Candidates for the Degree of MA. in English: Candidates beginning 'BUIL;DERSOF AMERICAN MEDICINE' their graduate work in the present semester are required to take English 294, Which meets today at 3 o'clock in Room 2219 AH. PUBLISHED BY MEDICAL STUDENT S Dr. Bish~~Leve hlistory 47 (V. W. Crane): Make-upexmnto today at 2pm, Twelve lie, ofmen foremost in, by George Wahr contains the fo- for Euxropean ToF Room 1020 A.H. the history of American medicine lowing sketches: "Zabdiel Boys- Lirra=ila ~fs PoltialScene : ak-u eamnaio wllbegienSauray have been written and put in book ton" by Wallace H. Steffensen, Lirra"iimW Bisho et n ror-ye PoliicalSciece 1 Mak-up xamiatio wil be ivenfotumaby fomedicaliclsstdentntelnbelong-min usBenjamin Rush" RoberteftCurrypo March 5, at 49 a.m., in Room 2023 A.H. ing to the Victor C. Vaughn Histor- "Ephram McDowell" by Karl L. day for New York where theya ical society. "Builders of American "Sicheran, "William fleaumont" bysal March 10, for "Athsen Sociology 121 and 141: Make-up examinations in these courses will Medicine,"istewrofanm rChlsL. udnSmelD steamer Excelsio, 6ArarIanB be held today at 3 o'clock in Room 207 Economics building, of undergraduate medical students Gross Sr." by Lawrence D. Dickey, op is taing his'sabb tcal let;e Zooogy31 OrgnicEvoutin):A spplmenaryexainaionforwhose interest in the history of "Oliver Wendell Holmes" by Philip asne thos 31ent ranihevoinluwion):be supv e mtar y earcm1,i4atifortheir art has prompted them to an Q. Rohe, "Astin Flint" by Fratn'h During M r. Bishop's as in Rom 103 N.S buldi. .extensive research into the lives o J. leighaus "William Pepper" by Samuel W. "McAllister, associ t _-._the key man in the progress of William A. Sodeman, "Sias Weir "brarian, will take over respr~ Senior 'Mechanical Engineers: Representatives of ilhe Michigan Bell medicine in this country. Mitchell" by Louis F. Knepp [ties of the libraran. l:. Telephone Company will be in Room 271 today for the purpose of inter- According to the statement of "John Shaw Billings" by Heny J On his last leave of asene,g . viewing men who may be interested in employment with this organiza- Dr. 'Thomas -Findley, Jr., faculty Paul, "Walter Reed" by Frank Max. Bishop spent his time wocrking In advisor of the society, concerning well, and "Victor C. Vaughn" by hVain tion, theeVaicn library 1n rome . the_____ origin of the work, a number Charles H. McIntyre. trip-oseirmdcltunsofhe Frhepttre will be purely Fr 'a rsh of snio medcalstudntsof he Fr te pat treeyears of its Said. German 158 and 32 (Dr. Dickhoff's Sections): Dr. Diekhoff will be University in 1929 gathered to- existence the club has met twice Acodntoprst li, unable to meet his classes today. gether in response to the sugges- a month informally at the home angr.Bso il rce ri tion that -possibly something of of some faculty member. Their- itestoSlnaa1fomtee EVENTS TOD)AY value and entertainment would sident of the organization is Curtis VP-. accrue from a .4ystematic study of H. ,MDonell of Washington, D.C. to Constantinople. Then theyWNFI : ' Quarterdeck: Initiation dinner at 6:30 p.m., in 302 Union. certain; major developments in the Each article read before the sciety 'q to Italy where they will vist th long hxistory of medical practice. which was considered for a place :Vatican library.:, Board of Representative,, of the Mihigatn League meeting in the Since then the Victor C. Vaughn in "Builders of American Medicine" Mr. Bishop will attend theIns~ Comi~mittee Room at 4 o'clock. Historical society, named in honor was read and criticized by some tutin of Intellectual Cokopratlm a ___-of the late Dr. Vaughn of the,1n- member of the medical school fac- at Paris, sometime in the earlpaxv F St. Andrew's Church: Mr N. S. Ferris will give an organ recital at vesthsbe aeu f2 ly. ofEJun 8 o'clock this evening in St. Andrew's Church. The public is cordially seirgftemdclsho h are chosen by the members of the -EM invited.t preceeding year's group. ." Builders of American Medicine Hindustan Club. Special meeting at 7:30 p.m., in Lane Hall, published within the past month A - Af 'Varsity Band meets at 7:45 at the Coliseum tonight. f liD ~ ~ ~ j ~U LOT S R E IA N'I COMINvG EVENTS D-LED [PH THEP611 East Williamns§ 'Engineering Council meeting 1:30.p~m., Saturday, M.E. Computing __ FOR DAVISCNTESTMNOW.OPE room. Important to attend as plans for current semester must be dis- MJ Judiciary Committee of the Interfraternity Counicil meeting on Former Marine Commander in Tuesday, March 8, at,1:30 p.m., in Room 2 U.H. Race for Pe 'nlvania frt E ~I U Senatorship. .Inc ~c o no Senior Ball Committee meeting at the Union Sunday, March 6, at i.J four o'clock. NEWTON SQUARE, Pa, March 2. LoodL at a FAIR rrwe@.H _______- (IP)Maj.Gen. Smedley D. But- 'woman's Reseh~ Club: Regular meeting postponed from Monday, ler, the 'energetic former marine March 7, to Monday, March 14, commuander, today bone ofrthrea......... L political ring and squaredoffoa Tr Ou unh nat.:; fM 0iA1" Masonic Suet:There will be a meeting of the Craftsman Club fns ih ihU ,Sn ae .StraMrh5 :0pma h aoi epe'Dvsfrtesntrhp YOU WILL BE PLEAS'ED Satuday Mach , 730 ~m. attheMasnicTemle.Butler announced he would be ,a e ~candidate for the Republican nom-rt Cosmopolitan Club meets Saturday, March 5, 9 p~m., in Lane Hall. nation against Davis and would Prof." Carrthers will lecture on '"Development of tizens in a Democ- campaign on a dry platform. Davis Full Course Stek iner . . .50c nd 7$c } racy:." Musical selections' by Mr. Taylor. Those who have already paid is running as a wet. their dues but have not yet been initiated, and any others who may The battle to a-decision between Chicken Dinner ......... . .75c'and " pb_. want to join the Club, will be initiated just before the lec'tur. Social "Gimlet Eye" Butler anid "Puddler hour and refreshments._ Jim" Davis is expected to be hard t= _________fought and as colorful as any Ben- Lutheran Students: Open house at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, Sat- atoPenslconetat ha enhedw AK.U.WNPSRE urday from 3 to 5 p.m., in honor of Dr. Mary E. Barkley, Secretary of in"ennylvnia the Board of Education of the United Lutheran Church in America. 'r,/' Our kitchen under the suetvsiont of Mr. Ge E ° las,.y15: Evangelical Students: Regular weekly meeting Sunday at 5:30 in ROWN *C R 155 the Bethlehem Church. Prof. Wahr will speak.ra Baptist Guild, 503 E. Huron St. Sunday at 6:40, Mr. Benjamin King, 34b illspek on"Th Crsisin~te Fr Est,"Allareinvted.INV STM NT pen from 7:U0 A. MT to .12:00 P. 1. '3 L w l p a n " h r s s i t e ' a a t " A l a e i v t d N E T ETLib e ra l S tu d e n ts ' U n io n : S u n d a y e v e n in g , " M a n 's F u tu re in th e L ig h t 1I C U R I T I 1 $ of his Past," by Dr. Carl E. Gthe, of the University of Michigan. Uni- = -' --- - -~ . tarian Church. .." a s Fourth Freshman Lecture in ilygiene for Men,. will be given in the Waterman Gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, March 2 and 4, at 3-4 3 xI5@ and 5 pm.This requiremnent includes all freshmen in the regular A qmurvttws mctrIn.RS" physical' training classes, athletic. squads and others that have }seen ~ p~ 37., ~iA ~ T excused from these groups. ' German Recital: March , 4:15 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre AIPARBOR TRUST LDG4 al UN$' (admission free), by Max Montor, well-known'German actor. Passages NHOa§p from both parts of Faust will be given.and° T_-________ his Great -Orichestra "Altogether. a thoroughly entertaining U evening." N. Y. Herald Tribuzne wotrle o sea I.t~j DIEKOVEN' TeJ- O sceWill Play at The League Diecedby- tll1 . H.C.xHWAR NOR CRAE HNT NnADVNCEIN PICE DAVI MATER Weieerveytortnaebiybing b t peset hi Strigmscsif cinbitriu oeyocesr oyuj.neolu eua Stta vnn -A wrth. sdcesor~ o te Uion pers. dnce. W aresur tha neer efor ha an rchstr versit y foricign atsuchesn able tipres.nt^they" LU D U~t.K.12~ Ai A~~an~~delighted you' at The' J-Hop and avow .they will do t ,T,,U UA , ~ w 5 5 again at The League. Don't miss them.x ELF" especially for the yourh M ardi 1.1, 12 411N X~: