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May 29, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-05-29

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VOL. XII, No. 175.



WEATHER: Generally Fair and Warmer.


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Speaker Asserts Bill Is No
Pork Barrel' Than


Finance Corporation.

Capital Thinks Chief Executive
May Take Hand in Contest
WASHINGTON, May 28. -- (/P) -
The Senate today swept nearer a
vote on the explosive sales tax issue
with the result admittedly doubtful.
While both opponents and pro-
ponents claimed to hold a slight
majority, those opposing centered
their arguments upon a demand
for President Hoover to show his
position toward the tax.
The capital heard reoprts that
the chief executive would take a
hand in the contest with a state-
m ent Monday.
The House idled over the week-
end as it will on Monday, Memorial
day, while the Senate meets, but
Speaker Garner pressed forward
witi his unemploymentrelief plan.
Texan Prepared.
Snapping back with a biting
statement at President Hoover's
denunciation of his proposal in-
volving a bond issue for public
works construction, the Texas dem-
ocrat whipped details into shape
before his appearance today before
the Ways and Means committee.
In a vigorous reply to the Presi-
dent's charge that the public works
part of the Speaker's two-billion-
dollar bill was "pork barrel" legis-
lation, Gamer asserted that the
same appelation might be applied
to the Reconstruction Corporation
for which non-partisan support
was elected by Mr. Hoover.
The Texan said the tax he pro-
posed on gasoline would prevent
the work from interfering with
balancing the budget.
Opposition Expected.
"President- oover's opposition to
the bill to relieve destitution, to
broaden the lending powers of the
Reconstruction Finane corpora-
tion and to create employment by
authorizing an dexpediting a public
works program was not unexpect-
ed,".Garner said.
"The Democrats did not expect to
receive real co-operation from the
President in any matter benefiting
the masses and those who might be
termed the middle class of Amer-
ican people."
Garner said the Reconstruction
Finance corporation act, sponsored
by the President, could logically be
referred to as a "pork barrel" for
the banks, insurance companies,
railroads and financial institutions,
if the appelation were applied to
his public works program.
Reduced Account in Preparation;
Regents to Act on Matter
at June Meeting.
A budget adjustment for the Uni-
versity hospital, comparable to the
adjustment already effected by the
Tniversity in general, exclusive of
the hospital, is now in preparation.
according to Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
assistant to the president of the
"The hospital budget has not yet
been considered by the regents,"
stated Dr. Robbins. "It is still in the
process of preparation and in all
likelihood will be presented to the
Regents for adoption on June 17,
after it has been adjusted in a
manner comparable to the adjust-
ment already effected by the budget
adopted F riday.
The budget approved by the re-
gents on Friday provided a total
cut of approximately 11 per cent,
and reductions in salaries of the I

faculty men ranging from six to ten
per cent, depending on the amount
of the individual's salary.
Negro Runner Smashes
World Record for 220'
CHICAGO, May 28.-(/P)-Ralph
Metcalf, powerful Negro sprinter
from Marquett university t o d a y
raced 220 yards in better than
world's record time as the Hilltop-
ners nverwhelmed Chienrn Tilinois

Assocated Press Photo
Chief Counsel Samuel Seabury of
the Rofstadter committee arriving
at the inquiry to question Mayor
Walker about New York City af-
Dr. Fisher to Begin New Series
of Sermons; Blakeman
to Lead Class.
Rabbi Bernard Heller will bring
up one of the vital topics. of pres-
ent-day religious t h o u g h t this
morning 4when he speaks at 11:15
o'clock in the chapel of the Wo-
men's League building on "Can a
Modern Belief in God?"
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will give
the first of a series of sermons this
morning when he speaks at 10:30
o'clock at the F i r s t Methodist
church on the subject, "Dominating
Human Ambitions- Wealth." Eve-
ning services have been discontinu-
ed for the season, and there will
be none tonight. Dr. Blakeman will
lead the 12 o'clock class at Wesley
hall with a discussion of "The Aim
of Jesus."
"Christian Joy" will be the sub-
ject of Rev. C. A. Brauer, in the 10
o'clock service at St. Paul's Luther-
an church, while Rev. E. C. Stell-
horn, pastor of Zion Lutheran
church, will speak at the same hour
on "The Mother Church."
At 10 o'clock, Rev. Theodore R.
Schmale will preach at Bethlehem
Evangelical church on "The Trag-
edy of Good Excuses." "Ancient and
Modern Necromancy" will be dis-
cussed at 10:30 o'clock at the First
Church of Christ, Scientist.
Rev. Alfred Lee Klaer, associate
minister of theaFirst Presbyterian
church, will speak at 10:45 o'clock
on "Dare We Be Christian?" At
6:30, B. S. Kairon, Hindu student,
will address the young people on
"The Place of Soul and Happiness
in the Hindu's Philosophy of Life."
The subject of the morning ser-
mon by Rev. R. Edward Sayles at
the First Baptist church will be
"The Battle Nobody Knows."
Transala/Ic Pilot Forced Back
After Six Hours.
NEW YORK, May 28.-(/1P)--Stan-
islaus F e 1 i x Hausner, "mystery
flier" of Newark, N. J., returned to
to Floyd Bennett field at 9:20 p. m.
(E.S.T.) tonight, slightly more than
six hours after he started on a pro-
jected non-stop flight to Europe.
Hausner said he had got about
300 miles out to sea and was flying
in a blind fog when the> artificial
horizon, the "brains" of an avia-
tor's blind flying instruments, stop-
ped functioning.
He turned his heavily-loaded
flame-colored monoplane about and
"felt" his way back to the Floyd
Bennet field as best he could with
the aid of a comnass onlv.

Maroon Nine Scores Four Runs
in First Eight Innings
Without a Hit.
Five Michigan Errors Prominent
in Scoring; Petoskey !
Stars at Bat.r
by Roland L. Martin
Michigan's southpaw jinx, which
was temporarily lifted on Wednes-
day, again descended on the Wolv-
erines yesterday in the person of
Lefty Henshaw, star hurler of Uni-
versity of Chica'go, and the Maize
and Blue nine were forced to ac-
cept defeat, 5 to 3.
Although the Michigan hitters
were able to gather eight hits o
the delivery of the Maroon left-
hander, the hoodoo infected the
fielders with the result that five
misplays were committed, allowing
four of the five Chicago runs, just
one more than the entire total of
the Wolves. None of the four runs
were aided by hits, as Chicago did
not connect with a safe blow until
the ninth, when Tompkins allowed
two singles and one run.
Whitey Wistert, the giant right-
hander, started on the mound for
Michigan. After an auspicious start
in the first inning, in which he
struck out Buzzell, the first batter
Complete box score of the game
will be found o page 3.
to face him, and forced Lynch and
Page to ground out to Waterbor,
Wistert ran into considerable trou-
ble in the second, which was in
no way aided by Waterbor's two
Temple started the inning by lay-
ing down a roller to Wistert, the
pitcher tossing him out easily.
Offill hit to Waterbor and was safe
on first when Waterbor messed up
the grounder. Mahoney struck out,
but Wistert walked Johnson and
then proceded to hit Howard with
a pitched ball. With bases loaded,
Henshaw rapped to Waterbor who
again fumbled, allowing both run-
ners to score. Buzzell struck out
ending the inning.
In the next inning, Page walked
and promptly stole second. With
Lynch up, Wistert threw to second
to trap Page, but his throw was
wide and Page took third. Lynch
hit to Daniels, who threw him out
at first, Page holding third. Temple
was safe at first when Manuel
elected to try for the plate at home
on his roller, but the throw was in
the dirt at the left of the plate,
Page bringing in the third Maroon
run without a hit.
After this misplay, Wistert blew
up, walking the next two batters
before being lifted in favor of Har-
ley McNeal. Wistert took right field
for Michigan, Petoskey moving to
center, and Ferguson going to the
Temple Ends Scoring.
Johnson, the first man to face
McNeal, slapped a hard one at
Daniels, who threw him out at first,
Temple scoring the fourth Chicago
run without a single safe blow.
Howard ended the spree by rolling
out, Waterbor. to Manuel.
Michigan's scoring came in the
first and sixth innings. In the open-
ing frame, after Superko had been
struck out, Henshaw winged Water-
bor with a fast one. Braendle then
walked, after which Petoskey hit

a long triple to left center, scoring
both of the runners. Petoskey was
left when Diffley flied to left and
Daniels popped to Mahoney at
In the sixth after Daniels had
again popped to Mahoney, Wistert
slapped out a double, went to third
on a wild pitch, and scored on
Manuel's second single of the game.
McNeal sacrificed the first baseman
to second, but he was left along
with Superko who had walked,
when Waterbor rolled out to the
Maroons Hit Two.
Chicago got its only hits in the
ninth and made the fifth run
against the hurling of Tompkins,
who relieved McNeal at the start
of the eighth. Mahoney singled,
went to second on a sacrifice by
Johnson, and scored on Howard's]
single through Daniels.
Michigan had a chance to score
in its half of the ninth when Braen-
dle walked after both Superko and1
Waterbor had flied out. Petoskey
was un. but the best he could doI

Ohio Phantoms Get
Playful; Move Ball
inMrioij Cemetery
MARION, 0., M 28.--(A1)--Are
ghosts operating4 windlass and
Those who believ in the super-
natural avoid pro ing about the
Marion Cemetery at night. Those
of a scientific turn of mind scoff
but differ in their explanations.
A 5,200-pound polished granite
ball which revolves on its base of
its own accord is the cause of spec-
ulation. The sphere, part of a mon-
ument erected in 1896, is a yard in
diameter and never was fixed firm-
ly in its stone base.
Sometimes the ball rotates as
much as a1 inch in a month.
A geologist has suggested that
the ball becoines more heated dur-
ing the day than its base and that
expansion and contraction result in
Builders of the monument say
mineral deposits within the ball
have so displaced its center of
gravity that it moves.
Another suggestion is that the
sphere may be lengthening its cir-
c(umerence on one side, resulting in.
pull between ball and base.
, ,



Kidnappers of Baby.

Curtis to
in His


Dancer, Guggenheim
Winner, to Play Here
for Two Days.

Answer for Swindle
Negotiations With

Martha Graham, the well-known
American dancer, will appear in the
third presentation of the 1932 Dra-
matic season at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn theatre for two dance recitals
on Thursday and Friday nights,
June 2 and 3. Miss Graham has just
been awarded the John Simon Gug-
genheim memorial award for study
this summer in Mexico and Yuca-
tan, and comes to Ann Arbor on
her way to Mexico City.
Miss Graham's two dance pro-
grams will list numbers entirely
neW to Ann Arbor audieuces And
three dances never before present-
ed on any stage. They are "Ecstatic
Dance" to music by Harsanyi;
"Bacchanale, No. 2" to music by
Fritz Reigger; and "Fragilite" to
music by Scriabin. Her numbers
will also include "Dithyrambic,"
which has proved very popular with
her audiences.
Louis Horst, prominent New York
pianist, will accompany Miss Gra-
ham. Horst is Miss Graham's artis-
tic adviser in all of her work as well
as her accompanist.
The full program for her two
recitals Thursday and Friday night
follows :
"Incantation," from "Primitive
Cycle" by Villa-Lobos; "Ceremonial
Dance," from "Primitive Cycle" by
Villa-Lobos; "Offering," from the
"Primitive Cycle" by Villa-Lobos;
"Dithyrambic" by Aaron Copeland;
two preludes (piano solo) by Scria-
"Four Insincerities - Petulance,
Remorse, Politness, Vivacity," by
Prokofieff; "Ecstatic Dance" by
Harsanyi; (Intermission) "Seren-
ade" by Schoenberg; "Bacchanale,
No. 2" by Reigger; "Tijuca" (piano
solo), by Milhaud; "Two Canticles
---Ave-Salve," from the "Primitive
(Continued on Page 6)

Prosecutor Postpones Hearing
on Plea of W. C. Pender,
Defense Counsel.
FLEMINGTON, N.J., May 28.---(/P)
-John Hughes Curtis, of Norfolk,
will go on trial the week of June
27 for hoaxing the Lindbergis and
police seeking the kidnappers-mur-
derers of their baby son.
Prosecutor Anthony Hauck made
this announcement aLfter indict-
ments were handed down today by
the grand jury which heard the
Curtis case Thursday.
Indictments Made-
Three indictments were present-
ed to Justice Thomas Prenchard by
the foreman of the grand jury.
Because only three cases had been
considered by the jury and be-
cause of Hauck's statement as to
the trial date and further an-
nouncement by him that Curtis
would be arraigned for pleading
next Saturday, it was taken for
granted that one of the indict-
fuents named Curtis.
Hauck had planned to begin the
Curtis trial on June 13 but he post-
poned it today on receipt of a tele-
gram from W. C. Pender, who will
defend Curtis, saying he could not
be ready to proceed so early.
Curtis Begins March 1.
Curtis began imaginary negotia-
tions with the kidnappers of the
baby soon after the child was stol-
en on March 1. He obtained Col.
Lindbergh's authority to proc'eed
with his activities only after he was
vouched for by the Very Rev. H.
Sobson-Peacock and Rear Admiral
Guy Burrage, retired, prominent
Norfolk citizens long acquainted
with the Lindberghs.
When the baby's body was found
on May 12 the Colonel was at sea
following a fake clue furnished by
Dorothy Swaffer, 19, Is Found
in Field; Refuses to Give
Reason for Action.
Discovered in a field on Krau'se
street after she had taken poison
Friday night in an attempt to end
her life, Dorothy Swaffer, 19 Vas-
sar, Mich., was in a serious condi-
tion yesterday at St. Joseph's Mercy
The girl was found in the field by
a nearby resident at 10:30 o'clock
yesterday morning and was taken
to the hospital for treatment by
Officers Gene Gehringer and Harry
West. Recovering for a short time,
she told police that she had taken
poison on Friday night and had
been lying in the field for 12 hours
when she was discovered.
Although she gave the officers
her name and address, Miss Swaf-
fer refused to explain her attempt-
ed suicide. Police have been unable
to locate her parents in Vassar
Hospital authorities said the girl's
condition was grave, but that she
was resting easily.
Senior graduation announcements
will not be ready for distribution
until Thursday or Friday of next
week, according to a statement by
David Nichol, '32, president of the
senior class. Delay at the printing
office is the cause of the late an-
unouncements, Nichol s a i d, but
they will be made as soon as pos-

Asociated Pres Photo
Despite settlement of income tax
claims totaling $4,000,000 and the
payment of a $60,000 fine for refus-
ing to testify in the Teapot Dome
trials, Henry M. Blackmer, missing
teapot Dome witness, does not in-
tend to return to the United States.
His lawyer made the announce-
ment. lackonr has made his home
in France.
Edward F. Swift Falls to Death
From Window in Gold
Coast Home.
CHICAGO, May 28.- -(P)-Edward
F. Swift, head of one of the first
families of Chicago and chairman
of the great packing house his
father built, dropped six stories to
instant death today from a window
of his Gold Coast apartment home.
A coroner's jury late today de-
cided that the fall was accidental.
He was 68 years old, second son
of the late Gustavus Franklin Swift,
Massachusetts packer who came
west to make Chicago the capital
of the meat packing industry.
Only the family chauffeur, seated
at the rear of the North State street
apartment building, where a num-
ber of the leading families of the
city reside, witnessed the headlong
Only a wide-open window in the
living room, the curtains thrown up
and ruffled, told whence he had
S"He was always insisting on fresh
air," said Philip, a son. "None of
the windows in the room had been
opened." He thought his father,
thrusting up the sash, had leaned
over the eight-inch brass guard
rail and fallen. There was no screen
on the window.
Student Wounds Self
With Rattler Poison
HOUSTON, Tex., May 28.-(P)-
Carl Bleyl, Huntsville biology stu-
dent, was in a hospital today as a
result of a mishap in his quest at
the City Zoo for material for a new
Bleyl was catching rattlesnake
poison from a snake's fangs in a
tumbler and transferring it with
a hypodermic needle to a bottle
when he accidently pierced, one
palm with the needle.
Illini Council Proposes
to Shorten Pledging
M ig Tel Nes sevic)
U R B A N A, Ill., May 28.--An
ainendniit to the by-laws of the
interfraternity council at the Uni-
versity of Illinois has been pro-
posed which would allow fraternity
initiations after the eighth week of
the second semester on the basis of
grades reported by instructors in
each case. Under the present sys-
tem, initiation permits are granted
on the basis of reports after the
twelfth week of the second semes-.
t e.

Prof. Muyskens to Give Principal
Speech; Rev. Duff to Lead
Early Services.
R.O.T.C., Local War Veterans
to March With National
Guard Troops.
A parade of University R.O.T.C.
speeches by Prof. John H. Muy-
skens of the speech depairtmentj
and Major John Emery of Grand
Rapids, first national commander
of the American Legion, will be the
features on Ann Arbor's program
to honor her soldier dead tomorrow.
Other activities of the day will be
an early-morning service in mem-
ory of the sailors to be conducted
by the Women's Relief corps at 8:30
at the Wall street bridge, and the
dedication of a soldiers' memorial
at Washtenong Memorial park.
Rev. Edward M. Duff, assistant
pastor of St. Andrew's Episcopal
church, will lead devotions in the
early service at the bridge at 8:30.
At 8:45 the R.O.T.C. will assemble
on East University avenue in front
of the East engineering building,
where awards will be presented to
members of the rifle team and to
winners in R. 0. T. C. intramural
sports competition.
Varsity Band to Play.
At 9 o'clock the parade lines will
form with the Varsity band leading
the first division, which will con-
sist of Company K of the Michigan
National guard followed by the
R.O.T.C. battalion. The Drum and
Because of Memorial Day on
Monday there will be no Daily
published on Tuesday, May 31.
The next issue will appear on
Wednesday morning, June 1.
Bugle corps will head the second
Division which will be composed, in
order, of the Civil war veterans,
Spanish-American war veterans and


war veterans.

The line of march will be down
South University avenue to State
street, north on State to Williams
street, west on Williams to Main
street, north on Main to Ann and
sast on Ann until opposite the
court house where the outdoor exer-
.ises will be held.
Muyskens to Speak.
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, pastor of
the First Baptist church, will give
the, opening invication, followed by
the Memorial day address by Pro-
fessor Muyskens.
In case of rain the exercises will
be in Hill auditorium at 9:15.
Immediately after the court house
program the crowd will go to the
Washtenong Memorial park to par-
ticipate in the dedication of the
new soldiers' memorial there. Major
Emery will speak at the dedication.


Tank Contests
Be Held at Yale

MAcNeal, Tompkins, and
Will Probably Pitch
May 30, 31.


-The tenth annual National
Athletic Association swimming
championships for 1933 h a v e
been awarded to Yale univer-
sity, it was announced today by
Fied W. Luehring, chairman of
the swimming rules committee
of the association.
The championships will be
held March 24 and 25 in the new
exhibition swimming pool at
New haven.

With the Conference baseball
championship already won by In-
diana, Michigan has no chance to
,hare in the title, but will atempt
Io better its present record of three
gins and four losses in a two-
game series with Ohio State tomor-
row and Tuesday. The two games
vill mark the end of the four game
aeries with the Scarlet and Grey
end will close the 1932 season for
Che Wolverines.
In the first two-game series here
earlier in the month, the teams
qplit, with Ohio winning the first,
6 to 4, through the hitting and
pitching efforts of their star hurler,
Lowell Wrigley. In the second,
splendid relief hurling by Whitey
Wistert enabled the Wolverines to
win, 7 to 5.
In the last two games against
Michigan State and Chicago, Coach
Ray Fisher has alternated his
pitchers in order to have them in
as good shape as possible for the
Buckeye games. Wistert, McNeal,
and Tompkins shared the mound
duties in yesterday's game, with
McNeal doing the largest portion.
McNeala nd Tnmnkin will nrah

Michigan Party to Go to Yucatan

A University of Michigan expedi-
tion will sail from New Orleans
next Tuesday to make studies of
the animal and plant life of the
cenotes on the Yucatan peninsula.)
Members of the expedition are
Dr. Edwin P. Creaser, zologist, and
William C. Steere, botanist, both of]
the University faculty, and Prof.
A. S. Pearse and F. G. Hall, Duke
university zoologists. The expedition
I was orYnized hv Dr Frederiek M.

aboriginals of the Western Hemi-
sphere, obtained their water supply,
since there is no surface drainage
in Yucatan.
Comparisons of plants and ani-
mals found in these tanks can
probably be used to determine the
extent of underground circulation.
Studies will be made concerning
the adaptations in species trapped
in isolated cenotes for long periods
of time which should have imnort-

-enotes, and many which still have
their limestone roofs.
Studies will be made to determine
whether there are plants and ani-
mals in the cenotes found nowhere
else; concerning similarities and
Jifferences between living things
found in different cenotes how ani-
mals reached their present abodes
in the great wells, and how they
develoned there h then rnonese of

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