__________THE M IC H LGA N DAILY- THUTRSDAY, FEBR~UARY 25, 19 M i WcprMarita Datti Published every morning except Monday during the University by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re. lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ,lass matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster General.; Subscriptin by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR , RICHARD L. TOBIN City Editor......... ''..'.....................Carl Forsythe Editorial Director ........... ....Beach Conger, Jr. News Editor ...................................David M. Nichol Sport Editor............................Sheldon C. Fullerton Women's Editor.......... .............Margaret M. Thompson Assistant News Editor .......................Robert L. Pierce NIGHT EDITORS t Frank B. Gilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis Roland A. Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter. Wilbur J. Myers Brian Jones Sports Assistants John W. Thomas Charle REPORTERS' :tanleigh W. Arnheim Fred A. Huber Lawson E. Becker Norman Kraft Edward C. Campbell Roland Martin C. Williams Carpenterllenry Meyer Thomas Coantellane Albert y. Newman Clarence Hayden E. Terome Pettit Dorothy Brockman Georgia Geisman Miriam Carver' Alice Gilbert Beatrice Collins Martha Litteton Louise Crandall Elizabeth Tong Elise Feldman Frances Manphestefi Prudence Foster Elizabeth Mann John S. Townsend es A. Sanford John WV. Prichard Joseph Reihan C. Hart Schaaf ]srackk.y Shaw Parker Sny4er G. R. Winters Margaret O'Brien Hillary Rarden Dorothyd undell eIma Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2124 oil CHARLES T. KLINE... ..............Business Managei NORRIS P. JOHNSON......................Assistant Manager * Department Managers Advertising......................................Vernon Bishop Advertising Contracts#..........................IHarry R. iegley Advertising Service............................ Byron C. Veddei Publications...................................William T. Brown Accountse................... ..... .........Richard Stratemeit Women's Buisiness Manager ...................... Ann W. Vernor Orvil Aronson Gilbert E. Bursley Allen Clark Robert Finn Donna Becker Martha Jane Cissel Genevieve Field Maxine t-ischgrund Ann Gallmeyer Mary Harriman Assistants John Keyser Arthur F. Kohn James Lowe Ann Flarsha Katherine Jackson Dorothy Layin Virginia McComb Carolin Mosher- Helen Olsen 'Grafton W. Sharp Donald A. Johnson, Don Lyon Bernard H. Good II the form of compromise measures which defeat the ends for which the fraternities had hoped to see set up. Should the Senate Committee con- sider the petition of the Interfraternity Council, which is representative of fraternities, it will reveal an attitude that tends toward cooperation that ought to exist in a time of experiment and finan- cial distress. TALL STORIES, by Lowell Thomas (Funk and Wagnalls, 1931). $1.50. Lowell Thomas, cosmopolite, explorer and spinner of yarns ultra-extraordinaire, suddenly turns pa- triotic and soars to heights hitherto undreamed of in this exhaustive encyclopedia of the Great Amer- ican Whopper. From the four corners of the con- tinent (and if you read the book yosu can believe anything, even that the continent has four corners) he has collected all the tallest conceptions of the American mind. The book is, in fact, one solid chunk of gosh-darned lies. And the riotous illustrations of Herb Roth go far toward making the volume live up to its title. It seems that the tide of tall stories that rolled into Thomas' ken was started by a true radio yarn about mosquitoes on the Arctic tundras. Frm that time his daily mail has been flooded with yarns culled from various sources; some of them are ob- viously stolen from Munchausen and other author- ities on things incredible; others have been handed down from generation to generation, from campfire ' to cracker-box; and still others seem to be recent and hitherto unkown fabrications. But all are good. Thus was the Tall Story Club formed, and thus did Thomas set himself up as its scribe. "The tall-story tellers," says the compiler, "cus- tomarily embellish their narrations with a wealth of grave circumstance. An incident may be related as a personal experience, in which case the narrator is precise in specifying time and place. Or the nar- rator may have been told the tale by some interesting character orrother, whose veracity is fervently guar- Anteed. The prevailing tone of the correspondence is one of solemn factuality. The tall-story teller is at great pains to assert the ,scrupulous truth of his tall one. A grand air of sober veracity pervades the Tall Story Club, as it might a pious brotherhood devoted to the eternal verities." The chapter headings tell the story: "The Great American Whopper"; "A Fisherman Went Fishing"; "Mighty Hunters Before the Lord"; "A Wonderful Bird is the Mosquito"; "Great Snakes!";- "Speaking of the Weather";. "The Home of the Brave." But of all the big ones in the book nope could be more ludicrous than the saga of faithful Fido. One day the house of Fdo's master burned down. "To escape the flames, he dashed out into the front yard. Others of the family dashed out too. The family dog dashed out also. Then they saw the old dog'dash back into the blazing house. In a minute he dashed out again, pulling a child out of the flames-one of the children that they had forgotten. The faithful canine dashed into the burning house once more and dashed out with another child. It was a dashing affair. "The whole family was about to congratulate the loyal Fido and give him a bone, but he tore himself from their grasp and dashed once more into the house, which was now one mass of flames ... then the dog dashed out of the blaze and smoke. Every hair was burned from his body, and he staggered to his master. In his mouth he had the fire' insurance policy wrapped in a wet towel." It seems a shame to make any unfavorable criti- cism of a book which has in it so much genuine fun. But the high comedy atmosphere is decidedly slowed up and rendered a bit dull by two constantly re- appearing factors. One is the presentation of several? versions of every story, none of which is much differ- ent from the first. The other is the author's un- fortunate but ever-present tendency to top off a! really good ball one with some anticlimactical andr generally insipid yarn of his own'. These faults, how-j ever, are overcome by two favorable elements. One, mentioned before, is the clever chapter grouping. The other is the fact that Thomas carefully carries out the prescribed atmosphere of the tall story: sober veracity. And there are so many names in the book that it looks like a quarter-section of the 1930 census. Buy t; you may be in it. May Seefried Minnie Seng Helen Spencer Kathryn Stork Clare Unger Mary Elizgbeth Watts OR TDOLL IF YOU HIE YOURSELF TO MACK'S THOUGHT" THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . FOR TODAY- "MISOGYNY" Events the past few days have been such that we have become soured on the world, and especially on women. We suspect that we have been given a raw deal (not what you think) and- we resent it in a way any other decent man would. We Wish herein to draw four conclusions:Here are a few of the Sizzlng Bargas that 1.-That women are shallow .in emotion, deep in connivance. will greet your wary eye. 2.-That women take advantage of our innocence. 3.-That women are heartless 1000 Pairs Special 15c Hand Made and cruel. CURTAINS New Purchase Hand Towels Handkerchief 4.-That women are lousey com- Ruffled-Tailored . pany; we hate it. Cottage Sets SPRING 8 for $1.2or $1.00 We realize that that was pretty $1.19, $1.29, $1.49 Values NECKWEAR Do"nstairs SMain Floor strong. Per'haps it is too caustic,, 89C and will offend the few decent girls $100 on the campus, who we believe exist Annex Store$ -49 $1.95 because we are optimistic. That's 1000 Pairs Pure Silk Candlewick Silk Hosiery the )way we feel today. CHIFFON F Spreads $1.00 catalogue as a four-hour course BOSITRY $100 Sheer chiffon Phoenix with classes at eleven o'clock on S p e c i a 1 Purchased and ridgeTAnnexnStorei-aoke standard br MTTF. (Pronounced Monday, Tues- Shown for the first time- $3.50 Main Floor day, Thursday, Friday). After a Dollar Days!Third Floor week and a half of the second se- 2 pairs $1.00 $5.95 All Wool $1.25 Bath M mester this is how Fine Arts stud- Downstairs Store Blankets$ et have been forced to slave and Shet $ . pr. T $1.00 Lessl1:.0 Thick terry cloth.. ---Mack Maid Size 81x99 inches, origin- Annex Store Annex Store First Week.Pl ally $1.29, and size 63x99 Monday-Organization of class, ases inches, originally $1.19.amps nletr.4for $1.00 $100 $1.49 WoolBe La p no lecture. Nr 10 'Tuesday-Full hour lecture., (It Usually 39c each! Annex Store Blankets $1.00 00 was a good one though). Annex Store W ex Store Thursday-Bolt. Goddle! Friday-Bolt. Well, we'll enjoy$$1.19 them while we may). Silverware $ 8B-29Net Second Week. C on Silks retonne Lace 8 or $,0$1.00 yard Monday-Washington's birthday. Downstairs Sire $1.00 $1.00$Annex Store (Hurrah). Annex Store Tuesday-Bolt. (Say, where, is Annex Store this guy keeping himself?) __C____k___Wmen__ We bt tat 9c T rkih "Womens We bet that you are wondering369c Alencon whether there will be a class this Bath Towels $1.19 Scarfs SHOES morning or not, now aren't you? $395 You'll have to dr6p by Alumni Me- 3 for $1.00 $1.00 2 yards $1.00 $ Spea e morial Hall to find out Annex Store Annex Store Annex Store Main Floor Of a quite different nature are the complaints issuing from the Economics department. It Delivery Service seems that one of the instruc- 9:30 a. i. tors in Accounting was absent 12:30 p. i- 4161 one day, but instead of declar- 3:30 p. m. From Ypsi ing a legal holiday like in the Delivery Service Fine Arts Department, the en- to YpsiPhone 200 tire class was shunted into an- other Accounting section. (Con- ducted by Mr. Briggs, if you are interested). That wouldn't have been so bad in itself if Mr. Briggs had not begun the quizz- ing in such a nasty way, by S E N I RSUR asking questions exclusively of JUIO4'JN ORS the visitors. He had to call the roll all the way down to "H" though, before he could find anyone thick enough to answer when his name was called. All this talk of the major league teams heading South has put new baseball fire into our bloods We F RE E -- even got so elated today at the ap- proaching spring season that we went out and limbered up our arm for a while. Result: We are type- Er.A writing this entire column with our y IURSELFFROM THE L ATER left hand. LY1 1'AF WI 1flj We forgot to mention yester- RUSH FOR A day that his excellency, the Governor of Maryland, wears high-topped shoes, probably \ with little loops at the back to pull them on with.. That ought to be sufficient indication to ths whowant a conervaytive mvan in the presidency that 1 9 2M C IAF~A they need look no further than Governor Ritchie. RTIGHT EDITOR-KARL SEIFFERT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25,-1932 Commendation and a onemnation The Senate .Committee on Stadent Affairs is to be commended for the steps it took yesterday to alleviate the financial burden imposed on fra- ternities under the deferred rushing rule. Passage of two resolutions by that body: one to the effect' that freshmen, having eleven hours and eleven honor points, will be eligible to be pledged; and the other, approval of a motion of the judiciary committee of the Interfraternity Cou cil to permit the initiation, .after May 1, of freshmen having an average of 1.5, reveals the willingness of the Senate Committee to cooperate with representa- tives of fraternities in a period of distress. The passage of . these two resolutions, par- ticularly the first cited, is a judicious and liberal step. The 1 solution permitting the rushing of freshmen having a minimum of eleven hours and eleven'honor points supersedes'the former ruling of eleven hours and fourteen honor points, and educes to a considerable degree the number of ineligibles, since pledging -is permitted even though a freshman is credited with as low as three C's and a D.. But a comparison of the above ruling and the change originally proposed by the judiciary com. mittee reveals the attempts made by that body to keep the controlling power in its own hands. Its proposal represented a diminution of the require- ments of the old ruling, in that it aimed to have as fixed as the new requirement an average of C; but here again the results which would have been obtained under this provision would be small, since it would, in some cases, prevent g freshman from being rushed or initiated who had but one D grade. At the same time, the judiciary committee prposed to the Senate Committee that, in view of the circumstances and as a temporary measure, it permit the initiation, after May 1, of freshmen having an average of 1.5-fifteen hours, and .twentytwo and a half honor points. The Senate Committee complied with this request, an action aimed at alleviating the present economic situa- tion; but the proposal of the judiciary committee, although made in good faith, is an obvious and unnecessary comprpmise at 1.5 rather than a C average, which should have been the important item to be considered. The proposal was not the proposal of the Interfraternity Council as a group, as it was led to believe, and as the Senate com- mittee believed-by granting the request. This was apparent in a petition drawn up last night by the Interfraternity Council, asking the Senate Committee to reconsider and reduce the 1.5 aver- age to an averag6 of C. s HUSII- andDRAIA I "RHAPSODY IN BLACK" COMES TO THE CASS THEATRE IN DETROIT SUNDAY Direct and intact from its triumphant Chicago engagement where it was acclaimed the greatest i colored show ever brought to the "Windy City", Lew Leslie will bring Ethel Waters and his original Broad- way cast in "Rhapsody in Black" to the Cass Theatre, Detroit, for an engagement of one week, beginning Sunday night, Feb. 28. The attraction enjoyed great popularity in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pitts- burgh and Cleveland prior to the Chicago run, and it is now on its way East to play a number of return engagements. "Rhapsody in Black" is more than just merely a revue. It not only boasts of the finest cast of colored entertainers yet gathered for a show of this type, but for the first time in the history of the colored artist it has lifted him to a new high artistic plane' comparable with the best afforded in the Caucasian theatre. "Rhapsody in Black" is a credit to Lew Leslie's genius and a credit to the large cast of per- formers who bring to life a production of this unique and original type. A new Ethel Waters emerges in "Rhapsody in Black", an Ethel Waters who has been compared to Ruth Draper, one of the finest actresses in the mod-, ern theatre. She characterizes her songs, displaying with it a latent ability as an actress that is remark- able. The cast in "Rhapsody in Black" is a large one and members among its stellar luminaries, in addi- tion to Ethel Waters. Valaida. the Berry Brothers and= Everyone seems to be pretty much excited about the' Gridiron Dance that will open up the new S t u d e n t Publications building sometime this spring, we seem to have forgotten the date. We got all excited, too; in fact so excited we couldn't wait till sometime this spring, so we went over to look the new, building over. An adequate preliminary survey in this column is out of the question, inasmuch as we are here concerned with truth, not beauty. In case anyone is in-, terested in student publications, or new buildings, he might saunter over to Maynard Street and peek in the windows. If you don't know where the building is, here is how to find it: Method One: (a) Draw a line be- tween The Michigan Union and the Majestic Theatre. (b) Draw a line between Angell hall and Lake Michigan. (c) Somewhere alng the intersection of those two lfnes you will find te Press Building. Method Two: Start from the front steps of Angell hall and cut a'cross State Street in a northerly direction until you see- two big