ESTABLISHED 1890 'I g AIit _, -- - OL. XLII, No. 178. SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1932 HO1VER'S PROGRM FOR REILIF LOANS1 P UT BEFOREHOUS Plan Would Provide Direct Aid to States, Increase Fund for Finance Body.l $1,800,000,000 IS ASKED Senate Debates 10 Per Cent Cut in All Government Salaries;1 Passes Farm Aid Bill.j WASHINGTON, June 2.-(/P)-An administration program for reliev-4 ing the distress of unemployment was presented to Congress today while the Senate debated whether, to cut government salaries 10 per cent for economy's sake. Representative Hawley introduc- ed two bills with the administra- tors' approval calling for a $300,- 000,000 fund for relief loans to states and $1,500,000,000 additional borrowing power for the Recon- struction Finance Corporation to make other loans which would in- crease employment. Their int-roduction came at the same time as secretaries Mills and Hurley were testifying before Sen- ate and House committees that Democratic proposals for public construction programs financed by bond issues were unsound and would give only a negligible in- crease in jobs. Budget Bill in Conference. The billion-dollar budget-balanc- ing revenue bill, meanwhile, was in conference between the Senate and House with indications that the new tax rates added at the last minute by the Senate would remain intact. The increase in individual income tax rates voted by the Sen- ate, however, provided food for thought and a slight modification in the lower brackets was predict- ed. While the House considered min- or legislation, the Senate passed and sent to the House a bill provid- ing that loans may be made by the Reconstruction Corporation to far- m ers f.oplanting-crops which are not actually produced before the end of 1932. Mills Goes Before Senate.' Mills went before the Senate Blanking Committee to give his views on the relief program spon- sored by Senator Robinson. Of the $500,000,000 proposed for public works, he said $265,000,000 would give work to only 53,943 men. He approved in principle of the Democratic plan to lend to the States to aid the jobless, b u t thought that such advances should be only upon proof of their neces- sity. Hurley, before the House Ways and Means Committee, d.iscussed the Rivers and Harbors projects in- cluded in the Garner plan, which President Hoover has denounced as a huge "pork barrel.'' POETY,DORAMAIC C- ONTESTS PLANNED BRIDGE'S 'FOUR HORSEMEN' SPLIT; CAN'T DECIDE WHO WAS.DISCHARGED TAMMANY TO*BACK CA'TDEID-HOWA- Iflfl 11111 urn im. NEW YORK, June 2.-(/P)-"The gave his explanation: Four Horsemen," contract bridgel "I was away from New York on stars, were disrupted today, but a lecture tour during April and wtherthrehsemend irdyonewhen I returned I discovered that whether three horsemen fired one my teammates had become rather or one dropped three was a mat- jealous of my being better known ter of dispute. than they. A series of discussions Over their signatures, P. Hal followed that culminated in my Sims, Willard S. Karn and David withdrawal from playing with the other three." Burnstine announced: Jacoby, who was the first part- "Oswald Jacoby was d r o p p e d ner of Sidney S. Lenz in last win- from our team because he attempts ter's great test of contract bidding ed to use his position for the pur- systems with Ely Culbertson, will be post of promoting his own ends to replaced on the Horsemen's team our detriment. An actual move on by Howard Schenken, who was one his part to disrupt our team made of Culbertson's five partners. further association with him both Jacoby resigned fromh the big undesirable and impossible, despite match after a dispute with Lenz the fact that when faced with a over his own psychic bids and what definite alternative he agreed to he thought were misplays by Lenz. drop his objectionable activities." Culbertson immediately p r a i s e d At Dallas, where he is on a Jacoby as a player and for a time honey-moon with the former Mary considered taking him as a partner Zita Mc Hale, tennis star, Jacoby against Lenz. MRYUM YVLNU IN CITY GRAFT INQUIRY1 Harding Oil Scandal HEADS COMMITTE EAUMNI PDESENI Principals Released WASHINGTON, June 2.-(/P)- f Criminal charges against Albert, B. Fall, Harry F. Sin lair, Edward E D RUS INS L. Doheny and Edward L. Doheny, Jr., were dismissed today by Justice: fi AM TfITUII'I i --- - - - - - - - 1 ARMY OF1VETERANS. ON WAY TO CAPITAL Bonus Seekers Create Problem for Washington Charities; Red' Rumor Probed. 'i (Byt Ie Associated Press) While Washington city officials racked their brains for means of caring for war veterans already there demanding payment of the bonus, thousands more were re- ported en route yesterday from' many sections of the country. Government agencies are investi- gating reports that the marches on the capital were inspired by com- munist organizations., Some 600 already are billeted in vacant buildings in Washington and 900 more are believed "float- ing" through local charity houses. Press and private reports to the officials indicate this number may be augmented by several thousand veterans already on the march. Between 300 and 500 left Camden,; N.J., yesterday, and 200 more were near Wilmington, Del., on foot. About 400 more were reported on a freight train en route from Pitts- burgh. From Jamestown, N.D., came the word that a Pacific coast conting- ent of 125 men and one woman left there, eastward bound. A delegation of 800, including units from Detroit, was assured transportation from Cleveland when New York Central railroad officials decided there was no way to prevent them from the boarding of a freight train. Five Southern groups were mov- ing along the Atlantic seaboard and Dallas, Tex., reported veterans gathering there from all over the state for a big march. Other points also were watching the groups form as the word spread. Meanwhile, Pelham D. Glassford, superintendent of the Washington police, was receiving co-operation from state governors whom he had asked not to help transport the veterans there, where no provision was made for them. Governor Murray of Oklahoma declined to make arrangements to convey a group of Texas veterans across his state, but warned that other "hungry folk" would be marching toward the Capital by fall. Last Day to Obtain Senior Invitations Senior announcements will be given out today for the last time in Room 4 University hall. Those who fail to call for theirs before 3 p.m., will not be able to obtain them until after final examina- tions. The number of announce- ments on sale is limited. SOCIOLO1GISTS P ICK TWO PRIZE THESELS Mary Hickman Takes Eita Krom Award; Faith Ralph Wins Chi Omega Contest. The winners of the annual Eita Krom and Chi Omega SociologyI prize contest were announced yes-. terday. Mary B. Hickman, '33, was awarded $50 in the Eita Krom Award for her paper on her home community, Mt. Vernon, Missouri. This prize was founded about en years ago by the parents of Eita Krom, a student in sociology, who died while she was attending the University. It is open to anyone in the literary college who is taking Sociology 51. The Chi Omega prize of $25 was won by Faith L. Ralph, '33, for her paper on, "Myself Emerging." This prize is awarded to the woman submitting the best thesis of the year, enrolled in Sociology 51. The judges were Prof. Arthur E. Wood, Prof. Lowell J. Carr, and the Sociology 51 staff. NEoW R EICH REGIME, LETS POLICt STNOD Von Papen, in Oath, Upholds Existing Foreign Attitude; May Dissolve Diet. Gotham Head Did No Wrong, Assert His Cohorts; Plan No Repudiation. COUNSEL DELAYS ACTION Roosevelt Has Not Asked for Transcript of Testimony, Seabury Announces. I NEW YORK, June 2.-(/)-Tam- many Hall, while waiting Samuel Seabury's next move against Mayor Walker, is standing loyally behind its chief city office-holder. No repudiation of Walker is plan- ned, Tammany leaders let it be known today. Since the mayor's two-day ap- pearance before the Hofstadter leg- islative committee, of which Sea- bury is counsel, the organization's spokesmen have maintained em- phatically that no wrong-doing on Walker's part had been uncovered. Seabury Leaves City. As Seabury left for Pennsylvania to deliver an address he said Gov- ernor Roosevelt had not requested a transcript of the testimony refer- ring to the mayor. At the Inquiry Board's heidquar- ters it was said the committee counsel planned to take no immed- iate action in the Walker case. This was regarded in some quar- ters as "Seabury strategy," so that at some future date he might pre- face charges against Walker with the statement that as no request for the transcript had been made by Roosevelt, he felt it incumbent upon him to take the initiative as a private citizen. Governor Remains Neutral. On the other hand, the Gover- nor's attitude through out the 14- month investigation has been that his position in the situation is that of a magistrate, who may be called upon to pass judgment on -charges brought against officiaIs, and"whose neutrality must be strictly preserv- ed. Tammany has contended from the outset of the investigation that Seabury has questioned witnesses along improper lines and that the chairman of the committee has ruled illegally on many of the ob- jections raised by Democratic min- ority members of the committee. RUSSO-JAP WAR THREAT DENIED Ncw Premicr Says Toko May Withdraw From League. TOKYO, June 2.-(/P)--There is absolutely no danger of war be- tween Japan and Soviet Russia Viscount Makoto Saito declared to- day in one of his first statements on foreign policy since he assumed the premiership last week. The viscount accused "a consid- erable and influential section o American and European opinion' of being too hasty in criticizing Japan's course in Manchuria an Shanghai, and hinted that possibil- ities might impel the Tokyo gov- ernment to withdraw from the League of Nations. On the subject of Russian rela- tions, the premier declared thai "theattitude of. the Soviet govern I ment respecting affairs in Man- churia has been perfectly correct and we only wish that the Sovie government might see a way to re- pose such a further measure o: confidence in Japan's sincerity a would enable the Soviet union t discontinue all concentration o troops in the Far East." James M. Proctor in the District of Columbia Supreme Court.' This action, by request of Atlee Pomerene, Government prosecutor, wiped the docket clean of charges growing out of the celebrated oil trials following the Harding ad- ministration. Three indictments were quashed -two against Fall and Sinclair and the other against the Dohenys and Fall-all charging conspiracy. IFAMOUS OLTROITER Well-Known Automobile Pioneer Taken Ill While Motoring to Visit Friends.. DETROIT, June 2. - (P) -- Hugh Chalmers, the pioneer automobile manufacturer and an important figure in Detroit financial circles for a quarter of a century, died to- day in Beacon, N.Y. The 58-year-old industrial leader became suddenly ill several days ago while he was motoring with Mrs. Chalmers en route to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gibbs at Bronxville, N.Y., and was taken to a hospital. A heart weakness developed today and he died this afternoon. Until he retired about 10 years ago, Mr. Chalmers was a prominent figure in the automobile industry. He was president at one time of the Chalmers-Detroit Motor com- pany, and his name was for years one of those identified with a make of automobile. He was born in Dayton, O., Oct. 3, 1873, and was reared in that city. He was connected for a number of years with the National Cash Regis- ter company, rising from office boy to the office of general manager and vice-president. He came to De- troit in 1907. In adition to the firm ,using his name he was interested at various times in other automo- bile and industrial concerns. GREEN CRITICIZES5 BUSINESS EXPERTS Associated Prsa LiPoto To James R. Garfield (above) of Ohio, President Hoover has entrust- ed the task of compiling the plat- form upon which he and the repub- lican party will wage this year's campaign. He is chairman of con- vention resolutions committee. VISIONS SOCIALISM /1 SLRUMPREIMEDY New Jersey Labor Leader Tells Liberals Shift Can Be Made Without Bloodshed. Declaring that socialism can and should be established in the United States without bloodshed and that chaos instead of socialism would be the result of a revolution, Henry Jaeger, prominent labor leader in New Jersey and a"member of the Socialist party for 38 years, spoke before a meeting of the Liberal Student's union last night in the Natural Science auditorium. Mr. Jaeger stated that the Amer- ican worker received only 12 and one-half per cent of work produced., as compared with 60 to 70 per cent in the early part of the 19th cen- tury and 17 per cent in 1910. The result of the capitalist system in the United States will be a dictator- ship of big business men, which will degenerate into an oligarchy. unless socialism is adopted, he said Specific acts of socialism, should they gain power, were mentioned by Mr. Jaeger. Approximately 3,000,000 children between the ages of eighi and eighteen would be sent to school at the expense of the gov- ernment and in this way create jobs for about 2,000,000 unemployed men. Government operation of the mines and railroads with a six hour day and a five day week would be other methods of relieving the pre- sent depression, acording to Jaeger. Depressions every four or five years and widespread unemploy- ment due to lack of new foreign markets was predicted by the speaker. The cause of the depres- sion is an oversupply of manufac- tured goods that can not be sold because the foreign markets are also filled to capacity, said Jaeger. He also stated that in previous de- pressions the surplus was always dumped on undeveloped foreign markets, but now that there are no undeveloped foreign markets, thc depression will probably last for at least ten more years. Frederick R. Wheeler Killed in Auto Crash Frederick Roy Wheeler, '34, was killed near his home in Victor, New York, Monday when the motorcycle upon which he was riding crashed with an auto, it was learned yes- terday. Wheeler, who was 21, died almost instantaneously from the force of the impact. A new plan of deferred rushing, designed to go into effect next fall, was presented to President Alexander Grant Ruthven yester- day by the Policy committee of a group of alumni who have met, several times during the last month to consider the fraternity situation. Although the exact nature of the plan has not as yet been re- vealed, it is understood that' it does iot direr greatly from the mushing systin that was adopted 'unanimo;: 1:,by all of the general fraternities at the last meeting of the Interfraternity Council. The rulings accepted at that time provided for the deferring of rush- ing during Orientation week. only and the deferring of pledging dur- ing the first two weeks of school. Plans Go to Senate Committee. President Ruthven said last night that he would turn the newly pro- posed plan over to the Senate Con- rnittee on Student Affairs immedi- ately. The committee will study the plan and then make a report to the alumni group. If the Senate committee decides to pass the plan it will be the ac- :epted regulations for rushing next year, acording to a provision in the constitution of the Interfra- Lernity council. "It is entirely up .o the Senate Committee on Stu- lent Affairs to deal with the ques- ion," President Ruthven said. Judiciary to Act on Plan. . The endorsement of either plan oy the Judiciary Committee of the "nterfraternity Council has not as yet been made as the body has been unable to arrange a time, when all members could be present, to meet. Edwin Turner, '33, Council presi- lent, said last night that he would ;:all a meeting of this group for aext Tuesday night. According to N. S. Potter, presi- lent of the alumni body, the Policy ,ommittee has made every effort "o get the plan into the hands of .he University officials before the ;lose of the school term, so that ,hen it is accepted, it can go into -ffect next fall. "The members of the alumni 'rganization are whole-heartedly )ehind the plan," he said, "but 'here is nothing that we can do until we receive a report from the senate committee." La Head of Labor They Did Federation Says Not Plan lister Tells Projects Interpretive Arts Group for Coming Year. of Definite assurance of a poetry reading contest for the first sem- ester of next year, with a possibil- ity of a dramatic or Shakespearean competition for the second semes- ter, wasmade at a meeting of the Interpretive Arts society on Wed-- nesday by the newly elected direc- tor, Prof. Richard D. T. Hollister, of the Speech department. The second semester event will be an addition tomthepresent pro- gram of the group, which has spon- cored a public recital and the poetry reading contest this year. Both competitions will be open to novice members of the society and will be presented at a recital open to the public. Five new members were elected to the executive board, which con-+ trols the society at this last meet- ing of the year. Besides Professor Hollister they include, Marion F. Stowe, department of speech, Mich- igan State Normal college, assistant director; Evelyn Walford, '32, sec- retary-treasurer; Mrs. Frances Pet- tibone, Ann Arbor, and Nancy H. Reed, '32. Students who are not as yet members of the society but are interested in preparing material during the summer are invited to ennul,11w~i th Professor Holl1ister.- Engincering Graduate Wins Trip to Poland A comprehensive tour of Poland with all expenses paid has been awarded Kasimir Karpinski, Grad., of Detroit, by the Polish National alliance, it was announced yester- day. Karpinski, who was graduated from the engineering college in 1931, is one of two students in the country who have been awarded one of these free.- tours. Collegiate Sports Exempt From New Tax on Admisisons WASHINGTON, June 2. - (/P) - Collegiate sporting events and the Olympic games are exempt from the new admissions taxes in the revenue bill as it stands approved by the senate. The senate struck from the meas- ure house provisions removing ex- emptions for admission to college sporting events and the difference must be threshed out in conference. Both house and senate measures levy a 10 per cent tax on a wide variety of sporting goods including tennis rackets and nets, skates BERLIN, June 2.-1P')-Chancel- lor Franz von Papen, whose new ministry is more closely linked to the old imperial regime than any cabinet since the war, announced tonight there would be no change in Germany's foreign policy. He made this important declaration after he and his ministers had taken the oath before President Paul von Hindenburg and had held their first meeting. The cabinet meeting was called to draft a declaration of policy to be read before the Reichstag, prob- ably next Tuesday. It was semi- officially announced that as soon as the declaration had been read the Reichstag would be dissolved, thus thwarting a vote of non-con- fidence. The new chancellor's statement that the foreign policy would b( unchanged-a significant assertior in view of the important repara- tions conference to be held at Lau- sanne on June 16-mentioned th( safeguarding of national interests, and efforts by international co-op- eration to bring about a return of prosperity. The chancellor conferred with Dr. Hans Luther, president of the Reichbank. They agreed that. no measures would be undertaken by the new government that might en- danger Germany's exchange - an agreement tantamount to a pledge to adhere to the gold standard. The cabinet list was completed today with the acceptance of Baron Konstantin von Neurath of the for- for Expansion. MANHATTAN, Kan., June 2.-() -The failure of business experts to plan for expansion of buying power and enlargement of the home mar- ket was blamed today in an ad- dress by William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, for the present economic situation. The labor leader told the grad- uating class of the Kansas State College that a false policy of dis- placing workers with machinery was followed and that the challenge to education's forces is to right that wrong. Wider diffusion of created wealth and reductions in the working week and day were advanced by Green as pressing needs. He expressed confidence that de- spite the economic unrest America will prove poor seeding ground for 'the Communistichor Fascist politi- cal philosophy which has taken a deep hold upon certain nations in Europe." Green emphasized that "our ma- terialistic attitude' must be aban- doned in favor of becoming social- minded "to combat those forces of evil which have wrought destruc- tion of human and material val- ues." \ttempt for to Land War Materials Irish Republicans Is Thwarted. - I .in Qi To Survey U. S.-Argentine Trade , ... * An extensive study of the condi- tions of American business inter- ests in the temperate South Ameri- can countries will be made next year by Prof. Dudley M. Phelps of the School of Business Administra- tion, it was learned yesterday. A research fellowship awarded to Professor Phelps by the Social Sci- ence Research council last March will make the trip possible. Professor Phelps will leave for Argentina next July 1 and will re- turn to Ann Arbor in September, 1933. Most of his time, asserts Pro- *, * * American branch factories, and the comparison of the methods of the French, German, and British con- cerns with those of the United States in the development of these markets, Professor Phelps said yes- terday. The extent of the govern- ment control over foreign subsi- diaries will be ascertained. South American governments are not overly favorable towards Amer- ican interests, because of the fact that the United States buys very little of the food products and raw materials w h i c h comprise the to import manufactured articles.' Because of the depression, the prices have dropped considerably, and though the quantity of their exports is holding up, the dollar value has decreased greatly. "As a result, the American export trade is suffering. This is felt es- pecially by the manufacturers of automobiles and other highly tech- nical products, which constitute the larger share of United States im-. ports into temperate South Ameri- can countries." Since the war the American ex- LONDON, June 2.-(P)-A Rus- yIan attempt to land arms in south- rn Ireland for the Irish Republi- *an army, the Daily Express said ;oday, was thwarted by the British iavy over the past week-end. The arms, the paper said, were ntended to be used by the Repub- ican forces, who were placed un- 1 e he ban of the government dur- ng previous regime of Presi- :lent Cosgrave of the Free State, in h e event of a conflict between the Tree State and Ulster. Tb 'ramp steamers carrying the arms.:,, werr "'arned by radio of the activity of British warships which se, t to head them off at Irish por,- ;nd they returned to the foreign ports where they were chartered without being able to land the fighting equipment. The Irish. Republican army took on a new lease of life after the election of President Eamon de Valera as president of the Free State. Increase Is Noticeable in Automobile Sales