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March 02, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-02

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a _.......,., v ....,.. ... ,..,, ....

Published every morning except Monday during the University
year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
licligain. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
City Editor................................... .Carl Forsythe.
Idito>ial Director............................each Conger, Jr.
News Editor.................................... David M. Nichol
Sports Editor..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton
Women's Ed1itor ..........................Margaret M. Thompson
Assistant News Fditor........................... Robert I. Pierce

Frank B. GhItreth
Rlol A. Good
a KarI 5,eit
Wilhr J. Myers
Bti;an Jones

J. Callen Kennedy James Inglis
dman Jerry E. Rosenthal
fert George A. Stanter.
Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford

Stanleigh W. Arnhehm Fred A. Habher
Lawson . NBecker Norman Kraft
E~dgard C. Campbell Roland Mlartin
C Williams Carpenter 1enry Meyer
Thomas Conmellan Albert H. Newman
Clarence ,layden It;ferome olit
Dorothy Prockman (Georgia Ge;%man
N irian Carver Alice Gilbet
Bea ice Collins A"'artha Littkto-1
Louise Cranmdal Elizabeth Long
Elise Felm n Frances klarn-hester
Prudence loster Elizabeth Mann

John T. .Prichard
Joseph l'knei an
C. I lart Schaaf
llrackly Shaw
Parker Sny'l r
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'lri-n
HIillary Rarden
IDIor-othy inxrell
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodihams

combination of American birth, and Italian blood, is
an ideal one for a singer. She is proud of her Italian
lineage for it means that every drop of her blood
beats with the rhythms of song, but she is an Amer-
ican nevertheless, democratic in art and life, and
spiritually and intellectually an American to the core.
In addition to her operatic and concert perform-
ances, her records of the great Italian arias have been
heard and re-heard throughout the musical world.
Numbers from Verdi, Gounod, Bland, Massenet, Bel-
leni and other great writers being in her command.
For her Ann Arbor program on this occasion,
assisted by Stuart Ross, accompanist, she will sing the
following program:
Aria, "0 divina Afrodite," from
the opera "Fedra" ............. Romano Romani
lMiss Ponselle
Star vicino al bell' idolo .............. Salvatore Rosa
A Pastoral ...............................Veracini
Traum e .....................................W agner
Chamson de la cigale........................ Lecocq
Miss Ponselle
Nocturne, Opus 48, No. 1 ....................Chopin
Prelude in A minor......................Debussy
Mr. Ross
Aria, "Bel raggio lusinghier" ................ Rossini
Miss Ponselle
The Harmonica Player ..... . ............David Guion
The Girl with the Flaxen Hair .............. Debussy
A Chinese Quarrel .......................Niemann
Mr. Ross
On Wings of Dream ..... .... . Anton Arensky
Eros .........................................G rieg
Lullaby-.............................. Geni Sadero
Come unto these Yellow Sands ....... Frank LaForge
Miss Ponselle
Charlotte Lockwood, will appear as guest organ-
ist at the regular Wednesday afternoon recital in Hill
Auditorium, March 2, at 4:15 o'clock. She will play
the following program:
"TeDeum" .............................. Max Reger
"Ave Maria" ........................Jacques Arcadelt
(1514-1575) ,
Chorale Prelude, "Comest Thou now, Jesu
from Heaven to Earth?" .............. J. S. Bach
Suite, Grave, Fughetta, Hornpipe,
Aria, Trumpet Tune .............. Henry Purcell
The Soul of the Lake ........... ..........Karg-Elert
Scherzo from Symphony V ............. Louis Vierne
Third Chorale in A minor .............. Cesar Franck
"Le Coucou" ........................Claude D'Aguin
"Flight of the Bumble-Bee" .......Rimsky Korsakoff
Intermezzo from "Storm King
Symphony" ................. Clarence Dickinson
Finale from Symphony VIII .... Charles Marie Widor

munications were entirely unsolici- That cannot happen with presi-
ted. We have a suspicion, however, dents. Political partisanship is the
that someone recommended our essence of their place and power.
name as a suitable client for these Time has not yet wholly obliter-
physicians. Why, we don't know. ated such criticism o f George
Some people have a funny sense of Washington. Men who knew him
humor is all we have to say. Here and still live may privately ques-
is the letter: tion Lincoln's right to all the hon-
ors paid his memory.
30 DAYS TO USE! The final estimate of Woodrow

that ?ope scar no paain n
I-Despite the power of the Press
and our own personal precautions,
that dope Oscar, now parading un-
der the name of Dr. Marvequus,
has gotten his fingers into this de-
partment again. But while Dr.
Marvequus has been answering let-
ters from the diseased and dis-
traught, we have been receiving let-
ters from the medical profession,
and as far as we know the com-

A ashi ngton
4 Bystander
By.Kirke Simpson.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 1.-Repub-
lics are notoriously ungrateful, yet
now and then there arises a man
around whose public service cluster
tributes by his countrymen that
set him apart as a non-controver-
sial figure in the history of his

When you ask for a "rush"
job, we tell you honestly how

Telephone 21214
CHTAT2LES T, KITNE........................ Business Managei
NR-IS-. JOHNSON".....................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Aclvcrtisig.......... ........................... Vernon Bishop
Adlvetising C'nract ...........................harry R. Bexley
Advermisimi,'Service............................ Byroni C. Veder
Inbliie tims .. . ............... ................ WillIiam nT.browni
Accounts. .. ..........................Richard Strateneir
Women's Business Alanancr...................... Ann ' V. Vernor

Omi vii Aronson
i?, r IP. tursley
AleC lnark
i obmet 1inn
Donna necker
y tl 'h; Jane Cissel
(;enevie Pe Field1
1laxitne ischgrumid
Ann (htlJlnier
Nartjy I1amrinman

on AM
1h e

Assista nts
Jahni Keyse.r
Arr 1. Kohn
James lwe
Ann Iarsha
K atl rim n kson
omrot I y Layin
( :rolimt M orsimer
I ick-n 1w~nn

Dlonald A. .lohns.om, If
[Jon Lyon
B errlard r. Good
May Seefried
.linnic Sent;
I t -h-n Spencer
Kathbryn Stork
( irm s I lnger
M ary Ilizabeh VWatts

Good Old
Deferred Rushing
R USHING ; oday has reached the point where
the average fraternity man is willing to
strangle anyone who mentions "freshman rushee"
to him while the freshmen in general are capable
of boiling in oil those who should happen to refer
to fraternities in their presence.
Deferred rushing is undubitably an excellent
thing in theory on the Michigan campus. But a
good thing can be carried too far, as in this in
stance deferred pledging and the complications
which have enveloped it.
The very complexity of the rules insures
against their enforcement, while the promised
punishment of both freshman and fraternity in-
dulging in sub rosa activities makes it certain that
no one will breathe a word to the proper authori-
ties concerning improper conduct. Rules, rules
everywhere, but nobody to obey them. It is, more-
over, not the fault of the Interfraternity Council
that these rules cannot be enforced. It is the fault
of the system as a whole.
There are two good features to the deferred
pledging system. First, we believe in the principle
of handling the pledging through a neutral office
in order to avoid the notorious and objectionable
hot-boxing. Secondly, the principle of having the
freshmen and fraternities become better acquainted
over a longer period of time is an excelent one.
But these two principles can be combined into
a scheme which would prove more feasible and
practical than the present mass of constitutional
provisions. This fact has been recognized by both
freshmen and fraternities. We hope to present
such a plan in the near future, which will meet the
objections to the present system, and yet combine
its better features into a workable formula.
Rosa Ponselle, the distinguished dramatic operatic
star of the Metropolitan Opera Company, will be the
soloist at the tenth concert in this season's series
of Choral Union programs, Monday night, March 7,
at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor.
A little more than a decade ago, Miss Ponselle
Who is an American girl of Italian ancestry, startled
the musical world by reason of her spectacular debut
at the Metropolitan Opera House after having won
distinction on the vaudeville stage. She stepped
from one platform to the world's most august oper-
atic stage in one bound so to speak. Only a short
time intervened between the two forms of public
appearance. From her debut she has occupied a
forefront position among the many distinguished
stars and has maintained that position with ever
accelerating progress. During the first year of her
successes, shortly after she made her New York
debut, upon recommendation of the great Caruso1
hiMnself who appeared in Ann Arbor on March 3,
1919. She was heard at the following May Festival,
since which time she has appeared in Ann Arbor on
several occasions, always making profound success.
Her name is known wherever music is loved. She
is the embodiment of song and gives to every person
who hears her that thrilling message of beauty which
can only be imparted by true genius. At the Metro-




(Ohio State Lantern)
' We have considered the various forces of society
such as the radio, the movies, products of Tin Pan
Alley and others. The potent pretsure of the news-
papers in the formulation of public opinion should
merit our attention. It might be advisable at the'
outset to mention the fact that there are newspapers #
and newspapers. They vary from the frivolous and
occasionally obscene and scandalous tabloids to the
New York Times, the very soul of conservatism.
It is regrettable that news is the only commodity
that the public does not pay for. The fact is rather
well established that the advertisers pay for the
publication of the newspapers. The small sum which
we pay for our newspaper each day is a fraction of
the cost of the actual cost of news services, local
news colection, features, the distribution of the
paper, and other incidental expenses.
Consequently, the publisher must look to the
advertiser to furnish the finances for continued pub-
lication. However, it seems that the public demands
that news become a product of philanthropy. The
public demands the truth, variety in news, comic
strips, advice to the lovelorn and all the other devices
used by the best newspapers-but they are only will-
ing to pay two or three cents except on Sunday when
they are willing to make an expenditure of 10 cents.
And for this munificent outlay they get more reading
material than the average magazine contains.
The reader immediately points out that the ad-
vertising is based on the circulation. The greater the
circulation, the greater the advertising charges. This
is true. However, there is a difference between justI
statistics on circulation-and statistics showing the
number and quality of the readers. For, in the final
analysis, one must concede that a comparatively
small portion of the newspaper readers purchase the
major share of the comodities.
There are two primary factors which the news-
paper publisher must recognize when he attempts
to increase the circulation and the ensuing advertis-
ing. He must consider the position of the advertiser
and the opinions of the upper class (which does theI
The editor, in the selection of the news and form-
ing public opinion through the medium of the editor-
ial column, sports, departmental comment such as
the drama, music, etc., must constantly keep in mind
the idea that he must please the select group that
does the purchasing. Then, when the lower classes
feel that they have been given a "raw deal" there is
considerable talk about the prejudices of the owner
of the paper.!
There is another phase of newspaper work which
is rather embarrassing. The reading public has be-
come imbued with the theory that it must be thrilled.
This propensity is obvious. It is seen on all sides andI
is manifested particularly in the type of news the
public demands. Quite often headlines place em-
phasis on some startling portion of the story which
is of minor importance when considered in the news
event as a whole. Stories that are sensational are{
usually given precedence over more important news.
The public demands them. The newspapers are
"A dry law violator will violate any law," says a
Washington supporter of the Amendment. Not in all
cases. An occasional barkeep still reflses to sell
whisky to Indians.

Dear Sir:
I am so certain about the
beneficial results of your using
a Thermalaid for thirty days
that I'll make this proposition:
I can't cause you to LOOK like
some husky young football gi-
ant, but I believe I can probably
make you FEEL nearly like one.
I can't erase ALL the lines of
age from your face, but I be-
lieve it may be possible to add
such a sparkle to your eyes and
such a firmness to your step
that you'll look many years
younger than you do now. "Sev-
enty-three years young is my
age" writes one of our enthus-
iastic patrons from Colorado.
In other words, I feel I may
give you some of the APPEAR-
ANCES of a younger man and
some of the younger man's
physical feelings.
And I'll hope to accomplish
all this in such a remarkably
short time that in a month
from today, I believe you mayl
wonder, really wonder, why you
had to put up so long with the
old conditions.(
This was all very mystifying and7
to some extent terrifying but inas-r
much as we really would like to1
look "seventy-three years young"
like that chap in Colorado, we read1
the rest of the letter with some
avidity. The best part of the whole
proposition was the fair and con-
promising attitude of these remark-I
able medicine men.I
But should I fail to please1
you in every way, shape, and1
form, remember your down1
payment is refunded and the]
account cancelled. : You keep1
the premium for your trouble.
Fair, isn't it?
Sure that's fair, Mr. President,
and with such a fine book as the
premium we think probably we had+
better fall for this offer.1
An immediate acceptance, of
course, is needed in order to
take advantage of this gener-
ous offer. May we have it now?
NOW is the accepted time. Re-
member, you need send only
Now there, Mr. President, i s an
attitude we don't like. We hate to.
be rushed and pushed into a thing
before we look it over carefully.
Your haste, Mr. President, might
indicate that you are in a hurry to
clean up and get out of the coun-
try. We will have no more to do
with this thing.
We were most distressed to hear
of the resentment on the part of
the Betsy Barbour Girls about the
harmless little things we said a few
days ago. We hate to make ene-'
mies, and we particularly hate
women enemies. If this reconcilia-
tion is a failure we will be just as
glad that nobody knows who we are.
Something w e particularly
enjoy about the cheering at the
basketball games is the way the
cheerleaders announce t h e!
cheer very carefully to each side
of the Field House and then
stand out on the floor and lead}
the cheer facing the Press Box,
without even a glance over the
shoulder at the boys on the
other side of the house. What's
the idea, Mr. Cheerleader?
Don't you believe in Demo-

Wilson must await historians, un-
touched by the political rancors of
his times.
* * *
Meeting The Test.
Yet Oliver Wendell Holmes has
known in life a unique freedom
from that pitiless partisan scrutiny
to which the official acts of those
who seek public place in a republic
must undergo.
In 30 years on the bench no whis-
per arose that political partisanship
could have colored his judgments.
When he stepped out, surrendering
at last to the weight of his years,
few knew and none cared under
what party flag he was enrolled.
That being true, perhaps no finer
tribute to the palce the patriarch
of the bench and made for himself
could be devised than that his suc-
cessor on the high court should be
one as aloof from the suspicion of
partisanship as was Justice Holmes
And in Benjamin Cardozo of New
York, President Hoover seemed to
find ready to his hand a great judge
befitting the Holmes tradition of
Through years of state politico-
legal controversy where partisan
feeling ran at fever pitch, Cardozo
walked unchallenged with respect
to any personal political bias.
President Hoover may have felt
that filling the vacancy left by
Holmes' retirement laid upon him
special burdens.
As the venerable justice was a
man apart among his colleagues, so
would the man named to fill his
place be scanned with special at-
tention, his underlying philosophy
be sought for study in the light of
Holmes' practical application of the
theory of democratic representative
It may be too soon to say, with
Cardozo's nomination, that a defi-
nite Hoover trend toward selection
of men of liberal tendency for su-
preme court service has been estab-
In all likelihood Mr. Hoover will
have more appointments to that
court to make before his present
term of office ends.
* * *
Double Tribute.
The nomination of Chief Justice
Hughes was not hailed as a liberal
appointment. The Hoover nomina-
tion of Judge Parker was defeated
by the senate liberals just as Jus-
tice Roberts was confirmed with I
liberal approval.
The nomination of Judge Cardozo
may be as much a tribute to Oliver
Wendell Holmes as to Cardozo him-
self, an exceptional case.
Between times, in his preoccupa-
tion with ways and means for fish-
ing the country out of the slough
of economic despond, President
Hoover no doubt meditates a bit on
the coming presidential campaign.
He alone of all the 1932 flock of
presidential nomination candidates
can view pre-convention matters
with a more or less tranquil eye.
If any serious opposition to his
renomination is to develop at Chi-
cago, it has yet to show itself in
recognizable form.
So, if Mr. Hoover does thus medi-
tate, it must be about the campaign
itself and as to who is going to run
it, vice Senator Fess, chairman pro
tem. of the republican national
Dawes' Quick Shift.
Gossip had it just before passage
of the Reconstruction corporation


soon it's possible for

laundry to be finished, and
we get it there at that timne.
You can believe us and de-
pend on us!N




a ,,. act and the drafting of General
Charles Gates Dawes to head that
One of the filthiest things any- emergency activity, that General
where around Mason Hall, outside Dawes was Hoover's choice for the
of the Registrar's Office, is the huge committee job.
rat hole that burrows down under Certainly, Dawes was shuffled
the foundations of the editorial of- about so swiftly among various im-
ficp on the Northeast corner of the portant Hoover activities that his
building. In case anyone wants to ultimate assignment to the corpor-
look it up it is near the corner on ation job looked like an almost

Tan, blue, red, brown, military or classic style.
Sizes 12 to 20.

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