- ---.
Week-End Finds
Cam us Houses
Many Sororities Entertain
Guests And Alumni With
Dinners Aid Banquets
owns Wsri At Roosevelt Inaugurol Ball
New Members!
Received Into
Formal Initiation
Pro-Week For
Founded in 1909 by James B. An- I earned by the woman.
gell, the then president of the Uni- dates to be considered
Variatio1s Iversity, and Mrs. Franklin K. Jordan. from the group heading
at that tie dean of women, as an points. The kind of work
honorary organization to aid and en- taken into account T 1
Co'lor AndCut courage underclassmen, Wyvern, lo- membership is set at 2(
cal honor society for junior women, mum 30.
I~oedAtDacehas grown. to a positioa of env iable, The initiSal
Noted At sn Cgg 2 "
importance on campus. Many of the up of the ju~nior i e
most prominent women of the junior I most worthy and capab
BLck and white in an infinite va- class are proud to have been picked group established a nota
riation of styles and combinations for Wyvern. High scholarship and a when it took over the as-
were found the most popular shades record of note in activities are the agement of Orientation 1
for gowns worn by the guests of requisites for consideration in the request of President Aug
Sigma Nu at the private rnarty held choice of new members to the organi- Jordan. Since that timc
Friday night in one of the Union zation. In its 23 years of existence, i of the society have been
lounges. Sigma Nu f irst of the IWyvern has served the best interests to entering freshm n wc
campus organizations to take ad- of underclassmen in various projects.j advisory and conduct
vantage of the Union's arrangements and is an inspiration to.women inter- heads of freshman aro1
for reservation of lounges. ested in activities. The organization's ent
Sorority houses have been busy en-
tertaining numerous guests in honorr
of new initiates.
Mrs. S. L. Joshel, of Geneva, Ill.,
Elaine Sloman, of Detroit, Jean Levy,
'32, and Virginia Wolf, '33, of Detroit,.
were week-end guests at Alpha Ep-
silon Phi.
Josephine Stern, '33,, and Jane
Fecheimer, '33, both of Detroit, spent
the week-end at home.
Marjorie Hyames, of Kalamazoo,j
Marian Smith, of Detroit,'and Clar-
ice Hodgman, of Jackson, wil be
week-end guests at Alpha Omicron
Ethel Howard, '35, is spending the l
week-end in Pontiac, while Gertrude
Peshke, '33, will visit her home in
Detroit. An informal tea was held,
Sunday afternoon for members of
Chi Omega and their guests.'
Dinner guests at Delta Zeta last M's. Ja nes A. Farley, wife o
night included Gail Saunders and genral, and Mrs. [ ordell hull, w
Lynn Fowler, while guests today are of state, are shown in the gowns1
Miss Hilda Burr and Miss Emily Washington Saturday.
White of the physical education de-,
partment. The tables were centered
with an arrangment of lavendeir*
sweet peas and talisman roses. And 4-S
Kappa Delta wishes to announce F owsh p Conn
the pledging of Grace Bartling, 36, -_
of G KPnview, Ill. jOrganized for the purpose of pro-
KAPP APP GAMMA otng friendship betee forein
Marian Cudworth, '32, of Detroit,mom inshpbwenfrgn
Janet Driscoll, '33, of Owoso, and and American students; the World
JanetriscKoxl,'3, of Ow oandFellowship Committee has this year
Maurine Knox, '32, of Richmond,, noticeably increased in size and im-
Ind., were guests over the week-end. ,~rac h omite ne h
Isabel Kanter, '35, of Detroit, Hr neortacebl commsidteeizunder the
Bondstetter, '33, of Detroit, and Jose- direption of Faith Ralph, '33, gen-
phine McCausey, '34, also of Detroit,- eral chairman, has given a series of
monthly. get-together dinners at
spent the week-end at home. which various programs of interest
Tto both foreign and American stu-
Lois Sandler, '32, and Catherine dents have been planned.'
Deardsley, '29, of Grand Rapids,
Stella Holt, '33, Virginia Lane, '34, Although the committee was found-i
Margaret Seaman, '28, and Mrs. R.ed five years ago as one of the initial
W. Sinclair, all of Detroit, Winifredmacommittees under the direction of
Hartman '32, and Jane Mhon, '34, some member of the League Board,
of PortaHuron, andJMary Ellen Reed, it has not been very active until this
year. The idea originated with the
'23, of Kalamazoo, were guests at the desire of Amperican students who do
Theta house this week-end. .
GAMIMA PHI BETA ' not have the opportunty to attend
Pansy Blake, of Wyandotte, Mi- jother universities or to travel exten-
riam White, '32, and Delphin~e JohnSively..o become acquainted with
son, '31, all of Detroit, Mrs. James students of other countries.
T. Breakey, Mrs. Nathan Patter, Mrs. It was tihought in all probability,
E. S. Wolaver, Mrs. Rudolph Win- that many foreign students were as
nacker, Grace Anderson, Rose An- anxious to become acquainted with
derson, Mrs. S. C. Chandler, Mrs. R. American students as the American
L. Sargeant, Mrs. P. H. Meyers, Mrs.bstudents were anxious to be friends
K. L. Douglas, Linda Eberbaugh, and with them. It was with this thought
Mrs. Ella Anderson, all of Ann Arbor, that the series of dinners with their
were guests of Gamma Phi Beta at programs was inaugurated this year.
the formal initiation and banquet. The first dinner was served Oct. 28,
Hi G SGMAto about 15 guests. After dinner there
Mrs. M. E. Lidchin, of Wulkegon, was group discussion on social cus-
Mrs M.E.Lidhin o Wakegntoms. Fulmi Oi, Grad., and Wadadl
Ill., National Tribune of Phi Sigma lVs ac i Ga, spoke on Woden
Sigma, has beers entertained as a ofackdicient. The on dinner,
houe gest ofthesori'iy tis astof heOrient." Thpoe second dinner',
house guests of the sorority this past which was purely social, was called
week. She left for her home yester- a $yrian dinner, and was under the
day. direction of Miss Mackdici, who, to-
Pro-week culminated recently in
initiation ceremonies for several fra-
ternity men. Alumni and out of town
guests were present at most of the
s--Asociated Press Photo
f President Roosevelt's postmaster
hose husband was named secretary
they were at the inaugural ball in
s ory Of World
mittee Discussed
gether with Mr. Kale, of Detroit,
served the guests with a typical
rites and formal banquets following. Among the guests seen as , they
PII KAPPA SIGMA danced was Ruth Robinson, '34, who
PhiKappa Sigma initiated six men was becomingly gowned in black vel-
into the fraternity at ceremonies held vet with a rhinestone-trimmed. belt
ISaturday afternoon. James S. hich- and a most novel draping of the
Satudayaftrnon. ame S.Rich- bodice. Marie Motzger. '35, also af-
ards, '34, Beaverdale, Pa., George A. fected black trimmed ,ith white, a
ohler, 3ss Cit;oace . Ogepopular motif carried out in a black
S'36, Landsdowne, Pa.; Kenneth G. velvet skirt and white crepe top fea-
Walsworth, '35, Ann Arbor and Rob- turing a V neck with bands of the
ert C. May, '36, Ann Arbor; were material carried over and tied in
the men initiated. Aback. Barbara Rose, '34, appeared in
I k~ack elve andbrilliants, the top
PHI SIGMA DELTA encrusted with .beads.,
New initiates at Phi Sigma Delta Nolda McCamly, '34, chose for her
are Irving Auslander, '34, and Sam- gown brown cut-velvet with a fur
uel Lipsky,.'36, Detroit; Benjamin R. trimming on the tiny sleeves. Betty
{ Charin, '36, Newark; Willard L. Co- Spray, '35, appeared in an unusual
1hodas, '36, Hancock; Ralph B. Robin- and attractive crepe of heliotrope
owitz, '36, Newark; Leo Rutenberg. with little half-cap sleeves ending in
'36, Arch, Kearny, N. J.; and Richard points, underlined faintly with a light
J. Schiff, '35, Chicago.pine t h
SIGMA CIIAnother interesting gown seen was
Sigma Chi held its formal initia- of red crepe with the high neckline
tion last week-end. The initiates are and long sleeves that are so popular
Don Alfred, '36, Winnetka; Frank just now. The back of the bown was
Fehsenfeld, '36, Indianapolis; Paul buttoned from the waist up and the
Fischley, Berea, O.; Franklin Har- whole dress was ornamented in a gold
rington, '36, Rochester; John Heles, nail-head theme.
Dubuque; Edwin King, Jr., '36,
Charleston; Herbert Mason, Jr., '36,4
Detroit; Elwood Morgan, '36, New ,Dormitory Wonie
Rochelle; RobertParkin, '36, Roches- tory
ten; P'aul Philips, '36, Kenilworth; I Weed-End. At dlome
Arthur Sempliner, '36, Detroit; Nor
man Smith, '36, Ann Arbor; and
, . Numerous Mosher-Jordan women
Robert Thomas, '36, Saginaw. left Ann Arbor this week-end. From
Alumni, entertained at the house Mosher, Virginia Davenport, '35,
w e r e Richard Maxwell, Thurlow Catherine Yates, '35, Ruth Cox, '34,
rCoon, Charles Delbridge, Max Brown, Dorothy Mittelstaedt, '36, Frances
Ralph Smith, Mark Kearney, Edwin Burnstine, '36, Rose Levine, '36, Thel-
Lambrecht, R i c h a r d Lambrecht, ma Peterson, '36, Doris Hill, '36,
Harry Begley, Gilbert Jerome, and Kathleen Lockhart, '33, Isabel Bon-
H. T. Waldron, all of Detroit. Roger icave, '34, Vivian Cohen, '33, and Mil-
Thorpe, of Jackson; C. S. Mathews, dred Feinberg, '36, went to Detroit.
of Pontiac; Fielding Yost, Capt. Catherine Yates, '35, Virginia Meyers,
Canoll Powell, Prof. John S. Worley, '36, Margaret and Dorothy Adams,
Gardner Smith, and Carl H. Smith, '35, went to Grosse Pointe. Emily
of Ann Arbor, were also present. I Gawura, '36, of Dearborn, Mary Jane
t hvexy sprJing iI,,Re JlaT, pat j1JC IIV I Liu. i;J4«
Aicrr m hpc f 1Hit~p nlh ,r-nCi8j.Tnboks 1in Vat'inii sroriti
Syrian meal.
"A Consideration of Universities in
Europe" was the general topic for the
meeting of Dec. 9. Jean Crowden,
'33, was chairman. The January
meeting included interesting infor-
piation on "The Great Poetry of the
World." Matura Nadkarin, Grad.,
and Mary Lee Watson, '36, read sev-
eral selections from "The Prophets,"
Arabian literature, and also several
interesting things from Tagore. The
latest meeting, that was held March
3, was conducted by Eula DePriest,
'33, and Dorothy Richardson, Grad.,
both of whom spoke on "Italian Con-
tributions to World Culture."
"The committee," Miss Ralph said
today, "is proud of the increase in
attendance at these friendship din-
ners. We have had representaitves
from Syria, China, Korea, Japan,
Turkey, India, Bulgaria, England,
and Egypt. We would like the- or-
ganization to be called "The World
Fellowship Union" since the word
"committee" has connotations of a
definite limit to size, while what we
all want is to organize so that we.
can include as many students as
want to contact other foreign and
American students.
Zeta Phi Eta Sets Date
Of Debate With Alpha Nu
At a recent business meeting of.
Zeta Phi Eta, April 4 was set as the
date for the annual debate with.
Alpha Nu. The subject and the side
which each society will take have not
been decided as yet. Several rushing
functions will be given in the next
few weeks and there will be at least
one social meeting, probably a tea.
Prof. Watkins To Talk
At Graduate Luncheon
Mars, the most discussed planet in
our solar system, because of the pos-
sibility of life existing there, will ap-
proach nearer to the earth during
the present time than it has for two
years, according to Prof. Heber D.
Curtis of the astronomy department.
It will remain 63 million miles away
,from the earth.
Although Mars is 4,250 miles in
diameter, it appearsnoblarger than
a tennis ball. It can be seen any
night about 9 p. in., high in the
southeast, almost directly above
SJi Mars is bright and appears
veyre. Jupiter, directly beneath.
it, is .even brighter than Mars and
has a yellow appaerance. It is the
giant planet of the solar system.
} z 1t~t~ner iif nctna"fn tte l tf
" {
J '
outing Club Meets
At Sylan Estates
Forty-two members of the Univer-
sity Outing Club attended the outing
held Saturday at the Sylvan Golf
Club estates at Crooked Lake. The
group played golf, soccer, baseball,
arched, and hiked. Returning to the
club house for dinner, some played
bridge and put jig-saw puzzles to-
gether, while others danced. Later
in the evening the entire party re-
turned to the League Grill for danc-
Tonight several members are meet-
ing at 8:30 at the League to go horse-
back riding. Gordon L. Jensen, in-
structor in mechanical engineering,
will accompany them.
The Outing Club was originated by
Lee Klaer of the Presbyterian
Church, and Ethel McCormick, so-
Mial dirpetor of the .PsLi to mk
none nereug eature about.
and Eleanor Crockett, '33, and Mary Mars is its canals. Much specula-
Morgan, '36, all of Toledo, Violet tion has taken place concerning the
Simms, '36, of Wyandotte, Sue Cal- "canals" which were first discovered
cutt, '35, of Blissfield, and Hazel by an Italian astronomer who noticed
Wright, '33, of Kalamazoo all left faint straight lines on the surface of
the dormitory for the week-end. the planet. It is thought that they
Mary Alice Emmett, '35, Elsie Feld- actually were canals by many peo-
1 man, '33, Rena Krause, '33, Gladys ple, for during certain seasons the
Stanlack, '33, Nettie Turnbull, '33, territory beside them would change
Katherine Macks, '35, Virginia Solo- color, giving the impression of a lux-
mon, '36, Hannah Kaplan, '35, Vava urious growth.
lynn Brask, '33, Blanche Wetherald, Later someone concluded that
'35, Mary Ellen Webster, '33, Jean these canals were indicative of life
I DeLamarter. '35, and Rhodetta Lep- on Mars, and although astronomers
I sisto, '35, of Jordan spent the week- have never been able to prove the
end in Detroit. lines canals, and actually are sure
Helen Podolsky, '34, of Wyandotte, they are not, many people believe
Mary Elizabeth King, '35,. of Flint, life to exist.
Louise Stone, '36, and Dorothy -
Schwarze, '36, of Birmingham, Hilda
Sherman, '35, of Kalamazoo, Wini-
fred Trebilcock. '36, of Tecumseh,
Helen Dunkirk, '33, of Benton Har-
bor, and LaVerne Schlicht, '33, of
Thomas, Mich., were away for the DININC
week-end. One Block North frc
ri ISE x APiz
Marietta Recor, '34, is spending
the week end at her home in St.
Mrs. Donald McDonald and Miss
Elva Pascoe, both of Ann Arbor, will
entertain the active chapter of Zeta
Tau Alpha at breakfast this morn-
ing at Mrs. McDonald's home on. E.
Washington Street. Mrs. McDonald
was formerly Dorothy .Ellsworth, '32,
a member of Zeta Tau Alpha.
Arts Society Will Give
Readings And Recitals
Beginning March 9, the Michigan
Interpretive Arts Society will sponsor
a series of short weekly afternoon
recitals and poetry reading programs
in place of the present evening en-
tertainments. Faculty members and
graduates as well as students will
take part,
Prof. Richard D. T. Hollister of the
speech department will read parts of
"Androcles and the Lion" at the first
meeting at 4:15 p. m. Thursday in
205 Mason Hall. The public is invit-
Where T'o Go
Motion Pietures: Michigan, "Hard
to Handle," Majestic, "Strange Inter-
lude; " Wuerth, "'The Guardsman."
Exhibits: Women as Authors, Gen-
eral Library; Leather book bindings,
William Clements Library; Persian
architecture photographs, Achitec-
ture Building; Modern Capalan
painting, West Gallery, Alumni Me-
morial EHall.
Lectures: Prof. Fagerstrom, of
Michigan State Normal College, on
"Manchuria, America and the League
of Nations," 4:15 p. m., Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium; Dr. Slomowitz on
"Zionism," 8:30 p. m., Hillel Founda-
Athletic Events: Fencing, Michigan
vs. Monroe Fencing Club, 7:30 p. m.
Intramural Building; Mixed horse-
back riding, 8:30 p. m., North Uni-
versity entrance, League.
Dances: Tea dancing, 3:30 to 5
p. m.; informal dancing, 8:50 to
10:20 p. m., League grill.
U11-~ o UtLeageuue, LO.Ima~ j
it possible for men and women to
acquaint themselves with out-of-door Tired? T
sports and to have a good time in
an informal way. The committee now
has increased to include, Randolph Sodas
jW. Webster, instructor in physicalCokds
education, Marie D. Hartwig, instruc-
tor in physical education. Miss Eliz-- Tas
abeth Lawrie, secretary to the regis- PrI'
trar, and Mr. Jensen.
The members who attended the Calk
first trip were invited and the sec- {
ond trip included them and their
Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of the
economics department will attend
the graduate luncheon today at 12:15
in the Russian Tea Room of the
League. Professor Watkins will dis-
cuss, informally, the banking situa-
tion. All graduate students are wel-
come and are reminded that the
luncheon is cafeteria service.
and PLATE $2.25
- Any Style -
109-11 East Washington St
Phone 8132 Second Floor
Mici gan League
t .. ,.. _._
An Excellent Assortment of This Very Fascinating Diversion-
15c - 25c- 50c-- $1.0O--$Z.50
is f ea/iiriizg
Twenty Meals for $4.50
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