THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1932 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published hehein. Entered at the Post Oice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second classmatter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postitnaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50# Offces: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, 1%1ichliga:n. Phbones : Editorial, 4925 ; Business, 21214. - - - - EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITORI FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY E ITOR ........................... KAR, SVIFRLThvr Sports Ed itor............... .................. John W. Thomas Woen's Editor............f.a................. argaret 07,rien Assistant Women's Editor........................E.sie Feldman Telegraph Editor............................. Georgc A. Stauter John W. Pritchard Brackley Shaw Fred A. Iluber stanicy W. Arnheim Edwkvard Andrews llyman 3. Aronstan A. Ellis Ball Charles G. Barndt ames Bauchat onald 1R. Bird Donald F. Blandkertz Willard E. Blaser Charles B. Brownson C. Garritt Bunting Arthur W. Carstens jcssic L. Barton Eleanor 1. l Jane I. Brucker !1liriam Carver Beatrice Collins Mary J. Coxmluan Louise Crandall Mary M. Duggan NIGHT EDITORS Glen R. Winters Thomwlas Connellan C. hart Schaaf Sports Assistants Roland Martin REPORTERS Theodore K. Cohen Robert S. dcutsch D onald Elder Robert Engel. Albert FYriedman Edward A. Genz Harold Gross Eric Hall John C. Healey Robert P., ewett M.. B. Iiggins Pruience Foster Alice Gilbert Carol J. Jmianan Therese R. herman )Frances ailanchester 3'lizabetlh Mann Edith E. Naples Marie Mctzger BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 Joseih bW .Renihan E. Jerone IPettit Albert Newman Alexander iirschfeld Walter E. Morrison Ward D. Morton Robert Ruwitch Alvin Schicifer G. Edwin Sheldrick Iobert W. Thorne George Van Vleck Cameron Walker Robert S. Ward Guy M. Whipple, Jr. W. Stoddard White Marie J. Murphy 'argaret C. Phalan Sarah K. Rucker Marion Shepard ]everly Stark Alma Wadsworth Mlarjoric Western Josephine Woodharns ultimately empirical: that is good which gets across; and reading, even by a person theatrically trained, flIAGOC KIAL never proves conclusively what will get across. If , anyone were an infalible judge of the merits of a play on the basis of a simple reading-knowledge of Racketeering Ruth en. it, Hollywood and Broadway would endow him very Charitable Cornelius. comfortably for life. As yet, I believe, they are still: searching for such a person. Hence the reader must Steam-Tamer Rovillain. remember that I offer this critical appraisal tenta- tively, quite willing to admit that it is the most B vyBarton Kane slippery sort of impressionism on my part. ' The plays which seemed to me to possess the closest parallel betwen reach and grasp were Mr. P r e s i d e n t Ruthven the other Pogue's "Translated" and Mr. Sissman's "A Doctor to night unwittingly was party to de- Be." The first is capital rural fun, just skirting the frauding the senior ball committee. borderline of caricature. Its homely humors are in President Ruthven stayed for the the rich tradition of Lowell's "Bigelow Papers"- Grand March, saw counciman Mc- whether Mr. Pogue has read them or not-and I am micn ha nouallobx with reminded, too, of the Abbey Theatre folk-comedies. Cormick had no ballot boxes with Mr.' Pogue's spinsters and deacons are full-blooded him, went downstairs to go home rustics; not the rubber-stamped zanies of "Way Down and retire. On the way out he re- East' nor the egregious Jonesport Neighbors of Mr. ceived, as did all out-going guests,E Seth Parker. a check to enable him to return . Mr. Sissman's "A Doctor to Be" is a substantial later on should he desire to do so. genre study of a Jewish family revolving around the An alert senior spotted the check, professional ambitions of the son, whom his mother asked President Ruthven if he feels destined to become a doctor. Each member of might have it as a souvenir, got it. the family is vital, easily distinguishable from the A loyal fraternity brother was the others-no little triumph for any playwright, be- recipient, enjoyed the dance as a ginner or old hand. The pathetic note of the de- "guest of Prexy's." nouement is genuine and unforced; what one may- Valor vincit onia. call, in general, the Fannie Hurst Note, is happily absent. I do not know Mr. Sissman's milieu-but I I* * feel perfectly convinced of its truth to actuality. His Not so long ago we printed an reportorial sharpness and sympathy suggest the it a gt Kp ppa an similar virtues of Mr. Elmer Rice. "Half-a-Stick," by Mr. Rosenthal, I found more ma burglar scare. The next night< interesting than satisfactory. It falls-if I may be the Kappas retired at an earlyc pardoned another classification-between the sto hour, apparently with burglars on of Dreiserian sociology ("The Hand of the Potter," ir minds. One member, retiring etc.), and sheer- Grand-Guignol thriller. I mention ( lteard a this because in production, the very uncertainty of by, heard a piercing shriek, was , pshed downstairs. P o 1 i c e werek emphasis seemed to inhibit the audience's response called before the matter was clear- to the piece. Were we to take the lovers, with their ied u earche te hos found somehow rather casual murders, as two pitiable no burglars.u products of Zolaesque environmental forces-or were night long the Kappa grounds we being requested to forget ethics in response to the carefully watched by the Law, mere thrill of a shocking situation? I am not sure weread cars paed by the0Lmn ,t -nor, I suspect, is Mr. Rosenthal. On the other side passed by at 1Q minute of the ledger, I enter to the author's credit his Mr. intervals, flashed spotlights on Weeks, an amazingly malevolent creation-reminis- Kappa walls. - Cherchez la femme. l cent, in fact, of the noble line of Old Fagin and the dwarf Quilp.* * * To skip through the volume to another melo- drama, I confess I could wish for a bit less action Play-producer V a 1 e n t i n e Bar- in Mr. Nestle's "Between Winds"-or perhaps the thold Windt beamed when he took same action better arranged, with less confusing over the Mimes theatre a year ago technical jargon. The cinematic climax in which the last fall. At last Play Productionr -- - 4 -.OT) +n hn+7 nr 1271+/1" shad its own stagOe. costumes. eauip- Mui and Drama SOME RAMB).INGS by Philip Barry Editor's Note: The following ar- ticle, printed by personal permis- sion, is by Mr. Philip Barry, author of "The Animal Kingdom," now in rehearsal for the 1932 Dramatic Season and currently running in New York as one of the leading successes. Mr. Barry is among America's foremost dramatists, and has twice been awarded the Pulit- zer , Prize. His plays include "You and I," "Paris Bound," "Holiday," "White Wings" and "The Young- est." Some time ago I had a letter from Mr. George Pierce Baker, now of Yale University. It said, "What I should like to have you talk about, is what, as a working dramatist, you have felt is ill-adjusted, or might be better or more helpful in the relations between the profes- sional theatre in New York and the theatres spread throughout the country. What can be done to unify these two worlds?" Mr. Baker could not have come to a better man. I know both worlds and know them intimately. In the course of two terms spent in the 47 Workshops at Harvard, I wrote some, acted hard and shifted scen- ery briliantly. Once I acted and shifted together, and at the risk of being considered over-proud of my gifts in these two major depart- ments of dramatic art, I must tell you that I am certain that even to this day there are still people who remember my work in the second act of a play we gave at Cambridge. It was a play of live and lust in modern Spain. The heroine, Donna Duenna, or something of that sort, clung in terror to a frail balcony, while a herd of nasty bulls charged crazily through the street below, five minutes late for their appoint- ment with her lover in the bull- ring, far out in the wings, I had not only lashed down the back-drop any sweater cleaned and finished any cleaned and factory cleaned and form pressed m%. I 1 CHARLES T. KLINE ........................ Business Manages NORRIS P. JOHNSON...................... Assistant Manages Department Managers ,Advertising..... ............... .................. Vernon Bishop Advertising Contracts............................HarryR. Begley Advertising Service.............................Byron C. Vedder Publications..................................William T. Brown Accounts.....................................Richard Stratemeir Women's Business' Manager.......................Ann W. Verno rvil -Aronson Gilbert E. Bursley Allen Clark Robert Finn Arthur E. Kohn Bernard Schnacke Graf ton W. Sharp Donald A. Johnson, Dean Turner Assistants Don Lyon Bernard If. Good Donna Becker \l axine Fischgrund Ann Gallmeyer Katherine Jackson D~orothy Layin IlVirgihia AMcCromb Laroline Mosher Helen Olson Helen Schmude May Seefried Helen Spencer Kathryn Spencer Kathryn Stork Clare Unger Nlary Elizabeth Watts Night Editor-THOMAS CONNELLAN SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1932 PVWiscon sin: a Political .Football T HE attacks upon the University of Wisconsin by editor John B. Chapple and his political patriots have stirred up a fight which should at last open the eyes of supposedly intelligent voters as to the methods and caliber of state politics and state politicians. Chapple, who expects to be elected United States senator next fall, has used the university as an attacking ground in order to place himself in the full glare of the political spotlight. He has stopped at nothing in his defamations of the uni- versity and his absurd charges of the attempts to stimulate atheism, socialism, and communism there. But Chapple has overlooked many things in his weird struggle for publicity. He has failed to remember that a few years ago, he invited Dr. lyax Otto, of the university faculty, to come to Ashland, where he publishes his anti-La Follotte Ashland Daily Press, and deliver a speech on i-eli- gion. . Dr. Otto came and spoke. . Editor Chapple was considerably put out because, in his opinion, Dr. Otto's speech was not radical enough. Now he denounced Dr. Otto as the instigator of a hot- bed of atheism at the university. This is not the only blemish. Chapple has admitted that he has been asked to create 'his disturbance in other states. He demands the ex- pulsion of every faculty member not having sworn allegiance to the United States. He brands these inen as inciters of communism. Some of the most learned and successful men of the university are included in this group. These baseless attacks stand as a challenge to party supporters who wish to protect their organ- izations from degradation and ruin. They will, furthermore, only serve as an example of the cheapest methods of attaining political recognition and voters will realize the importance and neces- sity of electing those men who are worthy on their own merits. B _ _ _ _ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLAYS: Book III, Edited 'by Kenneth T. Rowe, Introduction by Lennox Robinson; $1.75. Ann Arbor: George Wahr. f i } I J girl pulls the lever is almost too easy to bother wit;ju in its place I should prefer a distincter characteriza- ment. To publicize the change, the which depicted so beautifully the tion of the girl, and a bit more dialogue to emphasize home of many Union operas was brooding terror which lay over the the setting-to give us a sense of the lookout station renamed Play Production Speech one of the bulls. My performance and its isolation-something, really, of the poetry of Department Laboratory Theatre. was magnificent. The author her- the scene, call it what you will. Save for the practical Advertisements featured this titl., self admitted that the difference references to "cables" and "No. 4," we might be in reporters were requested to respect between me and an actual bull was some prosaic flat. A setting so unusual deserves to Belasco Windt's wishes. slight as to be practically negli- be exploited in dialogue as well as on canvas. The campus persisted in callingsgta Both Mr. Levy's "Go Down Moses" and Miss Price's the place Mimes theatre, however. gible. "The Eyes of the Old" are vivid sketches of negro University maps, always of ancient But even after such a signal suc- life, which wisely refuse to rely on mere strangeness vintage, did likewise. Last week competent to speak about acting. and vitality. The theme of "Go Down Moses," the Play Production surrendered to tra- About directing, I know next to inevitable frustration of the Negro's vague but pow- dition and popular demand. notig.Ating, cIngw nxtn- erful aspirations, runs contrapuntally through "The Advertising placards carried the nothing. Aer watching, in con- Eyes of the Old," also. Miss Price's "The Bright ;nscription: Laboratory (Mimes) and Winthrop Ames achieve su- Medallion," in its extraordinarily rapid succession of Theatre. perbly beautiful results for me by major climaxes, has something of the naive charm * * absolutely antithetical methods, I of "Green Pastures"-a charm, perhaps less calcu- can only suppose that the one rule lated and conscious than that of Connelly's play. Cornelius Henry Beukema, local that applies to all directors is to Mr. Compton's "The Provider" presents a situation news dissemination tycoon, kindly work very hard, according to their of considerable pathos against a well-defined farm- informed twenty youngsters yester- lights, and smoke a great many background. His heroine's competence and stability day they might occupy the press cigarettes. might have been better demonstrated than by the box at the ball game, it being the Since leaving the Workshop eight final stoicism, I think-as a demonstration of char- last game of the year at home. An years ago, I have become what Mr. acter, it is dubious in much the same way as the irate fan soon came up to inform Baker terms "a working dramatist." familiar instance of Hemingway's hero simply walk- Mr. Beukema that his proteges And now, as Marc Connelly so pa- ing home in the rain after his sweetheart's death, is were spitting into the crowd. thetically says of himself, I sup- dubious in "Farewell to Arms." The news man admonished the pose "I'm not a man at all-I'm "Masquerade," by Mr. Tobin, is a pretty fairy-tale boys, obtained promises to refrain 'just a thing." of the Hans Christian Anderson order. To become firom spitting, let them stay. I In 1922 I left the non-profession- more than a pleasant fancy, it would need far greater 4 . al theatre and received my profes- distinction of style than the author brings to it, a sional rating with a handicap, ac- jewelled sort of writing more nearly in keeping with While we're on Beukema, we cording to Broadway experts, of the the perilously delicate theme. might mention the ahonor guard 47 Workshop. My first play ran In my last analysis, I must first remind the reader drill Thursday afternoon. At five six months. With that production of my indubitable limitations of taste-and then o'clock, Beukema's c a m e r a man behind me, and armed with the in- proceed to say that, to me, Miss Symons' "Beer Gar- was due to take pictures of Hop- valuable professional experience I den" is a very fragile anecdote indeed. It concerns wood prize winners. Seniors had had gained in the course of it, I a little group of determinedly bright youngsters, who been requested to wear caps and set to work with a will. I determin- seem to find themselves a great deal more amusing gowns for this picture. ed to write plays at once better and than I did. The manner is This Side of College At five thirty, the drill, was over, more successful. The results of that Rumor, with more than a dash of Philip Barry; and Dr. May asked news-tycoon Beuk- determination are now history. I the people are the sort of people who say "Never be ema about the picture. Latter gave1 tell you, industry and experience a grown-up" (p. 12),-and indeed manage to continue!up hoping the camera would show are what count in the theatre. My in their desired state of bouncing infantilism almost up, squinted at the windows, an- next play ran three monthsmy without effort. (See "Holiday"; see also Mr. Wynd- nounced it was too dark to take I next two months and the one after ham Lewis on The Cult of Childishness.) I do not pictures. that, "White Wings," three weeks. care for the manner, although I grant it is well Seventy seniors departed bearing Now none of us who knows New sustained. But perhaps I am what Miss Symons' the useless caps and gowns. Beuke-, York audiences wants his work to characters would undoubtedly call an Old Meany. ma likes rainy weather, latest press be limited solely to them. Our one But enough of critical categories and pigeon- reports say. certain hope for a larger hearing holes: the reader must buy the book for himself. The rep Antioch Press has made it a handsome volume-the y lies in the possibility of production by groups throughout teetr plays will grace the library as agreeably as they do Iteetr y gProfessor Joseph Ralston Hay- country. To grow quite serious, as the boards. "University of Michigan Plays: Book III 'den, popular political scientist, was a point of conclusion, the hope of is a volume which no one interested in the creative scheduled recently to m a k e a the so-called "dead" road is the arts at Michigan can do without. speech at 2 o'clock at a women's encouragement and nuturing of club meeting in a nearby town. Af- such outlying companies. We know I ter lunch, by dint of skillful and this, and appreciate it, and there- E1DRTORI AL COMMENT rapid driving, he arrived on the I fore it is our endeavor to make our !dot, afraid he might be late. Af- relations with such groups of the ter all the trouble, he had to sit friendliest. ACRES FOR BAD DEBTS through a forty minute business (The Daily Dartmouth) meeting before permitted to start JANE COWL IS STARRED IN Some months ago the Canadian economist Mt. his speech. I ROMANTIC COMEDY Stephen Leacock put forth in a newspaper article the i*I fantastic scheme of paying off European war debtsII NEW YORK, May 28.-(A)-Jane to the United States by turning over to this country Eugene Rovillain, French profes- Cowl plunged through spring dol- the full title to various large chunks of Africa. And sor, proved himself a hero and drums to present Broadway with a now, as it daily seems more obvious that payment plumber extraordinaire when a cri- refreshing romantic comedy called will be difficult to secure when due, and that the sis arose in the Romance Languages "A Thousand Summers." It was temper of the American people is hardly such as to building. Two students, to whom the high light of the dramatic sacrifice present cash for future goods, we are tempt- the weather was too much of a week, and certainly, with the ex- ed to consider Mr. Leacock's adventurous notion half- temptation, twisted a safety valve ceptioniof "Another Language," the seriously. out of a radiator before FrenchIcrown point of this post-season. 1 A Review by Robert Wetzel The new volume of "University of Michigan Plays" furnishes considerable variety of interest, ranging all the way from polite comedy to melodrama, to folk-comedy, folk-tragedy, domestic pathos and fan- tasy. Indeed, the reviewer's catalogue reads a little like Polonius's, with his "pastoral-comical, historical- pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical, histor- ical-pastoral"; and its variety is an evident tribute to the range of Professor Rowe's sympathies as a teacher of playwriting. Taking it as a whole. I think the volume offers a more various and playable collec- I II