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June 04, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-06-04

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. XLII, No. 179. SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1932 WEATHER: Cloudy; Probably showers.


violent Shocks Cause Property
Damage; Casualty Lists Not
Officially Confirmed.
Two Seismographs Damaged at
University Observatory;
Reports Incomplete.
MEXICO CITY, June 3. - () -
Fourteen persons were reported as
killed today in a series of earth-
quakes that were felt through a
large area of Mexico.
Mexico City itself suffered con-
siderable damage. Several smaller
buildings were toppled over. In the
downtown streets numerous cracks
were caused.'
Reports of the casualties, which
were not officially confirmed, in-
cluded eight dead and 14 injured
in Colima, Mexico's smallest state,,
and six dead in the state of Jalisco.
Alarm was caused by the fact
that no report came from Oaxaca,
where ordinarily earthquakes cause
much damage.
Apparatus at Local Station
Breaks at First Disturbance
Shocks of the earthquake record-
ed at the University observatory
were strong enough to put both of
the seismographs completely out of
order for the time being.
The dispatches from Washington
stated that tremors were first re-
corded at 5:42 on the Georgetown
university seismograph,' and con-
tiued until 8 o'clock. The quake
was also recorded at London, Eng-
land, and Buffalo, N.Y.
Government seismograph station
at Mexico City estimated that the
center of the quake was four hun-
dred miles from there. It is be-
lieved to have caused at least eight
deaths at Colima, Mexico.
The tremors recorded at the Uni-
versity observatory were so severe
that after eleven minutes needles
were thrown compleely off, of the
re'ording sheet, making it impossi-
ble for the duration of the shock to
be determined. Officials estimated
that the center of the disturbance
was approximately 2,300 miles dis-
tant and probably in the zone in
Central America where other shocks
have been most severe.
This has been the fourth con-
secutive week that tremors have
been recorded at the observatory.
Yesterday morning 's series of shocks
however, was much more severe
than the others, it was said.



World war veterans from the four corners of the nation who tramped to Washington to urge con-
gress to meet their demands for cash payment of the soldiers bonus are shown here gathered around an
army kitchen in the capital while a bugler announces that food is ready.

House to Take Up Compronise!
Bill Today; Quick Action
Is Predicted.
WASHINGTON, June 3.-(P,-
Bulging with new taxes sufficient
to meet the Government's 1933
budget demancs, the billion dollar
revenue bill today sped along the
final lap of its course on Capitol
The compromise measure provid-
ing $1,119,000,000 was laid before
the House and will be taken up to-
morrow morning. The Senate will
consider it as soon as the House
has acted and predictions were
confidently made tonight that the
legislation would be in the hands
of President Hoover early next
Congressional leaders said the
revenue bill would wipe out the
Treasury's deficit with the aid of
$250,000,000 in econnomies and eyes
turned intently then on the pend-
ing Senate contest over the $238,-
000,000 National economy bill.
Debate Salary Cuts.
Another day was spent by the
Senate in debate on the major dis-
pute-whether to make a one-year
10 per cent cut in Government sal-
aries. This provision, calling for
a saving of $121,000,000, is the heart
of the economy measure. Various
substitutes were offered and argued
Rep. Crisp, of Georgia, acting
chairman of the House Ways and
Means Committee, laid the revenue
measure agreed upon last night by
the Senate and House conferees
before the House with a brief ex-
olanation and announced he would
ask action tomorrow. House ap-
proval tomorrow was predicted.
Forced to reach out for every
available source of revenue, the
Congressional conferees put into
the legislation most of the increas-
ed rates voted by the Senate in-
cluding the high income tax sched-
New Tariff Retained.
The bill also retained the four
tariff items which caused so much
dispute before in the Senate-levies
on oil, coal, copper and lumber.
A compromise was reached on
the corporation tax with a figure of
13 3-4 per cent for single corpora
tion returns and 14 1-2 per cent for
consolidated returns.
Thevboost in second class postal
rates voted by the Senate was kept
in the bill together with the three
cents rate on first class mail.
All of these rates and the special
excise taxes are to be effective only
until July 1, 1934.
The language of the Senate
schedule on the communications
taxes was returned with exemp-
tions for radios and newspapers.
This calls for telephone taxes on 10
cents on messages of 50 cents to
one dollar; 15 cents one one dollar
to two dollars; and 20 cents on calls
of more than two dollars; five per
cent on telegraph messages; and
10 cents on cable and radio mes-
Massie Receives Order
to Report for Duty
WASHINGTON, June 3.-(/P)-
T.iet ThomasH . Massie involved

Counterfeit Plates
Fewer This Year
LANSING, June 3.-Counterfeit-
ing of automobile license plates in
Michigan is now about one-third as!
prevalent as in 1931, it is estimated
by department of state investigat-
Only about 20 reports that 1932
plates had been counterfeited have
ben received since the first of the
year, according to Orville E. At-
wood, chief, of the motor vehicle
division of the department. For the
same period in 1931 he received
over 60 reports.
One reason for the decrease, it is
said, is that the 1932 plates carry
the word "MICHIGAN" above the
numerals for the first time in four
years, and only those who have
saved plates of ancient vintage can
make counterfeits that will pass
even a cursory scrutiny.
To escape detection, counterfeit
plates must be covered with mud,
and law enforcement officers are
giving special attention to all of
the license plates that are unduly
Talks by Economics Experts to
Feature Four-Day Session
of Michigan Institute.
"Stabilization of Employment"
will be the subject for discussion at
the University of Michigan Insti-
tute of Labor, which will open here
Monday evening, June 20, and con-
tinue through June 21, 22, and 23,
it was announced yesterday by Dr.
.W. D. Henderson, director of the
University extension division.
Representatives from about 50
labor organizations have been in-
vited to attend the meetings of the
institute, which will be held at the
Union, Dr. Henderson said. The in-
stitute is being sponsored by the ex-
tension division and the economics
department, working in co-opera-
ton with the Michigan Federation
of Labor.
"The purpose of these, meetings,"
the program explains, "is to enable
a selected group of persons in the
Field of labor, as well as some en-
gaged in the field of education, to
get together and exchange infor-
mation and ideas on this vital is-
The first session will be a ban-
quet on Monday, June 20, at the
Union, at which President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven will deliver the
opening talk.
The program includes talks by
several professors from the Ec-
onomics department, an address-by
Mr. Wesley Maurer, of the journal-
ism department, talks by visiting
labor leaders, and an address by
Prof. William Haber, of the econom-
ics department of Michigan State
Festival Play Breaks
Attendance Records
"There's Always Juliet" broke the
attendance and financial record for
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre for
the week that it was running there
according to Robert Henderson,
director of the 1932 Dramatic Fes-
I i

Red Cross Sends Relief to 3,000
Homeless Citizens; National
Guard Called Out.
-At least five lives were claimed
and about 700 homes washed away
by a swirling flood that struck the
sleeping city with little warning
early today as the result of a deluge
of six to 10 inches, of rain.
About a score of persons were
reported missing, Out it was be-
lieved most of them would turn up
T h r e e thousand dwellers in
South Oklahoma City lost humble
homes, many of t4em in ;com-
mnunity tent city. A quiekl rm--
ed relief organization went to work,
sheltering refugees at central con-
centration points and providing
food and medical attention, while
the Red Cross appeal for $50,000
from more fortunate citizens.
The bodies of Mrs. Norah Harris,
50 years old; an unidentified wo-
man, and a sister and brother,
Christine Morgan, 15, and Buster
Morgan, 5, were found as the
waters of the Canadian River and
treacherous Lightning Creek re-
ceded from Capitol Hill, southern
Authorities said a horseman was
the fifth casualty. He was drowned
while trying to ford high waters
near the Taylor School for Boys,
where 65 marooned, hungry young-
sters were rescued this afternoon.
Heroism was at its best in the
rescue of whole families from
housetops and t r e e s. National
Guardsmen went into action early
with civil officers. Fourteen per-
sons, suffering from exposure, were
taken to hospitals.
The water poured into the down-
town section, flooding many base-
ments, including that of the Huck-
ins Hotel, where furniture in the
fashionable Dungeon Dining Room
floated about.,

Terry Named to Succeed Veteran
After Thirty Years of
Has Led Team to Ten Pcnants
and.Three World Titles;
Praises Fans' Support.
NEW YORK, June 3.-(P)-John
McGraw t o d a y announced his
resignation as manager of the New
York Giants after 30 years of lead-
ership, because of ill health. He
will be succeeded by Bill Terry, the
club's first baseman. McGraw will
remain as vice president and stock-
The 59-year-old pilot of the
Giants has been in ill health for
some time, frequently being unable
to actively manage the team. This,
plus the slump which has kept the
Giants around last place, influenced
McGraw to relinquish control.
Under McGraw's management
the Giants won 10 National League
pennants, four of them in a row,
1921-1924, .nd three World series.
McGraw issued the following
Terry Gets Good Team. .
"For over two years, dlue to ill
health, I have been contemplating
the necessity of turning over the
management of the Giants to some
one else. My doctor advises me, be-
cause of my sinus condition, that it
would be inadvisablehto attempt
any road trip with the club this
season. So I suggested to Mr. Stone-
ham that another manager be ap-
pointed inasmuch as it is impossible
for me to manage the club unless
I accompany it, to which Mr.
Stoneham agreed.
"It was my desire that a man be
appointed who was thoroughly
familiar with my methods and who
had learned his baseball under me.
We therefore agreed on Bill Terry,
who, I think, has every qualification
to make a successful manager.
"While my illness may be but
temporary, I want it fully under-
stood that Terry will have full and
complete charge and control of the
team and will have to assume en-
tire responsibility therefor.
"I do not intend to retire from
baseball, but will continue with the
Giants, not only retaining my same
stock holdings, but also as vice
president and as general adviser
and counsellor in business as well
as baseball matters.
"I am turning over a good team
to Terry, who, I believe, will capably
handle it. If, at any time, he wants
my help he has only to call for it.
I shall be on hand at all times when
needed, my health permitting.
"During my 30 years with the
Giants the fans have been extreme-
ly loyal to me, for which they have
my heartfelt thanks and I hope
they will give to Terry the same
loyalty and support."
Selection Is Surprise.
The selection of Terry to manage
the Giants created as much surprise
as McGraw's retirement from the
bench. The slugging first sacker
has been an annual holdout and
last spring engaged in a sharp
verbal exchange with Charles A.
Stoneham, president of the Giants.

Frances Dade.

Miss Dade to Have Prominent
Role in The Vinegar Tree'
on Dramatic Program.
Wampas Baby stars are much like
everyone else except better looking,
if lovely Frances Dade, who arrived
here recently to take part in the
1932 Dramatic festival, is a good
The Wampas Baby Stars are 13
of the most promising young mov-
ing picture actresses picked an-
nually by the Wampas association
of Hollywood publicity men. Miss
Dade was chosen for 'this year.
In "The Vinegar Tree" by Paul
Osborne, opening soon on the Dra-
matic season program, Miss Dade
is to play the part of a young girl
just back from her first year at
college who is still a virgin and
very much ashamed of it. "It's lots
of fun," she said, "and a very sym-
pathetic part. She's so naive and
self-conscious when there are older
people around And at the same time
so self-confident.
Four years ago Miss Dade played
in Ann Arbor with the Rockford
players when they were brought
Miss Dade's first appearance
here this season will be Mon-
day, June 13, in "The Vinegar




Sidesteps Veto of New
MeaT.re; Election
Mandatory. r
Government Delegates
Confer in Paris to
Select Cabinet.

League to Give Musical
Tonight and Monday
Whitney Theatre.

"Lucky Breaks," a musical revue,
is to be given Monday night as well
as this afternoon and tonight at
the Whitney theatre by the Ann
Arbor Players' League, a local group
of amateur theatrical enthusiasts,
it was announced yesterday by the
general committee.Due to a large
ticket sale, the extra performance
Monday night was decided upon.
The revue consists of various
song and dance numbers, and short
skits. Victor Lane will act as mas-
ter of ceremonies. He will be sup-
ported by a large Ann Arbor cast,
including Mr. and Mrs. Loree, Mrs.
Homer Heath, and a dancing chor-
us of Ann Arbor's sub-deb set.
Tommy Roberts and Barbara Heath
will be featured together in a nov-
elty dance number.
The cast is under the manage-
ment of Roy Hoyer, while E. Mor-
timer Shuter, former directorof the
Mimes theatre, and Joe Donahue
of the University of Wisconsin, will
direct the production and music.
100 Children in Camp,
Aim of TagSale Today
A tag day will be held in Ann
Arbor today in the attempt to raise
sufficient money to send a hundred
underprivileged children to camps
this summer. Mrs. Maude Cush-
man Thompson is in charge of the
50 workers who will sell tags..
If the sale is successful 40 girls
and 6A hn vsril1 h sleted hv the

'Father' Iden Ends Active Career
at Last Meeting of Upper Room

here by Robert Henderson. That
was the first time that she was
starred and she was appropriately
She tells an interesting story of
how she happened to get into the
movies. "I had been in a play in
Birmingham, Alabama," she said,
"that broke up just before Christ-
mas. I got home two days before
Christmas, and before I had been
home two hours the New York cast-
ing agent for United Artists called
me up and said that he wanted to
take a screen test of me. He had
been taking tests in New York for
some time and was just getting
ready to return to Hollywood. He
took the test and told me that I
wouldn't hear anything more about
it for ten days."
"I went to Philadelphia for the
vacation not expecting to hear any
more about it and right in the
middle of a big party one night
mother called up from New York
and said that I was to call Holly-
wood long distance collect. I did
with the whole party around and
they said that they wanted me to
come out. Of course I did, and they
gave nie a part in 'Raffles' with
Ronald Coleman."
Played in Other Pictures.
Other pictures that she has been
in include "He Knew Women," with
Lowell Sherman, "Grumpy" with
Cyril Maude, "Dracula," "Mother's
Millions," with May Robson, "Range
Law," "Daughter of the Dragon,"
and also "Pleasure," with Conway
"'Range Law'," Miss Dade said,
"was a real western thriller pro-
duced by an independent company
with Ken Maynard. I was supposed
to be an old fashioned girl with
long hair and at that time my hair
was bobbed. I got the permission
of the head of the company to go
ahead anyhow, because the com-
pany coludn't afford a hairdresser,
and I couldn't fix a switch myself
so that it would look right. Every-
thing was alright for three days
and then Ken Maynard noticed the
short hair.
"He immediately blew up and
declaring that he wouldn't continue
unless I had long hair, he walked
off the set. We sent to town for a

BERLIN, June 3.-(P)-Presi-
dent von Hindenburg became vir-
tual dictator of Germany today,
with the apparent approval of
Adolf Hitler.
The formal action, which put
the veteran commander of the
Kaiser's Imperial Armies in the
saddle, was a decree he personally
issued dissolving the Reichstag--
a move which sidestepped certain
veto of the new "titled" cabinet
of Franz von Papen.
The dissolution, however, means
that a general election will be
mandatory within 60 days. It was
indicated that the date would be
set by emergency decree for some-
time late in July.
Such an election would give Hit-
ler his chance to mnake good the
claimsthat Fascists could control
the Reichstag if a general election
were held.
Bitter Campaign Ahead.
It is certain that when elections
come, Germany will face one of
the most bitter campaigns of her
short republican history. It will
mean life or death for many small
parties, and test the Nazi-Commu-
nist counter claims.
Meanwhile, the cabinet, which
will never reach the present
Reichstag, continued its functions
with the tacit consent and approval
of the Nazis, who have no member
on it.
. Hitler told -a political crowd last
night he was ready to offer a coal-
tion with the powers behind the
present cabinet on certain condi-
"The Nazis are ready for a coali-
tion," he said, "if there is a pros-
pect that it would work upon Na-
tional Socialist principles; but we
would not be willing to continue
the system of class politics and
He pleaded for a new power
through Germany's internal unity.
"Unity of Germans is an empty
phrase," he declared, "uness the
opinions of National Socialism and
nationalism are combined."
Gen. von Schleicher, strong man
of the new cabinet and minister
of defense, hinted today that the
recent ban of the Bruening Gov-
ernment against the Hitler storm
troops would soon be lifted.
A ;litler lieutenant made a sim-
ilar announcement to a political
throng last 'Bight, indicating that
Schleicher, Hindenburg and Hitler
were seeing eye to eye in the pres-
ent uinergency.
It was re1orted that representa-
tives of t von Papen Government
were in i. is to confer with Edou-
ard Herriot, whom Albert Lebrun
today formally asked to select a
Colleges and Universities to Be
Visited and New Trends
A survey of the teaching of Eng-
lish in American colleges and uni-
versities will be conducted this
summer under the direction of
Prof. 0. J. Campbell of the English
department. The survey is spon-
sored by the National Council of
Teachers of English, of which Pro-
fessor Campbell is vice-president,
in connection with the Modern
Languages Association of America.
Professor Campbell plans to visit
several American colleges and uni-
versities this summer to collect ma-
terial for the survey.
"The purpose of the investiga-
tion," Professor Campbell said, "is
to observe how new trends in edu-
cation are reflected in the teach-

ing of English, and to determine its
definite aims and objectives."

I lBy Robert S. Ward
The active career of one of the
University's most familiar figures
was terminated with the last meet-
ing of the Upper Room Bible Class
at Lane Hall last night.
The man who created the organ-
ization and brought it to this
campus is Thomas Medary Iden.
The significance of this man and
his work to the student body is
affixed to him-"Father" Iden.
Mr. Iden attended Butler College,
Indianapolis, and took graduate
work at Chicago, Harvard, and
Berlin. He later taught in and be-
came the head of the chemistry
department at the Kansas State
Teacher's College at Emporia.
Founded Upper Room at Butler.
He founded the present Upper
?Room organization at Butler Col-
I lege in 1887, since he says that at
that time he had worked with col-
lege men for several years and
realized the necessity for knowledge
of the bible and to discuss life
I nroblems in an intimate manner.

Thomas M. Iden.

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