THE MICHIGAN DAILY 5AT1UDA'T MAR'CH 11,_195- - 0 e Answver Fi v" GridironCl Spring Ia~ctiNe Bci With Drills, B And Pais ing More than 74GWien answered h~le first call for spring football practice issued by Coach Harry Kipke last Wednesday. The practice was held in Yost Field Houecuse of the bad weather conditions. After first going-h, ig evrt setting-up exercise,, to loosen 7lruused muscles. Co ac h Kipkc dliv.iiddth'lI e k squad into t%) ,routp". one coin'- posed of backs; and nds, the other comn- oso e d of centers. Sacki Cs, and guards. a~pke and "Wally" Weber took over the as and ends and )ut theirsthr ough _ b l1 o c k ini, practice. KIPKE After the blocking practice, the squad worked out on some simple passing drills that in- cluded running and arm work. Most Of Squad Out Most of last fall's squad«c, with the exception of the seniors awnd several engaged in other sports, returned. The most noteworthy of these excep- tions are Ted Petoskey, Whitey Wis- trTed Chapman, and Johnny Regeezi, who are now trying out for the baseball team and will be occu- pied with this sport all spring. The track season also will prevent some gridders from taking part in the spring workout. Willis Ward and Jack Heston are now on the track squad and cannot be spared. A greater part of last fall's fresh- man squad is out, and the fight for the Chicago Alumni Trophpr _omises to be as keen as it' has been in the' past. This prize is awarded to theh 'rsh ma pbs nd sosubetadmost promising in spring practice. It h sb e w r e only twice, in 1931 to Herman Ever- hardus, and last !year to Geraldtfae.L > Ford. ",jq~u Freshmen Show PromiSS' SThe freshman u'dwl ic much promi 'ing, - ?'. These two teams would have met in the play-offs. Both teams were capable of fast hockey with several outstanding players in their roster. Prep Simr BSekTitles A lntiani U ral Pool INeu rly 200 prep rp ettvsof c lass A, and B hlighl schools will, com- petec for state swimming- titles in theI Intramural Pool t odaiy under the miry- pices of the University and the pr-r. ,sonal supervision of Coach MaOt IMann. IThe preliminaries w.ill be run onf starting at 10 a. m. today with the finals in all events set for 7:30 to- night, Admission p~rices are 10 cents for the morning and 25 cents to- night. Battle Creeks, defending champion in class A has the most entrants with 22. Pontiac wit h 19 is close be- hind. Lansing Central and Fordson have 16 each; Monroe, 12; Ann Ar- bor, 12; Lansing Eastern, 12; Jack- son, 15. Grand Rapids Central and Kalamazoo Central have three each, while Grosse Pointe and Flint Cen- tral have one each. In Class B, Ypsi Roosevelt, defend- ing champion, is sending 14 swim- mers, Ypsi Central, 18; River Rouge, 13; University High of Ann Arbor, 1;and East Lansing, 2. > Eight events will be run off in each class. They are 200-yard free style relay (four men), 100-yard breast stroke, 100-yard free style, fancy div- ing, and 150-yard medley. rLittle is known about the compara- tive strength of the class A teams, but Battle Creek is a heavy favorite to retain the title. Lansing Central 'made a strong bid last year and has another equally good aggregation this season. Michigan State greeted, its ne0w football coach, Charlie B~achman, with a big pep meeting when he re- cently arrived for spring drill. FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES ATTENTION \EA iE 'NOT ) NDFGYOUR 'ORDERS C.0.1). PAT1'INf AJ1OMI''Tl, WN ME1' \lI;iCHAlnt BY' W Dial 41 59 ! SCHELBACH MARKET ll.0:, Eat, i ren MICHIGAILY IIXASSIHIEDS ADS IPAY A DIE WSKI N In Choral Union Series WEDNESDAY 815 P.M. -MAR. 15 ALL CHOPIN PROGRAM HILL AUDITORIUM iii Tickets: $1.00 - $1.50 -$2.00 - $2.50 j arpcnito ::. Durand 3ot.... L~INEU1PS Pos Rangers *Goalie..........Gillies RD. .R......... Scott LT)......Cushing ...,Campbell ...... Mc~achern .F. .... Prieskorn -F ....Pierce .F.......... Dow F....... Mayfield F......... Boyd p - -_--- --_-. --_-- - -__-- - '_ j rf 1 1 l) ', BOOKS--Worth Your While--0$1.OO Each Standard Book British and Aiiericani Verse, Preface by Christopher Morley Ba ten : Philosophy of Life Lowell Thomas: India, Land of the Black Pagoda-IJ Newman and Other: Nature of the World and Mlan: Bruce Barton: Para~de of the States Radot: Life of Pa steurz~ ja< meS Steven's P"1aul Buyan1 T-lali)urton: New VWorldsto ConIquert I al a(1Norcihoff : Faery L iands of thei South Se>as Werner rfalnwi~y Hall Clendening: The Hluman Body I orothySare:omnibus of Cr-ime i If yo v rilte, we hve it* Cdra~spcndanceStationer~y, F'oimtain Pewz, Ink, etc. T weariter~s a~ll makes. Greetg Ca.ds for eveibdy, I Iluazdi'ed(,s of oditita les in ,this Ediion- WA~q~p UNIVERSITY OOKSTORE 314S.tato Sto, Ami Aror;~ Chicken Sandwich 10c 0-:Y ALL ^dIC HTL BALTIMORE DAIRY LUNCH 316 State Street 4 SATURDAY I. I1 Drug andIi SPECIrAL FRE racial size of Mar- 1-v Face Powder ~iid Perfume with !v arley's Lip Stick at 79c. I I - - i FREE One myxagnify ing' mirror with every purchase of Ar- iand's Sympho- nie Powder, $1.00 * Mall Orders * Phone Orders * Filled P'romp3tly I BATTLE CFK SOAPS Blond Psylla, 1Ilb... ........3c ant Fair, one dozen...... 33c Black Psylla, 5 lbs.......... %1.39 Sternes Bath Tablets, t G~~ bars, assorted.............2.5 MOUTH WASHES Wr isicy's Oatmeal Soap ........ 5c Antiseptic Solution, pints,..3c 3-etEcriHain AlstrIngosol and Automntie -etEeticetn Pencl ,. .~ c,9cjPads-Lifctin'ic$2 - 50c BLUE ROSE LIP STICKS. 25.c.TOOTH PASTES FIRST METHODIST WESLEY HALL HILL EL EPISCOPAL FOUNDATION C H URC H E. W. Mlakenian, Director OCzr. L. Cuniv. Ave. and Oahland State and Washington Streets Dr. lenutrd Heller, Director Ministers 9:30 A.M. --laSs onl "Pritiip'ii::of Frederick 13. Fisher ~ ~ 'theDlreetor. Peter F. Stair 11:15 A.M.- -Reguiar S unday zer 1ce 3:30 1 P_. OrlenIata.A1nercaGou~p at thxe Women '6 League Chlapel. I)iscttzii oil the iii~~~~ Dr. Bernard Haller will speak on 10 :45---Morning Worship the subject, 'PUINUM AND ITS "QtXr1FISWE LIE B" :00 P.M.--StudJent Guild. .Dr.Pisber LES:ON." 1 - Self-Denlal Will] speak "If JesusWrenha Uis'r5 i 't ,,h-~'. , ri uintaedi~pij 4 o?:J-'e~ll Yo'll)at PRalbi lellefr rsidce t thelz G:30 Pi.11.---Orn hate F'orulu. Discus- Forest Playa apartmeccnts,. Dramatic Service of Worship .iola oz Syria. : P.OpnHueateFo- "Peace I Give Unito You" 3:5PM--pnHol tW-on THE FRST"FIRST BAPTIST PRESBY ERIANLast 11tnon, West of State CHURCH R.~ Edward Sayles, Minister 116ward R. tC aap nan, 'University Huron and Division Streets DO NO '1'astor Merle H. Anderson, Minister J ~C: 3;i A.M. _'-'mie tChur':ch c1ool. Dr. Alfred Lee Klaer, Assoctatc; Minister I~E L ~ Logan, Superintendent. 930A.M. -Student classes at theD 10:45 A.%1-Prec_. LEverett C. "Fer±r1ci -Y Uof Aw dwve' Novtuon TheFologic I.- Church. YOU , hool, Ne.won Center, Mss.;, will 10:45 A.M. -Morning Worship. RE IGOUSprach.'Topt(': RELGIO S TI' EBRE'AD 0V 1,I11E 1"Theile RtSines_, 1End f ItligiQJu' (A 1Leton M' go b' the isen of tdthe' ChurchI. Mr'.C aiin AC T IVITN ES12:00 M.--es 6tu n'Urop Ifleets 5:i0 p.M. --- Social dour for Young for 1 orty iut: a uidHou-e. People. "is Militairistic PIreparatfion Chris- :11i1i'?" W. i, d MungeTr answers--, 6 :30? P.M. -- Youngi~ People's Mceeitng.i~ "No." riiMcaclas e "The Dust of the noad." a drama- ti;zation by imemibers of the society. Six'i . anthor and a crreshmnts wiil ST. PAUL'S ZIO'N LUTHRAN BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN cHUCHEVANGELICAL Washln ton a , "LitAve. CHURCH (Missouri Synod) tst ion~ao EaglclSnd hid and West Liberty (vneia Y1d C.A. Brauer, Pastor South Fourth Avenue StacaMarch. 13 . "l Sciol e~n''u~:Theodore Scelunale, Pastoar I e ---- TOLE RIE 2 Colgates Paste and 11Colgates Tooth Waste..., Pond's Cold Cream, lg....... ,79c i Salt 'Tooth Paste............ Woodbury's Cold and Faal AIProphlylactic Paste .,..,.. Cream ...................41cl Woodbury's Skin Tonic ....... 79c ! DU PARC'S $2.00 Wcoodhury's Pore Lotion... .79c 5, HAV I NG SET 87 Woodbu rF's Facial Cream, tbe17c_________________ Theatrical Cold Cream, lb. tins 43c Lemon Cleansling Cream, !' lb 53c: DRUGS Neoplasma .................7e9- $1.00 Lemon MagnesiaPack ...79cthe olandJ Water, 2 ,qt. bottle..... Wrisley's Water Sfee,5lbs. 49c Rub ing A'lcohol, pt.......... Du Pare PerfumvY4ed Water'Witch ICze, j. . ........ aid in).re'uci'ng, --I]. fins,..4Vie{ inrafl Oil, qt ... . ... ... . . .. ..45c .290 .29c ,29C .2.9c *s 19C .,G9c I I LARG E SHEETS FACEL T; S UE S _ ^ _ f^r k' t .a:, , yg x .:. V ,.guims New N ail Polish $1.50 PSets ioubaigant'sShav..