PAGE FOUR P M.": -1 r iga U, 3a 1- -uhd (every morning except Nlondlay during the University pear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Nember of the Western Conference Editorial Association. Tlhe Associated Press is exclusively entitled torthe usefor re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second elas matter, Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ph ones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4 EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN City Editor ....................................... Carl Forsythe Editorial Director............................Beach Conger, Jr. Mews Editor ................................... David M. Nichol SportsEditor................ ..............Sheldon C. Fullerton WoIn'sa Eitr..EA......................Margaret . Phormpson Assistant New., Editor...................... Robert L. Pierce NIGHT EDITORS Frank B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kenne Roland A. Goodman Jerr Earl Sciffert George A. WAilbr J. lyeJS Brian Jonles Sports Assistants John W. Thomas Cl ark s REPORTERS Stanleigh VW. Arnheim T red A. Huber ILawson E. Becker Norman 1Kr.ft I'dward C. Campbell R2oland Martin t:. Williams Carpenterlenr y .leyer Thomas Conuellan Albert H. Newman Clarence Hayden E. leronie Pettit dy James Inglip y E. Rosenthal Stauter. john S. Townsend A. Sanford John W. Prichard Jose;7' i erihan C. Hart Schaaf Brackl-y Shag Parker Siiy'3°r G;. It. inters M;ergaret 0'13rikn Hillary Rarden Dorothy Rounell lmani aadsworth Josephine Vvoodhalms Dorothy Broekman Miriam Carver Beatrice Collins Louise Crandall Elise Feldman Prudence foster Gcorgia (e sman Alice Gilbe--t Martha ILiuklto- Elizabeth L ou; Frances :aneiester Elizabeth Mann BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 CHART ES T. KLINE. .................Business Manageli NORRIS P. JOHNSON...................... Assistant Manager Department Managers .Advcrtising..................................... Vernon Bishop Advert iiug, tracts ........H.......... arry R. Begley Advertising .Service..... ... .. .-.-.-- yron C. Vedd Publications .................................. William !. Brows, Accounts. ................................Richard Stratemeji Women's Business Manager......................Ann W. Vernor Orvil Aronson Gilbert E. Bursley Allen Clark Robert Finn Donna Becker ,martha Jae Cissel Ge-nevieve Field Maxine Fischgrund ,Ann Galimeyer Mlary harrimnan Assistants Jolin Keyser Arthur F. Kohu James Lowe A n Ilarsha KatherineJ ackson Donrothiy Layin Virginia McComb c arolin Coshier I [clen Olsen Grafton W. Sharp Doiald A. Johnson, II Don Lyon 13ernard i1. Good ilay Secfried l iniiie Seng Helen Spencer Kathryn Stork Clarenear X41ary Elizabecth Watts I UlRC and DRAMA The American premiere of Rimsky-Korsakoff's monumental opera "The Legende of the invisible city of Kitej" which will take place at the Saturday eve- ning concert of the Ann Arbor May Festival, is at- tracting attention throughout the United States and music enthusiasts are much interested in the occa- sion. A special English translation is being made from the Russian by Mrs. Michael Pargment in order that the work may be given in English. Mrs. Parg- ment has prepared the following brief story of the plot, which will be of interest to music lovers in particular and to the public in general: "The plot of this opera is taken from popular legends of the 13th century, the epoch of the Tartar invasion in Russia. The main idea of the "Legend" is the eternal struggle between good and evil forces, and the final triumph of humility, christian charity and virtue over cruelty, violence and treachery. The heroine of the story, Fevronia, lives with her brother, who gathers honey, in the woods near the city of Kitej, along the Volga river. Raised in the woods, among wild flowers, birds and animals, Fev- ronia loves nature. Her heart is filled with unlimited love and pity for human beings and animals, and the latter, feeling this love, comes to play with Fev- ronia, lie at her feet, and trustingly, takes from her hands the food she gives them. Engaged thus in playing with animals, feeding them and bandaging their wounds, Fevronia takes no notice of the presence of the young prince Vse- volod, who, separated from his suite during a hunting party, suddenly steps out from behind the bushes. Amazed with the spectacle .he has before his eyes, the young prince observes Fevronia in silence. Fevronia soon becomes aware of his presence, and, confused, does not know what to say. But she soon gets over her embarrassment and starts a conversa- tion with the prince, asking him to sit down and to fortify himself with honey and fresh water. She notices that the prince is wounded, and offers him to dress his wound. The beauty and charm of the young maiden, her intelligene and simplicity which reveal themselves in the conversation that follows, fascinate the young man, who then asks her to be- come his wife. Charmed, in her turn, by the hand- som young man, Fevronia accepts the proposal, with- out knowing who he is. Later she is told that her fiance is prince Vsevolod, who, together with his father, the mighty prince Yury, reign over the city of Kitej. Some time later, the bridal train taking Fevronia to the capital Kitej, is attacked by wild Tartar hordes. The barbarians pillage and destroy every- thing and kill everybody they meet, except Fevronia whom one of their leaders takes as his captive. But the Tartars are perplexed. Having killed everyone they have met, they have nobody now to show them the way to Kitej, the main object of their campaign. They notice that the drunkard Gregory= Koutierma, whom they considered dead, is living, and, order him to lead them to Kitej, under threat of cruel tortures. Fevronia wishes to intervene, but unable to do so, she addresses prayers to God thax He should conceal Kitej from the Tartars by making it invisible to them. The wild hordes, guided by Koutierma, reach the place where they expect to find Kitej, they see there, instead of the capital, a birch grove. In their anger, they threaten Kou- tierma, whom they suspect to have deceived them, with torture and death. They postpone the execu- tion until the nextmorning, and tie Koutierma to a , tree. Soon they all fall asleep. Alone, Fevronia does not sleep: she mourns her fiance whom they believedj to have died in a fight against the Tartars. She hears Koutierma calling her. He begs her to untie him. He complains of a strange ringing of bells that, he hears all the time and which painfully resounds in his cars. This ringing, he asserts, is unbearable to him. He promises that when he will be untied he will go to the desert, where he will repent before God; for his sins. Fevronia, moved by pity, unties him,j although she knows that the Tartars will torture her in his stead. She will, she says, pray for her exe- cutioners, But Koutierma finds no relief, and continues to be tormented by the ringing he constantly hears. He; runs towards the lake with the intention of drown- ing himself, and thus to get rid -of his sufferings. But at the bank of the lake he stops as if petrified, the first rays of the daybreak illuminate the surface of the lake, and in the water he sees the city of Kitej turned upside down. Joyfully and solemnly, the chimes of Kitej resound, their ringing getting louderI and louder. Stricken with terror, he utters a cry, and runs away, dragging Fevronia away with him. His cry awakens the Tartars, who in seeing the vision in the lake, and hearing the ringing of the bells, are Prof. 0.. Carnpbell By E. Jerome Pettit. One of the most important chap- ters in the history of the Univer- sity's mill tax income was written in 1921, when the tax was increas- ed by the state legislature. Whatever else this increase has meant to the University it meant one particularly important thing at the time, an opportunity to acquire a new member of the faculty. With- out the increase in income this would not have been possible. So, in the fall of 1921, Prof. Oscar James Campbell came to his alma mater, from the English depart- ment of the University of Wiscon- sin, where he had spent the past ten years. He had graduated from Michigan in 1900, going to Harvard for his M. A. and Ph. D. degrees. In 1910 he was made a traveling fellow of Harvard and studied at the Univer- sities of Copenhagen, Berlin, Paris, London, and at Oxford. His first position at Wisconsin was an instructorship in the de- partment of English, from which he I F '° PROMPT RADIO SERVICE (All Makes) Lowest Rates Phone 3694 r, I/ own Gloluman B ell - ASi WHY BE LEFT WAVING ON ON THE PIER? Go with College Travel Club to Europe, Orient, or Around the World. 250 tours. $7.50 per day. Write for rotogravure booklet. VON E. KNISELY Oxford Aparts., E. Dearborn, Mich. PRES ENT us .... ..+... Ann Arbor's Greatest WhEAN Iess iIAL When it comes to the best in cleaning value, look 1 E DErMEtE S 221 East Liberty Street Carries only fresh and crispy nut meats and distinctive candies. Our prices enable you to enjoy these dainties. NIGHT EDITOR-ROLAND A. GOODMAN SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1932 Scholarships Instead of Buildings A N editorial reprinted from the Cornell Daily Sun in yesterday's Daily suggested that, while Yale University has been erecting building after building at New Haven, it has found it necessary to cut salaries and faculties, combine classes and omit courses in order to make its budget balance. This story brings home the fact that endowed institutions are bound to suffer from economic depressions as well as state-supported universities. A recent English visitor to the University stated that in the United States too much money is being placed in the "roof" of education whereas too little is allotted to the "cellar." .In England, donations and gifts are placed in scholarships and fellowships, while in many colleges the same build- ings which have been used for the past hundred years continue to house classes and students. While it is necessary at times in cases of ex- pansion and lack of adequate facilities to spend large sums of money on buildings, nevertheless the splurge in construction expenditures of Amer- ican universities during the last decade would not seem to be warranted by the actual need of these institutions. Especially in state institutions, where faculty salaries are notorious for their insuffi- ciency, might alumni donations and additional appropriations be used to a better purpose. Few are the colleges which have anywhere near enough scholarships in different fields. Although free education for all is an American policy for second- ary education, a college education still costs enough to keep many a deserving student from adding this asset to his possessions. EDENTORALCOMMET ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS (Daily Illini) to Goldman Bros. first. We sincerely believe that these hose to assistant and associate pro- fessorships. At Michigan he is a professor in the same department. In 1924, after three years on the campus here, the University of Wis- consin endeavored to regain his services. He refused the offer, pre- rerring to remain at Michigan. An ,ditorial appearing in the April 24, 1924 issue of the Daily, which concerns his refusal of Wisconsin's 'alluring" offer, says of him: "Professor Campbell came to the University from Wisconsin where he enjoyed enormous popularity doubtless by reason (of) the same qualities which have won him so 1 many friends and admirers during his brief stay on this campus - his personal charm, sound scholarship and brilliant gifts as a teacher. Pro- fessor Young, for many years head of the English department at Wis- consin, having recently accepted a position at Yale, his post was offer- ed to Professor Campbell by unani- mous request of the English staff." For the two-.year period from 1904 to 1906, Professor Campbell taught English and law to midshipmen at thle United States Naval Academy, His other activities for his govern- ment include the collecting of in- formation on Turkey to be used at the Peace Conference in 1918. The second semester of his eighth year as a member of the Michigan faculty he was given a leave of ab- sence to teach at Harvard. There he offered course to graduate ttud- ents in European comedy since the Renaissance and another course to juniors and seniors in the English special low prices have never before bought such a high standard of quality. But we'll let you be the judge of that. Compare quality-that's the best way to con- vince yourself that Goldman Bros. give you the most for your money. os Miracleaned and aleteria Form- Pressed orWol Miraci caned and Carefully Hand- Finished I I taken with a panic, and run away. novel since Balzac. Exhausted with fatigue, hunger and emotions, here was taken for His position the time by Fevronia accompanied by Koutierma, now insane,j ((4 i Students entering the University of Illinois from reaches the forrest of Kerjenetz. She can walk noF accredited high schools are luckier than they realize longer, and sits down on a log. In spite of herI for the most part in avoiding entrance examinations extreme fatigue, her main preoccupation is Koutier-' required for many private schools. All that most ma. She begs him to repent for his sins and learnj freshmen or transfer students need to do is see that how to pray to God. At first, Koutierma obeys, andt the registrar secures an authentic transcript of their repeats after her the words of prayers, but soon,i high school or college records. frightened by the vision of a monster which hisc Private institutions, on the other hand, for many deranged mind perceives near Fevronia, he utters at years have been in the habit of making out a set cry and runs away.f of questions each year for those who desire to enter Left alone, Fevronia lies on the ground. Shei the school, and have granted admission to those who hears the voice of a bird of paradise which foretells have the highest grades without much consideration her a near death. She is not afraid of death, whicht of the applicant's personality, high school record, or she believes will bring her to her beloved fiance, inr recommendations from high school superintendents the other world. All of a sudden, the ghost of prince1 or instructors. Vsevolod appears before her, and in a transport of; A tendency to swing from this policy of rigid and joy, Fevronia rushes towards him. inflexible admission requirements can be seen at The clouds which were hiding the distance, dis-1 Harvard college in the recommendation of the Over- perse, and the holy city of Kitej appears before thet seers' committee that the "old plan" examinations be eyes of Fevronia, who, accompanied by her fiance, abandoned. A "new plan" proposes that entrance goes toward the city. As she is passing through the1 examinations be given a place of decreasing import- gates, she is greeted by happy crowds. She hears ance, and more recognition placed on the school music and bridal songs, and is told that it is her' Prof. Edward Ayres Taylor o f Princeton. Professor Campbell has published numerous contributions on the sub- ject of English liteirature and has won a reputation in England and in the United States as one of the outstanding scholars and authori- ties on the subject. His chief inter- est, however, has always been in the drama. "Dramatic writing," he once said, "is the most difficult literary forrm. There is more justification for try- ing to teach its technique than the technique of other forms of writ- ing, but after all a feeling for the theater and for dramatic psychol- ogy is the really indispensible thing." His own writings include "The Comedies of Holberg," 1914; "A Book of Narratives" (with R. A. Rice), 1917; "The Position of the Roode en Witte Roos in the saga of Richard III," 1919; and a trans- lation (with Frederic Schenk) of three of Holberg's comedies, in 1914. Remember, too, that service is part of our policy. Pleasing you means giving you what you want--when you want it. You can always depend on Goldman Bros.!' Phone 13 ,,DMAN ~"clear.a_ u, breath of cf pin ANN ARBOR record, and the capacity of the applicant to do col- lege work. Examinations of the old kind test memory rather! than ability to think or reason, knowledge rather than appreciation. By cramming for several weeks wedding with the prince that is being celebrated. Fevronia wonders why the sky is so clear and beautiful. She is told that this is a result of the prayers of the just inhabitants of Kitej. She further remarks the dazzling whiteness of the garments of 4 I iF F