From the
By John Thomas
Mat Team's Victories
Wrestler's Scoring
* * *
won three out of four Conference
wrestling meets and all three have
been won by spectacular showings in
the heavier divisions.
Spoden came to the mat with the
Ohio State meet tied; won, and al-
lowed Michigan to win their first mat
In the Indiana contest, 'he Mich-
igan contestants were in the poorest
physical shape of the year. Wilson
was on the sick list. Mosier had al-
ready recovered from a bad knee.
Joe Oakley was suffering from two
bad knees .Captain Thomas was out
altogether with influenza. Rubin,
Landrum, and Freidman had bad
cars, and Helliwell was ieligible.
However it is extremely dubtful
if Michigan could have taken the
Hoosier group of champions anyway.
Last week, Coach Keen went down
to Chicago and captured two meets.
On Friday night he sent his team
against Northwestern. Michigan won
from the Wildcats because Harvey
Bauss won by a fall and clinched
the meet 17 to 12, before Spoden lost
on a time decision.
Not contented with his excellent
wrestling against the Purple, Bauss
went on to put Michigan back in the
running for the Chicago honors on
Saturday night.
As he entered the ring the score
stood, 14 to 6 against Michigan. Then
Bauss won five points on a fall and
raised the total to 14 to 11. Spoden
entered the ring in the last bout with
the match hanging on his outcome.
If he won by a fall, it meant the
match for Michigan. If he won by a
decision, the score would be tied. If
he lost, the meet was lost. So Spoden
won by a fall.
Harvey Bauss is an excellent ath-
lete. For four years he has been
wrestler and boxer. He has main-
tained a 'B' average in his work in
the Engine school too.
Until the last week-end Bass was
not considered as the match-winning
wrestler on the squad. He beat Odev-
Neff for all-campus honors an final-
ly won the 175-pound assignment
from Parker to become a regular,
Michigan's record places theM in
second place for the dual-meet Con-
ference honors. Only Indiana is
rated above the Wolverines.
Illinois has participated in eight
Conference meets, winning five, los-
ing two, and drawing with Chicago.
Although Michigan rates above Il-
linois on a percentage basis, Coach
Keen can also claim a victory over
Chicago while the Illini can not.
MOSIER LEADS the wrestlers in
team scoring with 17 - points.
Landrum has 14, Oakley 11 1-2 (with
one match tied), while Wilson, Spo-
den, and Bauss each have 10 points.
Thomas and Helliwell have six each
for the other scoring on the team.
Firsts, seconds, and thirds in the
Conference meet at Illinois the com-
ing week-end will count these point-
winning tabulations.
* * *
Five NI Y. U. football men are
regulars on the track team. Pete Za-
remba, star tackle, is the outdoor in-
tercollegiate h a m m e r throwing
champion.. Basilo Marchi, a half-
back, also heaves the hammer. Abe
Scheuer, a halfback, throws the shot;
Tony Julian, another halfback, rep-
resents the school in the 70 yard
dash; and Art Meilke, still another
back, is on the mile relay team.
University of Oklahoma's basket-
tall team registered 13 free throws
out of 14 tries in its game with Tulsa.
The first miss was for the thirteenth
charity toss.
Of the 1309 cadets. now in the
United States Military Academy, at
West Point, 277 are in training as
members of 16 different athletic
Prof. D. T. Jitters, Iowa dopester,
predicted that Iowa would break
Ohio State's winning streak. He also
predicted a Michigan loss.
At the Iowa-Ohio State game a
crowd of 10,000 set a Conference
attendance record for the year.' 3,-
000 were turned away at the door
after a riot which the police quelled.
Grantland Rice, five times holder
of the Artists and Writers Associa-
tion golf championship, was de-
throned by Rex Beach, novelist, -in a
semi-final match.
Women's Fencing Class
To Be Cut Due To Size
Unforeseen increases in the size of
the women's fencing class has made
it necessary to divide the class and
thus make room for the women who l
Thinclads Look
To Conference
Meet Saturday]
Hoytmen Hope To Win Big
Ten Title From Indiana,
Last Year's Champion
Records Equal
Lesser Lights Shine In
Michigan Triangular Win
Over Illinois, Ohio
With a victory over Illinois and
Ohio State to their credit, Michigan
tracksters enter into the final week
of preparation for the Conference
meet with renewed confidence in
their ability to rest the title from
Indiana, last year's champion.
The Big Ten meet, climax of the
indoor season, will be held next Sat-
urday at Chicago, and advance in-
formation indicates that the Wolves
and Hoosiers will be the outstanding
contenders for honors.
S Indiana, MichiganrOutstanding
Statistics of meets this year show
that the two teams are very nearly
equal in strength, with Indiana hold-
ing what slight edge there might be.
In Saturday's meet Michigan scored
54 points to 35/2 for Illinois and 34%a
for Ohio State. Indiana, in dual
meets has defeated Illinois, 36
Ohio State, 61 to 43.
In the triangular meet last Satur-
day several Michigan lesser-lights
gave exhibitions that surprised even
Coach Hoyt. Jack Jeannette, Wol-
verine pole vaulter who replaced
Humphreys at the last minute, scored
points in his event for third place.
He barely missed the 13-foot mark.
IfI Ward Breaks Record
Konrad Moiso alsoscored unex-
pected points in the high jump when
he leaped six feet three inches to
place second to his teammate Willis
Ward gave notice that he might
endanger the worldhigh-jump mark
when he set a new field house record
of 'six' feet six inches in his event
He also placed second to Don Bennett
of Ohio in the 75-yard dash..
Doc Howell ran an excellent mile,
placing second to Woolsey, Confer-
eplce champ, in a time of 4:22. Wool-
sey won in 4:20.1.
Most encouraging of all, however,
was the performance of Michigan's
mile and.two-mile relay teams. Firsts
were registered in each event when
th Wolves took the mile in the rec-
ord-breaking time of 3:22.4, and the
tWo-mile in 8:03.9. Turner and Allen
d14 double duty, running in both
races. . Hill accounted for Michigan's
fourth first place by winning the
two-mile run.
Fencing Squad
Meets Monroe
Here Tonicrh1'
The Michigan fencing team will
meet the strong Monroe Fencing
Club here at 7:30 p. m. tonight at
the Intramural building in an at-
tempt to repeat its early season 10
to 7 victory over them.
Fresh from its victory over Mich-
igan State and eager to stretch its
winning streak to seven in a row, the
Wolverines will present the same
team that battled the Spartans last
Friday night. Although still faced
with the loss of Sellars and Little,
Coach John Johnstone is now fast
gaining several dependable fencers in
their places.
Captain Jerry Winig is going a
better job at the foils than his prede,
cessor, Sellars. The added experience
of the last several meets has de-
veloped an excellent brand of foils
that rates him as one of the fore-
most in the state. Little's place in
the sabre division is being taken
care of by Wally Buhl, a sophomore,
to whom the experience is poving
very beneficial although he has not
yet cone up to the good style that
Little had shown.
The rest of the lineup will prob-
ably have Meyer and Maas besides
Winig in the foils, Buhl and DeSte-
fano in the sabre event, and Winig
with either Merriman or Nahrgang
in the epee. Coach Johnstone may
again give one epee match apiece to
Merriman and Nahrgang as he did
in the last meet and have Winig
double up.
Co-ed Suffers With
Playvers At Game
PRINCETON, N. J., March 6.-Not
only do the players get roughed at
Princeton-Yale basketball games, but
occasionally a co-ed does too.
One young girl sitting on the floor
behind the north basket took a worse
beating than any of the players.
After bouncing several balls off her
head, two Princeton players and one
Stages Comeback
Purdue Cager s Long
Michigan 'T.
In Final Gameeland 4
________{ Garner ...... 1
Eveland Leads Wolverine Altenhof.....10
Petoskey ......7
Scoring As Home Tean Teitlebaum .. 0
Gets 27-22 Victory "F ......6
By JOHN THOMAS Cottom..... 1
Moore ........4
Michigan staged a half-half rally a Parmenter ... 2
to overcome Purdue's half-time lead Shaver .......0
of 13 to 8, to defeat the Boilermakers Lowery .......1
in the last basketball game of the Stewart ...... 0
season here last night, 27 to 22. Wheeler......0
The victory places the WolverinesI
in third place in' the ConferenceI
g Shots Short Shots Free Thows
S Frosh Cinder
Followu s Team Loses To
31 Illini In Mee
Teams i T elegraplic
T v t o
standings, tied with Iowa. Purdue
had a chance, with a victory, to
raise into a tie with Michigan for
fourth position, but the defeat shoves
them into fifth.
In the first half it was a case of
one team hitting the hoop while the
other did not.rPurdue used one-
handed shots from the. side lines to
I score while Michigan, with more
t shots and most of them spot shots,t
failed to score.
dInthe second half, Altenhof and
Garner got baskets and the latter
made one of his two fouls of the
evening to put Michigan in the lead
for the first time, after four minutes
had been played.
. Big Ed Garner, with second place
in Conference scoring staring him in
4M he face, had a relatively low-scoring
;night with eight points. He missedi
Capt. Blair Thomas of the wres- foul shots while making two.ey
Ray Altenhof and Bob Petrie'
tling squad, after being sick all sea- played one of the best games of their
son, staged a comeback to win two careers as their finale. Petrie was aI
matches on the recen! 'rp. ball hawk, scooping it up on defense,
stealing it from the opposition, and
S I CrO A generally making himself unpopular
to the Boilermakers. Altenhof. took
Today's action in the Women's In- the ball off the backboard as he
tramural cage tournament will see never had done before, rushing it
Kappa Delta matched with Gamma down the floor, and proved the key1
of the attack. He made five points.;
Phi Beta at 4 p. m., as Mosher meets Captain Eveland and Ed Garner
Tri Delta. The former battle prom- cilded their careers also. Eveland led
ises plenty of excitement, as both the Wolverine scoring with nine
teams won their games last week. points, followed by the tall center's
At 5 p. m. Kappa Alpha Theta will eight. Although Garner was not as
effective under the basket, he played
play Alpha Delta Pi and Sorosis will a good defensive game, and retrieved
meet Delta Zeta. the ball consistently on follow-ins.
Eveland, f ...
Petrie, f, g
Garner, c ..
Atlenhof, g ...
Petoskey, g ...
Teitlebaum, f,
F.G. F.T. P. T.
3 3 0 0
2 0 0 4
3 2 0 8
2 1 4 5
0 0 3 0
0 1 1 1
10 7 8 27
. . . .
41 Freshmen Given
Basketball Awards
Basketball numerals were given out
last night to eleven members of the
freshman basketball squad. These-
awards mark the close of the season
for one of the best freshman teams
Michigan has had for the last ten
years. This squad has to its record
an overwhelming victory over the
"B" team and several close games
lost to the Varsity.
Awards went to the following: Ar-
thur Evans, '36, Flint; George Ford,
'35, Detroit; Don'Miller, '36, Marian,
Ind.; John Jablonski, '36Ed., New
Bruswick, N. J.; Chelso Tamangno,
'36Ed, Chicago; Richard Brawerman,
'36, Detroit; Richard Joflin, '36;
Howard Levine, '36, Pittsburg; Philip
MacCallum, '36, Ann Arbor; Winfred
Nelson, '36, of Greenville, and Mel-
vin Silverman, '36, Rutherford, N. J.
Heartly "Hunk" Anderson will di-
rect Notre Dame's football army
again in the campaign of 1933.
2 2 2 1 5
0O 0 2 0 20 adO1p
o :-~ i 1 By the narro magin of one and
0 0 0 0 thi'ee-qartrs points the Wolverine
2 1 3l 2 F o;h t 'k team lost to Illinois in
0 g 1 0 3 2 t 1he Fre hman Triangular mee be-
0 o o o 0 gw0en Ilsi, Michig a. and Ohio
S v o o o S. Th"' fl r0l0 0 show Illino
SCORE. nadOhio State 35 .
i r O1 tET P U 48iXij IC n 1)ohtxty, freshman
Cot terf....... .l ocl a\f hiam a ye
Fernf....... 02 2 0 !Ld;y hti t t. ; ifil de toUtWlh
Mo .........1 the da n high jump
Parmenter, g san n 3 that the Michia yearlings lost the
Shaerf t e...wer "The fa t t o-Y of the out-
#tr i _;ili.__z inpe , Pitece (I)
Lowery, g.... ... ..0 0 0 0 dE l ) t art, J:1;,
Stewart, c........0 he 0etea 8r ut-0 :min tMecoh
Whcelcy, of.V. . s.i.A.e.n0 0 a mnich aM), yMo (
Totals.. ....8 6 11 22 JGX8IDt' ht 0,hrn
en (0), Pete:"on 0) and Pir' ii).
1 tok pace undy, Mrch5. I isTime, 2:04.2
Unerto siy Arena 6-Yard High uralnea.-Pierce (I),
HasEarl Closing acpoo (I)' Cook "O pul
C La) (Cj . Time, :8.6.
__.t ai65-Yard Low Hurdles--Cook (0),
j Lack of interest in skating and the Hiironen tO), Farce (l, Hunt (M).
close of the hockey season were the Til(. :07.:.
TiceasorsgvPoledyhB d 440-Yard-Miller (I), Pierce (I,
r g yeEllerby (M), Starr t) Time, :51)
Min Contol of Athletics for the early 880-Yard--rt'an (M), Gooding
closing of the Varsity Arena which M), Chapman i. M) Morris (M).
took place Sunday, March . at is Time 2:04omn ),edllm)
undcrstood as a corollary to the l- omad an) Ge(,hin () T(M)
statement that the artificial ice r1n 4:34.2.
operated by the University is not 2-Mile-Randall (M), Talbot (I),
t making money without the aid of the Neill e), Dickey O). Time, 10:04.3.
ic pot Pole. Vauit-Hunn (M), Droullard
aible u IM) Kirkpatrick 1, Belt (0).
Michigan, lacking a home ice and Height, 12 feet 6 inche.
without further contests scheduled High Jump-Boroff (I), Spurlock
here in Ann Arbor. has very prob- 3 . M and Boucher O) tied, Fillmore
ably concluded its season, although (0). Height, 5 feet 3% inches.
it has been customary for the rink Broad Jump-Wehling (I), Hunt
lb be k-ept open until alater date. (M), Beltz CO), Wolf (I). Distance,
Closing of the banks~ and lack of 22 feet 4 inches,
available cash fo: recreation such as Shot Put-SchwarLa (0), Ander-
ice skating have probably contributed Json (M), Gaher (0), Perkins (M).
to the noted lack of imterest, and so IDistance, 44 feet 1 inch.
the expanse is closed until the be- Reiay7-Iilinois, 3:33.5; Michigan,
~ginning of next winter's season 13:37.1; Ohio State, 3:39.5.
in fNd ithe fakirs present a spectacle to tourists,
I o lovely performers break bottles and lamp
chimneys before the eyes of the audience,and throw
the jagged pieces into a box already tilled with
broken glass. They step barrfooted into the box
and do an Oriental dance in the glass without in-
17 ,vr
''lhe performers toughen their feet in a strong so-
luniof 1 o alum w ater and thoroughly rub them
pulverizedrewinl before they appea. hey
.a: J '".i l
the plaiform. The gltss on which they actually do
d ancc is very thick, heavy, and tiled or ground so.
that the sharp edges are rounded off. The girls
just pretend to dance on the sharp glass.
SOURCE " farc Stfelili v/0r and Scicitj% Di"crsions"
by AIlbcrt A. I,'pkins, Mu n & Co., Ncw York.
One of the tricks of cigarctte advertis- process. Every one of the billions of
ing is to pretend that"HeatTreatment" Camels produced since has received
is an exclusive process,making one cig- the necessary heat treatment.
arette better than any other. Harsh, raw tobaccos require inten-
EXPLANATION: All cigarette manu- sive processing under high tcnlpcra-
facturers use heat treatment. It is a tures. The more expensive tobaccos,
routine process of manufacture. The which are naturally mild, call for only
first Camel cigarette ever made was a moderate application of heat. heat
manufactured under the heat-treating treatment never can make cheap, in,
ferior tobacco good.
It is a fact, well known by
leaf tobacco experts, that
Camels .are made from finer,
MORE EXPENSIVE tobacccs than
. any other popular brand. y
= t.: , This is the most important statemcnt
eve r made in a itarette advcrtiscment.
Weigh its words. Consider what it
mean. I Then try Camnels.
Camels are fresh ... in the ir-tight,