TIUSlA"Y, MARCH 9, 193~ THE MCIA AL Ray Altenhof Selected For Guard OnDiysAll-Coniferenc4 eTear I FRO TH PRSS OXPuckste 's Sejeet I Wresilers Depart JOHN THOAS____ eor e David.As! o i TnI-e A ,LL CONF'ERENCE TEAM wias compiled after a season of s tatic. I 933 M 3J1~ 4 taifl Ldb a li hms ie .1'.; hister a season of interv.iewss of the scouts that covered the games, LedbyCap v ith the coaches of visiting teams, and with the players themselves. The Wolverines will depart this morning Spornt Editors of othe l-r Big Ten Daily's have co-operated with us in furnish-Nne ciRciv VrsyIfoUbaIltoomtenth I it information on the way the individuals 'performed before their eyes, Letters;" Tw o Awarildd conference wrestling meet, being ,held by the Illini this week-end. rny sending their estimations orr to this column., iitr b Obviuslythe wo lanin teas iThe other four men who, are, mak- Obiusyth woladn xtasin the standings, Ohio State arnd i th__tireJmm__nn Northwcsiern, should be look-ed at first. Joe Reiff? is from Chicago. For ..., , .,, Athle ripJe ar keimyandrJumn three y ears he has been ballging at * --__ ____-- Thr. ee laie (4ai'ei' At MsirJoeOale, ad oh a new Conference scoring record, and ,- .AST TEAM ThSoma n d oiracgv, h finally this year he established itF T.T. Thomaeltla)1ilhb s and si areto ve thma v it I 6 poits. n copilig RtiRff~, rf, Northwstern.. 53 61 167 Wil remarkable f ig- BentIIlnos.. 12 5 i d Ad Ai i has not been defeated, at 135 pounds ure he broke Ben- Hs~t ,Oi tt.. 35 26 trn ex in the Big Ten this year, wvhile Carl ,H.YomeOotrba 'sto,, ihig an.. 20Reu10Ne0tYear ,;Ti ffany, of Ohio State, his most for- r lteho, r, Mchgan. 2 1 50 _' n An inlorarnnnont inv o ntm .t, n t Irecord of l o n g -'standing by mak-' ::::::> ;>: ;.Lyers on any other ;:" ";,; but th hic FFml features a five man offense :-..d each man is only a' cog in the whole machine, which minimized their importance and stwirring; oppor- tunities.l Illilnois, Purdue, and Indiana tied for fifth, sixth, and sc venth place behind the Wolverines al~id Iowa who tied for third and fourth. The Mlini can boast of two players of Aill-Con- ference rank, Bennett and : Fros- chauer,. ;1 Bennett received 85 poinats for the season and' his sophomore teamnmate, 94. The two adopted: the shot that Bennie Oosterbaan made famous- the one-handed follow-in, for' most: of their points. Purdue has a smooth guard in Parmenter and in Flehrinig a man who had hi,,; ups and downs'dur- irng the season, Iowa has two wen wh'o tand oit over the others, Bastian and Selzer. The tall center was kept at'bay most ,of the time but Selzer, their Pas- saic N. J., guard, was one of the best .~"' of the year. _ ..:Ray Altenhof is :fi:.:," the best' guard in >the Conference. lie was duin ag h i s sophomore y ea r an s again this s season. He has everything a guard SELZER needs and in ad- dition has the one important quality Selzer, l3, Iowa....4..... 22 ' SECOND TEAM Colburn, rf, Ohio State. Johnson, If, Northwestei-n. Garner, c, Michigan. Mattison, rg, Ohio State Parmenter, 1g, Purdue. HONORABLE MVENTION 6 50 George David, '34, of Detroit, was chosen captain of the 133-.34 hockey teary last night at the' annual bani-x quet at the, Union. David, a.i right wing, was an im- portant factor in the strong Wolver- s inc teams this year. Though a f or-I ward he starred' on' the defense as well. Forwards: Eveland, Michigan; Froschauer , Illinois; Fehring, Pur- Jack O'Dell, .'34, was chosen: man- due; Robinson ,Minnesota, agter for next year's team at the same Centers: Bastian, Iowa; Parsons, time. Chicago; Dickey, Indiana. Foremost among the names of the Guards:, Hodson, Indiana; Grim, ;Winids of letter awards are Michi- Iowa; Psera, Wisconsin; Cottomn, gan's co-captains, Keith Crossman; * A* d .' A ulve . Nothwsen.twA. " CeiAtf.,1 va tn i that many did not have--basketball bmralnis. He played with hlis head. Ed Garner made 104 points dur- ing the season, and no' matter what anyone says about him, you can't take away those 104 points. He did mnake theme and they were added to a team's score that without them, their victory column would have been very small. In other words,, he and Altenhof' both were handic'apbed by the rest of the team.- It did hot appear for a long time that; the Wol- verines were going anywhere in par- ticular and. without Garner and Al- temnhof they would have gotten. no- where. The final outcome gave Hosket,I tleiff, and Selzer positions, without much ,qcuestion. Every "team, will in- clude, Joe Reiff. In some. of the teams, Johnson of North- western was shifted>: to. the, other for- ward position mak- ig -w'ay for Hosket. He-is, however, pri- minrily a center and was kept oftf .,the first t e a.M and shifted to the sec- ond team forward position beeca us e both Hosket and BENNETT 'Garner received more favorable com- ment than he did, in spite of his 1092 points. Passic' N. J. ran up a string of 129 consecutive victories over a period of years. This high school team was considered unbeatable. Well, for four years during this reign, Serzer' was the mainstay. Ray Altenhof is fast, smooth. quick-witted, and has a fair eye as his 50 p~oints would indicate. He took most of the balls off the bac kboard t that were retrieved by Michigan this' year although many times his oppo- nents towered over him' in height., He wasl on the team in his first year, and again in his last. Garner lost to Hosket in the final selection. of the center because of grace. It must be remembered that in his last five games, the centers that were guarding him were driven frantic because of his scoring and steady floor work. They just could not stop him, Bastian, Parsons, Moore, and Hloffar all- claimed .that in Garner one had the hardest man in the Conference to guard. cluded. their. competition. For 'the past,..three seasons these men have shone as eente . and .left wing re- spectively, and they have botnie the bulk. of the offensive work thirough- out that time. aClever, fast, and accurate, theiy teamed up into a. passing combina- tion 'efielent enbtigh t) give and op- posin~g team :plenty to worry about, and aicording to .Coach .Lowrey,j1hey may, never. be repia eed... Neil COablexr',' veteran defre man whose-. return to Michian after' two bolstered up, the Mah~e d Cluedi- :dese t the cr'iticail point. of the se4t, sop, has also fiished. Aig, blonid Gabi added a, certain defensive finesse to hiis strength :which stamped' himn as* an,. outstanding player' and won his third letter for Him. Mani~ Coventry, .spare defenseman,' also .won'. his: letter: andk, concluded, his competition this' year. Coventry' got into a large-number of the games this season and, was of considerable service as a relief for the~ regulars, _Jack Jewell, sophomnore-goalie, was awarded a letter in 'recognition of the steady, often brilliant, game he displayed in' his first year 'of, var- sity competition. John Sherf," sopho- more' offensive hope, played a _whale of a gamze all season and he is on the list of award winners. Tedh Chapman I'as a 'stellar° defenseman and George David as probably the hardest work - 2Ing men on the squad and one ofI the most effective, won their letters as did Avon Artz, who saw more sere- ice, hroghthe season thank any Walter Courtis and Tommy Stew.- art were awarded numerals in xreck cognition of their services as spares for the front line. 'hc THE NO wihPresident Roosevelt ha's prm 126-poUnqj class. Mosier has" suf- fered but one defeat, that at the hands of Aadraba of Chicago. Bad- raba has been beatcn aIbso howlever by. men that Mosier has conquered and a return match might easily fid the Maize and Blue grappler on top. Legs Bother Oakley In the 126-pound go, Oakley is bound to finish high if his knees hold up under the strain of several bo'uts in. two nights. tiowever' 'tiftgny, 0. S. U. veteran and captain of the, tScarlet' and Gray" team in 19312, is figured =to take the charnplonship in' this clas; The othiler twro men,' ipoden and Landrurii, hava eerssomewhat un- certain throughott he wagon but at the end of the year. were *r'ktl' improved aridIn a meet' of this sort a ntuimbor of upsets' may easily 'ocpu C. ,Wit~h the exception o ThimAs, all of the 'men mAkdhg the trip, are junlbrs,'and with Mther.: seasoni of cebi'etitionI fadcn# hem.shoud p oi g e t y, : W t e = .~ p e.y h a v e a l r e a d y Aw o n l e t t e r s i i i ,t h e sport. .. Miigan wil-not be represented in thiee -eghts; 148, 165,. and 1 '5 poutnds. , With limited spice,,for. traniotting the Wmen Coach -Keen was forced to choose : only those he felt had the best chance to 66r points for Michiga. - NDjEPEND1ENT.-WRESTLEk-: The' first Independent wrestlink tourney" will be hold today and ',t6_ morrowat .thie Intramiural' Bild' ing.' Entrants should either weigh in between 3 and 5 p. m.: today or.. phone' the activities office. Ther~e will be eight divisions. Gold med- als and- ribbons. will be given to Ithe winners sand runners-up. LAST OF, THE OLD GUARDS., 11111CESTER, Eng. -M)IA' ' Tug" Wilson, * the last of the old English boxers, has. died at. 86.,_. In 1882 he won. a 'purse in New York from John° L. Sullivan for last-j ing; four- rounds against the "Strong Boy," although he. was floored 19 times. 'Wilson altogether" had 50 contests, without dieing knocked out. LV DEA nised the nation is just as interest- II ink to trio student and ciien as our ainnouncemenit was of a ",new deal" on BARI3ERING RATES. MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHIILDREN'S IIAIRCUTT ING...... 35e 615 East Liberty 812 South State Notice: Mr. Ed. Rivett is now with the GROOM-WELL BARBERS -9 WALK- OVER THURSDAY -,FRI DAY -- SATURDAY Women's Black- Kid Pumps and Sandals 1 Women's Block or Brown Ooze and -'. Reptile Combinations 'OUR SPRING' MERCHANDI-SE' IS HER-E Everything the College Man wants focr Spring and Sport wear--and at prices roduced to fit the* times. SU its 6, Topcoats ~I450 and Up FURNISHINGS A° HATS, all Spring styles and shades .. $2.9~ - $3.45j STETSON HATS. *"**"*. ".".. .. .$5.004 I 11 11