is constructive notice to all members
eived at the office of the Assistant to
30 a. m..Saturday.
Y 14, 1932
No. 95
r. J. O. Perrine, of the American Telephone and
lecture on the subject "Telephone and Power
in Application of Elementary Principles," Wed-
im., ih Natural Science Auditorium. The public
N.A. 13: Will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at one o'clock in
Room 338 West Engineering Building and not on Tuesdays and Thurs-
days at eleven o'clock in Room 336.
English 64: (Mon., Wed., Fri., at 11 o'clock), will meet in the Library
Room. E. A. Walter.
English 6: Report Writing. College of Engineering. This class meets
in the Study Room in East Hall, not in the East Engineering as listed.
J. Raleigh Nelson,
English 206 (Old English Poetry): This class will meet at 9 o'clock
$n TuThS, in Room 2019 A.H. A. H. Marckwardt.
Education A125: The Philosophy of Education will be given Monday
and Wednesday at 11 o'clock, Room 4017 U.H.S. Courtis.
Education B252: The Administration and Supervision of Elementary
Schools will be given Monday and Wednesday at 10 o'clock, Room 4203
U.H.S. Courtis.
Education C115: Educational Tests and Measurements will be given
Monday and Wednesday at 2 o'clock in Room 4203 U.H.S. Courtis.
German 31, Section 3 (H. Stearns) will meet in 306 U.H., beginning
History 148, History of Spain, will be given this semester, Tuesday
and Thursday, at 10 o'clock, Room 1035 A.H.
Aero. 14: Students taking this cours will meet Professor F.tW. Paw-
lowski in his office, B-306 East Engi -
purpose of arranging hours.
bildn, t5p.. orte She r f r
Junior Mathematical Society meets at 7:30 p.m., Room 3011 A.H.
Mr. Greville will talk on magic squares. All interested welcome.
Intercollegiate Debate: A women's negative debating team will meet
a team from the University of Cincinnati in the Laboratory Theatre at
8 p.m. The question under debate is the independence of India. No
admission charge.
Bishop Charles Hampton will speak at 8 p.m., in the Michigan Union,
"God Must Be Sought Within," meeting being arranged by the Theoso-
phical Society.
Knock Test Engine Demonstration: The C.F.R. test engine for the
knock rating of motor fuels is being demonstrated in the lobby of the
East Engineering building, this morning and early afternoon. All stu-
dents interested in the knock rating of fuels are invited to watch the
demonstration, also anyone desiring fuel tests are invited to submit
samples. There will be no charge for any tests made.
Harris Hall: Tea will be served from four to six this afternoon. At
4:30 the Reverend George Backhurst of Mariner's Church, Detroit will
speak on the work being done among the unemployed and' especially the
work which Mariner's Church is doing.
Theta Sigma Phi meeting at League, 7:15 p.m.
Christian Science Organization meets In the Chapel of the Michigan
League building at 8 p.m. -All students and faculty interested are invited
to attend.
Chemistry Colloquimn
Wednesday, at 4 p.m. Mr
Almy will discuss "Energ
mersion of Silica in Liqui
French 22: Students
to take French 202, Meth2
and Problems of Roman
-will please meet on Fr
Room 110 Romance Lang
to arrange hours.
Mathematics 232-Adv
chanies: The class will
fessor Poor at 12 noon, V<
Feb. 17, in Room 21, Ea
arrange hours.
Mathematics 214-Ma
Theory of Heat Conduct
Rouse): The first meet:
class will be at 12 noon, VS
Feb. 17, in Room 20, Ea
arrange hours.
Candidates for the Ma
gree in English: Candid
ing upon their Graduat
the beginning of the seco
ter will meet for a lectu
Continued on Pag
Kappa P
meets at 5
Lecture: Dr. Maximo M. Kalaw, Dean of the College 'of
Jniversity of the Philippines, will lecture on the subject:
for Philippine Freedom," Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 4:15 p.m.,
ence Auditorium. The public is cordially invited.
tice: The firm which furnishes the diplomas for the Uni-
it the following'caution:4
caution graduates not to store diplomas in cedar chest:
ough of the moth-killing aromatic oils in the average
to soften inks of any 4ind that might be stored inside
ing in seriously damaging the diploma."
ital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will give the"
ram, Feb. 17, in Hill Auditorium at 4:15 o'clock, to Which
blic with the exception of small children is invited: Liszt:
ugue on BACH; Elgar: Sonata in G; Wolstenholne: Ro-
etto; Seder: The Chapel of San Miguel; Vierne: Finale
ntendcing to Attend British Universities are reminded that
hur L. Cross, of the Department of History, has been
visor to students who have made such plans. Women
wish to enter any of the Women's Colleges at Oxford
expected to apply through the American Association of
m~n. Application blanks and instructions may be obtained
'national Relations Office of the American Association of
nen at 1634 Eye Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. March 1
late for filing applications for admission in October, 1932,
Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information:
ate institutions for colored students have asked for lists
.udents interested in teaching positions. All candidates
sted and who have not registered as yet will please call
01 Mason Hall, immediately.' .
Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information:
School for Jewish Social Work, located in New York City,
0 our atteption opportunities in social work for Jewish
nber of tuition scholarships and fellowships are available.
formation please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
Education-Changes of Sections: Changes of sections r
hould be reported at the office of the School of Educatiob,
Elementary School, as soon as they have been made.
Education-Changes of Elections: Changes of elections
Thursday and Friday, Feb. 18 and 19, in the office of the
.e School of Education, Room 1437 U. Elementary School.
hanges should still be rpade here, but only after payment
ip in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes
cially registered in the Recorder's Office of the School of
rangements made with the instructors only are not official
Elizabeth B. Clark, Recorder.
cd Rehearsals Full Chorus with Mr. Howard: Tuesday, Feb.
Morris Hall; Men, Thursday, Feb. 18 at 7:30 p.m., Men's
m, Union; Women, Thursday, Feb. 18 at 7:30 p.m., Morris
us, Saturday, Feb. 29 at 1:30 p.m., Morris Hall.
Music Society 'of Ann Arbor arnounces the cancellation of
rt of the series which is scheduled for Feb. 16.
or French Play: Students interested in trying out for a
act French Play, please see Mr. Koella Tuesday, Thursday,
is week from 4 to 6, Room 408, Romance Language bldg.
Section 6 (First semester): Please call for your notebooks
his week. H. H. Bartl'ett.
egree Students in History: Professor Hyma will be in his
[., from 3 to 4 and from 11 to 12'every day this week to,
Latin American Students meeting at 8:15 p.m., Room 305 Union.
Aero. 6-Wind Tunnel Labora-
tory: All students taking this course
will please report in Room B-308
East Engineering, building at 5 p.m.,
for the purpose of re-arranging
hours. Those who can not be pre-
sent at this time should see Prof.
M. J. Thompson, Room B302 East
Engineering building, before the
EE. 8-Electric Traction. (11. S.
Bull): A meeting to arrange hours
will be held in Room 247 West Engi-,
neering building at 5 'p.m.
Sociology 200: All students regis-
tered for Independent Readings in
Sociology will meet in Room 301
Economics at 3 p~m.
Geology 154, History of Geology.
(W. H. Hobbs): Those who are to
undertake some work in History of
Geology will meet me at 1 o'clock
in my office.
Geology 128. (R. L. Belknap): The
class in Pleistocene Glaciation will
meet in Room 3056 N.S. bldg., at
7 p.m.
Business Administration 280: The
class will meet in Room 4, Tappan
Hall, at 3 o'clock, for organization.
Mathematics 170 (Empirical For-
inulas): There will be a short meet-
ing at '6 p.m., in Room 319 W.E. of
all students who electedor desire
to elect this course, to consider the
possibility of changing the hours
Graduate Students in Chemical
Engineering: The regular Graduate
Luncheon for Chemical Engineers
will be held at 12:15 in Room 3201
East Engineering bldg. Mr. Guy L.
Verse will talk on "Student Life in
III Makes e and Portable
Sold ented : ed Reaired
lArge choice ems,
0, D. 0 R R I L L
(For you)
HER name is Ruth. She's a popular
co-ed on a famous campus. Yes,
she'll have a cigarette, thank you (and
smoke it very prettily). But for you she
likes a pipe.,
That's one smoke that's still a man's
smoke. (And that's why she likes to see
YOU smoke a pipe.)
There's something
com p aniona ble
ly, coo], mellow .. .
it clears your mind,
puts a keen edge on
your thinking.
And you sound
the depths of true'
smoking satisfaction
RUTH when you fill up its
bowl with Edgeworth.'
There, men, is a REAL smoke. Choice
mellow burleys, cut especially for pipes
-blended for the man who knows his
fine tobaccos. It's cool, dry, satisfying
-and you'll find it
first in sales, first
choice of smokers,
in 42 out of 54 lead-
ing colleges.
Ve'd like nothing
better than to
drop in tonight
and toss our own
private tin across
your study table.
But since that can't
be, just remember YOUR smoke
that you can get
Edgeworth at your dealer's -or send
for free sample. if you wish. Address
Larus & Bro., Co., 105 S. 22d St.,
Richmond, Va.
Edgeworth is a blend of fine old budeys,
with its natural savor enhanced by Edge.
worth's distinctive
We can not tell you how many weeks this play ran on Broadway,
but we can assure you that it has been received enthusiastically by author-
ities who have read the manuscript.
Professor Cowden says, "The dialogue movement is exc
situation is dramatic, the play is well motivated. The play
dead characters which work into a semblance of life before
eyes." Professor Cowden continues, "The slow changing o
heavy monotony to an interested and understanding outloa
which show that trust and understanding of each other solve th
of life is the philosophy of this play."
rtS W
ries Hampton will lecture on the subject "Reincarna-
arks," in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 p. m. The
ly invited.
i: Spanish 165, Spanish Grammar for teachers, which
as omitted in 1931-32, wil be given this semester on MWF,
oom 108 Romance Language building. ?
(All Makes)
Lowest Rates
Phone 3694
221 East Liberty Street
and exclusive elev-
enth process. Buy
Edgeworth any-
where in two forms.
Rubbed 'and Edge-
worth Plug Slice. All
sizes, z5 pocket
package dto $r.50
pound humidor tin.
R Aj D b"' (ID
G ,S
Saturday Afternoon
and Night'
Lydia Mendelssohn Thedr
Call Box Office 6300 for Reservations
Hours: 10:00 A. M. to 6;00 P. M.
, I
ntain Peas, Note Books, Lab. Supplies, Et
l 4 Aum - -b WI m ~