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March 08, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-08

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Basketball Team's New Captain And Their Sea-
son's Record in Review
FRED LEE PETOSKEY, of St. Charles, Michigan, was elected basketball
captain yesterday at a special meeting of the letter winners. Although
the announcement did not rvurprise close followers of basketball, the elec-
tion contained at least one interesting feature. Of the three sports thatr
Ted competes in, football, basketball, and baseball, the court game is the
only one that he will only have two letters in when he graduates.
As a sophomore last year, Ted received letters in football and baseball
but did not receive one in basketball. This year he has already received two
letters and has every expectation of gathering another baseball letter as he

VarsityFencing Five Matmen
Team Trounces Are Entered In

Last Hard Drill
Of Season Held

Is 'a returning veteran in the outfield.
It is also taken for granted that he
will get three next year, although
nothing is sure as injuries may wreck
a brilliant career at any time.
If these predictions are born out,
Ted will have received eight letters
for his college career, when he grad-
Ruggedness, sheer ruggedness, is
the outstanding characteristic of the
new court leader. Petoskey is known
in, football as an end who can 'take
it.' In baseball and basketball there
is less opportunity for physical con-
tact, yet he can hold his own with-
out giving an inch to anyone, includ-
ing Fehring whom he guarded for
part of the Purdue game here last
Monday night,
Ted can owe his basketball cap-
taincy to one sentence he spoke in
his sophomore year after he had re-
ported. for Cappon's team. He had
been out for three days and was par-
ticipating in his first scrimmage.
After playing 30 gruelling minutes of
basketball, the coaches called a halt
and made several substitutions. Cap-
pon called to Ted, "Do you want a
little rest?" The big floor guard re-
plied, "No, I'm not tired a bit."
That settled it for Cappon. Any-
one who will work that hard and
thue beg for more can have his full
backing. From then on Ted was given
special instruction during the prac-
tices by both Oosterbaan and Cap-
pon. Their admiration grew for the
"worker" as they termed him until
Moth were satisfied that he would
give Altenhof and Williamson a real
battle for a guard position this year.
Then Williamson hurt his knee in
footbQll and as the basketball season
approached, it was apparent that he
would not be on the team. It was
then that Cappon realized that fate
mlust ,have. been guiding his hand
''n uhe groomed Petoskey the year
Ted .stepped right into the post
this season and turned out to be an
tmportatt cog in Cappon's machine.
The team's defensive record speaks
ior. the :ort of work Altenhof and
Petoskey did around the basket.
-Q-nly 296 points were scored
ainst the Wolverines in Big Ten
eompetition this year. No other team
i 'the league was under 300. Last
yea the mark was also the lowest
Athoutgh the opposition scored
1, oints more than that of the yea
193 - 2, it was 15 points higher in
o fenseye strength. Last year this
f gre was 353 and it was 368 this
y at. While these figures do not rival
the high scorer for Conference team-
honors, it definitely puts the team i
the; same class with Daniels, Weiss
Fbr the. last three years Michigan
has finishcd the Conference season
Wivth eight ames won and four lost
Ij 1930.31the team was tied for sec-
oi4 with Purdue and Minnesota (i
Qur memory is correct). In 1931-32
it was in fourth, place with eight won
and' four lost. In 1932-33 Captain
Eveland led his team into a tie fo
third with Iowa with the same rec-
Probably Ed Garner had as much
to do with the successes as anyone
else on the team. The last four games
proved definitely just how much he

Monroe 12 To 51
Winig, DeStefano, Mayer
Make Last Appearance
here For The Varsity
DeSafano Wins Two!
Wolverines Win Seven InI
A Row To Stand In First
Rank For State Title
Overwhelming the Monroe Fencing,
Club by the score of 12 to 5, the
Michigan fencing team ran its win-
ning string to seven in a row for this}
season last night at the Intramural4
building, and established itself as the
first in rank for the championship
of the state.
Three Seniors Finish
Last night also saw three seniors
take part in their last dual meet for
the Maize and Blue and their last
home appearance. Captain Jerry
Winig, Jimmy DeStefano, and J.
Mayer were those last year men.
Winig and DeStefano, both three1
year varsity award winners, contin-
ued to show the same excellent brand
of fencing that has characterized
them throughout their fencing ca-
reers here; and Mayer, a two year;
letter man, was the star of the eve-
ning with three wins in the foils and,
no losses.
DeStefano, by winning both sabre
bouts, completed a remarkable rec-
ord of not having lost a single sabre
match during the entire season. Al-
though visibly weakened by a badj
attack of influenza suffered last week,
he managed to come through both
encounters with flying colors, beating
Frost in the first, 5 points to 2, and'
De Graff in the second, 5 points to 4.
Wally Buhl of the Wolverines also'
won both his sabre bouts, each by a
5 to 4 score.
Winig Takes Two
Winig, although losing two out of
three of his foils matches, came back
to take two encounters in the epee,

Big Ten Meet By

Thomas, Spoden, Oakley, Thinclads Await Title Go
Mosier, Landrum Will At Chicago This Week-'
Go To Urbana End; Team is Balanced
Five members of Michigan's wres- Coach Charley Hoyt ran his track-
tlinn team will leave Ann Arbor sters through an arduous practicei

Coaches and players vie with each
other to see who can affect the loud-

Thursday for the Conference meet, last night in preparation for the est sweat suits. At present Ken Do-
to be held at Illinois this week end. Conference meet at Chicago this herty ,crimson-clad, and Bennie Oos-
Only one senior is included among week-end. terbaan, vividly bedecked in a purple
the men making th etrip; he is Cap- This was probably the last hard outfit ,lead the parade.
tain Blair Thomas, who will wrestle I wordkout of the indoor season as to- Bleachers and Fioor Down
at 135-pounds. The other men are night's and tomorrow's practice will Up until Monday uasketball held
juniors, Art Mosier, 155, Joe Oakley, include only warming-up drill. The the center of the stage. On a raised
126, Jimmy Landrum, 118, and John cindermen reached the peak of con- platform the cagers went through:
Spoden, heavyweight. dition last Saturday in their meet their nightly drill consisting of bas-
Are Impressive with the Illini and Buckeyes, and ket-shooting and scrimmage. But
These five have made the most Coach Hoyt's problem now is to avoid cage season is now a thing of the
impressive showings throughout the staleness among team members. past and the uniforms are put away
season, and are expected to place Preliminary heats of the Big Ten in mothballs. Bleachers and floor
high in the meet. A sixth man may meet are scheduled for Friday night. have also disappeared.
be named today but such a choice The chaff will then be eliminated Tomorrow evening a battery of
is improbable. and the finalists will compete Satur- kickers will begin aiming at the raf-
The Bagnall-Wilde system of pair- day for title honors. ters as spring football practice gets
ings will govern the meet. This sys- Team balance will be Hoyt's best under way. Some seventy men are
tem includes an elimination series weapon in the meet. With last Sat- expected to be on hand as Harry
in each weight, with the winner scor- urday's surprising performance of Kipke commences moulding an out-
ing five points. Second place man Blumenfeld in the shot, and Jean- fit to defend the championship in
will be awarded three and the third nette in the pole vault considered, the coming campaign.
placer gets a single point. In addi- Michigan has chances for points in Drill, to be held three nights a
tion one point will be scored for each every event. Hawley Egleston and week, will consist at first of funda-
fall in the meet. On this point basis, Boyd Pantlind finished second and mentals. It will serve chiefly as a
and the results of the dual meets third behind Jack Keller of Ohio means of giving the coaches an out-
held during the season, the point State in the high hurdles and might look on the new talent coming up
championship will be decided. take two places in the Conference from the freshman ranks.
To Defend Title meet. Big Ten Meet Impending
It was announced yesterday by Unlike the triangular meet last In the afternoons, however, prac-
Coach Cliff Keen that only members week end, a two-mile relay will not tice will be confined to the baseball
of the varsity squad who have not be held. In its place the 440 and 880 and cinder squads. At present the
won letters and the freshman team will be featured. DeBaker and Allen trackmen are pointing toward the
will be entered in the State A. A. U. in the quarter and Turner and Bra- impending Conference meet at Chi-
meet, scheduled for March 25 at De- den in the half wil be mainstays for cago this week-end. At frequent in-
troit. Last season the Wolverines won the Maize and Blue in these events. tervals a pistol shot is heard above
this title. _ _-the surrounding clamor as Charley
No letter awards will be announced Frank Wykoff, Trojan track star, Hoyt starts some of his dash or
until after the Conference meet when plans to compete in six eastern meets hurdle men down the cinder path. A
the new captain is elected, it was before the outdoor track season taut cord and time-clocks await them
stated yesterday. starts. at the finish.
Parallel to the track a, vaulter is
pounding down the runway, pole
poised at his side. Into the groove
sDaily For goes the end of the stick. Up, up, up
l Crgoes the thinclad figure. A pause in
All-Conference Ca e T e a m mid-air, then over the bar and into
the sawdust.
Occasionally a dark-skinned ath-
Tomorrow's issue of the Michigan Daily will feature the Sport Staff's lete may be seen high-jumping with
All-Conference basketball team. An annual custom of the Daily, the choice the precision that has made him the
of this year's honor team has been undertaken with more than ordinary country's o u t S t a n d i n g collegiate}
diligence. Numerous Big Ten coaches and scouts have been interviewed and jumper.
their opinions taken into consideration. Those referees who were admired Baseball Men Newcomers
haveals bee qustioedThe baseball men are comparative
have also been questionednewcomers to the Field House. Al-
Sport Staff representatives have been present at all the home games though the battery men have been
this year. Accurate statistics of the individual player's performance havetohme rysome thmebn
been carefully recorded. John Thomas, sports editor, and Ross Bain, basket- ;limbering up for some ime onlye-
ball representative, have been in charge of the choice. They have been aidedcently have the others commenced
by Marjorie Western, Charles Baird, Art Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Ed
Richardson and Don Bird of the lower staff.

be held on Ferry Field, and the
tracksters will move to North Ferry
Field. Then the Field House will be
The Silver Shield boxing tour-
nament planned for tonight and
tomorrow night at the local Ar-
mory has been postponed, ac-
cording to an announcement by
Verne Larsen. If banking condi-
tions improve over the week-end
the bouts will be held March 15
and 16.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. - OIP) - Sunday
doubleheaders are counted upon to
help keep up attendance at Southern
Association baseball games this sum-


Spring Football Starts Tonight;
Field House Is Colorful Scene
By CHARLES A. BAIRD drill. Ray Fisher is supervising them
Yost Field House presents a color- at the south end of the building,
ful spectacle these afternoons with where huge nets are installed for
tracksters and baseball candidates batting practice. Their first game is
going through their paces together. set for April 19.
The crack of the starter's gun.. . As soon as weather permits the
the thud of ball meeting glove . . baseball squad will take over its out-
a hullabaloo of noises. door diamond, football practice will


was needed. Now that the season is
over it is safe to tell the truth about
those last four games.
Garner was sick. He had the flu
and could not shake it off. For a
while he would not let anybody in on
it except Williamson and his Alpha
Sig fraternity brothers. Finally Cap-
pon got wind of it. But Garner would
not listen to being taken out of the
lineup. He continued to play in spite
of all that was said. Of course his
game sufferec from it, but eight
points, for instance, in the Purdue
game proved very valuable. His 104
points for the season for third place
in the league is the biggest single
reason for Michigan's success. He
won All-Conference honors in his
sophomore year Last year he was in-
eligible during the first semester and
did not get going in his sophomore
style until the end of the season.
In seven years of basketball Alten-
hof has compiled a remarkable rec-
ord. He played four years in high
school at Gary, Indiana, coached by
Veenker, Michigan's former basket-
ball mentor. During those four years
and the three that he has played at
Michigan, he has never been forced
out of the game by committing four
That is, until the Purdue game
Monday night. In the last basket-
ball game after seven years of Var-
sity and high school competition,
Ray was forced out of the game on
personals. A truly remarkable record
for anyone to compile, especially a
guard. He has probably committed
less fouls per game than any other
man who ever played for Michigan.
Led by the seldom-fouling Alten-
hof, Michigan committed only 98
personals this year, the lowest total
of any team in the league. Last year
the Maize and Blue team committed
105 personals. Michigan made 52 per
cent of their foul shots this season,
76 out of 145 which is slightly higher
than last year with its 51 per cent, 77
out of 149. The difficulty in connect-
ing from the foul line proved the un-
doing in at least two of the four de-
feats this year.
In addition to Petrie, Garner,
Altenhof, and Eveland, the seniors
who received letters; Petoskey, Allen,
Plummer, Teitlebaum, and Oliver
were awarded 'M's' for their play this

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his regular event. Coach John John-'
stone split up the remaining two epee.
bouts between Nahrgang and Merri-;
man, the former winning over Frost
3 to 2 and the latter losing to De#
Graff 3 to 1.
Although Mayer won his three
bouts in the foils, the rest of the
team was notably weak in that event,
Maas and Winig each winning only
one match apiece. Walter and Sny-
der of the Monroe Club were out-s
standing for the visitors, each takingl
two of their three foils matches,



arbouir Gym Baseball Squad
To Be Scene Adds New Men;
Practices Daily
Of Open House:

1- depelI(lent Card
Features Handhall
Independent handball comes to the
fore on the sports card at the In-
tramural building this evening. The
first round of the independent tour-

Basketball has given way to base- nament is to be played this evening
More than 70 people participated ball and Coach Ray Fisher is fast and promises entertainment to the
in the activities of the newly-inaugu- dgyrdevotees of the sport.
rated Open House program to be held ping p There are fifteen teams entered in
every Wednesday evening at Barbour with last year's regulars in daily i the tournament and the competition
gymnasium. The features of the eve- practice at the Field House. Several is to be by teams. The tournament
ning are diversified enough to fur- more non-letter men, mainly from will consist of two singles matches
nish something of interest to every- the basketball squad, have reported and one doubles match. Each team
one. to the Coach to date. These men receives 25 points for entering the
Coach John Johnstone's fencing I are Regeezi, Ford, Oliver, Teitlebaum, tournament. The teams surviving the
class is one of the most important '_first eliminations will receive 38
activities. Its unexpectedly great MANAGERS CALLED points and so on down to the winner
popularity this year is making it Students, particularly sopho- who will receive 75 poits.
necessary to start another class, and more, interested in trying out for The winners of the first round will
all the people who were late getting the managership of the baseball play the next round some time next
started are to be asked to join the team, are asked, to report at the week.
new group. Field House early this week. The three teams that appear to
Mixed Badminton Group be the strongest although they were
Mixed.e......Badminton.. Group,.___a. .._.


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Day and Evening Classes

r -x:mi

A mixed badminton group has the
use of four courts, two in Barbour
gymnasium and two in Waterman at
8 p. in. It is not necessary that play-
ers arrange for their court ahead of
Miss Dorothy Beise has charge of a
class in corrective exercises and pos-
ture. This meets at 7:30 p. m. and
has already proved one of the most
popular attractions on the schedule.
Basketball is the biggest of the
game sports. It comes later in the
evening, and anyone who is not able
to get there in time for the other
parts of the program are urged to!
come for the basketball if they are
Since the idea of weekly open
house has already taken hold so well,E
plans are already being made for en-
larging the scope of activities. Ping
pong may be added, and other fea-
tures are under discussion which will
form a part of the new plan if they
seem practicable.

Mayfield, and Dunnaback. This ad-
dition to the squad swells the num-
ber of new material to 21 men.
Coach Fisher is now putting the
emphasis in practice on hitting and
pitching practice. He has one of hi,
pitchers work out against several
batters in small areas enclosed imi
nets. In this way he plans to benefit
both the fielders and batterymen as
much as is possible indoors.
The Coach will make a preliminary
cut in his squad this week-end, and
will make a drastic slash after next
week. The letter men from last year
will report this week-end and will
begin regular practice with the new
men next week.,

not seeded in the tournament, are
!the Humptie-Dump ties, the Hilltop-
pers, and the Bluebirds.
The winners of the tournament
will receive gold medals and the run-
nerups will receive ribbons.
Georgia Tech has temporarily
eliminated boxing, golf, tennis and
lacrosse from its sijorts program.
New, Seoond-lk In& Rebailt
Sith- Corona, Noiseless,
Unaervood, Royal, Remington.
SoldRented b Ket 'red.
. D. M __-_IAnA ,
314 S. State St., Ann Arb'or.



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