Final Score in Archery Tourney
Shows Increase in Results
Over Previous Years.
Jean Berridge, '33, won first place
in the Columbia Round in the an-
nual archery tournament with a
score of 270. Second place was won
by Mary Morrison, '35SM, and third
place taken by Ruth Neville, '34.
This tournament consisted of
shooting 24 arrows from 30, 40, and
50 yards. The final score in this
year's archery tournament showed!
a marked increase over the results
of previous tournaments.
The beginner's handicap tourna-
ment was won by Elizabeth Moore,
'35, with a score of 124 points with
24 arrows at 30 yards. Second and
third places were won by Mary
Ellen Hall, '34, and Helen Moore.
Grad. This final score is also larger
than previous years.
Catherine Rentschler, '34Ed, was
in charge of the archery tourna-
ment this year with Miss Dorothy
Boise acting as faculty advisor.
Final Appearance
Maneuvers, Form Riding, Drills
Together With Unique j
Contests Featured.
Pegasus riding society, gave its
annual horse show yesterday after-
noon in the field in back of the
Dentistry school on Twelfth Street.
Fourteen riders came in from Mul-
liscn's stables and arrived in town
at four o'clock.
The first event was a drill in
Miss Violet Heming is the popular
star of the Dramatic Festival's
current production, "There's Al-
ways Juliet," which plays for the
last time this afternoon and to-
night at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Seen on Campus
which the horses went through
maneuvers to conclude in a tri-
angle. The second event was a class
for form-riding. The horses were
put through three gaits; a walk, a
trot, and a canter. Elizabeth Cooper,
34, was judged the best rider. Ann
Dunbar, '35, received the second
award, and Jane Brucker, '35, re-
ceived third.
Two contests followed. An egg
and spon race in which each girl
attempted to carry a hard boiled
egg in a spoon, caused very much
amusement. Musical chairs was the
other event.
Corrine Krentler, '32, president
of the organization, gave a special
feature on a trick horse, "Amid."
Among the participants of the
show were Sarah King, '34, Mar-
garet Robb, '34, Ann Dunbar, '35,
Jane Brucker, '35, Corrine Krentler,
'32, Eleanor Rairdon, '32, Virginia
Cluff, '35, Beatrice Bruce, '34, and
Elizabeth Cooper, '34. Dr. Margaret
Bell, Miss Hilda Burr, and Miss
Marie Hartwig were the judges for
the show.
Local Artists Give
Painting Exhibit in
Lydia Mendelsohn
were held last night after a ban-
quet at the Women's League.
the officers for next year will Figured Silks, Codons, Linens straight cut jackets which fall no Handy Helpers to Hold Potluck
be President,rElsie Feldman; Featured for Three Piece lower than the hipbones.-1 Luncheon Today.
Vice-President, Susanna Wood; or Jacket Effects. A crisp white straw hat and kid Th -e n M
Secretary, Glendora G o s 1 i n g ; skin gloves or a broad brimmed The book section of Michiga~n
and Treasurer, Dorothy Davis. r r aufort sailor and suede gauntlets to match Dames will meet at 8 eclock Ttles-
Miss McCormek is the faculty the predominating color are the day evening at the home of Mrs.
advisor.Associated Press hion Editor) most popular accessories. Clifford Woody, 1607 Granger Ave.
avsr._ PARIS, May 27.-T - P -"The suit's Shantung is another favorite of The Handy Helpers circle of the
- -- e thing fo= hot weather clothes," fashion for the hot weather suit. King's Daughters will meet at noon
Sr'One model of brown shantung has today with Mrs. George Bleeknman,
fr e a one piece dress and waist-length 1507 Morton Ave. A potlcknch-
The summer sunt is a far cry jacket which laces up the front eon is planned.
L 9 t C n U p qu L. from the tailored afiair of the with a beige cord instead n of but-
spring, however.i can be made of toning. PARIS-(MP)-Baronne de Cartier
anything from dark foulard to For hot days in the country the is wearing navy blue and beige
TO INCLUDE SPORTS iis brief, lecanty and nied.a leevlsprsfoko otnnaybu we hc a i
white wshable ilk and its jacket designers' universal offering is the this season. Her coat is a soft
is bief scntyandunled- sleeveless sports frock of cotton navy blue tweed which has. a lit-
~-- ~ - For hot days in town a simple pique, shantung or silk pique in tle narrow stand-up collar that ties
Outstanding Physical Education suit of dark figured foulard is the colors as varied as a box of bon- in a butterfly bow.
smartest offering. Lanvin makes bons. Powder blue, daffodil yellow, ! It is fastened with four silver
Teachers i Instruct one of dark blue spattered with water green, shell pink and saffron clips instead of buttons. With it
in Summer Session. small white squares; another print- are included in the selections. 1 she wears a wraparound frock of
_ ed in chocolate, cocoa and cream White frocks splashed with bril- beige crepon tying at' the waist
Four outstanding teachers of triangles; and a third of raspberry liant color in belts, scarves pr jack- with a bow lined with navy blue.
physical education for women will rd stamped with cream rigs. ets will be much worn. Her hat is of navy blue straw.
give an intensive course in the play- Some of them have one-piece
ing and coaching of hockey, tennis, frocks, others are fashioned with - -_-
golf and swimming for women at skirts appliqued to white crepe1
the University of Michigan Summer VA ouses. Al arc accompanied by
Session, Dean Edward H. Kraus an-
nounces. Similar courses for menl D.A.R. ELECTS NEW
have been held for a number ofC
years and the growing demand on'CHAPTE OFFICERS
the part of teachers of women's
Sathletics,camp counselors and the Dedicate Washington Memorial
sport enthusiasts has led to the, in City Park.
new courses this year. The short
course will last from June 20 to At a meeting of, the Sarah Cas-
Juywell Angell chapter of the Daugh-
Mrs. Stewart Hanley, three times ters of the American Revolution
women's golf champion of Michi- yesterday, Mrs. H. H. Jerome was 600 NEW HATS
gan, will teach this sport which is elected regent. Mrs. Thomas Reed.
increasingly opular ith womn was chosen vice-regent and Mrs. Your unrestricted choice of these high class hats
Swimig il b tugt y rs Arthur W. Smith. recording scre-
Nita Sheffield, of Teacher's College, tary. Miss Ella Hutchins was se-
Columbia University; tennis by lected as historian a n Mss e
Elizabeth Beall, of Wellesley Col- Rash, libraran. Miss F. T. Mc-
lege, and hockey by Hilda V. Burr , ibras Misrr, Ms-
St14,now on the Michigan faculty, who,1 Omber was electcd Registrar, Mrs.$ 1 .01andupLt $2.95
sice omifro mEglanin192H.W. Miller corresponding-secre-
has been a leader in making hockey tary and Mrs. G .A. Wild treasurer.
hasbee a eadr i mainghocey Mrs. Jerome will be a, delegateI
one of the most popular college and otes eoewito whic llup $
school games. Instruction will cen- to the state convention which willR
ter around the Michigan Union be held in the fall in Benton i ar-i
swimming pool, the new University Lur. Ch rs e rg e rss
18-hole golf course and the three Luy has. M rs.GCOME EARLY!
official hockey fields and sixteen and Mrs. MeOmber.
tennis courts adjacent to the Wo- Mrs. Henry B. Joy or Detroit, who
rmen's Athletic building. recently was elected national re- I Brim Hats-Turbans-Dress Hats
I cording secretary general, spoke at
the luncheon which marked the Sport Hats-White and all colors
SParis Copies Bretons installation. Mrs. Joy congratulat-
for Summer Fashions 2d the Ann Arbor chapter on its
PARIS - UP) - Peasant costumes
7inspiresome of Paris' newest sum-
created a little street suit modelled ULLEN6s'
afterthe marriage costume of a CAFETERIA604 East Lert
Breton peasant.C FE RIy
It is made of featherweight sap-
phire blue wool with akclosefitting SERVES A SPECIAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
little jacket and atuck-in sleeve- WEEKDAY LUNCH
less blouse of natural colored linen. 1 111LA LU C
On the left lapel of the jacket is tn P STN
elaborate rosette of red, yellow andL MEAT
blue ribbons finished with little POTATOEStemr.I RLORBEDADCOJ TNi
Dr. Katherine Blodgett assists
Head of Research Laboratory.
"Dr. Katherine Blodgett, assist-
ant in the General Electric Re-
search laboratory to Dr. Irving
Langmuir, one of the world's fore-
most physicists, holds a position
that is perhaps unlike that of any
other woman," according to Henry
James Fauman in an article in this
month's "Pictorial Review."
The work Gone in Dr. L a n g-
muir's laboratory often changes the
methods applied in the fields of
physics and electrical engineering
and, consequently, the methods
which professors teach, students
study, and engineers practice. Dr.-
Blodgett who was chosen froml
among hundreds of her associates
is Dr. Langmuir's very able assist-
ant as the head of this laboratory.
Miss Blodgett does not, however,
confine her interests to her scien-
tific work. She finds time to make
her beautiful house in Schenectady
even more at-ractive and often
cooks. She has published several
scientific articles and reads papers
before lier clubs. She spends much
time at her camp on Lake George
and she is noted among her friends
for the comic roles she takes in
the productions of the Civic Play-
ers of Schenectady.
Education Never Completed, He
Tells Institute.
"Schools have not failed. They
can but furnish a foundation for
life and this they are doing," de-
clared Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven,
in an address to the women of the
first annual Adult Education in-
stitute Thursday evening at the
Michigan Union.
According to Dr. Ruthven, edu-
cation never ceases and is never
completed. It must be continued
and enlarged if society is to pro-
He spoke further, "The question,
'where do we go from here?' is in
the minds, if not on the lips of
the large majority of mankind to-
day. Society is uneasy. Many
changes are taking place and oth-
ers are imminent. The query is
open to different interpretations,
and before it can be answered it
must be understood.
"If we mean to ask, where we
will be tomorrow, the answer may
be given in three words- 'no one
"If the question refers to the ul-
timate goal of civilization it is easy
to answer-our goal is a perfectly
functioning society, with improved
standards of living and 51-at::
A jaunty suit of scarlet tweed is
one of the new outfits which has
attracted much attention on the,
campus recently. It had large
bands of beige fur at three-quarter
length on the sleves, and a bow of
modernistic design in red, tan and
black added a. smart touch to the
collarless neck. The beige straw
hat tipped on one side of the head,
beige gauntlets, and pumps trim-
med with a strip of snake produce
a harmonizing effect.
In the midst of a gayly anti-'
mated group in front of the li-
brary this afternoon, a striking
sports outfit took our attention. The
key-note of the outfit was the pre-
dominance of a slightly brighter-
than-powder blue color that is fast
becoming popular on our campus.
The outfit consisted of a wool
blue skirt, plain white organdie
waist, and very small blue suede
jacket. It was topped with a blue
brim bangkook hat and blended
with grey reptile sports shoes and
Among the new polo coat outfits
have been noticed a plain tan one,
with dark buttons, tan wool hat
with a stiffer brim, the whole trim-
med with a brown ribbon, tan sport
oxfords, and a tan wool purse, like-
wise trimmed with brown buttons.
We saw acharming green outfit
modishly adapted to the wet wea-
ther yesterday. Of a lovely medium
shade, the material at first glance,
resembled suede. The collar was
short and fastened by military but-
tons which extended down the
rather long length of the slicker.
The belt gave a high waisteline
effect. Completing the outfit was
a small green rolled hat, green
pumps, and in case of necessity, a
green umbrella.
Black and white predominates
even in the rain. A smart black,
shiny slicker, edged in white peer-
ed cautiously out of the engineer-
ing arc this morning, nabling us
to get a glance at the smart black
and white straw hat that was so
nobly standing the downpour. Black
galoshes were protecting the thin
ankles and a black leather purse
sighed sympathetically along with
a geology textbook.
The exhibit given by local artists
that is now on display in the lobby
of the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
is especially interesting for its con-
tributions by women artists. Paul-
line Hatfield Bittinger has an in-
teresting study called "Gladioli," it
is done on a fine rice paper mater-
ial and the coloring of the stately
flowers is effective against a mid-
night blue background.
"The Child's Embrace" by Mar-
garet Hittle Chapin is a very beau-
tiful work done in dull greens and
blues. Only a woman could have
succeeded in capturing the mom-
ent of almost passionate tender-
ness as a mother picks up her child
and kisses it fiercely. The child re-
ciprocates with its gay tight little
embrace as it lifts its cheek to re-
ceive the mother's kiss. The whole
piece is characterized by a feeling
and a vitality, while light and sha-
doware handled with good techni-
Myron Chapin, who is husband
to Margaret Hittle Chapin, contri-
buted Several very lovely water
colors. His "Old Pink House" give
the impression of peace and tran-
quility in its portrayal of an old,
quiet, tree-shaded house. "Michi-
gan Village" by Jean Paul Slusser
is also done in water colors and
shows any small town as it runs
into Main Street. It shows the red
dingy store-fronts, the few cars
here and there, the few people. All
the dreariness and drabness of a
small middle-western town are
portrayed. Mr. Slusser has a large
group of drawings and prillLs that
are very interesting, while his still-
lifes are beautiful in their composi-
tion and technique.
PARIS-(A)-Parisians are weo-
ing bonnets this season.
They are made ofsknitted silk
or wool with two peaked ears on
the crown and fit closely to the
head. Their lightweight makes
them comfortable and their col-
lapsibility makes them practical
traveling companions.
only e
216 South 4th Ave.
Down the
The lacy look is the
this year. Shoes are
smart look
and cool-looking, gloves are either !
all net or have kid at the palm or 1
cuffs. Of course you've noticed the
little crochet hats and the webbier
the hose are the better. For eve-
ning any material that gives that
fragile look is good, hence the new
kind of soft net, chiffon, and lace,
which has held the stage for a long
time, are all definitely in. Day-time
clothes carry out the same trend
of fashion. The knitted and cro-
,hot suits are very smart and very
lovely, but the hand-made ones,
the boucle ones, are beyond the
fondest hopes of most of us.
..... _........ ... '...... ..... _... .....,..._ .. _ _. . .._ i
r I@
- -Specias!
, _
, i?,
f ,
. -
r° J . .
One table of
or 3 volumes
popular fiction (rcgular price $1.00) 35 cents per volume
for $1.00. An unusual opportunity to stock the cottage or
camp for summer.
We are closing out ten remainders of Golf bags below cost price-
today 89 cents each.
200 boxes remain of that high grade vellum paper regularly priced at
$1.00-today 29 cents.
You will want a well made leather date book for that summer trip-we
have a fine assortment at regular prices of $1.40 and 70 cents-now 65
cents and 29 cents respectively.
Take home a "Michigan Purp" to the youngster in the family-regular
price $1.00-today 29 cents.
J/ {
:.f /
Petal Skin Jersey
A startlingoffer-OQne set of James Branch Cabell-Storisende edition
Yes, it's a real, honest-to-goodness boardwalk-a long, canopied
walk erected for the sole purpose of showing off the new cotton
drrc c For te tinr.toncti csummer are nimnnr...nt '1'l.. a.,
El I