THE MICHiGAN DAIL- ublished every Monin g exept Monday during the University y the Boa rdin Control of Student Publications. .ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association. he Associa edPress is :exclusely aentitled At ohe as e for-e 'tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise d in this paper and-.the :local -news published herein. iredat the, Post -0fice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, Assecond satter. Secial rate of postage granted .by, Third Assistant ater General. bscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 iioes s Ann Arbor Press fluikliny, aynard Street, Ann Arbor, ;an. Phones: Editorial, 4925 Business,, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4926 MANAGING EDITOR ditor ............. .... .Carl Forsythe al Director.. .'''. ..... Beach .Conger, Jr. E ..tor . ......... .avid M. Nichol I3ditor ...S.- .. Sheldon C, Fullerton i's.............................. Margaret Y. Thompson at News Editor . . ......... .Robert L. ierce NIGHT EDITORS B. Gilbreth J. Cullen :Kennedy James Inglis Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter. Sports Assistants ir J. ;yers John W. Thomas Brian Jones Charles REiPORTERS / igh W. Arnheim Fred A. Huber >n E. Becker Norman Krft d C. Campbell Roland Martin illiams CarpenteraenryMeyer as Connellan Albert H. Newman ce Hayden E. Jerome lkttit by Brckman Georgia Geivlnasi )i Catver Alir~e Qilc-t ce CoIlins ;Martha I ttkto Crandall :liabeth 3,oug Feldmni FrancesN aneiester nce foter Jliiabeth Manni John S. Townsend A. Sanford John W. Prichard Josgh Rer'ihan C. Hart cLaaf ]iracilcy Sliaw Parker SnyThr G. R. Winters Margaret O'rkn Iiillary Varden lhoroth~y "Run'lcl) Elra hWadswortlh Josephine Woodhas of having to take action on the basis of what the present members wish to do. It is expected, that the smaller countries, espe-(;f cially, will want to declare such a boycott. If they 'f IUO _ WS cannot bring about such an action, they may be able to resolve that a state of war exists between By TO IoovEII Japan and China. In such a case, according to the Covenant of the League, the boycott would auto- Special Daily Correspondent I matically apply. What will the powers then do? It does not appear at the present moment as though any such movement would be successful. Phil, the elevator boy, remarked Following the circulation of boycott petitions in that, "believe it or not, the man the United tSates, tfie department of state de- that does the most talking on the clined to comment on the possibility of such an senate floor is not a senator, bt action. Officials of the French and British gov- e reading clerk-John C. Crock- .ernments, however, indicated quite clearly that ett. they would sanction no such move. Without the support of these two governments, the League The customary procedure is to cannot very well inaugurate a boycott. charge the Presidefft with all of Apart from the League, it is highly improbable the miscarriages of democracy and that the United States will take such a step either. business. We wonder if some of the Should the government do this, unsupported by people, who are at present ridicul- other nations, it could certainly not be regarded ing Hoover, realize what would by Japan other than as an act of war. Nor would have happened if our economic de- it avail this country much. While the more ideal- pression had occured under any istically minded people in all three nations are . other administration. Hoover would asking for a boycott, the more practically-nindedV have been the first individual call- governments will not have anything to do with ed upon for-help and advice! the movement.,k The smaller countries, which are indicated as It has been announced by the possible supporters of such a movement in the Treasury that a $21,550,000 contract League, have nothing to lose and eyerything to is soon to be let in conjunction with gain. Their trade with Japan amounts to almost he proposed building plan. The nothing; they would like to place the greater buildings to be governed by this powers in this embarrassing situation. The artifi- contract are the Government Audi- cial :si1k manufacturers in the United States and torium, Labor Department Post France will probably prove ardent lobbyists in Office Department, 'and the Inter- such a cause. But few others. Furthermore, much state Commerce Commission. of the comnerce that in statistical records is shown as being sent to Japan actually is trans- shipped and sent to China and other parts of the In celebrating during the Wash- Far East, so that besides cutting off the Japanese ington Bicentennial some people market, the boycotting nations would be losing might be interested in George other fields of trade. Washington's recipe for making This next session of the League may turn out beer. It has been printed ''in the to be the most eventful in its history. While the Congressional Record for January organization has repeatedly "requested" Japan to 116, 1932, and has been taken from withdraw its troops and :cease fighting, the conflict a copy written in Washington's own still continues. Treaty violations have been alleged handwriting. Senator Harry B. on both ,sides, and Secretary Stimson has pointed Howes, of Missouri, remarks, "that out4 that if the Japanese violate the nine-power it might improve the quality of pact of 1922, the United States would be free to home-made beer now being manu- build up her fortifications in the Pacific, an event factured in the homes of some 10,- the Japanese guarded against in this same treaty. 000,0 0 of our' citizens." War between Japan and other powers seems fat If the Senator from Missouri is off. , boycott under League provisions will not of the "show me" type then you can be sanctioned by the powers. Will this year bank *on the recipe. "break" the League? BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214' RLES.T. KLI E.................Business Managet PIS P..JOHNSON..,............. .Assistant 1Manegeri Department Managers tising........-. .......... n .BIsegley Ctisig Service ............. - o -C. Vedder cations................... ..... Wiliam T. Brown nits ............. .....Ti-Aard 'Strat neir en's Busincss Mlangr...........Ann W, Vernor vil Aronson )ert E. Bursley n Clark >ert Finn rna Becker tla Jane Cissel evieve Field xine Fischgrund Gallmeyer rv Harriman Assistants John Keyser Arthur F..Kohn James Iowc4. Ann Harsha Katherine Jackson D~orothy 'Layin' Virginia McComb Carolin .Moser .Helen. olson Graftoi 'W, Sharp 'Donald A. Johiason, 11- Don Lyon Bernard H. Cood May Seefried Minnie Seng Hlelen Spencer Kathryn Stork Clare Unger Mary Elizabeth Watts NIGHIT EDITOR-FRAK . %ILanBEU FRIDAY, FERUY 2, 1932 Laist-Council )r~!anization i changes in the 9onstitution of the Student uncil providing for perpetuation of mem- while on the surface seemingly limiting tocracy of this body, in reality sould make uncil a more representative group of the and should cause it to function more ly. placing students in office during their. ,ore year and having them hold this office ley graduate, mniership' is neessarily to a greater extent than ever before, but s deemed practical sine it was desired that members have a working knowledge of tpus at large and the problems of student rient. believed that politics will be kept out of ncil by having the term d 1office two and ears. This is probably true. Although it t seem feasable that politics will or ever kept out of the actual elections, it is the rule that once a party member has a posi- Lt hei is sure to keep for the rest of his career, his interest in politics steadily he present time Council members have not how the president f their boly will be- Sentiment seems to favor having the tt elected by the Council itself, requiring iirds majority before the decision is valid. uld mean that in ninety-nine cases out of red the president would come from the itself. This is desirable since the body inction better with a leader who knew jus p procedure was. ever, the Council can -go too far in sacri- lemocracy to obtain efficiency. If they ves choose their president they are taking h power in their hands, are in fact setting -tual political oligarchy. oubtedly, the president of the body should :n from the Council itself. But the campus o have something ;tos ay about the way a, Therefore, why not' allow the student elect one of the four senior members to resident. An advertising magazine brings to our attention the fact that a certain company advertises its prod- uct as doing away with bad bweath, caused by eating eggs, while in another magazine it also advertises that, by buying another of its products, enpugh money can be saved each year to buy six dozen eggs. To make the company really prosperous, we suggest it go into the egg business. MPumX and IRA5AI "ANTHQNY AND ANNA" A Review By Richard L. Tobin Despite Mr. Alan Handley's expert setting, FrancesI Johnson's sweeping conquest of every scene she's in, the black-haired butler's red side-burns, and two orI three pretty funny lines, I'm afraid "Anthony and' Anna" will have to struggle along somehow without my commendation. Maybe it was because we sat in row three and not fifth row, aisle, and, as a result, heard the not infrequent promptings and miscues which utterly spoil any normally good show. And maybe it was just the fact that Act One dragged so terribly that two and three had too .much to over- come. but the net result of last night's entertainment was, as far as I'm concerned, George's (the servait's) curtain line in Act One, to wit: "You know how I'd' handle my women? I'd do like the French say, 'Laudaci, laudaci, toujours laudaci'." And we can't forget Miss Johnson. Just about when we had given up hope that life would ever come into the Inn of St. Peter's Finger, in pops Lady Cynthia Speedwell. and the tempo rises thirty beats. The story, reputedj.y not St. John Ervine's best- God knows I hope it's not-concerns that forward female, to quote the hero, the American Miss Anna Penn, who is out after her man and, its being leap year and all's well, gets him. But it doesn't all happen just like that. It takes Sir Ervine nigh unto three acts to get things fixed so that the audience. is well aware that Anthony Fair is an adventurer and he simply can't marry Anna because he hasn't any money and won't accept a job from Jacob Penn. Mr. Playwright's idea of a middle western newspapei magnate. Mr. Penn, incidentally, should remove huge portions of red and blue grease paint 'which definitely prove him to be a Creek Indian in a white wig. There's no use in being nasty about a play just for the sake of being nasty; and believe me I'd rather be struck dumb than be accused of writing satirically and acidly -about a Comedy Club production just because it's one student trying to be high-hattedly critical of others.' But the fact remains that "An- thony and Anna" hasn't enough physical activity to becomt a hit without real punch in the dialogue, an c last night it hadn't that. When actors speak hesi- tantly, insecurely, it's frightfully hard to keep one's interest at top speed. And when a super-sophistica- tion becomes a blanket from under which one is glad to emerge between acts, then I'm afraid the new comedy by St. John Ervine isn't up to "Rebound" (which had, above all, Eugenie Chapel's joie de vivre) nor even to "Streets of New York." I overheard someone say, when the show was over, they thought it was too hard for Comedy Club, was over their heads. "Rebound" was infinitely While the United States protests to Japan in regard to her belliger- ent attitude the fracas continues, partly financed by over $400,000,- 000 of American capital invested in Japanese government bonds. Could it be that certain capitalists figure that business would be increased if the U. S. entered the conflict? The World War should impress us with tlhe tra'ic results of trying to in- crease business with the sacrifice of human life, The humorist Will Rogers is back from his tour and has been spend- ing a few days at the Nation's Cap- itol. Mr. Rogers remarked that, "the best thing the United States could do would be to refrain from 4meddling in the China-Japan ruc- I tion and stop sending our soldiers to the scene of the conflict-be- cause the more soldiers we have there the more likely they are to be hit." Japan could WNell remind Uncle Sam that she didn't take part in the World War or protest when we annexed Hawaii, Haiti and Nicara- ga, or took Panama from Columbia. / * * There is over a score of green cuspidors still to be found under desks in the Senate Chamber. This fact should certainly stir to action certain crusaders against the "vile weed." Yes, and there is still one member that uses snuff. SNUFF- SAID. * * ': The transfer of Secretary Mel- lon to the Court of St. James proves a very dramatic move. Mellon was the last of the Harding-Coolidge cabinet and his removal from that body and his duties has been ac- cepted without an outcry. Such a move eliminates the impending im- peachment possibility and rounds out to the satisfaction of all s-v- eral difficult situations. Mellon leaves the Treasui'y with its figures of red ink to wear the knee, breech- es in the Court of St. James. Could we be right in concluding that Mellon was transfered because of views entertained in regard to Mr. Hoover's financial policies? At least, with Mellon's removal, comes the report that a bill is to be rushed through the House and Senate per- mitting currency inflation. The current belief is that Mr. Mellon would have openly opposed any such move. S* * * "The House of Misrepresenta- tives" failed to pass the wheat bill sanctioned by the Senate. In so many votes they refused to make available, to the vast army of the nation's hungry, a small portion of V ,RAL economy has been the keynote of tgress thus far. President Hoover's break eaker Garner was marked by a bill creat- :ngressional economy zonmiittee with the of paring down federal expenses inppo- > the President's :desire to do so 14iself, nate bureaus, cut staffs, combine divisions, to Congress' veto. his committee hppes e a saving of over $100 000,000 in Feera4 g costs. the same morning we nogtice. that the Hale ding for an expenditre on the navy 6ft WOO aver a period of ten years, receives isia stic-approval of both Democrats and .ansj . be Senate Committee on Naval io .,,NA ~inone branch it is hoped to cur- endit;es J y0 gp ghly 1 Qb .mllion dlars, _ler ranch 'fo add 100 mnil-