PAGE TWO THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Criminal Of Today PublicationI In the Bulletin is constructive nottre to all el ers of thi is Caled tiniverstty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presideit unti FR-Eor- Reven 3:30:1 1:30 a ,. Saturday. -g VOL. XLIII SUNDAY, MARCH 1Z, 1933 No. 117 "The criminal of today is the re- NOTICES incarnation of the American Indian," President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home from four to six o'clock declared E. Norman Pearson, promi- on Sunday, March 12, to members of the faculties and other residents of nent theosophist, in an interview Ann Arbor. after his talk Friday night at the League. To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of "Our civilization is composed of the University Council on Monday, March 13, at 4:15 p. m., in Room "B," two parts, the righteous and the Alumni Memorial Hall. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary, University Council criminal, Mr. Pearson pointed, out. "We persecuted, robbed, and prac- Freshman Writing Contest: Contestants may call for their manuscripts tically exterminated the American March 13 at the English office Indian and now the Indian has been M arch 13 ath e E ngsh___i1ereincarnated in the form of a crim - inal to gain vengeance," he stated. Intramural Athletics: Entries are now being taken for all campus "England is likewise afflicted due to swimming and wrestling. All students who wish to enter these meets her persecution of the natives of should sign up immediately at the Intramural Sports Building. Africa and India." Mr. Pearson as- serted that he was sure of his rein- Student who wish to earn money: An opportunity for students to earn carnation but as yet had not formu- money in this emergency by the sale of home deposit vaults for money, lated a definite theory on the subject. iewelry and valuables has been brought to the attention of the Employment Turning his attention to the pres- Bureau of the Office of the Dean of Students. See F. R. Baker, Room 16, ent economic condition, he said that Ann Arbor Savings Bank Building, today 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. we have set a material standard in a world which is based on spiritual Varsity Glee Club: The following men are to report at the Union standards. "The purpose of life is promptly at 5 p. m, today prepared to make the Dearborn Inn trip: Cooper, the development of the latent powers; Warner, Vanderveen, Simons, Ruegnitz, Mayo, Becker, Moudry, Doegey, mental and spiritual,. within. us. We Saboin, Duncan, Caswell, Brackett, Steinko, Palmer, Winters, Rishell, Light, have neglected this development and Knox, Konopka, LaRue, Anderson, Benton, Boynton, F. Johnson, Jensen, have brought about this condition.. Lemert, Jacobson, Denison, Conlin, D. Moore, C. Moore, Jackson. To succeed we must agam bring to life these powers," he concluded. MICHIGAN DAILY t j ACADEMIC NOLICES Economics 172: The rootn assigrment for the hour examination Mon- day, March 13, at 1 p. m. follows: A to N, inclusive, N. S. Aud.; 0 to Z, in- clusive, 25 A. H. LECTURES University Lecture: Professor Marston T. Bogert, of Columbia Univer- sity,.will speak under the joint auspices of the University and the American Chemical Society on the subject "The Chemistry of Vitamin A" on Wednes- day, March 15, at 4:15 p. in., in Room 303 Chemistry Building. The public is invited. University Lecture: Dr. John C. Merriam, President -of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C., will lecture on the subject "Ideals in Con- servation," Thursday, March 16, at 4:15 p. m. in Natural Science Audi- torium. The public is invited. University Broadcasting: Sunday, 5 p. m., "The Prevention of Tu- berculosis in Children and Adolescence," Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, Professor of Internal Medicine, and Director of the Simpson Memorial Institute. 5:20 p. in., "The English Letter Essay," Erich A. Waiter, Assistant Pro- fessor of English. 8:30 p. in., "Modern Architecture in the Home," Ralph W. Hammett, Associate Professor of Architecture. "The 1933 May Festival," Charles A. Sink, president of the University School of Music. EXHIBITION Division of Fine Arts announces an . exhibition of Modern Catalan Painting in the West Gallrey, Alumni Memorial Hall. Exhibition is open to the public daily through Sunday, March 19. EVENTS TODAY Wesley Hall: Class on "The Principles of Jesus" with the Director at 9:30 a. m. Dr. James Woodburne will speak on,"Recent . ecisions of the League of Nations,' before the Oriental-Ainerican Group at 3:30 p. m. Student Guild at 6 p. m. Dr. Fisher will speak on "If Jesus were a Freshman at the University of Michigan." The Grad Forum will meet with the Guild. First Methodist Church: Dr. Fisher's sermon at 10:45 will be on "Self Denial." At 7:30 p. m. a dramatic service of worship. Presbyterian Student Appointnients: 9:30, Student Classes at the Church House. 10:30, Morning Worship. "The Business End of Religion." Conducted by the men of the Church. 5:30, Fellowship Hour and Supper. 6:30, a Student Forum. A Drama this evening by students entitled "The Dust of the Road." 8:00, All Campus worship service at Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. The Girls Glee Club in vestments will assist in the service as well as a cast of students who will present, "He Came Seeing." Baptist Students: Sunday nooi, Student Class in the study of the Gospel of Mark. Mr. Chapman leader. 6:00 p. M. Student Meeting. The question "Is Military Preparation Christian?" will be discussed by W. R, Munger and Marvin Michael. A social hour follows the program. Lutheran Students: Discussion; group meets in the parlors of Zion Parish Hall, at 4:00 o'clock.. At the evening prograni, Rev. Charles F. Steck, of Detroit, will speak on an appropriate Lenten theme. Social half- hour at'5:30; Supper at 6-:00; and Speaker at 6:30. Liberal Students Union: Conditions in to soft coal mine region of the United..States will be pictured on slides prepared by relief forces at work among the sufferers. Unitarian Church, 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Marley's topic for the morning church service will be "Sex Inhibitions and Exhibi- tions." harris Hall: Regular student supper at the Hall at 6:15 p. m., at the cost of 15c. Program begins at 7:00 p. m. and Professor DeWitt Parker, of the Philosophy Department, will speak on "The Value of Religion." The: discussion class in "The History of Christian Thought" led by the Reverend Mr. Lewis will meet at 8:00 o'clock. St, Andrew's Church: Services of worship today are: 8;00 a. m., the Holy Communion; 9:30 a. in., Church School; 11:00 a. m., Kindergarten; 11:00 a. m., the Holy Communion ard sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis. University Girls' Glee Club will have a researsal at 7 o'clock this evening in the glee club rooms at the League. This rehearsal will precede the glee club's appearance at 8 o'clock in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Itis IMPV ItTTU .'f All MPUnqb bh p .itJi. meeting Tuesday, March 14, at 8 p. m in 3201 Angell Hall. Dr. T. E. Raiford will speak on "Some Geometric As- pects of Linear Transformations." MWomen's Research Club: Meeting Monday, March 13,. at 7:30 p. mn., in 110 Library. Miss Eunice Wead will talk on "Designs of 15th Century Binding Stamps." Botanical Journal Club will meet Tuesday, March 14, at 7:30 p. m. in room.1139' N.S. Papers by Dr. Ehlers,' Ernest Miner, Carl Grassl, Elsie Bauckman, Gladys West and James McFarlin. All interested are cordial- ly invited. - La Sociedad-Hispanica will meet Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., in the League.. Social evening has been planned and all interested are invited. Luncheon for Graduate Students: Tuesday, March 14, in the Russian Tea Rooi of the Michigan League. Cafeteria service. Professor Charles Remer, of the Economics Depart- ment, will speak on "An Increase in International Trade as a Cure for the Depression." TAU BETA PI dinner meeting at the. Union at 6:15 Tuesday, March 14. Plelse make acspecialbeffort to be there. If you cannot be to the dinner come to the business meeting immediately following the dinner. Important business at hand. .ADELPI HOUSE of Representatives regular meeting Tuesday, March 14, fotrth floor Angell Hall at 7:30. The question for open discussion will be "Resolved: That the recent measures for financial inflation are detri- mental." Tryout speeches may be given after the meeting. Visitors are: welcome. Alpha Nu debating society regular meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p. in., 4003 Angell Hall. Dr. Fisher will talk on "Personology." Try-out speeches will be heard at 7:15. Anyone interested is invited to attend the meeting. Dr. Hledley S. Dimock will speak on the subject "Personality Changes Through the Agency of the Summer Camp" in the University High School Auditorium at 4:10 Tuesday, March 14. R. 0. T. C. Basics: All first and second year Basics interested in the Silent Drill Team for the Military Ball please attend meeting at Head- 'quarters of Military Department Monday, March 13, at 3:55 p. in. to arrange drill periods. Rehearsals Junior Girls' Play: Monday, March 13, 3:30 p. in., every- body in Scene 1, Lydia Mehdelssohn Theatre; 7 p. in. sharp, everybody in Scene 1, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faeulty Women's Club will en- tertain their husbands at a meeting Trip Through Heating Tunnels sEditors Notes Therecent facetious went through the system the morn-o series of articles, signed "Robert M. Bleary" and written in a pseudo-si ing following the Hop.$ entific style, which described a journey *"That's the kind of a girl to have" into the bowels of the earth by way Thtsheknofagrtoav, of the University heating tunnel sys- Mr. Donegan commented admiringly.t tern, has aroused considerable con- "That lady really could take it. Sheo ment. Many students refused to be- lieve there actually is a network of climbed over and under all the hotc tunnels under the campus. Accordin- steam-pipes, dodged dripping water,1 ly the writer was commissioned towithstood the heat as well as make a tour, of the tunnel system.} andwihtotehatswlls By JOHN C. HEALEY her escort." t A twisting, tortuous, network of The Thermometer Climbs winding brick and cement tubes; The heat, incidentally, reaches startling highs, Mvr. Donegan said. Atc stifling, oppressive heat that clutches times it has been so hot in the tun- at the nostrils and throat, relieved n estta rubbe insultion on th only now and then by cool blasts electric wires melted, and so most of1 from open air-shafts and manholes; them are now sheathed in lead. One row on endless row of small dirty- group of telephone linemen, the elec- trician said, took a thermometer in yellow lights boring through a Sty- with them when they went to work; gian darkness; little doors that open i the limit on the thermometer was suddenly and lead to nowhere; 130 degrees Fahrenheit and the mer- strange serpent-like hissings from curt' climbed right out the top of the he blackness, and tinly tongues of Iglass! vapor that fork out at the passerby; Of unofficial visitors there are more quper afk smeo tat hfpassroyI than enough, Mr. Truettner said. qfeer, dank smells like that of a room Most are students or others who are full of cadavers. mer ely interested in the tunnels. One Such is the first nd lasting im- of the most amusing of these groups pression of the three and-one-half- was one reported recently, Mr. Tru- mile system of tunnels which bore ettner chuckled. ender the campus ari which, tended "We got a report from a building .y an unseen crew, caary all the com- on the east side of the campus that munication, light, heat, and water a bunch of marauders were in the lines throughout the campus. tunnels at the base of the building," Consisting of several main Anes, the inspector related. "We sent two each of which has a series of branch- or three men out to corral them and ing lesser tunnels and caverns, the bring them to time, but when our system carries intercommunicating men got to the point of complaint and service lines to all the University all trace of the visitors had disap- buildings except the group at Ferry peared. Finally, after considerable Field and the Stadium. The power difficulty, they were rounded up near house on Huron Street is the focus Tappan Hall. The group proved to >f the system, but lines run from the be high school youths who had strip- University Hospital and the other ped to underwear and shoes to avoid hospital centers northeast of the the effects of the instense heat and 2ampus proper as far east as Mosher- who were in the tunnels just for a Jordan Halls, as far south as Uni- good time." versity High School, the Architecture m Building, and Hutchins Hall; as far Dangers Lurk in Tunnels crest as the Union and the Student Cases like this might prove serious, Publications Building; and as far however, Mr. Truettner warned, in north as Hill Auditorium and the cautioning students against entering League, the tunnels unaccompanied. Should Tour of The Campus a steam pipe burst or the lights be Entering the main line tunnel at extinguished the visitors might do the Buildings and Grounds Depart- themselves serious damage in at- ment Storehouse, where all inspec- tempting to escape without a proper tions of the underground network knowledge of the system, he declared. begin, the visitor proceeds gently There is also in the tunnel sys- downgrade until, past the power sub- tei the danger of real thieves. Since station near Waterman Gymnasium, the recent theft from the military his route turns under East University science department of some arms and Avenue and he makes a tour which several thousand rounds of ammuni- is a near-perimeter of the campus. tion, the gates to the various cam- Covering a route which leads around pus buildings have been kept care- the outside of the campus, a mile in fully locked. Each building is fitted all, he turns in on his tracks and with a steel grill or a solid steel door covers the inner campus route, which which locks securely and which pre- gradually widens to take in Hill Au- vents entrance into the buildings. ditorium, Betsy Barbour House and The greater part of each tunnel Helen Newberry Residence, the Stu- is taken up by the steam-pipes which dent Publications Building, and turns carry heat from the power plant to back northeast toward the power the 92 University buildings on the house and the hospitals group. circuit. Other slightly smaller pipe In the course of this journey he lines carry water. Overhead, in lead passes through a series of varying casings, are the University and city kinds of tunnels. The oldest of the telephone exchange lines and the in- seven or eight types of tunnels is that dividual lighting lines, and in multi- which runs under the sidewalk from colored wrappers are the cables which the Romance Languages Building to connect all the campus clocks with the West Engineering Building. This the master clock in the Physics is an ancient red brick construction, Building. very low ceiling. It was constructed, If you plan to go through the tun- -ccording to I. W. Truettner, main- nels on a conducted tour you'd bet- tenance inspector for the Buildings ter wear your oldest clothes and be and Grounds Department, about 1896. prepared to crawl in dirty places; The newest unit of the entire system you'd better be ready to absorb is the short branch line from the enough heat to maintain a first-class westernmost women's dormitories t Turkish bath for a month; and, since the Student Publications Building onI the inspection trips are made at 8 a. the west side of Maynard Street. m., you'd better not do it as we did, I Typical of the newer units of this ? on an empty stomach after a night system, this section is of gray-white when you didn't get enough sleep. All concrete, square, about eight feet in in all it's a highly interesting trip, height and width, and well-ventilated but no way to spend your vacation. and lighted. ____ CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY .I I - -i...........-..... . - -'.....w I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Adivertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at three o'clock previous to day of insertlon. Box iumers may be secured at no ex ira chrarger. Cashl in advance-lie per reading line (orn asis of 'ive average Words to line) 2f'oroe ortwvo inlsertionls. Minimum 3 lines per Insertion. lic per reit ing line for three or more 917-ertiou.. Telephone rate-15c per reading line for one or two insrertlons. 11c per readinig, licfor three or more Insertions. 10%dlscount if paid within ten days tilthe da le 0 X1 lCt insert. Minimum tairt'e linrs per insertIon. 1y con tract, per line-2 lines daly, one noth......................8c 4 lines E. 0. D.,2 months.........8c 2 lines idaily, coll(-ge year...........7c 4 lin ',E.C).1)., colee ypj.......'Ic 100 lines used as sired..........DO 300Q lNo , u1sedsd.cesiredc. ........,..C 1.000 11 tie Cse as ere. .......1..7c 2,000 lines usedt as desired........6 The above rates are per reading line, based oi eight reading liunes per inch. Ionic type. upper and lower case. Add Gc per line to above rates for all capital aold Acidrs . (dcprIiie to above for 10c per n ot~ort ed for bldde he above rates are for 7 point type. LOST- WILL PERSON-Who took wrong coat at Phi Delt, dance call Dillan, 4295 and exchange. 350 TYPING TYPING - Typing carefully done. V e r y moderate rates. O. K. Thacher. Phone 6734. _ 10c TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad. theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY -- Soft water. 2-1044. Towels free. Socks darned. 13c STUDENT - And family washing careful work at lowest price,. Ph. 3006. 6c NOTICE BLUE BIRD BOOK NOOIT, lendin' library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni- versity Music House, 10:30 to 5:30. 21(, UPHOLSTERING - Fine Ilrniture repairing, refilishing. and ulhol- stering. Also antiques. P. B. Hard- ing, 960 Canal, Phone ;432, 3 WANTED WANTED-Small, modern unfur- niShed house, in best residental section. Fall occupancy. Rental for one year. Garage. Address Pox F. Daily Office .:349 WANTED- -5.000 MEN'S OLD AND new S its. Bust prices paid. (ah for old gold. Phone 430(;. Clligo buyers. 34c FOR RENT 513 E. JEFFERSON-Centrally lo- cated, near Union. Modern suite, equipped with light-housekeeping service. Information phone 3652. 351 ~- - - - - ~ --~ -~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gold Hoarder One Up On Government The other day a man came into the offices of a California bank and laid $5,000 in gold coins on the president's desk and requested it to be changed to silver coinage. After the president of the bank had affected the ex- change he inquired of the gentle- man as to how he had so much gold. The patron' replied that he knew the banks are going to close last year so he took his money out of the bank, changed the greenbacks for gold coins, and put the money in a safety deposit vault. Now the gentleman an- ticipated that the United States would go off the gold standard so he was just going to "be prepared" Chicago Fraternity Rushes In Earnest CHICAGO, March 11.-Violating the stringent deferred rushing rules at the University of Chicago, a fra- ternity on that campus has offered two freshmen free room and board (or their entire sophomore year, if the freshmen succeed in pledging ten other first year men for the frater- nity. The two. freshmen accepted the at- tractive offer recently and have al- ready organized a meeting of the men they are attempting to pledge. The whole matter was disclosed in "The Daily Maroon,' and is now in the hands of the interfraternity council. COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD ! STEAMSHIP, R. R., AND HOTEL RESERVATIONS INDEPENDENT AND CONDUCTED TOURS RELIABLE - EFFICIENT - CONVENIENT MICHIGAN ALUMNI TRAVEL BUREAU (A Unit of the University of Michigan Alumni Association) ALUMNI MEMORIAL HALL FRED S. RANDALL, Mgr. American Express World-Wide Service Peels of LAU GHT ER Not many sanctioned tours of the tunnels are made, we were told by William Donegan, the affable young electrician who ushered us through the system. In fact, we were only Mr. Donegan's second tour party. The first comprised a senior mechanical engineer and his "J-Hop date," who -.Today, Monday, Tuesday- DRESSLER & MORAN in "PROSPERITY" ---Wednesday & Thursday lDP*VI IS DRI ING and "WHITE ZOMBIE" 11 _. _________ ___. . . ,e _.. _... _ ... _ . ' TODAY 1:30 TO 11 P.M. A ion Monday evening at 8 o'clock. in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of Rehearsals for Junior Girls' Play Meeting Today: 1b a. m., Depression the Michigan League. Sisters, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre; 2 p. m., Babs and Jack, Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre; 3 p. m., Tad, Tem, Jim, Alan, Spike, Dave, Dick, Daisy, Pamela, Grump, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Philippine-Michigan Club: Meeting at 3:00 p. m. in Lane Hall.- Hillel Foundation Services: 11:15 a. W., at the League Chapel. Rabbi Heller will give "A Modern Appraisal of Purim." Watch The Dd of Tuesday, Mar for 1 AN IMPORTAI ily .. :T 14 NT * COMING EVENTS Forestry Club: Meeting Tuesday, March 14, at 7:3J p. m. Movies-of U. S. Forest Service activities. Re- freshments. MAathematical Club:.Regular March, LOWEST CITY PRICES THE ATHENS PRESS Printers Dial 2-1013 40 years of knowing how! 206 North Main Downtown ANNOUNCEMENT By Slater's Two Copus Bookstores EI n:_. _.__._._._ _. ! 11 .i- JAMES PCKARD'S ORIENTAL PRESENTATION ,e_.____._ ....._.. , _... HAY FEVER" to RA A ontp, OI\LHI ADn irn - - i ,IIL--- if. _