SUNVAY , 3N , 1932 ____HE MTCHTMAN DIAILY AEWF PAGE FTVI 4 Doris Dalton Tells of Early Inclination for Stage Career By Marjorie Western, '35 "I don't know exactly how it hap- pened. I have always been inter- ested in the stage and I used to put on plays when I was very little, just as every child does." In thesel words Doris Dalton, one of the stars of the Dramatic Festival, tells of her inclinations towards dramatic work. While in high school she ap- peared in amateur productions and while at Wellesley she was award- ed the Davenport prize for great- est progress in dramatic art. She won her first role rather by' accident. One day'a group of her friends were going to read a part. She went along with them and de- cided to try out for it, and got the job. After that she had to struggle against the opposition of her fam- ily. She had been brought up in New England and the traditional distaste for people of the theatre was born in her. However she over- came this and has made a success of it. In speaking of hobbies Miss Dal- ton said she was never a sports- woman. "When I try to swim I sink immediately, when I hit a ten- nis ball it goes into the woods be- yond, and when I drive a golf ball it dribbles down the green like a hockey ball." Miss Dalton is enthusiastic about the benefits of the dramatic festival for the students of the Uni- versity. "Students are apt to, be- come'walled in by the school and' their own activities so I feel that it is a great privilege to have such a season as this." SUCCESSFUL SPORT' SEASON CO9NCLUODO Eleven Popular Games Featured in Tournaments During Past Year. Fourteen tournaments in eleven sports have been conducted by the women's department of physical education during, the past year. Three of these, golf, tennis, and ar- chery are held in both fall and spring. The other activities in ,which there has been a great deal of competitiori and interest shown are hockey, basketball, badminton, rifle, swimming, ping-pong, fenc- ing, and baseball. Basketball proved to be the most popular team sport because every organization was represented and the competition was exceptionally keen. Tennis is the most popular individual sport. Badminton was the one new sport introduced in the intramural program this year and proved to be popular. Although awards in sep- arate sports have been given out, the winner -of the all-participation cup has not been determined as yet but the number of women signed up in all extra-curricular activity in shorts amounts to 2,500. This number includes those who signed up in more than one sport. The extra-curricular sports ac- tivities are conducted by the physi- cal education department and the Women's Athletic association. The latter organization has a manager of each sport who works with Miss Ruth Hassinger, and Miss Marie I '= 1 - it1l 1933 FUR FASHIONS NOW READY 10% U. S. Tax on III Furs Passed and You'll Pay it on your next fur purchase UNLESS you make your selection Now t We OFFER FURS AND FUR COATS at LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS Our usual custom is to hold an annual sale in August, but owing to the unusual business conditions and the pending U. S. Tax we are offering reductions prior to that time. Take advantage at the large savings. A small deposit will reserve your selection insured storage FREE \ . .. ti- FAI fv ii i! III 1