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June 05, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-06-05

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AC 1

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1 9AI.h.


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VOL, XLII, No. 180.



WEATHER,: Cloudy; Probably showers.

P 6P 'PrVE

WEATHER: Cloudy; Probably showers. PRIO1~ FIVE

Education School Dean
Replies to Opinions
of Prep Heads.
Says That B.A. Degree
No Longer Has Any
A general indictment of the
fads and fancies prescribed by
modern "educational" theory, in-
cluding an attack on the lax and
varied curricula offered in mod-
ern high schools and the failure
of the schools to'make adequate
provision for above-average stu-
dents, is presented in a pamphlet
made public yesterday by Dr. A.
S. Whitney, Dean emeritus of the
education school.
,Dr. Whitney's privately published
essay, written in answer to a survey
of opinions on high school curri-

Distracting Pigtai
Stage Lesson
By Brackley Shaw
University communities and pro-
fessors are no mystery to Violet
Kemble-Cooper, who arrived here
yesterday to play the role of Laura
in "The Vinegar Tree," which opens
Monday, June 13 on the Dramatic
Festival program. -
Miss Kemble-Cooper has dug
worims for Henry Seidel Canby,
pron nent Yale professor and au-
thor, on her farm near Nqw Haven.
She was brought up in convents
in France and England with fre-
quent trips to the theatre to watch
her family in rehearsals and plays
with her governess. Miss Kemble-
Cooper's family have been famous
on the stage in England for
centuries. She is a direct descend-
ant of Sarah Siddons, and she is
the great grand-daughter of Fanny
and Charles Kemble.
"I used to go down to the theatre
and learn from the old actors," she
said. "One good way of learning is
to be in a cast with a great many
old actors, and finally by dint of
tears and bullying one begins to
learn. My first lesson was from
George Giddons,a very famous
actor at that tine, who said to me,
Dea, don't' twirl your plait while
I'm talking to you, it's very dis-
tracting.' It was through such ad-
monitions as this that I learned.
Nobody ever told me what to do; all
they did was tell me what not to
Will Commence Activities With
Jackson T Rrip; Rehearse
and Play Daily.
Definite announcement of the
Commencement Week activities of.
the Varsity Band are contained in
general orders' issued to the band
today by Nicholas D. Falcone, band-

i i



o Visiting Actress


Hohenzoiferns Would Return
Power in Party Elections;
Officials Deny Move.



cula among principals throughout
the state, offers pointed criticism of
a general tendency to displace the
educational funiamentals, Latin,
Greek, mathematics, and English,
by manual training, home econom-
ics, and other "vocational" subjects.
The leveling down of high school
standards to meet the demands of
demdcratic society, Dr. Whitney
charges, is largely responsible for
a marked decline in the scholastic
standards and entrance require-
ments of universities. Failure to
provide a broad education along
fundamental lines, he indicated, is
robbing modern society of leaders
tted to cope with changing ci-
Arts Degree Meaningless.
The bachelor of arts degree,
Which once certified a genuine
education, has lost its meaning be-
cause of the policy of the Univer-
sity to lower general qualifications
for admission so that democracy in
eduzcation may be forwarded, pr.
Whitney declares. it now signifies
only "a non -descript curriculum
covering a period of four years in
some higher' institution but which
is distinctly defective in creating
scholastic standards, intellectual
aspirations, or cultural refine-
Having completed a slashing in-
dictment of present systems, in-
eluding popular ideas that child-
ren should be educated to serve in
the industries of their localities
andthat fundamental curricula may'
be changed with desirable effects,
Doctor Whitney proposes that all
high schools, except the smallest,
establish a special curriculum for
all studentsypossessing superior
mnental ability. In this way, he
claims, the existent evil of poorer
students retarding the better ones
would be eliminated.
Describes Curricula.
Furthermore Doctor Whitney ad-..
vocates the maintaining of the
present high school curriculum for'
the average student. In order to1
differentiate between the two class-
es of students, the educator would
graduate one with an "honors"
diploma in high school and "hon-
ors" degrees in college, and the
others "pass" diplomas and degrees.
Doctor Whitney champions a
curriculum for the gifted students
which would include the old stand-
ards and requirements in regard1
to Latin, Greek, and English. He
would also insist upon comprehen-
sive entrance -examinations in Eng-
lish and two other major courses
before matriculation to college
would be permitted. After high]
school teachers -knew what was de-
sired these examination provisions1
might be lifted.]
Advocates "Honors" Degrees.'
The University, Doctor Whitney;
claims, should offer these gifted
students special curicula and pro-1
vide for "honors" degrees for them,
And Ancourage their activities by
special recommendations of them
to learned professions, including
instructorships in the colleges and
oormal schools.
In conclusion Doctor Whitney
says that his program would be

The roster of the contingent
chosen for Commencement Week
from among the regular members
of the Varsity Band, plus several
other students, will contain 64 in-
struments and a staff of four men:
drum-major, two managers, and
All members of the organization
will report Monday afternoon, June
13, at Morris hall for drill and an
evening rehearsal, preparatory to a
trip to Jacks n the following day
to lead a Washington bi-centennial
celebration parade and to give a
concert in the evening, following
the parade.
The band will parad6 on State
Street Friday afternoon and also
give an open-air concert. In the
evening the annual Alumni and
Senior-sing will take place on the
Saturday the organization will
play at the annual Alumni ban-
quet, and play in the afternoon at
the Varsity baseball game. An-
other open-airtconcert on the band-
stand in front of the library will
be the evening's feature.
Participation in the Baccalaure-
ate parade for the first time in
years will mark Sunday's activities,
and Monday morning, June 20, the
band will assemble at 7 a. m. for
Commencement parade and exer-
cises. This will be the, organiza-
tion's final activity of the semester.
Brumm Scores Free
PresPrize Story
for Lack of Ideas
"A play on the surface emo-
tions" was the way Prof. John L.
Brumm of the Journalism depart-
ment characterized the Free Press
story that won the Pulitzer prize
recently. The story was written by
five Free Press reporters on the
Legion parade last fall
"It has neither insight, interpre-
tation, nor criticism, and therefore
has no constructive values what-
ever," said Professor Brumm. He
further pointed out that the story
adhered closely to the traditional
qualities that have always won the
Pulitzer award, namely: a patri-
otic sentiment, pageantiy through
narration and description, and de-
parture from the drab objective-
ness of news writing.
"The story is a vivid and flourish-
ing account," he said, "but some
one of the many other news stories
on similar events might just as well

Violet Kemble-Cooper.
do, and all of the awful things that
I might do."
The second playMiss Kemble-
Cooper is to be in is Peter Ibbetson,
the last feature of the season. She
said about this play, "Peter Ibbet-
son is a real romantic play. It is a
relief to find such a play as this in
these days when everyone is talking
about their tummies ad neurotic-
"Most actors," she said, "would
rather play in revivals of good old
plays than risk their reputations on
new and, untried material."
Miss Cooper starred in the The-
atre Guild production of "Apple
Cart" with Tom Powers and was
also in "He" with Powers. She was
in the original New York production
of "Lysistrata," "TheaCommand to
Love," with Basil Raehbone, and
"On Approval," by Frederick Lons-
Billion-Dollar Measure Is Sent
to Senate; 10 Per Cent
Salary Cut Voted.
WASHINGTON, June 4.-(/P)-By
a rousing vote of "ayes," the House
today sent the billion-dollar bud-
get balancing revenue bill bounc-
ing along on its path to the White
House, leaving only Senate approv-
al necessary before President Hoo-
ver signs it.
Meanwhile, the Senate completed
its major task in shaping an econ-
omy measure by voting a 10 per
cent cut in Government salaries.
above $1,000--raising h o p e s for
Congressional adjournment by the.
end of next week.
'Soon after the revenues bill was
passed by the House, the Senate
gave unanimous consent to take it
up Monday noon with predictions
it would pass there and go to the
President by nightfall. Debae im-
pends, however, on the modifica-
tion by House and Senate confer-
ees, making 'the 3 per cent electri-
city tax apply to consumers.t'
The bill by treasury estimates
will raise $1,118,500,000 to go toward
balancing the national b u d g e t
along with an estimated $350,000,-
000 saving in economies.
Business Staff of
'Etisian Announced
John A. Carstens; business
manager of the 1933 Michigan-
ensian, yesterday announced the
following appointments to the
business staff.
Women's business manager,
Janet Allen, '33; accounts man-
ager, Arend Vyn; women's ac-
counts manager, Josephine Mc-
Causey; advertising manager,
John Deo; women's advertising
manager, Beatrice Bruce; or-
ganizations manager, James
Heywood; women's organizations
manager, Margaret Allen; sales
manager, William Giefel; wo-
men's sales manager, - Cynthia
Root. All but Miss Allen are now
Bust of 'Larry' Gould
Is New York Club Gift
A bronze bust of Lawrence M.
Gould, '21, who was second in com-
mand of the Byrd "Little America"
expedition and who will become
head of the geology department at
Carleton college next fall, will be

Plans Made to Change Cabinet
Personnel to Include
Fascist Members.
BERLIN, June 4.-(P)-A promin-
ent German. Nationalist source pre-
dicted today that President von
Hindenburg would retire on his
eighty-fifth birthdaya nnivesa
Oct. 2 and urge the election of for-
mer Crown Prince Friederich Wil-
helm von Hohenzollern as his suc-
The source of the prediction was
one of the most influential politici-
ans in) the German Nationalist
party, the editor of the most im-
portant of newspapers' of Alfred
Hugenberg, Nationalist head and
recently a candidate for president
against vonHindenburg.
The move, if it developed success-
fully, would again put the house of
Hohenzollern at the head of the
German government.
Official circles denied, however,
that any such plan was in President
von Hindenburg's mind.
The Centrist daily Der Deutsche
said, on the other hand, that Gen.
Kurt von Schleicher, minister of
defense in the new cabinet, met in
his home recently with Adolf Hitler,
National socialist chieftain, and the
former crown prince, and the three
agreed that after the reichstag
elections the cabinet would b'e
changed slightly to include several
members of Hitler's party.
Gen. von Schleicher would con-
tinue the dominating force, how-
ever, the newspaper said it was
Compromise Rep d.
It said the Nazis were to be given
the controlling influence in Prussia
in return to support of von Sch-
leicher's regime in the reich as a
It was also learned from a reliable
source that the Steelhelmet organi-
zation is ready to supply one of its
leaders as minister of defense in
case Schleicher should become
chancellor after the reichstag elec-
The new cabinet in a public dec-
laration announced the following
political program:
"Only a Germany that enjoys
-equal rights is free and economic-
ally healthy and will be able to con-
tribute toward the recovery of the
world. Naturally, all efforts for the
well being of peoples can be suc-
cessful only if it is possible at the
same time to remove the economic
sources of disturbance in the realm
of money and capital, intercourse
and exchange of goods which now
is causing the'world's unrest."
Daily Will Have
N ewTypeFaces
For Next Year
Bodoni and Ionic to Be Used'
For Headlines and News;
Modern Advertising Type
This is an example of the news
'and headline type The Daily will be
set in next year. The move into the
new Publications building will b ac-
companied by complete change in
the typographical form of the paper,
for both advertising and news.
b This new type, though more legi-
ble than the present, is slightly
smaller, and will permit The Daily
to print more news in the same
The headline type will comprise
a full series of Bodoni, the same as
used by the New York Herald-Tri-
bne and other progressive papers.
The body type is Ionic, especially
developed to suit the printing needs
of newspapers.
This is the last issue of Thel
Daily in the old Press building. The
1932 Summer Daily will be the first
.tudent publication to be edited and
printed in the new building.

Advertisers will be supplied with a
full variety of modern advertising
The Daily will resume publication
Sept. 20 with its annual special
freshman issue.
Pnl y-h. A ..;rn v gjr1.oi

English Department
Chooses 10 Juniors
for Honors Course
Names of ten juniors chosen for
the English Honors course for 1932-
33 were announced yesterday by
Prof. W. G. Rice of the English de-
Those who will take the course
are Daniel Aaron, Eugene Bixby,
Ivabell Camppell, Mary Eleanor
Davis, Elsie Feldman, Margaret
Keal, Allan Lowenstein, Maurice
Pettibope, Josephine Stern, and
Louis Wagner.
Members of the class are chosen
for scholastic ability, particularly in
English courses. The Honors course
comprises a study of English litera-
ture from the Renaissance to the
twentieth century and essay writ-
ing on that subject. Students work
independently, except for weeklyl
consultations with faculty advisors,
and take oral and written examina-
tions at the end of the year. They
receive nine hours credit each se-

Would Introduce
Requested by



System Simi
Inter rate pity


Fraternities Favor New Plan.

Climaxing a concentrated drive of a year's duration against d
ferred pledging, a new system of rushing, dramn up by a group
representative alumni, was placed in the hands of members of 't
Senate Committee on Student Affairs Friday and made public la
.The plan, which does not differ materially from the one passe
by the Interfraternity Council three weeks ago, wassubmitted
President Alexander G. Ruthven several days ago. He stated
that time that the final decision would rest with the Senate comm
tee. Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, has been urged to call
meeting of this body as soon as possible.
Dean Bursley said that he desired to take the plan to the Ju
ciary committee will meet on Tuesday night and Dean Bursley h
promised to call a meeting of the Senate committee as soon! af


Capital Contingent Ordered
Evacuate; Food Shortage
Is Major Question.


WASHINGTON, June 4.--()-A
roll call vote in the House June 13
on the soldiers' bonus, unless ad-
journment intervenes, swas assured
tonight while 1,728 veterans were
here from every state in tle Union
clamoring for rush payments.
A house petition to force a vote-
received its 145th signature, the to-
tal necessary, before a roll-call
could be demanded, with the only
"joker" lying in the fact that the
house may not be in session June
In the meantime, metropolit'an
police said they had funds suffici-
ent to feed the bonus marchers now
in the district for only 48, more'
hours. They estimated ghat their
supplies would be exhhausted by
Sunday night if 1,000 more veterans
en route to Washington arrived on
The 'serious food shortage led to
immediate plans to evacuate the
groups that had settled in three
camps and hourly were adding to
their numbers. The district com-
missioners decided to ask the mar-
chers to leave Thursday, furnishing
trucks to transport them not to
exceed 50 miles toward their homes.
Those not accepting will have to
fend for themselves so far as the
commissioners are concerned.
The reports of the new marchers
yet to come made the position of
the metropolitan police almost des-
perate. On Monday all veteran
marchers are to be concentrated in
semi-open-air quarters near the
Army airport, Bolling field. Lum-
ber required to build a roof over
shacks as protection for a mere
handful against rain and the hot
sun was rapidly eating into the
food funds.
Marley's Topic to Be
Recent Spring Parley
"A Minister Looks at the Student
Parley", is the topic of the address
to be given this morning at the Uni-
tarian Church by Rev. H. P.,Marley.
The 92 written questions which were
handed to the faculty by students
at the Spring parley will be grouped
under their various headings and

Aryangements have been com-
ple ed for a resumption of work
on Hutchins Hall, new building
of the law quadrangle, it was
announced yesterday by Prof. E.
B. Stason of the Law School.,,,
This announcement is con-.
trary to the announcement that
was made earlier in the year that
work would be suspended until
the first of next year because of
the lack of the necessary funds.
The delay that was caused be-
fore this decision was reached
will make the completion of the
building impossible' before the
beginning of the second semes-
ter of next year, Professor Stason
"Harmonies of Florence," a suite
by Bingham, will be the feature
number of a graduation recital by
:John Louis Fuess, '32SM, at 4:15
o'clock Wednesday afternoon. on
the memorial organ inM Hill auditor-
The program is centered around
this suite, which is in five parts:
"Florentine Chimes," "Primavera,"
"Savonarola," "Twilight at Fiesole,"
and "March of the Medici."
Fuess'. opening number will be
Bach's "Toccata in C," followed by
chorale by the same author. Thisl
latter number will be with the as-
sistance of a male (Auartette.
"Prayer" and "Toccata" from the
"Gothic Suite," by Boellmann, will
conclude the recital, 'which is open
to the public with the exception
of small children.
Pfrommer Will Direct
G.O.P. Club Publicity

that time as a. quorum can
Dean Bursley stated that
would make no comment on 1
new plan, and said that he did r
know what stand the Senate co
mittee would be likely to take
the proposed change. He also
fused to make any statement c
cerning the success or failure of I
present system.
Rushing wil not begin until S
day noon preceding the opening
classes, according to the propos
plan. Beginning on Saturday no
of Orientation week, engageme
may be'made in person or by te
phone, but no other contacts d
to be allowed between fraten
men and freshmen. The 'period
rushing will continue until Thu:
day noon of the second week
- Engagements with the first ye
men may be made at any time di
ing the day up to 8:30 o'clock
night, at which time all -rushi
shall cease. Telephone callh for t
purpose of. ma ihng dates will r
be considered In Infringement
this rule.
Beginning at 8:30 o'clock Thu
day night of. the second week
Commenting 'on the early
pledging system, Albert Heckle
dean of men at the -University
of Missouri, stated, 'it ha it
evils, but from the reports I
have received on the deferred
pledging, I am convinced that
evils exist in that system." Let-
ters from heads of the various
fraternity organizations col-
lected by the Alumni group
favor the early pledging plan.
rushing, a period of/silence will
maintained during which time:
contacts are to be made with t
freshmen. This will continue un
the following Monday at noon.
Each fraternity shall present
the Dean of students at the de
of students' office, before 9 o'io
Friday morning of the second wbe
a list of the rushees, in order
preference. Freshmen who ha
been' bid will be notified at on
and will turn in their preferen
The dean's office will then notl
both the fraternities and rushe
of the pledges that have been mac
Formal pledging will take place
6 o'clock on Monday of the thi
Apy pledge attaining 11 hou
anq 14 honor points during his fli
semester will be eligible for Initi
tion at the beginning of the seco
semester and all pledges not a
taining at least 11 hours and
honor points during his first ser
ester's work will be de-pledge
The provisions shall apply toa
entering students, both freshmt
and upperclassmen. Changs of t
regulations can be made only up
the consent of the Judiciary cor
,mittee of the Interfraternity Con
Complete University
OlympicDinner Pla,
Plans for the University of Mi
igan Olympic dinner to be held
August 5th at the Elks temple
Los Angeles have been complete
according to word received by
Hawley Tapping, general secreta.
of the Alumni association. A ge3
eral invitation to all undergrad
ates as well as alumni has been e:



Edward D. Pfrommer, '34, was
named director of publicity for the
University of Michigan Republican
club-at a meeting of the executive
council, which was held last night
at the Union.
Pfrommer has been active in the
Republican c 1u b throighout the
year and was one of the members
who attended, the Republican state
convention at Grand Rapids.

convetionat Grnd Rpids




Leslie Howard, famous stage and
screen star, who is now playing the
leading role in Philip Barry's "The
Animal Kingdom" in its current
New York run at the Empire the-
atre, is a close friend of Geoffrey
Kerr, English leading man, who is
creating the role of Tom Collier in
the Ann Arbor production of "The
Animal Kingdom", opening Monday
night, June 6, for the entire week
at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Mr. Howard has just sent Robert
Henderson, director of the 1932
Dramatic Festival the _following
letter concerning Mr. Kerr's Ann
Arbor appearance: "I am delight-
ed," Mr. Howard writes, "that Mr.
Geoffrey Kerr, one of my oldest
friends, is going to play my part in
'The Animal Kingdom' in Ann
"Apart from being one of my best
friends, whom I knew in London,


I~ ~t

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