t THE MICHZGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Confercnce Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or notsotherwise credited in this paper and the iocaf news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.' EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN City Editor................................ .... Carl Forsythe Editorial Director ......................... .Beach Conger, Jr. News Editor....................................David M. Nichol Sports Editor ............................ Sheldon C. Fullerton Wvoen's Editor. . . ..... . Margaret M. Thompson Assistant News Editor..........................Robert L. Pierce NIGHT EDITO1R ness of bankers to loan is limited very definitely by the amount of money which they are able to carry in reserve. Experience has shown that, due C apito IXNe ws to the small num ber of such transactions in which a t l s p y a a , hung y It mWsa l actual cash plays a part, the banking system is able to expand credit up to as high as eight times the I3 Tom HoOVER cash on reserve. It is clear, therefore, that if a bililon dollars were added to the circulating cur- Special Daily Correspondent rency of the country, enough of it would find its ._ way into the bank vaults to give some aid to com- "Why quit your own to stand on mercial finance. Unfortunately, however, it will take more than foreign ground?" a request from the President to accomplish this Again we have an opportunity to heed Washington's counsel, and result. Hoarding has arisen as a result of loss this aicetonefra o nering of confidence in the banks, and the only way to this advice to refrain from entering stop it is to restore that confidence. With bank European quarrels can be applied failures still regular components of the day's news, as well to Asia. It would be more it is hard to convince an individual that his few to the point if, during the celebra- hundred dollars will make any difference, other tion commemorating his memory, than risk of its loss to himself. we ponder again on his words-"to The point to be made there, however, is simply attend to our country and let other that constant withdrawal of money from circula- nations attend to their business ist tion tends to render the condition of these banks tkie duty and the only duty of the more and more desperate. Banks cannot function United States." without money any more than a water-mill can * run without water. It is up to the president's I The truce has ended between the1 committee to convince the public that, while a few Democrats and Republicans. At isolated deposits of hoarded funds can accomplish least that is what we gather from nothing, concerted action from the millions of the comment made by Speaker Midases the country over would make each deposit Garner a few days ago when he safer, would provide stimulation to business, and said, "We, too, have our ideas as to might also help to prevent further losses to them- how to affect improvements and ec- selves in the way of future bank failures. onomics in the national adminstra- t ion . . . no one can dictate to the Democratic group in Congress." WAE cannot help but realize the command and smoothness with which Speaker Garner has so far GOLD IN THE WALLS !conducted the business in the House. And we can only hope that, (Cornell Daily Sun) there will be no discord now. If, ' /as.i V1VLlLaly 1'111 Frank B. Giibreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal K'ar'l Seiffert George A. Stauter. InglisI Wilbur J. Myers r16an Jues Sports Assistants John W. Thomas Charles REPORTERS Stan eigh eV. Arnheim lFred A. Iluher Lasoh. Becker Normnan KeaIft Edward C. Campbell lsolid 'Martin C. Williams Carpenter Ienry Meyer 'Thomas Connellan Albert II. Newman Clarence hayden E. lerome Knit John S. Townsend A. Sanford John . Prichard Joseti h lriilian C. hart Schaaf Brackk"y Shaw Parker Snyler G. R. Winters Margaret 0' ri"n Hillary Rarden Dorothy Ruiviell EIna \Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams Porothy Trockman AlirmiZI Carver Bealrice Collins Louise Crandal Elise Feldinan Prudence Foster Georgia Geisman Alice Gill'e:t Martha Littktoi Elizabeth Long lrances laurlhester Elizabeth Mann BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 CHARLES T. KLINE........................ Business Managet NORRIS P. JOHNSON...................... Assistant Manager Department Managers Advctisg...................................Vernon Bishop Advertis:ing, Contracts...............arry 1 . Begley Adlvertising ;Ser vice...............Byron C. Vedlder PIublications.................................. William T.'. Brown Accountsr . ............... Richard Stratemeir WomenIc~'s B3usiocs Nanag;er...................... Ann WV. Vernor Orvil Aronson Gilbert E. Bursley Allen Clark Robert Finn Donna Becker 31 artla Jane Cissel (;cnevieve Fieldl Mlaxinie Fiscbigrund Ann Callmeyer Mary Harriman ' Assistants Johm Keyser Arthur F. Kohn James Lowe Ann T larsha hathcrine Jackson l )orot by TLay in \"irg inia M(-C0nb Carolin lMosher Tielen Olsen Grafton W. Sharp Donald A. Johnson, Don LyIon Bernard i. Good II May Seefried At innic Seng l clen Spencer E atbryn Stork Clare Unger Mary lFizabeth Watts Ebud cur An fac siti fea duc wea hal a t up0 eve yea larg slig fac you wil tion Rumors that Yale, unable to balance her current the Democrats can only keep from dget, would reduce faculty salaries and drastically trying to tell the world what they rtail personnel have been denied by President 'think of the Republicans, (some- gell. This is good news not only to the Yale thing that everyone already knows) ulty, but to the faculties of many other univer- and apply themselves to the urgent es, which escaping salary loses thus far, have problems at hand, they will be do- red the effect upon their own fortunes of a re- ing a great deal more for their par- ction policy initiated by some of the larger and ty than can be accomplished by the althier institutions. party haggling that has existed The sad fact remains, however, that Yale lacks a since our government began:. With f million dollars of meeting expenses, and that the impending presidential cam- ;en per cent budget cut will have to be imposed paign the Democrats should at- on all departments of the university. Classes given tempt to exclude congressional mis- ry year will for a time be offered only in alternate takes, and inter-party cut-throat rs; small class sections will be combined to form competitions because by sane ma- ger ones; and the lower instructing staff will be neuvering and unity they stand a ;htly decreased. Thus, though the permanent winning chance in the national ulty may escape, the burden will fall upon a few election. ng instructors and upon the student body, which * * NIGHT EDITOR-ROLAND A. GOODMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1932 Students and Politics aEDITOR A. S. Marshall of The McGill Daily, writing in The North Carolina Daily Tar Heel, expresses the view that American college students are not apt to be lured away from sports to sup- port some political cause, whereas the European youth movements are tools of politics. Prof. H. J. Laski, some time ago, found that American college students cared nothing about politics, hence the apparent indifference in this country toward good . government on the part of the younger voters. The American student, in general, does not regard politics and the field of government as one in which he might be at all interested, not only from the point of view of a future office holder but also as a potential voter. But his indifference is not as great as some writers have pictured. . As Mr. Marshall writes, his extracurricular activities run more along the line of sports. But, at times, there; appears some trace of political interest in the; American undergraduate. One manifestation of this interest is due to prohibition. This function of the government is brought closer home to him than perhaps any other. He does not have to pay taxes, know the legal technicalities of whatever business he is plan- ning on entering, nor does he, in most cases, have a vote. Prohibition has accomplished one thing- it has awak'ened in the student a consciousness that there exists a government in which he some- day will have something to say. In American universities today there are springing up organizations for various political or semi-political movements, such as disarmament,' repeal of prohibition, entrance into the World Court or the League of Nations. When delegates from many colleges met at Toledo during Christ- mas vacation, besides voting on student govern- ment questions, they passed resolutions on such questions as the above-mentioned, and shotly after one of the speakers had deplored the apathy toward politics shown in American universities! Every student, as a potential voter, should take advantage of his college career to become better acquainted with the mechanics of our government, so that he will have some background in after years. A spell-binding orator can convince no one who knows facts about politics. An opportunity for Michigan students to test their knowledge in this field will be offered Tues- day when the annual New York Times Current Events Contest is held. A casual day-by-day sur- vey of the most important news should enable many more Michigan students to enter this com- petition than have done so in the past. And there certainly are more than 20 Michigan students who read more in their daily newspapers than the comic strips and the crossword puzzle. A brief review of the sets of sample questions published monthly on this page of The Daily should encourage many more students to enter. A larger field would insure Michigan a better chance of winning the intercol- legiate prize. Why not give the contest a try Tuesday afternoon? Let's Stop Henr~i' I be offered a less ambitious program of instruc- n. Compare with this curtailment in educational ac- tivities the phenomenal growth in building that is taking place at Yale. Luxurious Gothic structures are rising in the form of libraries, gymnasiums, dormi- tories, and classrooms. In years of prosperity the educational program grows along with the architec- ture, but never at any equal pace. Though Yale has been more fortunate than most institutions in ac- quiring gifts, the same situation exists in part on many other campuses. American education is build- ing itself a beautiful shell, but in years like this the hollowness rings painfully in our ears. Something-either a desire for monumental self- glorification or a failure to comprehend the full scope of university needs-makes philanthropists give mag- nificent edifices at times when institutions can best' employ funds in other, less ostentatious ways. For increases to the general operating funds universities must look chiefly to small donors, though occasion- ally their contribution is overshadowed by large un- restricted gifts. Eventually, we hope, more men of great wealth will spend less lavishly and more wisely. In the meanwhile small contributors need not be abashed or deterred by external signs of wealth; their money in class endowment and alumni funds is the backbone of the university's current operations. - 'HW S C. an d D R AA . Two talented piano students of the School of Music, will join forces in providing an interesting program, Tuesday afternoon, March 1, at 4:15 o'clock in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, to which the general public with the exception of small children is invited. Bertha Flo, formerly of Ann Arbor but now of Detroit, talented music student, whose work has been taken largely under Professor Maud Okkelberg, and Mr. Emil Steva of Waponketa, Ohio, who has made a very fine reputation will appear in joint recital. Both young people have given fine accounts of them- selves in previous student recitals and on this occa- sion the following program should prove interesting to the music loving public: Sonata in G Minor .....................Schumann Bertha Flo Prelude No. 1, 22, 14, 16..................Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Op. 66 ...............Chopin Emil Steva Intermezzo, Op. 118, No. 6................... Brahms Capriccio, Op. 76, No. 2 ......................Brahms Voiles .......................... ..........Debussy Minstrels ..................................Debussy W aldesrauschen ............................... Liszt Bertha Flo Prelude in G Minor ................ . Rachmaninoff Sonetto del Petrarca ............................Liszt Jugglery ..................................Godard Etude ...................................Rubinstein Emil Steva Charlotte Lockwood will appear as guest organist at the regular Wednesday afternoon recital in Hill Auditorium, March 2, at 4:15 o'clock. She is the organist director at the West End Synagogue, New York, organist-director of the Crescent Avenue Pres- byterian Church, Plainfield, N.J., and a member of the faculty of the School of Sacred music, at Union Theological Seminary, New York. She possesses an unusual natural talent which has been thoroughly developed to a place where she has attained ranks among the few best players of the present day, either man or woman. She was born in North Caro- The government is now consider- ing the Glass-Stingall banking bill with which they hope to offset the harmful effect of hoarding of cu;- rency. The new bill "permits the substitution of United States gov- ernment bonds for commercial pa- per for one year as collateral for Federal Reserve notes," thus tend- ing to release excess gold for addi-I ional credit work. The bill also will allow member banks with aa capital of $500,0GO-or less "to bor-t row from the Federal Reserve on assets which are not now recogniz- ed." Such a move will check the de-a cline of the credit supply but if not accompanied by a plan for enlarg- ing the circulation medium such a plan of increased credit might bev used to inflate securities.t Concurrent with this move, Sen-a ator LaFollette of Wisconsin, risingt from the defeat of his relief bill, gamely comes back and announces' he is making an effort to secure a hearing on a $5,500,000,000 loan bill. The bill authorizes the huge Federal bond issue to launch a na- tion wide public works construction program. . This is proposed to aidi business and bring relief to the un- employed; is estimated that 5,000,- 000 jobless will be put to workv through this project. It is hoped that the senate will accept this move and not take the action that it did before. The senate in refus- ing to pass the LaFollette-Costigant Bill did as much as to say that "we must not have a dole-it might pauperize the thousands that arek now starving." Senator Johnson of California commented that: "Socialism yout have embraced in what you havet done. I am not frightened of it in the necessity that exists, but, sinceP you have made your adventure into socialism in behalf of banks andt railroads, let us take a step just ov- er the line in behalf of the men and women and children who need gov- ernment aid." * * * Henry H. Curran, president of the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment, remarks that: "Good old George Washington-I guess if he were alive today he would not get a vote from the Anti-Saloon League or the W. C. T. U., but he undoubtedly would be elected." * * * With the depression still "Hoov- ering" over the United States, with the Speaker of the House "Garnish- ing" politics, and with the cut- throat competition in the Demo- cratic party, there is no telling who we will have for ourmnext president. It might even be Huey Long! * * * While walking through the down- town district of our Nation's Cap- itol, we noticed that the Washing- tn'n Fina'ntcan'ninl c~frnnanic ,,rn~. SPRING ELEGY:? "OH BOY! Ring out the old! Ring in the new! What weather! We always get elated and enthusiastic when the first few days of spring arrive, but we slump noticeably after a week of warm sunshine, and inside of two weeks we are dragging around the campus with weary feet and heavy lids. Spring affects us that way. Rushing week has burst up- on the campus in all its fury. Yesterday morning at eight o'- clock the eligibility lists were jreleased and by eight-ten ev- ery freshman on campus was all filled up. Landladies are in open revolt, several having been reported as guilty of leav- ing the receiver off the hook, Many were openly hostile to the eager fraternity men and ref us- ed to "traipse upstairs after Mr. Crumb another time. ie's had 14 calls already!" We were go- ing to interview the telephone company and get a few statis- tics but it was too far to walk in such delightful s p r i n g weather. It seems that before any woman student can get a room in Betsy Barbour dormitory she must make a personal appearance before the Head Man, (or whoever it is, for inspection. We have always believ- ed that a system should be judged by its results. In view of that be- lief we can't say much for the suc- cess of the system. Maybe they need a new Head Man, (or whoever it is). (SuM ERFRf$ rss This is how we feel today. *z Last night we had the great priv- ilege of attending Comedy Club's production of "Anthony and Anna" and we are quite frank in saying that we didn't like it. Here's what we didn't like: 1.-Miss Stesel's pseudo-emotion- al scenes. 2.-Miss Stesel's diction. Exam- ple: In the first scene Anna says to Anthony: "I don't like you," which was alright (neither did we) except that Miss Stesel gave the line ex- actly the wrong inflection, lilting the third word, and using two des- cending notes on the fourth, if you get what we mean. 3.-Papa Penn's warpaint. 4.-Papa Penn's collegiate cloth- ing. 5.-Hubert Dunwoody's English inflection. 6.-Anthony Fair's reckless, rad- ical modernity, which after all wasn't Robert McDonald's fault. ,Here's what we did like: 1.-George's Latin terminology. 2.-Lady Cynthia's raised eye- brows and natural, easy conversa- tion. 3.-James Jago's make-up. 4.-The way Fred threw his broom on the floor. Summary: Play-not so good but not bad. Characters-fifty-fifty. Stage Set- tings-Swell. Evening Costumes and gowns worn by Miss Stesel and Miss Johnson-Great. Music ,--well, what do you expect? Sex appeal- one half of one percent. We have just made a visit to the hydraulics laboratory in the Engineering School. We stood around for a while and watch- ed some of the ever-industrious engineers make some steam consumption tests. It takes about four people to do it; one to balance the fly-wheel, one to measure r.p.m., one to fas- ten paper cups over a steam jet, and one to watch. (We). We watched for a long time and all we know about it now is that the r.p.m. is 220. You can take that any way you want to. We did. Railroad Jack makes a lot of rash promises and he gets caught up sometimes. We always like to see a man given a break, and we regret to say that there are students on this campus who deliberately try to mix Jack up. Yesterday afternoon one of the throng in the middle of