THE MICHIGAN DAILY IE MICHIGAN DAILY j. _ - I I a few personal guests. Other outsiders are not climax there was shown marvelous 1933 views of allowed in the building and so should not be able the campus all the way from Angell Hall and to make purchases. Waterman Gym to the Stadium and the League. We suggest that the Union establish one price The photography as well as the announcing of and that that price be made as low as possible. the travelogue was exceptionally well done, so To accomplish this, the Union must cut out open much so that I almost felt that I was sitting in houses, half-price nights, and, most important Jerry Hoag's Michigan Theatre or even Hill Audi- of all, coupon books. We realize that the two torium. first-named functions are very pleasant but they It is almost impossible to realize how great a do cost money. thrill it is to hear these Michigan songs and view And it is impossible to establish a consistent the campus buildings, especially after you have rock-bottom price unless the things that cost I been away from Ann Arbor for some time. To money are cut to the bone. emake the representation more superb, the pro- ducers of the film starred Reinald Werrenrath1 whose voice lends much dignity to the more senti- mental songs. Probably the snappiest of all the Of Bank Deposits. . . tunes was the rendition by the Glee Club of "I Want to Go Back to Michigan," and frankly, I T HREE University economists have almost got up and took the first train to State gone to Washington. From many Street. sources have come recommendations for complete I want to compliment both the University Alumni or partial guarantee of bank deposits. The Presi- Association and the Educational Pictures Cor- dent has expressed himself as in favor of it. It poration, the producers, who- did a great thing seems but a matter of time before the measure in keeping Michigan's name on high, where it! will have been affected. The point to be decided belongs. Lastly, let me say that Radio City by at the moment is this: what form of deposit its showing of this memorable film, has certainly guarantee will be best? done 'right by the Michigan alumnus! If 'ou Writ, Wre baro it Correspondence Stationery, bunitai Pens, Ink, etc. Typewriters all mik s. Greeting Cards for bdo7 0. Do. 1 0 RRIL L, 314 S. State St., Ann Arbor; 100 ENGRAVED CARDS and PLATE_$2.25 -- Anly Styl - DIVIS & 01ILINGER 109-111 East Washington St. Phone 8132 Second Floor a " e .._. . THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1933 Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Strident Publliations. Member of the Western Conference EditorIal Associa- tion andi the Big Ten N~ews Service. NIUMBER O TFIHE ASSOCITED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all nev dispatches credited to it or not otherwis e credited in this paper and the local new published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postma~ster-General: Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by .carrier, $4.00; by mail, $9.50. Omffces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mlichigan. Phone: 2-121;4. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. °" c ' 1 ' ! }f , p . , z, Ij i I i + . i . , i. I ' I Today's Unusual Business Conditions Create Most Unusual Buying Qpportunities So We Offer MO0"R E T HA N 4oo AT THE LOWEST PRICES OF RECORD As a result of the present situation in business, and because people want and expect real bargains, we are taking hundreds of dresses, mostly from our brand new spring stocks and mark- ing them at unheard-of and phenomenal reductions. You cannot afford to let this unparalleled opportunity slip by. Everyone will be talking about Marilyn Sale! Attend it today! It's your opportunity! IDITORIAL STARF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..............FRANK B. GILBRETBH CITY EDITOR.:.....................KARL SEIFERT SPORTS EDITOR....r... ........ JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR..............MARGARET O'BRIEN. ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR....,...MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Reninan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: -L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman, Harnoi Wolfe. REPORTERS: Charics Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William .. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Edwin W. Richardson, George van VIeclt, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Elen .Tane Cooley, 'Louise Crandall, 'Dorothy Dlshman, ,IeanetteDut, Caro !1. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Heicn Levi- on, Marie .J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie! JIUMINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.... .....BYRON0. VEDDE CREDIT MANAG1. .. ..............HARRY BEG EY WOMEN'S IBUtSI3NESS MANAGER.......DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS; Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Ac ~.drtiin Contracts, Or'vil Aronson; Advertising derv-! ie, Nue1 Turner; Aceounts, Bernard E. Sehnacle;Ci'r- culation, Gilbert 1I. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroy nson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Humte, Allen KnLUusi.,Russell Read, fred Rogers, Lester S lnner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward. Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman,.Doris C iiliy, 13 ly Griftlths, Catherine McHenry, May See- tried. Virginia McCoinb. THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1933. *V T JUQiU Rati rcuts The Union is still charging 45 cents for hair- cuts. Every other shop in town is charging 35 cents. The Union; a student club, is a non- profit organization and exists solely for the students. Yet the Union will not meet the town rate. 1 .: 1 Can the government afford to carry a 100 per May such a pleasant surprise come your way cent guarantee of all deposits? Or must it con- some day! fine itself to a partial security? u imommie Mack, '28Lit. Several days ago it seemed as though condi- STUDENT CONTROL-THE FUTURE tions would shortly take such a decided turn for OF THE UNIVERSITY the worse that guarantee would become useless. To The Editor: It now appears that guarantee is still highly ad- Ten years ago, the University served as a place visable. In fact, it becomes more and more ap- at which one could not only enlarge his knowl- Parent that in no other step is there certainty edge of professional and cultural subjects, but could of rapid economic recovery. develop individualism and self-assertiveness, nec- A 100 per cent guarantee of future deposits isf quite eaibleIt iseveniperatv ep s 1 essary to the establishment of successful integra- teonal guarantee is to be made, there will be a tion. Since this time, though, many things have run on the banks for the purpose of withdraw- been proposed and accepted for the "benefit of ing that fraction. Naturally, there will not be the University," which have left as their greatest aaigbthatfracion.aturllytere willnotgube-result a suppression of the personal development available sufficient money to cover a run, guar- of the student. Everyone knows the type of con-, antee or no guarantee.t On the other hand, if depositors are assured t The auto ban, so often criticized, is a typical that their money is completely safe, no such run e Auditng of cutscof sudeytior- will occur. It would be useless, and would be example. Auditing of accounts of student or- universally recognized as such, ganizations is another. The notorious control of The problem is thus reduced to the question of ;nthe Student Council, the Pan Hellenic Board, the wvhether money now on deposit should be com-Interfraternity Council and the policies of the pletely or fractionally guaranteed. The opinionu o Michigan Union and League, cutting own the has been expressed that a 100 per cent backing use of istiative and practical ability of the mem- of present deposits would not be feasible; that urps, is still another example. In athletics,this thegovrnmntuner he resntcirumsancsunfair paternalism is shown in the planning of the government, under the present circumstances, programs for athletes by coaches, often to the could not carry it. But it is equally obvious to other economic students' detriment in academic accomplishments. thinkers that the same laws apply to both future Fear is incited in many students by continual and present deposits. Fractional guarantee means criticism and suppression by the deans' offices. a run on the bankss complete guarantee engen While we do not criticize any of these paternal daru on t complete guiec, andnrat h-steps on the part of the University, a question drawals, arises as to their effect on the University. Doubt- There is, for example, approximately $520,000,- less many of the things mentioned above have their good points, and we do not feel in a position 000 on deposit in Detroit banks at the present toeriticitsotn detint als avin time. Only a relatively small fraction of this to criticize them to their detriment (also having amount would be required to build up a fund a certain amount of fear). Free thinking on prac- which would completely guarantee the entire tical questions has been suppressed, and a grad- $520,000,000. But if there were, say, a 75 per cent ual disintegration of individualism and self-asser- guarantee-amounting to federal backing of tion has been evident. Many students have been $390,000,000-very nearly $390,000,000 would be kept from the University by this, They are the required to establish a fund to cover completely more wealthy men who realize that practical de- the enormous withdrawals that would result from velopment is as important to life today as are the natural desire of every depositor to get into the intellectual development and acquisition of his own pocketbook that fraction of his account professional knowledge for which the University which he knows he can have. is established. Should not an institution such On this basis, therefore, we advocate 100 per as the University of Michigan strive to develop cent guarantee of both present and future de- the man as well as his mind? Others have suc- posits. Such Federal action must be taken im- ceeded, and Michigan formerly did. Possibly we're posit Su h Fe e a ain m t be t a e im sliding backward! m~~h~i lr_" 'h C i Ciht~ .nn ,ha d~ti SPECIAL PRICES Manicure . . . . . . . 25c Eyebrow Arch . . . . . 25c Shampoo & Fingerwave Shampoo & Marcel . . 50c 75c , i. Oal Permanents . . . 2.00 COLLEGE BEAUTY SHOP 302 South State Phone 2-2813 Open Eve'nin;gs d TeWnt A C UFmSUaIT $ The Union's Problem Of Fixing Prices. *a W E HESITATE in making policy recommendations to the Union, because, in the past, the Union has not always welcomed even obviously good suggestions from The Daily. Nevertheless, since the Union is a student club and since The Daily is a student publication, we feel that suggestions, particularly regarding its business policy, are entirely within our scope. The more so as the business depart- ment of the Union is in the hands of a profes- sional manager and, consequently, the student angle is, perhaps, sometimes forgotten in the rush of big business. We sincerely hope that in the future officials of the Union will co-operate more willingly than they did in the recent barber shop price cam- paign. Following an editorial in The Daily, barber shops in the city immediately cut their prices to 35 cents. The Union cut its price to only 45 cents. When asked why the barber shops did not come down to the agreed price of local shops one Union official said, "The Daily has gone off half- cocked." Another said, "We can't cut our prices now. It would look as if The Daily forced us to come down." l 1mltCy. .1ii s, i suosuance, me recomn-I mendation of the committee of University eco- nomists, three of whom are now in Washington. attempting to establish their position and secure carriage of the measure. This step alone, in all probability, can quickly redeem the nation's credit. One Way . To Repay A Favor . A PPROXIMATELY 300 student hold- ers of deferred tuition notes were granted time extensions at the meeting of the Board of Regents two weeks ago. Announce-1 ments were published daily, immediately follow- ing the time grants, notifying these note holders to report to Herbert G. Watkins, assistant secre- tary of the University. New notes designed to take the place of the old ones and expressly prepared to take care of further time extensions were to be secured through him. They would cost nothing. They were made possible simply to assist the embarrassed students. Yet less than 30 of the holders of unpaid notes --No. 691. It appears that Great Britain is worried because no other country has joined it in declaring an arms embargo in the Far East. It can rescind. --Detroit Free Press. i i I. ,. ;f' Purchased in N. Y. only last week. Beautiful new frocks for sports wear, street' and afternoon--in high shades and plenty of navy. Many jacket styles - all sizes 12 to. 44. Should sell for $11.95. $. Aft IA L A Super-Value Group Sizes 14 to 42. All new Spring shades --plain and printed crepes. Formerly $10.95 to $16.95 lif ,4 1 S ATARS i & STRIPES ; . ' . The season's hi-lights of fashion. Only an emergency makes this low price possible. Dressy afternoon, din- ner dresses with jackets and Sunday Nites and Formals for Spring and Summer. $o9: 1) Such an attitude can scarcely be called that of have taken the few minutes of time necessary to serving the interests of the students. see Mr. Watkins and arrange for new notes. We do not wish t6 fight with the Union. Both It's the old and sorry story of thoughtlessness The Daily and the Union are student organiza- and lack of appreciation. Unless the outstanding tions and as such should work together for the 64 notes are taken care of, the University will be students' benefit. The Daily needs the Union forced to deal with the students holding them and the Union needs The Daily, according to the terms of the original notes. This Out of fairness to the Union, let it be said that will mean withdrawals, and the added difficulties the problem of price fixing is very complex. It of forced conferences. has long been felt by the organization that stu- For their own good and for the convenience dents and members of the faculty should get of the business offices, deferred tuition note hold- lower 'rates on purchases than outsiders using ers should take care of this obligation. the building. Supposedly with this in mind the _ Union established its coupon book which allows Suppose it is possible to travel 300 miles an undergraduates and faculty members to obtain hour in a motor car. Who wants to? What could $5.50 in trade for $4.50 in cash. a person see except perhaps the opening gates If we may assume, first, that every student of Heaven? ?-Detroit Free Press. owns a coupon book and, second, that the purpose of the coupon books is solely to give students a l discount and not to stimulate trade in the Union, I a then one may truthfully say that the special 40- k afmpU s O_.;1im cent lunches served in the cafeteria and the 45- cent haircuts given in the barber shops are almost reasonably priced. They are not cheap; neither T < :5publired i tis tolirumnl shorl ot b con trued a; expressing the editorial op~n~on of Tlv - are they exhorbitant. Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard- But every student does not own a coupon book, ed. The names of communicants will, however, ce re- igarded as confidential upon request. Contributors a'e and the purpose of all coupon books is, at least asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than in part, to stimulate trade. If the latter were not 300 words if possible. true, restaurants would not sell meal tickets at RADIO CITY AND MICHIGAN a reduction. - To The Editor: It is easy enough to say that any student may The other evening I wandered into a New York huv a enunon hn knd that therefnv it is not! itheatre which hnnnned tn he the new Rain ; I ,! a __B-y-Kat iSeifert A Detroiter has made a boat out of inner tubes, thereby cutting down a surplus that has been piling up ever since one of the chief uses for home-made rubber bands was abandoned along with check-books and other outmoded commer- cial devices. CLASSIFIED AD: Plastering-No job too small. Northlawn 2653. With a free lunch? GARNER BACK IN HOUSE AS AN EATING MEMBER -Headline That blasts the old myth that a man goes into a state of dormancy within 24 hours after 'king inaugurated Vice-President. Dear K. S.: With the beginning of the new administration, there's one thing that keeps troubling me. Do you suppose Mrs. Roosevelt intends to bring "Babies, Just Babies" into the White House? -Jwoop. Well, now, look here, Jwoop-there just isn't any answer to a question like that. Who do you think we are, Beatrice Fairfax, or Helen Rowland, or Dorothy Dix? Only the President and Mrs. Roosevelt will live iii the executive mansion, if that's what you mean. TODAY'S TITLE ROLE Associate Curator of Lepidoptera, Insect Division, Museum of Zoology. -Cheers for Sherman Moore. SWAP COLUMN POPULAR WITH THE' TRIBUNE A 1612 to 24 Lucky the lady who wears half sizes. We have grouped all our $10.95 and s16.95 frocks into a sale-compelling' price. Your Choice- I 1I '1 $89 Vionnet made a turtle neck suit, fastened it with three buttons, and bordered the over-sleeve with fox. This cape-like effect will flatter you! But all of us can't have the original, so we've copied it for you in grey, I -_ -_ ONLY FIVE WINTER COATS 3 Size 14 -1 Size 18- I Size 40 Formerly $40 to $60 $1 11 f