THEMICHIGAN DAILY __ ! '-- - ! {{ ? ' "' 0UJ4 'i s e ~ uA PC 1PAYASIE TC T S 8i-A)KER }iFOP U*NO; } 1 a A"FZEP94ZW ANO +e Ci Jd C7T 4E tcLU ' AN -iu F t cd }-rVH £12 tt =R f .M.C'!SI. ' T 1 F3I CS5 u F h r; AN " . , tj +«7,Ao r..Ei a C *AM :-'r , ., C >t -r9 g3,' ± A, '6 " 4 i~ w- s.l -~m .er <. ai. a: .F -: ' {{f 1, 3 ...Vgp. ' i ii a1 . t " ILLIW O1 z" S t i { .r 4 d~r' ( r. - 6rT ! '^ r d a. 6 4.,.. 3r. ttn ,;* a .._ _-..". ,io.rr~c- e.cYaF7;.as t:. :x+>c-'; td .l..s's+..r w_.- ...i .t fwaAi..~rx.. ,aa e UwM -^ .r.n rxHM 30 MenrTakin tExainatioiis For Air Corps (;r~(ItJ.1te Students From f18 ro 26, 'Unmarried, Are Eligible To Compete, i I. ' i - -As~dad Prs~ Pt'~t y a ,OO t L13 n s ?i' lke this illbeI s b b-,.z ..' " C t ln4 h lh m e tou,:rw. rJlm bills were r-i En a- te esys: .,rdaY; a.fteroon l d wil1he4-?. y fr ditra C anhz'.?K4 wen te baks2oen j th1nrn. ]The scr i wI1!'ial al o ~o.:-c; A~L .ce tdi~''cy~suhpayroll k2y-oIS, Dtoi Ankn fiil adysedy h e f~e~rna: r enfral iydb Acrtr f t11r1 60Wlie . ~ d i pve 9rp ~i c'r 4& I~i1 11 ~l117;V T~a durim coin'cidenc eartih-r Alto,' the St , foid aspts And t MexcanA ",-, G~es llying checked with careful n ;cay Philosonliv Of Paintln.g) last Monday by the seismological dt.- In Iifoina tm1iipartment of the Carncgie Insttitute In iforu al Yal of '4 .,Joington, Caliif., according~ to t.hi;Daily Califorma n of the Univor- Diego IRiyiera, famous Mexican itiy of California of th. (hte miural paintre, and Mrs. Riviera were . n,fi.. r nr n fmn r s 2 a Ins zd I Jan tr, Allen 17i14 Addlress Conserva- three members of the faculty of the School of Forestry and Conser-I _______mixed groups." Miss Mar ie Hartwi- Tests arc now being given to grad- Several world-famous physicists stated. uate students here for entrance to have been secured for the symposium The Swvimmning Cluob is p)laningi the Naval Air Corps, it was learned on theoretical physics to be held in splash parties forwmni tepo connection with the. 1933 Summ er in connection with open house. ye sterdcay. '-es Jon, it was announced yesterday Already eight men have taken the ay Edwar~d 11. Kraus, cean of the required tests, given at the Health Summer Session. ;John Johnstonre wiltlehave hris Var- ervice and continued in Detroit . The' Michigan physics vymposium~z city fencers give anl exhibition at- Thee s agrup f 0 wo re ~-hasataind woldreptaion.~7:45 Wednesday inl Sarah Caswell in,, the tests and from that groupn afording an excellent oppor-tunityAnelal;ftrrdthywlas about twelve will be chosen. Early in for dicuss ion of significant develop- sist in the coaching. Aprl, rmyoffces wll eetin hemenits in this field, Dean Kraus said. According to Martha Ncuhart, '35, Unio an mae te fnalassgn-It has been given over a series of fnigmngr ln r en Uenisn ath taeeettblishedlcustomnofmade to divide the fencers into class Ius bringingt aIstanlding ment here from teams for intramural competition, The applicants for these tests must ithe Uni)ted States and abroad, and to challenge the class teams of Vic, unmarricd college graduates aind 1 h ~ol~r mn[ n l, other schools tthe end of thec sea- not younger than 13 and not older Tepointmnfmeleson. thn2.where who1 arecto b here n' ext Sumi- "mer arc Prof. Enirico Fermni of t h The mnen accepted will leave June1Natioa ivriy tRmePof Mixed badminton gamnes played 15t for the Great Lakes Train ing Nils Bohr of the Univecrsity of Cop- Wednesdaty nights ini Barbour Gym- S ntin for' 30 dlays of flight train- eheeand L2i. cxzI Van niasiumn have proved quite popular. la.Following this they will spend V'leck of the Uiv ersity of Wisconsin. Last weck 14 men and wvomen corn- nine months in the U. S. Naval Air! ouse will also be offered by Pro- peted... we haven't heard the Station at Pensacola, Florida. If the fess ors Ernest E_. Barker, David M. results. Anyone interested in playing men pass further tests successfully Dennison, and George E. Uhlenbeck is welcome and no reservations are at this station they will be commis- of the department of physics. nccssary. sioned as Ensign or Lieutenant in0 Well-known physicists from cut- The Ann Arbor club heas ch alleng;- the Preserve Corps and will be at-I side of the United States wvho hav ; ed Un1ivers;ity players for a mhatch tached to battle ships or aircraft: been here for past Sumimer Session' game Saturday morninig. Tryouts for carriers. symposiums include Professor Fermi, the teamn to comnpete will be held in Johanxne's Lodoesen, '32, who re- Prof. Paul S. Ehrenfcst of the Uni- Barbour Gyminasium from 2 to 4 p. turned from the Aircraft Squadron versity of Leyden, Prof. Werner Heis- !mi. Wednesday. Fleet in September is taking charge enberg of the University of Leipzig, oft e a pi ns.P f.A ol Su m r ld fth U i- of he pplcans.I Pof rnod Smmrfed o th UI Realizing that with the present - ____- - versity of Munich, Prof. Wolfgang {fashions good posture is essential, IPauli of the University of Zurich and woeaebe iln h orc Vl aox SSpeak Ill Prof. H. A.. Kramas of the University tfUrct ive classes until the Wednesday Preliin.aries Soon Urct ____ night one had to be closed, and there - i are only a few vacancies Tuesdays. Preliminar y hearings for the an- Sin colslCnai nual University Oratorical Contest In Debating Efliiii at tals Sorori ties have been turniing outi will be held March 34, Carl G.'BranidtI for inltramiural basketb~all withi mutchi of the speech department announced As a result of elimination debates enthusiasm. Final competition will yesterday. The finals will take place held March .3, the contest in thf. start the middle of niext wecl: ant April 4, he added. Michigan High School Debating; about 14 teams will enter the coal- The inne of his ontet WiLe Lague on the desirability of a State' petition. awardedthChao Alumni Medal Income Tax has narrowed down to for excellence in oration and will also !16 schools, who will again debate'! receive a trip to Chicago where he March 17 to eliminate another eight.I Chicken Sandwich 10OC will speak before the University of The quarter-finals will be held Michigan Alumni Association there. March 31, the semi-finals on April ojrEN ALL NJ.(' Twenty-five students have already 14, and the State Chamlpionship De_- BALTIMORE DAIRY LU NCHI bate wll be held here April 28 in Across~~ front An~gell Hall signified their intentions of entering, illAIdtrun Ladies Iii Itedr this contest which is open to allHiludtru.__________________ it I, I t I t 1 I a~tt s, ,[;xxr xu ,,xN..., 1Ui Uy -ULa. jJmanLuti monUiiumets ~vat'o r~t pakMna tvn the guests last night of Mrs. and Mrs. have been set along it at intervals ofciaet par odya ai Howell Taylor at their studio-apart- a mile outside the fault zone and ; (us sessions of the symposium onk ment on South State Street. Previous half a mile inside the fault zone, the ceniserva tioni, idle land, and forestry to this gathering, dinner was served pae ttd