'THE MVCHqTGAN DAILY SATURD~AY, T ~-. -r- - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN- Publication i h Bulletin is constructive notice to all members ith -L ea ray c4 "g: of the University. Cop received at the office of the Assistant to Bachelor of tnc the President until 3:30; 11:301 a. m. Saturday. Robert Merrislyn InaneM, VOL. XLII. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1932 No. 104 Bachelor cf£ Arts SGordon BelarTfor .Ani;;reao, Nc1sGYI SDegrees Approved JAPANESE ON SHANGHAI FRONT 17,1,1corofMusic (Public School i~alN!orofMuisic) Dorothy Estelle Kelsey, Henry August Mayer, Geraldine Cordelia Forestry School NOTICES Raa Pouselle Program: Rosa Ponselle, dramatic soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Company, assisted by Stuart Ross, Pianist, will give the following progfram at, the tenth Choral Union Concert, Monday evening, March 7, at 8:15 o'clock. Romano Ranani: Aria, "0 divina Afrodite" from the opera "Fedra"; (Miss Ponselle); Salvatore Rsa: Star vicino al bell' idolo; Veracini: A Pastoral; Wagner: Traume; Lecoq: Chamson de la cigale (Miss Pon- selle) Chopin: Nocturne, Opus 4, No. 1; Debussy: Prelude in A minor (Mr. Ross) ; Rossini: Aria, "Bel raggi lusinghier" (Miss Ponselle) ; David Guion: The Harmonica Player; Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair; Niemann: A Chinese Quarrel (Mr. Ross); Anton Arensky: On Wings of Dream; Grieg: Eros; Geni Sadero: Lullaby; Frank LaForge: Come unto these yellow sands (Miss Ponsele). Students Piano Recia: Bertha Flo and Emil Steva of the Junior Class in the School of Music will give the following program of piano selections, Tuesday afternoon, March 1, at 4:15 o'clock in Lydia Mn- delssohn Theatre, to which the general public is invited: Schumann: Sonata in G Miior (Bertha Flo) Chopin: Prelude No. 1, 22, 14, 16; Chopin: Fantasie Irnpromptu, Op. 66 (Emil Steva) Brahms: Intermezzo, Op. 118, No 6; Brahms: Capriccio, Op. 76, No. 2; Debussy: Voiles; Debussy: Minstrels; Liszt: Waldesrauschen (Miss Flo) Rac- maninoff: Prelude in G Minor; Liszt: Sonetto del Petrarca; Godard: Jugglery; Rubinstein: Etude (Mr. Steva). r English I, Sections 41 and 45 (first semester) : Students in J. R. Swain's sections may get their notebooks in Room 2222 A. MEETINGS TODAY English 143: Make-up examination for all members of the course absent from the final examination at g a.m., in Room 2203 A.H. 0. J. Campbell. English 218--Medieval and Renaissance Rhetoric will meet in N. E Nelson's office, from 10 to 12 o'clock. Robin flood Rehearsals: Entire company at 1:30 in Room 318 of the Union. There will be no rehearsal tonight. Frosh Frolic Committee meeting at 4 p.m., in the Union. COMING EVENTS History 11, Section I: Make-up examination will be given Tuesday, March 1, at 9 a.m., in Room 4001 AH. P. W. Sosson. History 93: Make-up examination will be given Tuesday, March 1, at 9 a.m.,in Room 4001 A.H. P. W. Sosson. Political Science 182 (American Political Theory) will meet in Room 2037-AH. (Political Science Seminar) Monday evening, Feb. 29, at 7:30, instead of Tuesday at 2 o'clock. J. S. Reeves. A Motion Picture 4nd Lecture on the manufacture of steel will be' presented by the Bethlehem Steel Co., in the Natural Science Auditor- j ium on Tuesday, March 1, at 4 p.m. This film will show the complete operation from the handling of the ore to the finished rolled product. It is taken from points of view that are ordinarily inaccessible to the; visitor at the mills. Michigan Dames meeting at the League building on Tuesday, March 1, at 8 p.m. Anyone not interested in bridge can take sewing. All former] Dames of this or other universities are cordially invited. Hindustan Club meeting Sunday in Lane Hall at 2:15 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday, 7:30 p.m., Professor Halford E. Luccock of Yale University, a noted authority on church history and modern philosophy, is speaking on "The Rise and Fall of Humpty Dumpty." At 10:30 a.m., Dr. Peter Stair is speaking on "Chirst of Creed." Wesley Hal: Sunday, 6 p.m., Prof. Max Handmnan of the Economics department of the University is speaking on the topic "Economic Ele- ments of the Race Question." At 12 o'clock the regular classes will be held under the leadership of Dr. Blakeman and Mr. Pryor. Paul H. Alden, Candidate Secretary for the Baptist Board of Foreign M'issions, will meet with the Buffalo Conference delegates and the Stu- dent Volunteers and others interested at 4 p.m., Sunday, in the Com- mittee Room of Lane Hall. Baptist Guild, 503 East Huron. The Reverend Paul E. Alden, of New York, representing the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, will be glad to meet any interested students from Saturday to Monday noon. Ile will give the Sunday evening address at Guild House, 6:30 p.m. Liberal Student's Union: Karl Guenther of Ypsilanti State Normal will speak on "The Student, the Curriculum and Public Opinion." Sun- day evening at the Unitarian Church. William. rs1"' c awcs~Iy- lahe4;k' of Science ill Forestr~y insIEg Baifir, ll.. 1ll W !lia ;!;c Wilfred Merrill ,Ja r~sits l'wac id downV(, 111A s ~,'iii b~a, A l V "mon '"11!11+1. Caver', X viii W! L(L1 1 ,tVL ~reiTUl bast 1 Cripp i, A i I lhAl : , I iO- -~;, ' i l.r rlr hue, VWilliam- lRub!ter] f;tdl1f>vi d I (i T1Science ill Fo c. try Cother Finley, 1 i ac- .1ill; ..fiker, John Louis Otto Gras~sl, FDa 1iii d :.. x:1'114 Micr, 'i'vin St. Jean Sturgis. V'lifet ~c' dorp, 11,nak o caII.c inr s q..ertificate Howard, Frances!k Jy eo-Sr- lo duain ard~~~~~ ~ Arol amn oiai4 f, I -(dOswald Benz, Marian Veneelley,,\V .:i>.> r ];:i A (..I ~~~i C a tsMaryrose Croniin, Lo~na~oir .Jsji ~ ''' Toh D avis, Howar d Leroy L t .' t, +:.a, 1 i i Avartta Kelly,Atkn- 1tib'hVy u.,V~a ' ~ Jw~,JaI,]IKietglerArthur Ray- Lll 1 olq'* fllis Gushiing Lernen, Carty, lVI' < < i i : MU'iI1 3Zi aarii edMrae Charles 3. Mc~l """"' timeMead, aelyre Mead, Richard ul ;PcVi IaP a ul1 Nth Lnr Paul Clarence Muri iy, :C4ur~g 't; Ejo 711 lay Nichols, Ho i'rd Wf. CO; tk', Colege ikof Lit r Ot ure, Science, and William. Richard Pneoxt,G, li,1"red- the Arts. crc yih] lKL~ w ,J]R~~Faki Calkins Comins, Carroll Schreiber, 4Stu~art 1Millr { Soothz, f arles IDavidson, Henry Rosecrans John Diedrich T1exoira, 11te2n icmes, Marion !Marjorie Hubbardl, H. Waara, Riche rdFl r ancis Wagner, Max Joslyn Irland7, Allan Verne Frank Joseph Ward, E rni k K i'ClLoflr Elizabeth M a y Lucas, Weber, Kenoeh ,ler- Webr, ennth hlgi WlCO , D'races Evelyn Mead, Clarence Leonrd Sclel :zer Vt jOf . li ciPearson, Allen Frederick Phil- lips , Wendell D~awley Smiith, Kith-. Archit~z i'e IIWanra. imYftlu'lr a QI4I!; ' . l t ' " (2* rad izate School. Masterl of Sc ince in Engiring ,. Frank N. Brown, Armando Di- Giulio, Peter Johannes Merkus, Henry Harriman Purcell. Master of S,ien ce. Virginia Cora Angell, John Clif- ford Bugher, Clair Cecil Cather- man, Tiwan Chang Chow, Jesse Coates, Ralph Alfred Gxoppelt:, Mar- tin1 Edward Kandelioi, Donald ;tLa- Vei i t 1K9.L, WillimLehr pl~cifi el, Plail William K ilhliiiaii, Stanley John Mci c rnburg, Ge~or;ge Mitcewll loluore, bId r t Sands Rowland~, Cla-- eniee M. 'h1'rzwell, Donald Nieliolas Valk, Charles lerr(l Waldo, Carl a uel wise. M11aster of tArts. Elsile 1Hileg arde Bauckman, Ler-: 'aine Benrnett, Louis B1erman, Amy B tta3, May Etaflian2cliarci, HL-ny :nond Bliss , Edith May Boice, Sue Grundy Bonne,, George Hiubert Bousu, Met-rill Harold Case, Chrles IHenry Crudden, Jr., Arthur Liu-,;tn Dt wcy, Helen Walter Dodson, lD+ro)- 3 telly 1)ow'eln, G corge Fisanie(, Russell MVax Gilson, Zaidee l'hodr. Carol Do0w Hedberg', Csu Ch ien lisulDoris 'Yin Mink' Hsu, Sigrid Christina Johnson, T o in B a r d Jones, Alexander Han, George Paul Lowveke, Georgene MclDonald, Anna Elizabeth Majors, Lulu Mae Math- ews, Beatrice Marie Hagens Miller, Tiakehisa Miwa, Hazel Adlell Oldt, Donald Hlerkimer Palme~r, Maud Louise Price, Pura Fe Santillan, Harry Schwarzen traub, Anne Laura Sinma, Clara Belle Smallidge, Sister Mary Blanche Steves, Rolland Clif- ford Stewart. H ugh Clayton Tar- rant, Cora. A. T1hompson, me Ma.rie Thompson, Hlonor Waldo IGaines Vance, Philip Henry Vercoe, Pauline Ellen Zoller, Franci Leslie Z w ickey. Doctor of Public Hlealth., Adolph J. Roth. Doctor of Science. Canuto Guevarra Manuel, George M. Plagens, Alden Franklin Roe. Doctor of Philosophy. Ned Bliss Allen, Ernest Grinnell Almy, Oscar Leo Bockstahler, Lof- ton V. Burge, Edward Elias, H. Lloyd Flewelling, Marion Braxton Geiger, Emanuel Henry Hilde- brandt, Elva Lawton, Paul Edmond Martin, Lawrence Preuss, Charles William Selheiiner, Jr., Phyllis Eliz- abeth Delf Swann, Russell Thomas, William Vander Lugt, Henry Van Zyl, Jr., Teuni, Vergeer, Louis Rus- sell Weber. Associated Press Phaoto This picture shoes Japanese marines on guard in Shanghai's inter- national settlement behind a sand bag barricade. The scene is identical with conditions today as Chinese defenders and Japanese inivaders fought over it wide front in war-torn Shanghai. i 9ct '. I''auzi 1 3V5,5t.,. 'l C 'U5t1. Bachelor of Science inl h"I'ieerig (l"h ysics ) Kingsley Cols'don Peck. Franlcis IHorton .Emuso~c n. (Aerobautical Enneei'in ,,i) E~dwardTDonld 'in ,ri'oms rmoseve it 'uhoeoll. (Cheijea laEf~i.ievml ere) Ros(-oe Rolla JF'oote, John "i dwarl Lester, IRichard Albrhara Nipe, Paul Arthur Snowman, Jr., Everett Elwood Wynko:op. (Electrical Egi~r Frank Preston Brown}, Roger Thomas Dillon, F'redenek cxCorbin1 Everett, Nathaniel Lamnson Fild ,Jr., Isadore Grodsky, Donald Arthurt MacRae, llarechan iSingh Mann, Orville Ba rt,adonm wSh afer, Louis Zano if. (meech-anica~llaLngii t' aingr) Francis horton El+ r~on, M:arc Murray, George Valentine Sutfin, Theodore PRoosevc h Thoi en, Donald Hooker William s, Ri o b ce r 1.lDort, Wood xv :lA. Marsh Flagg a, Donald Allan Boyd, Wilson John a ell5, Charles Garfield Dec-'Ver, John Scott JacQb- sen, John H-. Morrison, Arthur Don-; ald Tucker. School of MusiC Bachelor of.Mt 's-c (violin) George COrloPoinar. Ann Mi \iario in shaw, I} lyman Sdhool of Dentistry Doctor of Dental Surgery. Alex Harry Grossman, Eldon Brisson. Graduate School Master of Arts in. Library Science. Gayniell Wright Barksdale. lV1aster of Arts in Municipal Ad-. ministration. Ching' Ytn Hwang. jMaster of Landscape Design. Elizabeth Revis Ralston. Master of Science in Pharmacy. Russell Lowell Taylor. 'Master of Science i Public Health. Carl Leonard Anderson, Elizabeth Parker Robinson. TALK OVERRAP! Will S},)al,, ortDepresion ScSes Suniday; Prof. Rod k y toj Talk Tonighit. Prof. I. L. Sharfman, head of the economics department, will give a talk over the University broadcast- ing station Sunday afternoon. at 5 o'clock on 'The Role of Government in Economic Readjustment." Pro- fessor f harfman will give thisy talk in plac, of the oiie by Prof. Max Hfand mani, wh ich was previously scheduiled for this time. Robert G. Rodkey, professor of banking and investment, will speak this evening at 8:30 o'clock on "The Banking Phase of the Depression." These talks, on the general sub- ject of the present economic condi- tions, given every Saturday and Sunday, have proved to be highly successful, said Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of broadcasting. More than 3000 copies of each of the first two talks have been sent out to lis- teners who have asked for them. W. W. Bishop Honored at Dinner at; League Librarians of the. cam, pusheld a banque t last nit lt at the T'ea gue building in honor of Librarian Wil~-- hiam W. Dishop, who will sail Fr'i- day, March 3, on the steamer Excel- sor for Europe, on a sabbatical leave of abesnee. More than 150 were present at the dinner. Accrediting Revisioa Appbroved by Regents (Continued from Page 1.) struct a curriculum- which meets the standard:s of the Uniiversity. It is also believed that the new sys- teni will bring about improvements in. academic standards bothi within andI without the University. To~ Use Royalty Money. A proposal that royalties provid- ed through the sale of liver extract used in the treatment and cure of pernicious anemia, a compound perfected here at the Simpson Memorial Institute and now~ manu- factured by Parkse, Davis & Co., be pla~ced in a f nd ,to further re-" search, was al',rovcd by the Re- gents. The Business Women's club of Ann Arbor gave $500. to be used in small loans to women students over a period of two years.' A -gift of $750, by the National Research council, was made to Prof. Walter L. Badger, of the chemical engi- neering department, to be used in research work. An adition of $300 to the Harris Trust Fund, which provides f',llov,, hips in the museunm of zoology, was made by William P. Harris, of Detroit. Dr. Lee R. Dice of the mnuseum of zoology was given $500 by the American Association~ for the Advanr,,cemenmt of Science toj do research work . Two IPANTS SPRING SUITS $23 and up Soit Pressed, 20c All kinds alterations at cost CHAS. DOCUKAS' 119 South University MICHIGAN EDUCATORS HAVE SPECIAL B3REAKFAST MEETING IN WASHINGTON Alumni of Michigan cducators in attendacnce at the meetings of the Nation A.cl dcation Association anid related org;anizations in Washing- ton durin;; the past week, members of tihe Congressional delegation from Michigan, andl others inter- oUt('d in the University met for a. special Michigan breakfast Feb. 23 at the Raleigh hotel. The 135 persons present were presided over by Dean Jaynes B. Edmonson of the Education school. Superintendent Fred Jeff ers of Painesdiale; President of the Michi- gan Education association, made a. short talk. The list of guests included Con- g ressman Michener, Congressman Bohn and Mrs. Bohn, Congressman Mapes and Mrs. Maps;, Congress- mnWoodruff', Congressm;ran Wool- cott, Congressman Clancy, Con- gressman McLaughlin, Congress- man Jamnes, Congressman Ketchami, Congressman and Mrs. Hart, and Congressman Parsons. Mark Foote, president of the 'Washington. club, was also a guest. Although Senator Vandenburg was unable to be pre- sent because of illness, Mrs. Van- denburg attended. The list of faculty men from the University included a number of prominent Education school pro- fessors who attended the confer- ence. ---- ------------- Eschelbach Mre ________ --A Bulk Pork Sausage, 2 bs... . Home Made .25ic II- JU I I r ,;F "PURVIISH Of Particular Interest to Educators 1879-1929 I y !(f f i . ! ! i l 11 . ill Little Breakfast Sausage, lb ............ 20c Matte Fresh D~aily Hom'e Made Liver Sausage, 2l'bs......25+c Plent'y of Fresh Dressed Roasting or Stewing Chickens. Fresh Fish Every Wednesday and Friday iBy A. S. W"T _ilniy, Dean ]Emeritus--School of Education- University of Michigan $.50 SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY .y ' y l? 9S'AtYa s ! ?ye i 'F' ( C r7 s' 2°, OG ( rt7$p w VIVE ITY A Great Educdal; te Opportunity ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION'S last time 8:15 tonight comedy club S A, P11 EtL 4El3S43eJ Prima donna soprano of the Metro- politan Opera Company will give a recital in the Choral Union Series in Hill Auditorium. i" A limited number of tickets still available at the School of Music at $1,.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 each. 1- cscZt at ionzof Rt. Hon, Winston Churchill T u e s d a y ,M a r c h 1H L A IgI ' ) t U anthony &anna lydia mendelssohn All seats for this lecture are reserv.. 'rickets are obtinbl -a ill II 211 Angell Hall 11 Ili 11 t