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March 12, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-12

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roepolitancenters, but it adds greatly to the stand-
ing of the University of Michigan as a cultural
center and brings to the city many of those prom-
inent as music critics and music followers from
the entire nation.

CampuS Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, onflning -themelves to lissthan
30 words if "ossi"le.

- - - ,, - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Published every morning except Monday during the
niversity year and SurnmernSession by the Board In
",ontrol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
;ion and the Big Tens Net'rs Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
,or republicat.ion of all news dispatches credited to it or
lot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
ublished herein. All rights of republication of special
ispatches are re.served.
Entered at the Post Office at- Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
econd class matter. Special rate of postage grahted by
Chrd Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
nail. $4.50.
Offices: Studant Publications Building, Maynard Street,
In Arbor, Michigan. Phione: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
nc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City: 80
oylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
ITY DITOR ....................KARL SLIFFERT
rIGHT'EDITORS: Thomas Connellan; John W. Pritchard,
Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
Glenn R. Winters.
PORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Ban, Fred A. Buber,
Albert Newman, Harmon Wolfe.
EPORTERS: Charles Baiyd, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G.
Barndt, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William
G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, John C. Healey, Robert B.
Hewett, George M. Holmes, EdwinW. Richardson,
Gieorge Vian Vle.ck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. BecEleanor B. Blum, Ellen
Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman,
Jeaiette Duff, Carol J. Iianan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
son, Marie JMurphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie

Telephone 2-1214
.O.. ..............BYON C. VEDDER
AGERS: Advertsing Grafton Sharp;
cts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
E, Bursley, Pubications, Robert H.


,Gotd'on Boylan, Alien Cleve-
,k froyi~nj iFred Hertrick,
,zl, RussellRead, Pred Rogers,
Sudow, R~obert Ward.
ssett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
atevine MdHenry, May See-

', Grtiifihls,

SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1933
Union Haircuts
The Union is still charging 45 Cents for hair-
cuts. Every other shop in town is charging 35
cents. The Union, a student club, is. a non-
profit organization and exists solely for the
students. Yet the Union will not meet the town
Minor Issues
Must Wait Their Turn . .
the nation, an earthquake in Cal-
ifornia, and the attempted assassination of Pres-
ident Roosevelt have combined to monopolize the
front pages of the papers of the country. News
editors have brought forth their biggest, black-
est type-type that had been collecting dust since
the notorious Lindbergh baby kidnapping. It is
a day of "scare-heads" and "extras."'
Along with the usual run of crimes and di-
vorce cases, the question of the ratification of
the prohibition repeal amendment has been rele-
gated, quite rightly, to the inside pages of the
metropolitan press. We are facing a crisis. Things
of secondary importance can wait.
It is encouraging to the advocates of repeal,
however, to see that the issue has not been for-
gotten entirely. Yesterday the Michigan House of
Representatives voted to call a convention to con-
sider the amendment. Several other' states have
also made definite steps to set up the necessary
machinery for ratification.
We sincerely hope, and may expect, that we
have had our share of national tragedies. The
attempted assassination of President Roosevelt,
which resulted in the death of Mayor Cermak,
and the California earthquake, in which scores
were killed, are over. We should forget them, but
they are history and nothing that we can do will
collect the spilt milk. The banking holiday seems
to be. nearing its completion. Perhaps prosperity,
is, really this time, just around the corner.
Then we can start wondering about the 20th
Amendment. The crimes and divorce cases will be
back on the front pages. And Happy Days will be
here again.

Need For Temporary
T HE HARMONY which prevailed in
the two houses of Congress on
Thursday' when the Roosevelt banking program
was pushed through in record time, ceased
abruptly on Friday when the President's demands
for dictatorship over executive re-organization
and veterans' appropriations reached the floor of
the Senate. That the Roosevelt program will be
passed is practically beyond doubt, but it may be
so patched up with amendments by Congressional
blocs representing special interests, such as the
veterans, that its purpose will be entirely lost.
It is unfortunate that, in a national crisis, ex-
ecutive leadership must be limited by such bloc
partisanship. If ever the need for dictatorship
was more great than at the present time, it does
not ocur to our knowledge. The democratic forms
embodied in our Constitutional provisions for
law-making, while adequate during ordinary
times, are much too unwieldy to be effective in a
crisis. When conditions, such as the present, con-
front the nation, it is imperative that Congress
relinquish its power in favor of temporary Pres-
idential autocracy.
Editorial Comment
Claude A. Swanson, one of our new cabinet
members, is a big navy man; he is known to favor
the expenditure of $60,000,000 per year for new
warships. Once more the Navy department is re-
sounding with declarations for a navy "adequate
to protect our rights."
There are two highly theoretical methods of
maintaining peace. The first is preparedness, bat-
tleship building, and the building up of a national
defense "adequate to protect our rights," etc.
This is of a rather theoretical nature because it
has never yet worked successfully in spite of the
opportunities it has had for many centuries.
The second is the scaling down of armaments and
the gradual abolition of all military machinery.
This is also rather abstract simply because it has
never been tried.
Now one of our elected officers has appointed
to a high place a man who favors the' prepared-
ness method of preventinghwar. So far as we know,
the electorate did not express its convictions on
the question. It has had no opportunity to say
whether or not it wants to pay $50,000,000 for
the proposed vessels.
Since the political campaign was not concerned
in the slightest with the question of the size of
the army or navy, Roosevelt is free to do what-
ever pleases him in regard to the navy, regardless
of public opinion. Since his first important office
was that of Assistant Secretary of the Navy, it is
quite natural that the thing which pleases Roose-
velt should be an increase in the size of our fleet.
This freedom of our officials to function more
or less in a vacuum as far as public opinion on
the army and navy is concerned is responsible
for the way our shapeless national defense policy
varies according to the bias of the chief executive.
Our last campaign was so full of economic issues
that there was no opportunity to discuss the topic
of national defense. As a matter of fact, most of
our economic difficulties proceed from the fact
that we destroyed several hundred billion dollars
worth of capital in the last war. The last war
was partially due to the surpassing excellence of
the "national defense" of several European coun-
tries. Instead of talking about the present de-
pression, which we cannot, after all, do very much
about, we might just as reasonably pass our cam-
paigns in argument over the merits of the two war
prevention schemes which are intimately related
to future wars and hence future depressions.
'In this case, our political candidates would im-
mediately declare and fully expand their positions
in regard to national defense. It is interesting
to speculate as to whether Franklin D. Roosevelt
would have been elected last fall if he had been
forced to stand on a big navy platform, or whether
he would have cared to face the electorate on such
a plank. .Minnesota Daily.
Screen Reflections

Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Jim ...................Ronald Colman
Clementine ................Kay Francis
Doris ....... . ............Phyllis Barry
Trim. ..............Henry Stephenson
The Majestic's current attraction, "Cynara," is
an appealing transcription of the Harwood-Brown
dramatic success, which in turn is based on the
immortal lines "I have been faithful to thee, Cy-
nara, in my fashion" taken from an Ernest Dow-
son poem.
Ronald Colman as the English barrister who,
according to his more spry friend Trim, is head-
ing into a rut from which he may never emerge,
is bound to delight his many followers.
Henry Stephenson is a step beyond them all,
though, in the relatively few scenes in which he
appears. His pointed remarks, such as "Never say
a 'woman's faithful until she's dead" and "It's I.
Did you notice the accuracy of my grammar?"
are no little aid to this already accomplished ac-
tor. Remember him as the suave gum-chewing
doctor of "Guilty As Hell?"
The selection of Phyllis Barry as the street
woman who falls so deeply in love with Jim is lesst

To the Editor:
Two or three days ago a car driven by Dean
Joseph A. Bursley collided with another car on
one of the Ann Arbor streets. The accident was
(thank the merciful gods!) not serious, as no one
was hurt and only slight damage was done to
the cars.
However, the incident illustrates the possibility
of grave dangers involved in allowing members of
the faculty to drive cars in this city. The acci-
dent might have been worse, bringing injury and
even death in its fearful wake.
Therefore, for the sake of our University's
world-wide reputation, for the safety of the resi-
dents of Ann Arbor, and for the health of the
faculty members themselves, I suggest that all
persons on the University payroll be prohibited
from driving motor vehicles.
Yours for safety,
-A Student.
To the Editor:
Since I have never hoarded any money, gold
or otherwise, I feel free to reply to your editorial
entitled "Hoarded Gold and the Sinister Sock."
Your statement to the effect that the only valid
conclusion is that hoarding is the greatest con-
tributing factor toward financial depression seems
preposterous to me.. My own opinion is that the
greatest contributing factor was the terrific wave
of speculation in stocks that ended in 1929; and
the distrust of the banks brought about by the
dishonesty, incompetency, etc., of the big bankers
who floated issues of poor securities by high
pressure salesmanship. If the bank leaders were
like that, the hoarders must have reasoned, how
can the banks be safe? (I suggest that the Editor
of the Daily read the account of the Senate in-
vestigation of the doings of big bankers during
the years 1927-1929, given in TIME, March 6,
Personally, I had foolish confidence in the
banks. For three years I saved my money to go
to school, putting most of it in the First National
Bank of Dearborn; it closed two months before I
was about to start to school, after I had resigned
my position. And my case is typical of thousands.
And still the Editor of the Daily condemns the
people that had sense enough to protect them-
-G. A. Cook, '28.

for the
JniorGirls , Play
T - 11 tf-- --- "-11- II ii _______I__,__.[_ [,"" ,1

Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
MARCH 22 TO 25'
Tickets $1 and $1.25 Box Office Now Open
____ ____ ___ - ,, .. - 7 -

7 )
4 w4 Y

Musical Events

Helen Bentley, Senior in the piano division of
the School of Music, will give a graduation Re-
cital, in the School of Music Auditorium, Tuesday
evening, March 14, at 8:15 o'clock, to which the
general public is invited. Miss Bentley is a tal-
ented young artist from Battle Creek and has
been a student of Assistant Professor Joseph
Brinkman, for two years. She will play the fol-
lowing program:
Italian Concerto ............. . ............Bach
Allegro animato
Presto giocoso
Variationes Serieuses, Op. 54.....:.Mendelssohn
Ballade, Op. 10, No. 1 .................. Brahms
Ballade, Op. 47 .........................Chopin
Sanlucar de Barramenda (Sonata
pintoresca) ........................Turina
En la torre del castillo
Siluetas de la Calzada
La playa
Los pescadores en Bajo de Guia

I .



I - I -


The May Festival,
Another Success. .

-.By Karl Seffert~~.
Ogden Mills, former secretary of the treasury,
has been elected a director of the National Biscuit
Co., according to a news item. Mr. Mills, it seems,
will continue to take care of the dough.
A prominent faculty member declares that he
never carries cigars with him, on the theory that
he thus avoids smoking too much. That may be
a good idea, but the only way to keep the average
student from over-indulging would be to get all
his friends to stop carrying tobacco.
* * *
We're in the same position,except for that
part about the gold.
* * *
They returned today to a city guarded by troops
with fixed bayonets, who preserved quiet and
order and preserved even a semblance of looting.
--Excerpt from News Item.
Well, half a loot is better, than none.
Alla Nazimova is reported to have thrilled a
New York audience with a dramatic recitation of
the Russian alphabet. With a little practice she
could probably make even the average American
movie a success.
What's wrong with this sentence:
CONGRESSMAN: Gentlemen, I feel that it
would be unjust for the government to build
1; a new postoffice in my district; we need every '

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WTH I TTHE PROGftAM for the 1933
May Festival including such fa-
mous artists as Jascha Heifetz, Lucrezia Borgi,
John Charles Thomas, and Frederick Stock with
the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, another season
worthy of the tradition established by former
Festivals is assured.
The Ann Arbor May Festival long ago began to
attract nation-wide notice and now the event is
considered to be of such significance that New
York newspapers regularly' report the concerts
here as a part of their musical columns. It has
long been the habit of music lovers from all over
this section of the country to convene on Ann Ar-
bor for the affair. All of the rooming facilities
at the Union and the League are regularly sold
out and many city residents have house guests
fovr the week-e.~,nd.

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