THE MICHIGAN DAILY:- tc i l~ Monday during the University trol ofStudent Pubi~acations. n Conference Editorial Association. is exclusively entitled to the use for re- spatches credited to it or not otherwise the local news published herein. ffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second of postage granted by Third Assistant ,n by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 n Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,' nes: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF - Telephone 4425 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN ..... Carl Forsythe tor .......... ..........Beach Conger, Jr. .......David M. Nichol Sheldon C. Fullerton .- -.---argaret - Thompson >Editor.................... .... Robxert L. Pierce been known that hedity plays a great role in select- ing our status or build. Some families are composed of members slim in frame, others of more stocky build. Heredity does not explain, however, why so Capitol N ew s many of us should be as much as fifteen to thirty per cent underweight. In order to arrive at a better understanding of energy intake and output, metabolism of the individ- Special Daily Corresponden t ual must be considered. This means his rate of burn- ing up of food partaken or his own body tissue. When metabolism is accelerated, as in infections, more food A Senate elevator boy was heard must be taken to maintain weight. to remark that, "One sure way to Organic causes for underweight must always be keep the United States out of the ruled out. Organic disturbances of the stomach and Japan-China conflict was to place intestinal tract, diabetes, etc., must be excluded. Con- the names of the members of Con- stipation should be corereted if such exists. One's gress at the head of the draft." own daily existence must be taken into consideration. ; a A proper balance between academic, business, social Whether the weather will favor and physical activities should be maintained together certain plans of the Washington with regular hours of sleep. Those ii the age period Bicentennial presents itself as a of university students should have eight hours' sleep question of doubt. The Japanese nightly. cherry blossoms may arrive perma- By far the most important consideration and the turely due to the continued warm most difficult to carry out practically in enabling one spell. Horticulturists believe such to gain weight is diet. There seems to be an intrinsic' may be the case. something in nearly every individual which does not Already the Forsythia is in bloom, permit him to judge properly the amount of food to roses can be found in the nurseries, eat. This is one of the greatest problems we are and beds of pansies have been combating today. n o t i c e d thi'oughout the District. All diets are based on the same principle-to With the weather playing such increase the caloric or energy value of the diet, and tricks the Bicentennial floral dec- to adapt the bulk to the patient's ability to take food, orations are quite uncertain. In order to increase energy intake such foods as butter, cream, sugar, mayonnaise, jams and jellies NIGHT EDITORS Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James oland A. Goodman 1erryE ] Rosenthal Marl Seiffert George A. .Staiiter. Inglis: r J. Myers Brian Jones' Sports Assistants John W. Thomas John S. Townsend Charles A. Sanford REPORTERS Arnheim Fred A. Huber Aecker N'onuan Krift :ampbell Roland Martin Carpenter Ienry M meyer nellan Albert A. Newman 'den E. Jerome P'ttit clcman Gcjorjia Geisman erce (ilen ils Martha Littleto'i all. 1izabeth Long n Frances Xnlchester ter Elizabeth Mann john W. Rri-J ard Joseph i Kcnihan C. "tart Schaaf Barack~vys1; Parker $ny ler G. R. Winters Margaret ' O ri-11 Hfillary Parden Doro0thy Rn-llI Elina \Vadsworth Josephine wo'dha-s 'should be eaten abundatly. Starchy foods, meats, as pork and fish, deserts and high caloric beverages as chocolate and milk should be taken freely. There can be little better evidence than life insur- ance statistics compiled from many individuals that, those near normal weight live to riper ages. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 LES T. KLINE ... .. .. .......Business Manager IS P. JOHNSON ....... ..........Assistant Manager Department Managers isiugc ... ,.........................Vernon Bishop sing Contracts....... .. Harry . Begley sing Service . ... ,..... ........yron C. V'edder' tions .... .. .William..'. ro ts ............................ .. Richard Stratemeir 's lBusiness Manager...................... Ann W. Vernor QUI EST I ON S Assistants John Keyser Arthur F. Kohn James I,owe Becker Ann I-arsha Janeissel Katherine J c son ve Field Dorothy Layin Fischgrund Virginia McComb allineyer Carolin Mosher 1:arriman Hlelen Olsen Grafton W. Sharp lonald A. JohnsonTIT Don Lyon Bernard H. Good May Seefried Mlinnie Seng; If een Spencer Kathryn'Stork (Tlareeanger Mary Elizabeth Watts -JERRY E. ROSENTHALj TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1932 -al lents CURRENT EVENTS QUESTIONS FOR JANUARY I. Identify the following, indicating briefly the part each has played in the news of the last month: 1. Hattie Caraway 6. Oliver Wendell Holmes 2. M2 7. James 'R. Beverly 3. Charles G. Dawes 8. Wright Patman 4. Arthur Stanley Pease 9. Gandhi 5. Eddie Stinson 10. Huey P. Long II. Answer the following in a word or phrase: 1. What istinguished American historian died within the nth?- 2. What European country voted in an advisory referendum election to abolish prohibition? 3. Who is President pro tem of the Senate? 4. What proposed constitutional amendment has been passed by the Senate? 5. What was the outcome of the 150 rubber bridge tournament? 6. What is the most recent issue of United States postage stamps? 7 What famous English biographer died re- cenrtly? 8. Who is Governor-General of the Philippines? 9. What result with respect to the German presi- dential electir'n did Chancellor Bruening seek to se- cure? 10. What definite formal steps were taken by the. League of Nations during the month to bring about a settlement of the Chino-Japanese war? III. Answer the following in a sentence or two, 1. What are the chief changes which the Demo- zrats are seeking to make in the tariff? 2. What constitutional problem is involved in the efforts of certain states to map out new congressional districts? 3. What major presidential candidacies have been launched Cti month? EVERAL events of political significance have occurred during the past vacation which may- >ve to be of much importance during the next ir years. The statements of Alfred Smith, New- i D. Baker attracted considerable attention, ile Manchurian developments have -apparently couraged all those who are attempting to bring >ut a peaceful settlement of the Far Eastern ficulties. Presidentially speaking, it has become evident it the more prominent men are not especially king the job thils year. They do not wish to end many months, time and money in getting various delegations lined up for their support y to have, once in the White House, the entire ss, public speakers, and other vocal efforts of nation trained against them. On the other hand, should they awake some rning to find either one of themselves nomin- d for president by popular acclaim instead of egate-grubbing, they are assured of enough pular support to begin with as to make four irs at Washington look rosier than usual. President Hoover naturally seeks "a second m, and since it has traditionally been the policy his party to give presidents a second chance in ce, he is the likely candidate. And his prospects the next four years look much better than those the last. During his stay at Washington he has. :ome as immune to politics as have other presi- its who started out in the political field at a ch earlier date. Whereas the constant demands I broadsides of Congress, no matter how illogi-' or in bad taste they might have been, bothered n at first, the "human interest" stories from ashington of today indicate that Hgover has :ome more or less immune to this political har- sing, treating it with as much consideration as leserves, and therefore, he appears to be a much >pier man and free to devote his energy to the ssing problems of the 'day. Today, Hoover's chances appear to be the best the entire field. He is followed by Roosevelt, ker and Smith in that order, with the last- ned two slowly decreasing the gap between mselves and Roosevelt. The events of the next r months will bring the political spectres farther vard reality. There has been a great deal of conflict with reference to the ad- vertising of the Bicentennial. Not only have certain congressmen been concerned over the appropriations, but certain of the Capitols artists have been aggravated. A few weeks ago Representative Bloom selected one of the Stuart paintings of George Washington. He wanted a portrait to aid in his advertising. The painting seemed to please him-all except the back- g r o u n d, which was unfinished. Someone assisted him in painting in what seemed to the Congress- mai a fitting background. And, then he even went so far as to pre- sent it before a gathering of the Capitol's leading art critics for their comment. He was quite taken back when they stormed out of his office. They had remarked that they didn't see how anyone had the audacity to change an immortal masterpiece and then circulate copies as a rep- resentation of the true work of the artist. * * * What's in a name? It has been found that it can be important at times. The name of Seiator Borah is better. known thiloughout Russia than that of any other American. Due to that hissignature on a pass- >ort is in grea demand. It is be- iieved that it affords added author- ity and protection for visitors to that country. * * a As the approaching Presidential contest looms before politics the population of the District of Co- lumbia can do nothing but settle back and await the outcome. Some 500,000 citizens of the United States are refused the franchise. It is true that they will be rep- resented in the electorial gathering, but the members of the electorate will be chosen by members coming from anywhere but Washington. We have often heard of "taxa- tion without representation" but very few of our citizens realize that Such a state exists; furthermore, that such a state exists within the very shadow of our Capitol. It is hoped by the people of the District that a change will come soon-that opinions can be expressed by other means than only by petitions. .:.z When the Democrats came into :ontrol of the House there was an enormous change in the patronage jobs. Veterans of former years were replaced by new favorites. New doorkeepers and new pages were nstalled. All'of which prdves that the "easy jobs never last long-the competition is too strong." Only a short while ago Senator Robert D. Carey was inconvenien- ed by having to wait for a theatre seat. Such a happening is not un- usual to the average person. But the Senator is now seeking to do away with such annoyances in the future. He has introduced a bill to restrict the theatre from giving .misleading statements in regard to the seating capacity at performan- ces. One wonders just why a Senator has to be inconvenienced before legislation is taken! It has been remarked that the growing sentiment a m o n g the Democrats places S p e a k e r John Garner as the "dark horse" in the Democratic presidential nomina- tion. If such be 'true then it can be seriously considered that Garner stands as a potential candidate for the presidency. The speaker has %urnrimp P unn lomnnr i. -- - - - 4. What action did the Senate take prohibit ar 5. Wh.t important measure has passed designed to alleviate the depression? ANSWERS affecting Congress 1. 1. Elected to Senate from Arkansas; first woman to- be so elected. 2. British submarine lost with crew. 3. Resigns as Ambassador to England, denies presidential ambitions, appointed head of Reconstruc- tion Finance Corporation. 4. Resigns presidency of Amherst to accept pro- fessorship at Harvard. 5. Veteran aviator killed when plane crashes at Chicago. 6. Resigns as Associate Justice of United States Supreme Court after twenty-nine years of service. 7. Appointed Governor-General of Porto Rico. 8. Congressman from Texas seeking the im- peachment of Secretary Mellon. 9. Jailed for renewed resistance to British au- thority. 10. United States Senator from Louisiana; defers assuming seat until successor as Governor of Louis- iana has been installed. II. Health Education Why Underweight? Health Service it 11 - 1. John H. Latane of Johns Hopkins. 2. Finland. 3. George H. Moses. 4. Norris "lame duck" amendment, changing sessions of Congress. 5. Won by Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson. 6. Lake Placid.- 7. Lytton Strachey. 8. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. 9. Postponement until after international con- ferences had been held. 10. Appointment of international commission to investigate and report.I bly one of the most discussed subjects today hich has to do with the deviations from the weight of individuals, i.e. overweight and ght. Especially has a great amount: of re- ivestigation been carried out on the former perhaps because many of us consult physi- ause of the inconvenience caused by the bulk >smetic sense and partly because it is known city in those past middle life tends to pre- o circulatory diseases, kidney changes, dia- III. 1. Abolition of President's power to change rates under "flexible" provisions; creation of office of coun- sel to represent consumers before Tariff Commission;, request for calling of international tariff conference.