AW t I AA 3,rj, .' t. t U-'Ai oriaI1_ Minor Issues Must WaJ Their Turn; The May Festiva Another Success. VOL. XL1LH No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1933 rICE~ FIVE Cl ;;7u Banks To Open On Monday Progressive Opening Plan ForASound Institutions .iAuthorized Reserve Ians To Open. TomrrowI Others To tart Activities On lesday, Wednesday To Ship Currency WASHINGTON, March 11--(A)-A progressive plan for opening of the sound banks of the nation beginning Monday was announced tonight by President Roosevelt. The prram calls for ful-tim operations by licensed banks-bth state andnational-Monday in the cities where the 12 Federal Reserve Banks are located. On Tuesday the licensed institu- tions located in the more than 250 .cities where clearing house associa- tions are in operation will be per- mitted to resume full activity. Banks that win approval and are located elsewhere are given authority to proceed on a normal basis on Wed- nesday. The progr ssive program was em- ployed by the President to provide time for the shipments of the new currency just authorized by Congress to ge to the various banks. The 12 F l Reserve Bank cities where opeations will be resumed on Monday are: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Va., Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Mo., C. J. Walz, president of the IState Savings Bank, last night said that ee expected the Ann - .Ar e-bkkteopeon Tu'sdif. All of the four local institutions have applied to the Federal Re- serve for license to open. Mr. Walz said that he understood that the President intended to to open the large metropolitan banks on Monday and the clear- ing house group on Tuesday with a preference to banks belonging to the Federal Reserve system. Three of the local banks belong to the system, the exception be- ing the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Mr. Walz said, however, that the latter bank would open simul- taneously with the others. Minneapolis, Dallas, and San Fran- cisco. Mr. Roosevelt drew no line be- tween banks belonging to the Federal To Have Leading Roles' fitJ'ior Girls Play ichigan Bows To Indiana In Big Tn Meet" oosiers 8iki 32 Poinis rr Wolves' 28; Illinois California Counts Its Dead, Injured As Earth Shakes; Property Loss Iii Millu Is Third WJIih Rev. Marlea Goodman, Unofficial Figures P2a0e Ward Takes First iPaul Dead At 126; 5,009Are In The High Jump Talks Today On Companion Die ReportedInjured DeBaker Second In 440; Sex Education' In Auto Crash Estimate Property Egleston, Pantlind Take Loss at 45 Million Places In Hurdles Dr. Fisher Begins New Two Others Are Injured CHICAGO, Marchl1. - (Ar - A sturdy band of 13 athletes from In- diana again swept to championship glory in the Western Conference in- door track and field championship meet tonight, repeating their sur- prise triumph of 1932. The H-oosicirs, scoring in eight of the ten events, piled up 32 points; Michigan was second with 28, and Illinois third with 20. The Buckeyes of Ohio State fin- Series Of Sermons As As Car Collides With: ReligiousGroups Meet Unlighted Trailer "Sex Inhibitions and Exhibitions" PONTIAC, March ll.-(Special)- will be the subject of an address to Funeral arrangements are pending be given at 10:45 a. m. today at the for Paul K. Goodman, 18-year-old University of Michigan freshman Unitarian Church by the Rev. H. P. and Miss Helen Louise Newton, 18 Harley. This sermon is the second in years old, of Pontiac, who were killed a series on personal reconstruction, in an automobile accident at 8:30 and the modern problems of sex edu- p. m. yesterday on Orchard Lake cation will be discussed. Road, near here. ished fourth with 13 points, andj At the Methodist Church Dr. Fred- Goodman died at 4 p. m. today in bD Norhwestern fifth with 5. The ba rick B. Fisher will deliver the first PontiachGeneral Hospital.IHis body --Photo oYDe nce of the points were split up asitteVohesFnrlHm Mary Ann Mathewson, lekt, and h;rlotte Simpson will have the follows: Wisconsin, 3; Purdue, 3: sermon in a series today on "Quali- awaiting shipment to his home in leading rolcs in "Love on the Run," Junior Girls Play which will run March Iowa, 3; Minnesota, 2; Chicago, 1. ties We Live By" which will be titled Reading, Pa. Miss Newton died on 22 through 25 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Miss Mathewson will take Fuqua Wins 440 Self Denial." At the regular eve- the way to the hospital, where thf the part of Pamela Clifford, while Miss Simpson will be cast as Tad Eliot. Ivan Fuqua of Indiana, a member naic service "Peace I Give Unto . a .cidet vit. -- - - fthe 1932 Olympic team, ran awaymti jepc""Pae iv ntop . last night. from his field to win the 440-yard You Two others riding in the car we CoT17ZfilE1S ( tWIt wsdrU si run, his time being :50.2 seconds, Dr. James Woodburn, former pro- injured. Miss Eleanor Leddick, o. '. no i s i(UJ iAY'i.PJi, only two-tenths of a second over the! fessor of history at the University1 Pontiac, is in General Hospital wit From Washit~l t onBig Ten record. Harpold, a team- of India a will speak at 3:30 p. m. injuries described as "not serious.' ooSt a t e e pe a mate, finished third to give the today at Wesley hall before the X-rays failed to show any skull frac- Two of the three professors Hoosiers seven points in the event. Oriental-American group on the sub-J ture, but she suffered head injuries. forming a delegation of Univer- * j DeBlaker of Michigan was second and ject "Recent Decisions of the League hospital attendants said. William sity economists to Washington re- Is uworle Duggan of Northwestern fourth, of Nations." The address will be fOl- Travis, also a freshman in the Uni- turned home last ght, but could Petit Teitaum of Oio State fi-lowed by a discussion in which stu- versity, who was driving at the time turndohoedlatynihthut culdsetitTeitbaun of hio tatefin not le reached. U -ished second but was diualified for dents are invited to participate. of the accident, received nor in- The two were Professor Leonard Representative Districts 'o fouling. "The Business End of Religion" juries. He was given first aid and L. Watkins of the economics de- Send One Delegate Eachl Another easy victor was Jack Kel- will be the subject of a sermon to be sent home. partment and R. G. Rodkey of the cle, Ohio State's long-legged hurdler delivered by the Rev. Merle H. An- A business administration school, To Meetig An the 70-yard high sticks. Two derson this morning at the First. All but Goodman were membe Professor LI. L SharfMan of, the Iite7-adhihsik.ToIesnti origa h is prominent families hxere, They were P-- ;LSh mn thMichigan men finished back of the Presbyterian Church. At the regular driving from Pontiac to attenda. economics department will return LANSING, March 11.--Gov. Olympic games star, Egleston taking meeting of the Young People's group, dance at Ann Arbor when their light some time today, members of his William A. Comstock tonight signed second and Pantlind third. the members of the society will give dance st a tral r l ith family said last night. the Heidkamp bill which calls for a After being nosed out in the 60- a dramatization, "The Dust of the sedan struck a trailer loadedwith Neither Prof" sor Wat i r Q convention Apr1, 10 t wcti pon, - yrd a h, W '4. fMi h ga proved? R oad. oodTri an.a t whw-ar P( Rkey weire available tional prohibition repeal for Mich- an easy winner in the high jump, At the meeting of the First Blap- rived on the scene shortly after the last night for information regard- igan. but failed to crack Chuck McGinnis' tist Church student group at noon accident charge that the trailer was ing their trip to .Wawshoutgights ht Washigton, Under pressure from Democratic six-year-old record of 05 inches. today, a discussion on "Is Militaristicwi which was intended to give sup- leaders the house today suspended Lenningtn Wins Vault Preparation Christian?" will be held. Oakland County Sheriff Roy Rey- port to their proposal for 100 per rules and sent the bill to final pas- The first record to topple was in W. R. Munger will speak on the af- nolds took a statement from John cent guaranty of banks deposits, sage. The vote, 72 to 8, represented the pole vault. Estil Lennington, of firmative, while Marvin Michael will R. Rood, Detroit and Ann Arbor at- the number of dissenting Repub- Illinois, vaulted 13 feet 10 inches to discuss the negative. torney, driver of the car to which the tralerwasattche. Rod astak- e licans. Minor amendments attracted displace the record of 13 feet 9% Harris Hall has adopted a progra ing the wasoattached. wood tohiwas home at u itt rice, by the House were concurred in by inches established by another Illini for the remaining part of the semes- 10g hurch S. Ann ro H e was 7 the Senate Verne McDermont, two years ago. ?414 Church St., Ann Arbo. He was the Seae.VrnbMctermtotoffa dealing with the Utility of Re- ordered to reappear Monday for fur- Band One delegate will be elected from i ornibosteltotreooffa halfile run in toCollege Students.yA series therestoning. each representative district to the i hig9t bea Ned rr of lectures will be given each Sunday Goodman and Travis were room- r6 state convention, uder provisions theigld mark of 1:y.d hung up by night on the topic of World Religions mates at the University, living at She bill, and counties havig more Orvil Martin of Purdue, in the 193 and will act as an introduction to 436 S. Division St. Both were tryout than one member in the hdiscussions of religion as reporters on The Michigan Daily. representatives will be entitled to an T h e Wolverine one-mile relay It is ntei-related o oomcs, _o-_-_ Tickets Now Are ,$,.0etemlcnposdbofEloebyeelanates.___________ equal number of delegates. Candi- team, composed of Elerby,Lemanciety, and politics. Cheaper; Refunds Will dates for the convention will be DeBaker, and Allen, knocked two and University Seismograph B Made nominated in each county entitled one-half seconds off the record for to delegates by a committee com- the event by galloping to victory in Students From Records Earthuakes posed of the county clerks, prosecu- ; 3:20.6. The former record was made The California earthquake which SThe, price of tickets to_ the Frosh for and probate judge. by a W, ( ' "t in1~ T~. ~-. ,-.,..,,.* A ~*'' n~' ~ T-n _ G ' y olveine/uardtet in 1932 Flc-.has been reduced from $3 to Roosevelt Sends Stricken Areas Aid; Red Cross, Navy, Treasury Help LOS ANGELES, Calif., March 11. -(IP)-Southern California trembled tonight as she measured her earth- quake dead in scores, her injured in thousands, and her property damage in tens of millions of dollars. Recurring earth shocks, in addition to the 23 major convulsions that killed many and maimed and har- rassed the densely populated metro- politan area, kept rasping at'the al- ready raw nerves of the 2,000,000 persons who escaped unscathed. - As afternoon wore on into night the less severe shocks got' beyond count. Grief, suffering and fear edged into the wide. picture of death and destruction as the citizenry watched the corpse hunters fill. the maarble slabs of the morgue, read the casualty list and inspected the far-lung ruins, all the while keeping on edge for the. shocks which scientists said might continue for days or even weeks. 1,000 Hospitalized The ever-changing casualty figures stood unofflicially tonight at.126.dead and possibly 5,000 injured, including everything from scratches . and bruises to cases that may prove fatal. The number of persons requirng-ac- tual hospital treatment was estimat- ed at 1,000 for the entire area. Property damage was estimated as at least $45,000,000 including wrecked business buildings and schools, broken utility lines, damaged streets and harbor channels. Bodies were still sought in ruins at Long Beach, which bore the brunt of the quake. Alert to prevent possible vandal- ism, looting and ghoulish acts, United States sailors and marines from the battle fleet at San Pedro, national guardsmen and American Legionnaires joined police in pre- serving order in the stricken regions. WASHINGTON, March 11.- )- Under alert leadership from Presi- dent Roosevelt, navy, treasury, and Red Cross heads today mobilized aid for earthquake-devastated Southern California. Because of quick work by relief forces on the spot, their task was largely one of backstopping and or- ganizing to assure the damaged com- munities and their inhabitants of adequate funds and supplies. Roosevelt Busy Early But to launch these efforts, Presi- dent Roosevelt was out of bed and busy on the telephone in the early hours, Mrs. Roosevelt helping to relay I messages together with his - secre- taries. After the orders the President gave, telegrams went out from relief heads. iu.srve bystemn andt those state in- Frolic has been, reduced from $3 to r stitutions outside its fold. He placed $ upon state banking authorities, how- $ , h Cry', -C And }{gong Co evr, the restriction that they allow oral chairman of the Frolic commit- openings on Monday in the 12 Re- tee, announced last night. A refund C 80 0 v e Ct serve cities "if in their judgment of $1.50 on tickets already bought CHICAGO, March 11.-(Big Ten) they deem it wise to do so." may be secured at the place where -Sweeping reductions in rental rates H-e emphasized that. "tin all University of Chicago residence "Tchect ha takt:l pn-the tickets were purchased, McCarthy halls were announced yesterday af- ed under this plan does not' mean said. ternoon for the spring quarter. The that anyone should draw the infer- A -reorganization of the program, reductions, in addition to those made ence that the banks opening Monday including the hiring of a new orches- a year ago, average 13.38 per cent, are in any different condition as t tra, "Chuck" Bricker and his Harle- it was said. This is the lowest level soundness from the banks licensed to quins, made possible the new price, they have reached since 1916. man, Ellerby, and DeBaker were members of both record-breaking teams. - i i . t { I St. TlhomIas High Wins Regional Title At Ypsi St. Thomas high school, Ann Ar- bor, last night qualified for the state basketball tournament (class D) which is to be held at Detroit next u U.1 1 E1i .'CAreaU I Acause severe aa )ToJLae .Lo Beach section was recorded on the A ' NI University seismograph at 9 p. m. w aitint' cws Friday night. The quake lasted one hour and a half, according to the seismograph, with the maximum of Wires Sent To Earthquake the shock coming at 9:10 p. m., E. S. n BtFewReli T it was announced yesterday. Sev- Re n B Feral of the later shocks were also lave Been Received recorded. According to information received California students here and local IIfrom the University Observatory, residents with relatives in the Los where the seismographs are kept, the Angeles region last night waited shock was only a moderate one. It anxiously for news from the quake- was not the smallest recorded here torn area. Broken power lines were at the University, but it was far from believed to have silenced communi- the largest, and was not what would cation from the area as a areg num- Ibe termed severe. week, by winning over Grosse Isle a) Ypsilanti. _, ._ ._ open Tucsday, Wednesday or any slbsequent day." "Time is thus afforded," he ex- plained, "for the necessary shipments of currency provided under the Em- ergency Bank Act from reserve bank centers to clearing house cities and banks in the smaller communities." Waiins To T 1lk On Police Work At Foruni Inaugurating a series of Sunday afternoon forums, James K. Watkins, Detroit Police Commissioner, will speak at 3:30 p. m. today in the North Lounge of the Union on "My Experience as Police Commissioner." Mr. Watkins is a gradiuate of the University and while here was presi- dent of the Union and a member of; Michigamua. He was a Rhodes scho- lar and a. prominent Detroit attor- ney before his appointment as police commissioner. Siu iens Will Produce One-Act Drama Tonight' "'F Ce Seoin,,"a. nnat _ the lowest at which a major social - function was ever offered at Michi- gan. The reduction was granted in Con se rvati sin In Architecture deference to a popular demand, among the students that the price of F1 r. - W-1 4L the Frolic be placed within reach of the many budgets limited by the bank holiday, which has every pros- pect ofdcontinuing through March 17, the date of the Frolic. "Chuck" Bricker's Harlequins, the new orchestra, are well known on the Pacific coast, and have played at a number of collegiate events in thej Middle West last year and during their present tour. Dancing hours will be 9 p. m. to 2 a, m. Reports have been published recently that the hours would be 9 to 12, and McCarthy has announced that this is erroneous, and that theI hours will be the same as is custo- mary for formals of this class. Michigan Fails To Place N Bif Te W r[*esl -11 hU1iV CO _14y r rinm. A wt An attack on conservatism, both I the principle of borrowing from what in architecture and in architectural previous civilizations have produced.r education, was the dominant note of This borrowing from the past wasI a talk delivered last night by Frank branded as "stealing" by Mr. Wright. Lloyd Wright, world-famous archi- "Architecture should interpret the tect, before a crowd of more than I civilization which produces it," he 150 students and faculty members said. Failure to recognize the prin- ciple of resiliency is the reason for the disastrous damage caused by the recent earthquake in Cali- fornia, according to Mr. Wright. "Rigidity is a false principle," he said. "Resiliency is the qual- ity which will allow buildings to withstand earthquakes." Other features of buildings which will allow them to resist violent quakes are, according to Mr. Wright, a low center of gravity, foundations not too deeply im- bedded, and "floating" founda- tions rather than "brittle" foun- dations Mr. Wright outlined four com- mandments which the young archi- tect should follow. Taking four parts in the makeup of a man-heart, mind, will, and spirit-he said that the greatest sin of the heart was! hate; of the mind, insincerity; of the will, indecision: and of the spirit, fear. Of the Beaux Arts system of archi- tectural education. used at the Ecole de Beaux Arts in Paris and in many American architectural schools, Mr. Wright said, "It has been a dreadful thing for this country." The archi- tectural college of the University is not under the Beaux Arts system. A.1.n'.3if 1 n -f T~ . nt ber of telegrams had been sent from here but few replies were received. { Among the students who wired their relatives in the area but had no answers up to a late hour last night were Miss Rachel Uhvits, Grad., of Los Angeles; Robert K. Whiteley, '33M, of Pasadena, and Lester Grif-I fiths, '35, of San Pedro. Griffith has a brother who is stationed as a U. S. army officer at San Pedro. Timothy L. Fohey, proprietor of the Dairy Lunch had received no word from a sister who was workingj in the office of Dr. P. F. Brandt at Long Beach. Dr. Brandt, according to press dispatches, was killed dur- ing the quake. William E. Langen, '34E, of Bev- erly Hills, established communication with his family there yesterday. He said that, according to the informa- tion he received the press reports 'had greatly exaggerated the distress. Adolph Larson, '33E, of San Pedro, received a communication from his parents reporting that they are safe. ISidnv Singer. Jr .Grad. of Glen- By mid-morning the treasury an- ' nounced it had authoriized Cali- B llie o 11soll fornia banks to advance cash needed by' victims, calling attention to the Te authority of Federal Reserve Banks to make direct loans to individuals, ,I)and promised that if more was need- In H ayFever ed it would be forthcoming. The Red Cross withheld financial policy plans after assuring itself the Sets Designed By Janes California branches were on the job Doll; Box Office Open for the immediate steps. From 10 to 8 Daily Frances "Billie" Johnson, '33, who starred in "Streets of New York," and "Meet the Wife," will have the lead in Play Production's presenta- tion of Noel Coward's "Hay Fever" on March 14, 16, 17 and 18, it was announced last night. Others prominent in the cast are Frances Manchester, '34, Jack B. Nestle, '33, Fred Crandell, Grad., Glad Diehl, '33, Uldean Hunt, '33, Sally Pierce, '35, Donald Brackett, '34 and Rnhrt Hogg '34. worst ani*ormaQ a es Have Passed, Hobbs Says The worst of the earthquake shocks that are shaking Southern California have passed, Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of the geology de- partment and recognized authority on earthquakes, declared last night. The first shock is always the most violent, he said. "There will probably be minor tremors continuing for months," he said. "hut thev wi1 not be serious." i C11AMPAIGN, Ill., March 11.--(11') -Indiana University's matnen won five of the eight Big Ten individual wrestling championships here to-