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March 01, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-03-01

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Published' every morning except Monday during the University
year by the Board in Control of Student .Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitledtto the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not, otlerwise
credited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
f Telephone 4925
City Editor ................... ...Carl Forsythe
Editorial Director.........................Beach Conger Jr.
News Editor ................................... David M. Nichol
Sports Editor .............................. Sheldon C. Fullerton
Women's Editor ................... ..... Margaret M. Thompson
Assistant News Editor........................Rqbert L. Pierce
Frank B. Gilbreth . Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal
Karl Seiffert Yeorge A. Stauter. 4
Sports Assistants
Wilbur J. Myers John W. Thomas John S. Townsend
Brian Jones Charles A. Sanford

certain standards for entrance and graduation is
protecting that money from being spent foolishly.
State-supported institutions differ in this re-
spect from .endowed universities-the latter can
raise or lower their bars as their standards de-
mand. For 6ne example, we might point to Haver-
ford College in Pennsylvania which is recognized
as one of the finest colleges in the country as far
as the type of graduates turned out. Its enroll-
ment approximates 200, and when recent plans for
the next 100 years of its existence were mapped
out, it was planned to continue to limit the enroll-
ment. And some of the most prominent scientists,
philosophers and writers teach its classes.
The reputation of a University d'epends on the
type of graduate it sends out into the world, the
equipment with which it has furnish'd him
and the manner in which he has been trained
to put this equipment to use. If every resident of
Michigan were privileged to attend the University
of Michigan, education in this state would be in
a sad condition indeed.
The average Michigan taxpayer is proud of
the reputation which his state University has I
established. If it is to be of any use in training
future citizens, it must certainly be in a 'position to
require certain qualifications of those who wish to
enter in order that those who have gained admit-
tance shall be capable of absorbing whatever
knowledge or training the institution has to offer.
This view has been uphpld by legislators, educat-
ors and the judiciary. Any relaxation' in the
present standards would be fatal.


Stanleigh W. Arnheim Fred A. .Huber
Lawson E. Becker Norman 'Kraft
Edward C. Campbell Rolan'd Martin
C. Williams Carpenter enry eyer
Thomas Cpnnellan Albert H. Newman
Clarence Hayden E. Terome Pettit
Dorothy Brockman Georgia Geisman
Miriam Carver Alice Gilbert
Beatrice Collins Martha Littlcto-a,
Louise Crandall Elizabeth Tong
dElise Fedman F rances Manchester
Prudence Foster Elizabeth Mann

.ohn W. Prichard
Joseph Renihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackhy Shaw
Parker Snyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'1rien
Hillary Rarden
Dorothy Rundell
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhains



\Telephone 21214
CHARLES T. KLINE ........................ Business Managei
MORRIS P. JOHNSON ..................... Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising .......... ...............Vernon Bishop
Adverting Contracts ........................BHarry R. Begley
Advertising Sfrvice ...... ......o............. Byron C. Vedder
Publications ................................ William T. Brown
Accounts...... ......................Richard Stratemeir
Women's Business Manager.....................Ann W. Vernor

At some remote and obscure time in the dim past
Constance Bennett must have made a good picture.
We jump to that conclusion because somehow people
have gotten the idea that Miss Bennett is a good
actress. Of course all that was before the production
of "Lady With a Past."
The words "wooden," "stiff," and "colorless" have
been used many thousands of times in describing
the acting of not-too-successful show people. Even
that kind of criticism is inexpressive in telling- how
bad Miss Bennett is in "Lady With a Past." One sibs
and watches her and wonders how she ever managed
to get herself in pictures, for this last offering is
certainly anything but artistic, K. S.


Orvil Aronson
'ilbert E Bursley
.llen Clark
R~oert Finn
Donna Becker
ylartl'a Jane Cissel
Genevieve Field
Maxine Fischgrund
Xnn Gallmeyer
Vary Harriman

1 John Keyser
Arthur F. Kohn
James Lowe
Ann Harsha
Katherine Jackson
Dorothy Layin
Virginia McComb
Carolin Mosher
Helen Olsen

Grafton W. Sharp
Donald A. Johnson, II
Don Ly on
Bernard H. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts


* TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1932



Micigan vs..
Detroit Teachers
HE article which is reprinted in the adjacent
column."has aroused a storm of protest from
students who happen to read the paper in question.
It either represents tie usual attitude on the part
of metropolitan newspapers who are trying to
print anything which puts the University of Mich-
igan in a bad light, or else the source of alged
information is entirely inaccurate.
The general drift of the article appears to be
that 'no one' holding a degree from Michigan may
teach in Detroit because of that fact. In this
respect, the story has been exaggerated. Should
the Detroit Board of Education actually take this
position in favor of the Detroit Teachers' College,
that action would be much to its discredit. Really,
the Detroit public schools, because of the great
number of applicants for positions, have estab-
lished 'a double standard which tends to exclude
many who would otherwise be eligible. The re-
qui'rement for a high school teaching position in
Detroit is an M.A. degree, and the Michigan de-
gree is acceptable, if not preferable. Hence the
inability of the young. lady in question to obtain
employment 'as a teacher. In the elementary
schools, the requirement is an A.B. degree, a life
certificate and a term in any teachers' college, with
no special emphasis on the Detroit institution or
out of disrespect to the University of Michigan.
f Teachers from Eastern schools are by no means
as favored as the author of this article represents
them to be. One member of the education schools
brands this statement as an absolute falsity. There
are many teachers in private schools who are not
graduates of Eastern colleges, and furthermore
many such graduates are not able, to obtain posi-
tions in schools which are members of tht North
Central Association schools because of the require-
ment of 15 hours of work in education.
Furthermore, the applicant who supplied this
fairy tale would iot be.s.eligible for a teaching posi-
tion in the Association had she graduated in or
before 1922 because at that time the requirement
for a certificate was only 11 hours. .
Michigan sends out its graduates equipped with
the best possible training for any and all fields.
There is absolutely no excuse for a story which
misrepresents the actual state of affairs. We sin-
cerely hope that none of' Michigan's students have
had their confidence shaken by this recent splurge
in story-telling ("That's How They Told It To
Me") which, obviously, is not borne out by the
actual facts in the case.

("That's How They Told It To Me")
A University of Michigan graduate is slinking
about tovin these days wondering if it is wise to
confess herself a University of Michigan graduate.
Recently, after spending a decade in another pro-
fession, she decided to try her hand at teaching, and
she went to the office of the Detroit Board of Educa-
tion to make application.
The interview was with Oliver G. Frederick, assist-
ant superintendent of schools. She walked in con-
"You have a university degfe?" he inquired.
"Yes," said the applicant with a touch of pride,
"An AB from Michigan."
"And a teacher's certificate?' he asked.
"Yes-a life certificate from Michigan." 'I
"Is that your only equipment?"
"That-And 10 years of metropolitan newspaper
experience," the applicant, now a trifle subdued, told
"Then, of course you couldn't expect to teach in
Detroit" Mr. Frederick exclaimed with finality. "We
do not consider a teacher's certificate and a degree
from Michigan sufficient equipment for any position
in the Detroit Public Schools."
He explained ,further:
"You are fitted only as a high school teacher. All
our high school teachers begin first in the elementary
grades. You are not qualified to teach in the lemen-
tary grades because University of Michigan trains
only high school teachers."
The applicant thought for a moment; then she
"These conditions doubtless apply to be because
I received my educational training years ago," she
suggested. "If I was graduating from Michigan on
the Class of 1932, my Detroit status would be some-
what different?"
"Not at all," Frederick' explained. "The year of
your graduation has nothing to do with it. Your
status would be exactly the same in either event.
"But suppose," the applicant persisted, "I' came
to you not as a beginner but as an experienced
teacher. Suppose I had done high school teaching in
Battle Creek or Grand Rapids, for instance, then
would I be eligible for a Detroit ppsition?"
"Even that would not change your teaching stats
in Detroit if you had only your University of Mich-
igan teaches' training," she was told. "Of course-"
Mr Frederick was ready with an idea.
"Of course," he said, "if you wanted to attend
Detroit Teachers' College, we could then consider
your application on a par with applications of other
Teachel's' College graduates, provided your marks
were as high as theirs."
"Perhaps this is due to the depression," the appli-
cant suggested.
"The depression has nothing to do with it," she
was told, "It is our policy."
The discouraged applicant next turned her steps
to an excellent teachers' agency.'
"YOu have fine teaching equipment," she was told,
"Your editorial experience would enhance your teach-
ing of English in any school. You are best fitted, we
believe, for a position as a teacher in some private
school. " It's too bad, though, that you graduated
from Michigan. It will be such a handicap. Private
schools almost always demand teachers from Eastern
colleges. However, since you got your degree so long
ago, they might be persuaded to forget that you got
it at Michigan.",
The graduate is thoughtful now, and although not
a native of Michigan, she recalls with what eager-
ness she chose Michigan as her school in preference
to all others.
She recalls the thousands of ,dollars her father

A Health-Hint A Day By Dr. Oscar
L. Marvequus, PhB.
(Signed letters pertaining to per-
sonal health and hygiene, not to
disease, diagnosis, o r athlete's
foot. will be answered by Dr. Mar-
vequus if a stamped, self-address-
ed envelope is enclosed. The Doc-
tor has a stamp collection he is
very proud of ihdeed. Letters
must be written in ink on one
side of the paper, and it will be
regarded as a favour by the Doc-
tor if they can be made legible.
This removes the element of
I chance from the answers. Ad-
dress all letters to anyone you
please, care of the Michigan
Daily. No one will read the
things anyway.)
Dear Doctor:
I have had chronkb rheumatism
for thirty-five years. Every time it
rains, or the wind blows, or my lit-
tle niece sings "The Road to Man-
dalay." I have consulted'a number
of Physicians on the matter, and
they all agree that it is a darned
shame. I have since proved this to
my own satisfaction, and what I
want to know is whether my habit
of eating olive-pits is likely 'to be
conducive to appendicitis? I have
only had my\ appendix out once,
and am a little worried.
Yrs. Truly, Worried.
* * *
Dear Mrs. Worried:'
I have a terrible time with
my rheumatism, too. You must
come around and see me some-
time. No, I do not think that
having had your appendix out
will hamper your digestion of
olive-pits a bit. It never ham-
pered mine.
Yrs.-Truly, Dr. Marvequus.
Dear Doctor:
We used to have an old rpother
cat who insisted on having num-
berless litters of kittens around the
house. As water is somewhat scarce
in this county, we found that
drowning them all was too much
expense for us to bear, so we shot
the mother cat. Strangely enough,
the kittens keep on appearing, and
y husband has begun to look ask-
ance at our old Wolfhound, Roger.
Can you suggest any solution for
our difficulty? We are about out
of water now, and the kittens are
gaining on us.
Very Sincerely Yrs., Puzzled.
Dear Puzzled:
Yours 4p indeed a strange
case. I believe your husband is
probably right in looking ask-
ance at Roger the Wolfhound.
My only suggestion would be to
shoot your Husband.
Yrs. Truly, Dr. Marvequus.
* * *
Dear Doctor:
Junior has been behaving oddly
for the last week or so. He has us
all worried to death with his an-
tics, but we don't want to say any-
thing to him about it for fear we
will give him repressions or some-
thing and maybe have him grow up
with an inferiority complex. Almost
every day now he has come home
from school and rushed into the

parlor crying, "Look what I can
do!" and then tripping over some-
thing and falling flat on his face.
It is making his nose look awfully
funny and we simply don't know
what to do. We thought perhaps it
was something in his diet. What do
'you think?
Yrs. Sincerely, Anxious Mother.
Dear Anxious Mother:
I think Junior needs a good
kick in the teeth.
Yrs. &c, Dr. Marvequus.
Miscellaneous Advice Dept.
The Readers of this column Are
showing a steadily-growing inclin-
ation to become embarrassingly in-
quisitive as to just how one may
keep well and avoid disease. Nothing
we can do or say in that little head-
ing up there at the top of ttie col-
umn seems to have any effect at
all. As a result, we are printing be-
low a little table of things to do to
avoid disease.
(1) Drink nothing but boiled and
disinfected alcohol or iodine.
(2) Breathe as seldom as pos-
sible, because the air is just filled
with germs of all sorts, not to men-
tion dust, ultra-violet rays, and un-
pleasant odors.
(3) Never hurry, get excited, talk
to anybody, venture outdoors, stay
indoors, or eat anything.
(4) Avoid all annoyance or ef-


What the Well
Dressed, Man
Will Wear,

t 11


0 0

Shirt styles may core and go-the colors
may change, the size 0 the collar will vary,
but a clean neat-appearing shirt is always
necessary. Nine distinct machines are used
in shirt pressing at the Varsity, insuring the

most satisfactory

job possible-perfect

freedom from wrinkles.



Limiting College


W HILE we're on the subject of Detroit news-
papers, it might be well to mention a recent
letter to the public communication columns of one
of the metropolitan newspapers. The writer in
question demanded to know why every taxpayer
and his children sholild not be privileged to attend
the state-supported institutions, whether or not
the individual had attained the standards set by
the institution.

( -
Liberty at Fifth

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