I , e i - , , I v 1 1 --7oft THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1932 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JIJNB~4, 1932 Shanghai. Episode Ends as Ships. Carry off Final Remnant of Invading Army. SHANGHAI, May 31. - (RP) - The curtain descended today on the most violent chapter in Shanghai's history when three army transports sailed for Japan, carrying the last of the Japanese expeditionary force of 100,000 which fought the bloody battles begun here last Jan. 29. The only Japanese troops now remaining are a force of blue-jack- ets about; 2,500. They will carry on the regular garrison duties in the international settlement, the same, as the United States marines and' the other foreign detachments on duty here. With the sailing of the last troops today the so-called "Shanghai inci- dent" which shook the world dur- ing the late winter months ended. The way was paved for the end by the signing early this. month of a truce agreement between Chinese and Japanese, negotiated through the good offices of the representa- tives of the other world powers, including the United States. New Warning to Japan. MOSCOW, May 31.-(IP)-A new warning to Japan to keep hands off Siberia was contained today in an editorial in the newspaper Izvestia, coupled with a charge that certain Japanese elements want eastern Si- beria to facilitate preparations for war against the United States. The editorial, published in Mon- day's editions of the newspaper, said Siberia "is not a street on which imperialist robbers may walk with safety." It predicted if "Jap- anese imperialism seeks now to eptan gle its population in a new adventure" in that direction "they will break their own teeth." CLASSES NOW BEING FORMED Shorthand Stenotypy Typewriting Bookkeepingk Calculator Dictaphone Secretarial Training DAY AND EVENING SUMMER TERM STARTS JUNE 27 Hamilton Business College State and William Streets Ann Arbor, Michigan Phone 7831 FALLS TO DEATH SCHOOLS WASTE TIME CORRECTING NeYKindStasplBall 'ERRORS' IN ENGLISH, CLAIMS FRIES Two-thirds of the time and the rigid rules which make for narrow, Drastic Alterations in Rules energy most schools spend trying to stilted expression. Apparent in Contest correct errors in English is wasted "Such expressions as "It is me" on Greensward. and actually harmful to the de- and "Six and six is twelve," con- velopment of really good, live Eng- demned by those who insist that Indoor baseball rules were dras- lish, according to Prof. Charles C. grammar must fit the rules they tically changed by the Ann Arbor Fries of the English department devise, are in fact grammatical Juvenile league, self-dubbed, during and editor of the Early Modern constructions approved by long Juvenil leagyese-dbewe urinEnglish dictionary being compiled usage in speech and literature as a game yesterday between four .a-nI.rl chrOohe.A~ia n i I( : r t . ,i r Watch specials in Candies. THE BEST QUALITY FOR JUST A LITTLE LESS THE BETSY ROSS SHOP "In the Arcade" our windows for w 5waa1 J -- vva.--j --v 11 --..- tieie. boy-scouts on one side and twelve "It is wasteful b players of both sexes ranging from "errors" are perfectlyg three to eight years of age on the and harmful because othe volt against the schol oer. Ito language, or obe According to the new rules, play- ers under five can stand on the plate and take six strikes, beingTIS allowed three bases on what was formally a one-base hit. Teams ofU mixed sexes can have seven out- CLOSES fielders, and nio one can be walked Al 3P. under any conditions by a female pitcher, provided she is under seven. No umpires figure in the -- game, according to the rules. NOTICE The captain of one of the teams stated that players who cried about i ATTENTION STUDEN any decision for more than five per month $100.00.5 minutes could be automatically $100.00 and more disqualified. during summer vac hnm lnerlitv Plear. ecause most good English, students re- arly approach diently obey wey as Dyt oeDest merlcan ana British authorities on the. English language,' declared Professor Fries, writing in the Bulletin of the Uni- versity of Michigan School of Edu- cation. We Deliver Dial 5931 women: ADVERTIING A 3 Associated Press Photo Edward F. Swift, sr., chairman of the board of Swift & Co., packers,I planged to his death recently from a window of his sixth floor apart- ment in Chicago. A coroner's jury found his death to have been acei- dental. He was 64 years old. L U V' t3U it UIc . AP Pi NECS 254 Until 2G PM. HE KNEW ALL THE, TRICKS OF LAW AND WOMEN . and made }them both his ment if in good condition. ply Box A42. Ap- 696 TS - $100.00 You can earn each month ation in your rant di -nified -TODAY! -Every Day-- 25c to 2 P.M. 35c after 2 Evening 50c INTRIGUE on his mind -- and women in his arms! Trading on his fascination to gather information for his government. Then he learned the real danger of entangling alliances mnei iouainy. sx. g'CLOCi1u 5,'m I work. If sincerely interested, write giving your Ann Arbor ad-j dress and phone. An interview will be arranged at early date. Address Downey, 40 College N. East, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 701 BRAND NEW 1932 PLYMOUTHS- Just received .shipment of all cur- rent models, coaches, sedans, coupes. We will sell these at bar-) gain prices. Regular new car warranty and service policy. Associated Motor Services, 311 W. Huron. 22001..O61c WANTED WANTED-University girls over 21 years of age, dramatically inclin- ed to form branches of the Na- tional Junior Sheakespeare ClubsI in home towns during summer vacation. Salary $150.00 for 2 months. Plus additiorial profits. Cash bond $20:00 required. Write full details. References re- quired. Mich. Daily, Box. A41. 700 MALE HELP WANTED-Men stu- dents, profitable vacation work, your home community. Call in person 21 East Cross, Ypsilanti. 698 TYPING-Grad. theses a specialty. M. V. Hartsuff. 9087. 526c WANTED to buy or rent 3 or 4 room house near University by June 15 or 20. Mich. Daily, Box' A39. 691 FOR RENT APARTMENTS-Summer rates. 2 room apartment for one person with refrigerator, $25. 2 room apartment for two with refrig- erator, $30. 3 room apartment with refrigerator, $47. On cam- pus. Phone 7561. 683 FiOR RENT-Furnished apartment and extra room if desired for four adults. Private bath and shower; continuous hot water; cross ventilation; also apartment for two; everything furnished. Garage. Dial 8544. 422 Washing- ton. 648c HOUSE FOR RENT-Furnished' or unfurnished. 1324 Olivia. Avail- able June 1. 614c FOR RENT-Fraternity house 1003, E. Huron. Dial 5772 or call at 210 S. Thayer St. 684 FOR SALE DRIVE home in good Hudson Coach for $95. Driven 17,00 miles. 928 Oakland. 697 tT i rp { I I z Warner Ton Karen, with Conway MORLEY TEARLE EXTRA ADDED "Murder in the = Comedy Pdllnian" Van Dines' - Hearst News COMING SATURDAY Screens Greatest Character E. G. ROBINSON in "TWO SECONDS" I. WANTED-Graduating students to jUV J travel, select local district or- ganizers for National Junior BLACK- OIL SLICKER - Friday Sheakspeare Clubs. Salary $300.00 morning in Romance Language per month. References $35.00. building. Reward. Call Stevens Cashsbondtrequired. Give full at 8118: 695 details. Write Mich. Daily, Box A41. 699 DELTA TAU DELTA pin at Palmren WANTED-A canoe, reasonable, iShaeffer pen. Reward. Call 7117. will pay cash, also sailing equip- I 694 HELEN TWELVETREES, WILLIAM BOYD " f-f, Mihian CIP TO THE 1932 GRADUATING CLASSES We wish to extend our congratulations to all those graduating. These last few days mark the conclusion of your personal contact with the University of Michigan, and the ensuing year may find many of you in distant parts. However, there remains a direct medium for you to keep in contact with your University. This is the Michigan Daily, and in its columns you will find the latest in campus news, the sport dope, and world news. Read the truth of the football clashes, written by men with whom you formerly associated. A true Alumnus does not let his college days become a forgotten thought. Friendships and University associations are more vividly recalled by reading your school paper. Subscribe now to the MICHIGAN DAILY, before leaving this summer. A SPECIAL PRICE TO THOSE OF '32 ~3.O Mailed Anywhere