meet North- ed at Washington was confidential
western's affirmative team this af- and could not be disclosed, Professor
ternoon before the students of West- Sharfman, who returned Sunday, de-
Sern State High School of Kalamazoo. clined to state the purposes of the
visit, or to comment on the reasons
which were assigned by various un-
,Z in 11 official sources.
The three had left for Washington
OfPolice W ork on March 7. apparently to seek pas-
ioilce 0sage of a bank deposit guarantee
. measure. Professors Watkins and
I Laroc Rodkey preceded Professor Sharf-
man home, arriving here Saturday
More than 125 students heard
James K. Watkins, Detroit Police
Commissioner, describe police work in Late Voters Have Today
a large city at a forum held Sunday For Final Registrations
i I
' l
ponct. I as is permissible under the Consti-
Several sorority houses made their tution; and to provide, by such
freshmen pay cash for their weekly manufacture and sale, by substantial
Monday night meals last night, and I taxes, a proper and much-needed
a number of teas scheduled for last revenue for the Government. I deem
Sunday afternoon werep ostponed. action at this time to be of the
It was the belief of those closely highest importance."
connected with the situation that To Vote Tomorrow
"everything w ould clear up as soon as Plans call for a vote late tomor-
the rest of the banks open,"+ row in the House, where all revenue
measures must originate, Chairman
ii ll*1 Pat Harrison, of the ;Senate Finance
Am erica W ill Committee, said that his group would
begin consideration of the bill as
Aid Ieauyue ,In soon as it passed the House.
In After a conference with President
Roosevelt at the White House, Sen-
p )Rn Ob e ator Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas,
Democratic leader, said that it would
require but two days for Senate ac-
Nition's lHands Left Free tion on beer after disposal of the
For inidividu al Action; IPresident's economy program.
"We have the votes to put it
Se'k Di sa amEnt through, I am informed," Robinson
WASHINGTON, March 13.-(1')-- Speaker Henry T. Rainey and Rep.
America under Franklin D. Roosevelt Joseph W. Byrns, of Tennessee, the
tonight was pledged to work with the Democratic leader, were confident
League of Nations committee charged that the legislatior would( receive
wit deciding whto tspeedy House action, since a major-
J a p a s milary operations in ity of both parties favor it. Both
China's northern provinces. predicted it would be passed tomor-
Invited to co-operate with the row by an overwhelming vote. No
League's advisory committee of 21 hearings will be held by the Ways
nations mapping a course for future and Means Committee.
action, the United States has accept- Follows Collier-Blaine Bill
ed. The text of the invitation and T FlosCe rame nigh
reply will be made public tomorrow. The measure was framed tonight
repl Ths moentus eclaatin o by a Ways and Means Subceommittee..
This momentous declaration of It follows the language of the Col-
policy by the new Roosevelt govern- lier-Blaine bill that died in the last
ment marked a day 'in which foreign Senate with the exception that it
affairs bulked large. provides for beer of 3,2 per cent al-
The administration decided to send coholic content by weight or 4 per
Norman H. Davis, diplomatic trouble cent by volume, instead of 3.05 per
shooter extraordinary, abroad with- cent.
out delay in the hope of turning the It provides for a tax of $5 a bar-
world to peace through disarmament rel of 31 gallons, which is expected to
at a time when military activity is bring in revenue to the Federal
seething on three continents. . Treasury of about $150,000,000. It
The response to the League's in- would take effect 30 days after it be-
vitation is understood to leave Amer- comes law. No provision is made for
ica's hands free for independent ac- the legalization of wines.
tion and is not regarded as commit- As approved by the subcommittee,
ting this government to any force- the measure provides for protection
ful measures which the committee of dry states, permits advertising of
might decide upon, such as an eco- beer, and leaves to the states the
nomic boycott or arms embargo. method of distribution. Brewers are
required to take out annual licenses
*Oito cost $1,000 each, No penalty is
r~ek istint imposed on home brewers for home
consumption.. Sale to minors will be
ervisory Boards allowed.
afternoon in the north lounge of the --
Union. Today is the last day to register
Pull does not help the aspirant to for the April elections. The city
the force -any longer, Mr. Watkins clerk's office will be open from 8 a. m.
said. Since the admission to thei to 8 p. in., Fred Perry, city clerk,
force is now entirely on the merit announced yesterday. Only those
system, having an uncle who is an I who have moved from one ward I
alderman is no longer any aid in ob- I to another since the last election, or
I taining a job. As an instance of this who did not vote at that election,
difficulty, he pointed out that Eddie need register, he said.
Tolan was turned down for a patrol- Besides voting for mayor, alder-I
man's position because he is too mnen, and other city officials, the peo-I
short, "despite the fact," he added, pe at the coning election will de-
"that we wanted him for police field cide upon the proposal to borrow;
days." $550,000 from the R. F. C. to extend
A source of discouragement to po- the sewer system.
lice officers in the line of their duty,
is the difficulty in obtaining war-
rants for arrests, and in the legal 1r meu, a S(
complications after arrest leading
often to the release of the prisoner, Of CountySu
Mr. Watkins said.
"Finally," he said, "don't be irri--___
back to business on ar unrestricted
basis Monday and crowds at the de-1
posits windows manifested renewall
of confidence.
In both New York and- Chicago
1xiks were taxed to full capacity
throughout the day receiving de-
L1anks in smaller communities
sped preparations to open as fast as
Federal Reserve and State bank of-
fli:, could issue authority.
forestry and other conservation ac- ation, he said. -
tivities to provide unemployment re- While in Washington, Dean Dana
lief, according to S. T. Dana, dean of conferred with members of the
the School of Forestry and Conserva- United States Forest Service and
tion, who has just returned from with Federal officials in several other
conferences with government ofTi- branches of the administration. A
cials in Washington. drastic reorganization of all execu-
"The banking situation and other tive departments is also planned by
urgent problems have kept the Pres- President Roosevelt, Dean Dana said,
ident from immediate action on his } and the departments are working on
tated if a squad car forces you over
to the curb, and after the officers
have looked you over carefully they
tell you that your lights are dim or
your license plates dirty, They have
received a warning over the radio to
be on the look-out for a car like
yours, and are only doing their duty."
By C. hART SCIIAAF commission. In preparing it detailed Union Studying Economy;
Fundamental differences on ques- factual information gathered in six Daily Not An Influence
tions of county and township govern- typical counties was tabulated and
ment between Professors Thomas H. studied. In making its official report An extensive survey of the facili-
Reed and Arthur W. Bromage, of the the state commission adopted a rule ties of the Union to discover possible
political science department, and a necessitating unanimous approval by: opportunities of effecting economies
State Commission of Inquiry into its members for all recommendations for students is being made at the
County, Township, and School Dis- to change the governmental system present time, Paul Buckley, manager
trict Government are revealed in a in the state. It is believed that sug- of the Union said yesterday.
report prepared by Professors Reed gestions of Professors Reed and While no immediate action to re-
I and Bromage, the distribution of Bromage pertaining to county boards duce prices is in prospect, Mr. Buck-
forestry projects, and their probable
size can only be conjectured," Dean
Tn n cani A ''T-n,.x7Pv .' i iscPvlAnt
plans for it at present.
Interest was expressed by officials Fouri' Students Taken