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June 01, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-06-01

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77DNTSDA 3JUNE 1, 1932

I I . - - - - . . i I I p I . - I I I I I - - - ---- - --

Published every morning except Monday during the University
year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news published hehein.
Entered at the Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
rostimister General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
ATichigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
CITY ErDTOR.............................KARl SETFFERT
Sports Edr(itor.................................. John W. Thomas
Wom -n's-- --itor-.---....................... .M argaret O 'Brien
Assistant Woens ditor........... ......Esie F'eldman
Telegraph Edito. ............................ George A. Stauter

freedom will only be achieved when college editors
are guaranteed the right to print what they believe.
As long as thy are compelled to kow-tow to admin-
istrative officials who have an axe to grind, neither
honesty nor freedom can be expected. Student edi-
tors write for the student body, and the power of
censure and recall must be placed in their power, andj
only their power.


Established 1869


Corrupt Health Service.
Humanizing the President.
Feminine Burglar Alarm.
By Barton Kane







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John W. Pritchaird
Brackley Shaw
Fred A. IHuber

stanley W. Arnlheim
Edlwad Anlrews
Ilyman J. ArounsEam
A.sEllis .all
C rleM s llarndt
J amies anchat
Donald P. 1Bird
Donald . aiiker t
W illard 1;.I t1:1lser
Charlus lB. elrownson
C. ( ;ariIt Butnting
Arthur XW. (Carstens
Jessie . Barton
EleIanojr J-B. lum
Jane Hf. Brucker
]1l iriani Carver
Mary-J. Copeman
Louise Crandall
Mary M. Duggan

Glenn R. Winters
'r iommas ConneLan
C. Hart Schaaf
Sports Assistants
Roland Martin
Theodore K. Cohen
Robert S. Densch
Donald Eder
l~ol eit I~h gel
AlbieGrt ried an
Edv;rd A. G~enz
] larold Gross
Eric Bal
Jflm ('. IHealey
"e)irtm B. I lewett
11, I iggins
Prudence Foster
AII(ce Gilbert
Ca.rol J. Ihumnan
'i'eeeR. I c'rman
lrances td anebester
Elizabeth Mann
Edithl I. Mapsles
Alarie M11etzger
Telephone 21214

Joseph W. Renilian
7.. Jerome Pettit
Albert Newman

Alexanler Fhrsclifeld
Walter I. Morrison
Ward 1. l orton
Glyerrt Ruwitelk
Alvin Schleifer
G.Edwin Sheldrick
Robert WV. Thorne
(;e,,rge Van Vleck
('.In(eion XWalker
Hobert S. Ward
W. Stodldard White


larie J. Murphy
MLargaret C. Phalan
Saral . Rucker
Marion Shepard
Bevtly Stark
Ania Wadsworth
arjorie Western
Josephine Woodlhani

CIARLES T. KLINE .......................Business Manager
NORRIS P. JOHNSON............... .....Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising...................................... Vernon Bishop
Adveriing Contracts .. ...........................arry....Begley
Advertising 'Service............................ Byron C. Vedder
Publica ions..................................William T. Brown
Accounts....................................Richard Stratemeir
Women's Business Manager.......................Ann W, Vernor

Irvil Aronson
Gilbert R. Bnrsley
Allen ('lark
Robert Finn
Arthur E. Kohn
Bernarl Sbchacke
Crafton *W. Sh:Lrp
Donald A. Johnson,
Dean Turner

Don Lyon
Bernard If. Good
Domia Becker
Maxine Fischgrund
Ann Gallmeyer
IKaiherine Jackson
I )orothy Laylin
IlVirgiiiia Xlet roinh

Caroline Mosher
lichlen Olson
II elen Schmude
May Seefried
lielen Spencer
Kathryn Spencer
Kathryn Stork
C'lare lUnger
NL ary Elizabethi



Abolition of
Class Games

SA MOST unfortunate incident occurred at the
beginning of this week--the death of one of
the participants in the freshman-sophomore games
resulting from injuries sustained in these games.
No one could be blamed for the accident. It was
just one which was bound to occur in such events.
Last year, because of severe injuries suffered
by students taking part in similar games at Michi-
gan State college, the games were abolished. And
when such activities become so dangerous here in
Ann Arbor that a death is the result, it is clearly
time to discontinue such traditions.
According to Health Service reports, students
appear for slight medical treatment after every one
of the inter-class games. Last fall one student was
severely injured by a blow on the head. This
spring, one student died from injuries. When
"sport" such as inter-class rivalry carries with it
such results, classes must turn to other means to
find an outlet for their mutual jealousy.
The fact of one casualty does not of necessity
indicate that the games are extremely dangerous,
yet such occurences must be prevented in the fu-
ture. We find ourselves compelled to ask for the
discontinuing of future interclass games as they
have been conducted during recent years.

Last week there were two official complaints re-
gistered with officials of the Health Service because
certain patients did not like the immoral literature
that was being read outloud to other patients after
hours. On investigation the two books proved to be
"Rebecca at Sunnybrook Farm" and "Is Sex Neces-
While we are on the subject, there are two more
items from the Health Service. The first is about a
certain co-ed who reported for treatment. It was
found necessary that she be put to bedebut unfor-
tunately, all of the beds for women were in use
Undaunted, the officials sent the girl to the Univer-
sity hospital. Here, in spite of protests, they placed
her in the maternity ward. The girl recovered as
rapidly as she possibly could because she was afraid
of her reputation.
The other item concerns E. Jerome Pettit, who is
confined to a back room on the second story. News-
paperman Pettit has a set of signals. which he flashes
at night by turning his bed lamp off and on. Some
girl on the seconid floor of Mosher-Jordan answers
by turning the lights in her room off and on. Inci-
dently, Ladies' Man Pettit is drinking 14 glasses of
milk a day and is gaining weight.
* * *
Louis Gascoigne, scion of the Psi Upsilon house,
is making plans for a summer selling Realsilk hosiery.
He has been attending meetings at the Union to
learn the sales talk. The Psi Upsilons are suffering.
One of the hardest jobs that I have had in writing
this column is to humanize our President, Alexander
Grant, snake curator of note and owner of the two I
black dogs that fight all morning in the Ruthven ex-
tennis court.I
Dog fancier Ruthven had breakfast at the Giefel
residence in Barton Hills. Constance Giefel, Alpha
Phi junior, made waffles for the President. Mr. Ruth-
ven patted her kindly on the back; said that he'
would like to confer a degree on her for her ability
to prepare breakfasts. William Giefel, sophomore
Phi Psi rushing chairman, sat in the corner; laughed
up his sleeve.
Doris Dalton takes her shoes off when they hurt
her even if she happens to be on the stage. The other
day, rehearsing for "The Animal Kingdom," Miss
Dalton called a halt in the procedure; removed her
shoes; went on with the show.
One of the sororities on the campus that has been
robbed several times has perfected a new and seem-
ingly infallible type of burglar insurance. It seems
that there is one girl in the house who talks almost
incessantly in her sleep. As this practice kept the
other members of the sorority house awake most of
the night, they hit upon a novel plane to kill two
girds with one stone.
They put the girl's bed on a porch in the front of
the house where she slept all by herself. The sleep
talking seems to drive the burglars away as they
think that the girls are still awake. Recently, the
house has not been robbed.
To The Editor:
Ever since The Daily commenced conducting its
column "Diagonal" by "Barton Kane" I have been
credited (or discredited if you will) with the respon-
sibility of writing the items which appear on Page 4.
Permit me at this time to disavow any relationship
whatsoever with the column which bears the same
name as the publication of which I happen to be
Diagonal magazine has nothing in common with
the column "Diagonal." The magazine attempts to
be a paladium of serious campus thought, both re-
actionary and liberal, and does' not pretend to be a
gossip medium of any sort. From all appearances,
the column which is running currently in The Daily
is merely an imitation of the style of some of the
more popular columnists combined with a childish,
inane, and ludicrous attempt at entertainment. It
is obvious that there cannot be any connection be-
tween these two literary attempts except the name.
A column such as "Diagonal" attempts to be could'
be made a worthwhile thing if the contributors to it,
who, I believe, are the reporters on the staff, would
forget that they are clever. The Daily has an admir-
able opportunity through this column and its editor-
ials to present the real thoughts and problems of
the student body and faculty members, and thus

eliminate any need for "Diagonal" magazine. But
since this column merely presents mostly dead and
commonly known incidents in campus life and very,
few which are at all interesting or entertaining in
any way. The Daily is not in the least progressing;
towards that ideal having a real organ of thought
and opinion on its fourth page.
The publishers of "Diagonal" magazine would be
honored indeed if The Daily could really make its
new column and editorials such as to make a liberal:
magazine unnecessary at Michigan and they would
feel that their whole purpose and aim accomplished.
As long, however, as The Daily tries to ape the liter-

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Is this




(Oregon Daily Emerald)
How free is a college newspaper? May it tell the
truth? May it speak its thoughts?
With picked words, and in measured tones, Nicho-
las Murray Butler, president of Columbia university,
last week provided a succinct if not satisfactory an-
swer to the above questions. Coming as an after-
math of the Reed Harris furore, his view will receive
nation-wide attention from college students and the
editors, and offer food for thought, meditation and
Dr. Butler granted the need for freedom of editor-
ial opinion, with the provision that college editors
must accept responsibility for abuse of the privilege.
But Ine sadly qualified his opening statement by de-
claring that "judicious restraint and objectivity of
opinion" are vital to the continuance of a college
Let us consiaer. If by "objectivity of opinion" the
president of Columbia university means the arrival
at a belief through a survey of factual material
rather than through personal prejudice and emotion,
we are in hearty accord with the second half of his
qualitication. But we are inclined to believe that Dr.
Butler implies a scholarly rather than humanistic
interpretation of problems when he pleads for objec-
tivity of opinion. And there we cross swords. We are
tired of the polished intellectual fencing character-
istic of so many editorials. We feel that now, as never
before, there is a need for honest and direct expres-
sion of opinion, unbridled by the superfluous niceties
of current editorial practice.

question too

for other cigarettes.

XWZTE do not criticze others. We amerely
call your attention to the fact that the
vital subject of inhaling has been generally
avoided in cigarette advertising.
Why? What's there to be afraid of? Every
body inhales!Seven out of ten smokers inhale
knowingly-the other three do so without
realizing it. From your side-you want to be
sure that the smoke you breathe in is pure
and clean-free from certain impurities.
But from the manufacturer's side-he
should be sure of giving you this protection.
And if he is sure-he need not worry about
the question: "Do you inhale?"
Lucky Strike has dared to raise this vital
question ... because certain impurities con-
cealed in even the finest, mildest tobacco
leaves are removed by Luckies' famous puri-
fying process. Luckies created that process:
Only Luckies have it!

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